84 research outputs found

    SysML for embedded automotive systems: SysCARS methodology

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    International audienceThis paper gives an overview of the years of Valeo experience in deploying a Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) approach for mechatronic automotive embedded systems and products. The different stages are described initial studies, language and tool benchmarking up to the last returns of experience on industrial projects. Particular emphasis is put on describing the SysCARS methodology which gives, not only a precise mapping of System Engineering work items to SysML artefacts, but also the sequence of modeling activities to be performed. It is shown how the SySCARS methodology has been implemented as a SysML profile, based on a powerful "workflow driven" mechanism, which helps the user during the modeling process. Finally it is presented how interoperability is ensured with the tools already in place for requirements management and control design

    SysML for embedded automotive Systems: lessons learned

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the first lessons learned from using the SysML language to support the System Engineering activities when developing automotive embedded systems and products with a particular focus on illustrating improvement solutions that have been experimented and validated in Valeo pilot projects

    AUTOSAR and SysML – A Natural Fit?

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    International audienceThis paper should give some ideas on how the UML 2 and the SysML can help defining the different AUTOSAR artifacts and later applying the specified AUTOSAR part to real implementations. The AUTOSAR definitions are currently being defined on top of the UML 2.0. In parallel, the OMG started in 2003 a Request for Proposal to define a UML-based visual modeling language for Systems Engineering. This SysML is also an addition to the UML 2.0, so comparing the aims and ideas from AUTOSAR and from SysML is an obvious idea. This paper will show that using the AUTOSAR concepts for automotive modeling and adding SysML concepts will lead to complete picture of the automotive domain

    Graphical documentation to aid simulation studies of manufacturing

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    Computer processing power has developed to the stage where simulation has become an extremely popular and applicable way of representing real world systems for investigation. For the most part simulation studies as a whole can be long complex projects. Through-out the simulation industry there is a common consensus from available literature that certain steps should be followed to create a credible, successful simulation. While this is well known it appears that these guidelines are more “Do what I say, not as I do,” within the simulation community. In the experience of the author of this project simulation teams and modellers approach their own simulation studies in their own different ways, yet when the simulation study reaches its conclusion a credible simulation still has to be presented to a client or relevant party. For example a simulation modeller may often spend the most time and in turn resources on building the simulation model, yet this model will be next to useless without any documentation relating to the validation of said model. With good documentation being applied through-out a study, to each specific step, it only serves to make the succeeding steps easier to implement. This project highlights and uses the Systems Modelling Language (SysML) as a tool and method to develop diagrams to aid either the team or the modeller. These diagrams can be used as references when adhering to the steps of creating a credible, successful simulation study as well as a graphical support when presenting the entire simulation study to the client or relevant parties involved. This thesis also covers an independent assessment of the generated SYSML diagrams. Importantly when developing a method such as using SYSML as a graphical aid for simulation studies it must be reviewed by interested parties so that the areas that work well can be highlighted as well any areas which lack or need developing

    Executable system architecting using systems modeling language in conjunction with Colored Petri Nets - a demonstration using the GEOSS network centric system

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    Models and simulation furnish abstractions to manage complexities allowing engineers to visualize the proposed system and to analyze and validate system behavior before constructing it. Unified Modeling Language (UML) and its systems engineering extension, Systems Modeling Language (SysML), provide a rich set of diagrams for systems specification. However, the lack of executable semantics of such notations limits the capability of analyzing and verifying defined specifications. This research has developed an executable system architecting framework based on SysML-CPN transformation, which introduces dynamic model analysis into SysML modeling by mapping SysML notations to Colored Petri Net (CPN), a graphical language for system design, specification, simulation, and verification. A graphic user interface was also integrated into the CPN model to enhance the model-based simulation. A set of methodologies has been developed to achieve this framework. The aim is to investigate system wide properties of the proposed system, which in turn provides a basis for system reconfiguration --Abstract, page iii

    Static analysis techniques to verify mutual exclusion situations within SysML models

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    AVATAR is a real-time extension of SysML supported by the TTool open-source toolkit. So far, formal verification of AVATAR models has relied on reachability techniques that face a state explosion problem. The paper explores a new avenue: applying structural analysis to AVATAR model, so as to identify mutual exclusion situations. In practice, TTool translates a subset of an AVATAR model into a Petri net and solves an equation system built upon the incidence matrix of the net. TTool implements a push-button approach and displays verification results at the AVATAR model level. The approach is not restricted to AVATAR and may be adapted to other UML profiles

    An investigation of model-based techniques for automotive electronic system development

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    Over the past decades, the adoption of electronic systems for the manufacturing of automotive vehicles has been exponentially popularized. This growth has been driven by the premium automobile sector where, presently, diverse electronic systems are used. These electronic systems include systems that control the engine, transmission, suspension and handling of a vehicle; air bag and other advanced restraint systems; comfort systems; security systems; entertainment and information (infotainment) systems. In systems terms, automotive embedded electronic systems can now be classified as a System of Systems (SoS). Automotive systems engineering requires a sustainable integration of new methods, development processes, and tools that are specifically adapted to the automotive domain. Model-based design is one potential methodology to carry out design, implement and manage such complex distributed systems, and their integration into one cohesive and reliable SoS to meet the challenges for the automotive industry. This research was conducted to investigate the model-based design of a 4×4 Information System, within an automotive electronic SoS. Two distinct model-based approaches to the development of an automotive electronic system are discussed in this study. The first approach involves the use of the Systems Modelling Language (SysML) based tool ARTiSAN Studio for structural modelling, functional modelling and code generation. The second approach involves the use of the MATLAB based tools Simulink and Stateflow for functional modelling, and code generation. The results show that building the model in SysML by using ARTiSAN Studio provides a clearly structured visualization of the 4×4 Information System from both structural and behavioural viewpoints of the system with relevant objects. SysML model facilitates a more comprehensive understanding of the system than the model built in Simulink/Stateflow. The Simulink/Stateflow model demonstrates its superior performance in producing high quality and better efficiency of C code for the automotive software delivery compared with the model built in ARTiSAN Studio. Furthermore, this Thesis also gets insight into an advanced function development approach based on the real-time simulation and animation for the 4×4 Information System. Finally, the Thesis draws conclusions about how to make use of model-based design for the development of an automotive electronic SoS

    Integration of model-based systems engineering and virtual engineering tools for detailed design

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    Design and development of a system can be viewed as a process of transferring and transforming data using a set of tools that form the system\u27s development environment. Conversion of the systems engineering data into useful information is one of the prime objectives of the tools used in the process. With complex systems, the objective is further augmented with a need to represent the information in an accessible and comprehensible manner. The importance of representation is easily understood in light of the fact that the stakeholder\u27s ability to make prompt and appropriate decisions is directly related to his understanding of the available information. Systems Modeling Language (SysML), a graphical modeling language developed by Object Management Group is one such tool used to capture and convey information about a system under development. This work proposes a methodology for integrating the models developed using SysML with virtual engineering software to create an executable, interactive, and user-centered platform for engineering systems. The framework provides an opportunity to combine the benefits offered by both model-based systems engineering and virtual engineering for detail design. This research demonstrates how this framework can be implemented using a biotech fermentor to illustrate the coupling of information between SysML and virtual engineering --Abstract, page iii

    Modeling of system knowledge for efficient agile manufacturing : tool evaluation, selection and implementation scenario in SMEs

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    In the manufacturing world, knowledge is fundamental in order to achieve effective and efficient real time decision making. In order to make manufacturing system knowledge available to the decision maker it has to be first captured and then modelled. Therefore tools that provide a suitable means for capturing and representation of manufacturing system knowledge are required in several types of industrial sectors and types of company’s (large, SME). A literature review about best practice for capturing requirements for simulation development and system knowledge modeling has been conducted. The aim of this study was to select the best tool for manufacturing system knowledge modelling in an open-source environment. In order to select this tool, different criteria were selected, based on which several tools were analyzed and rated. An exemplary use case was then developed using the selected tool, Systems Modeling Language (SysML). Therefore, the best practice has been studied, evaluated, selected and then applied to two industrial use cases by the use of a selected opens source tool.peer-reviewe

    A Case Study in Formal System Engineering with SysML

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    International audienceIn the development of complex critical systems, an important source of errors is the misinterpretation of system requirements allocated to the software, due to inadequate communication between system engineering teams and software teams. In response, organizations that develop such systems are searching for solutions allowing formal system engineering and system to software bridging, based on standard languages like SysML. As part of this effort, we have defined a formal profile for SysML (OMEGA SysML) and we have built a simulation and verification toolbox for this profile (IFx). This paper reports on the experience of modelling and validating an industry-grade system, the Solar Generation System (SGS) of the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) built by Astrium, using IFx-OMEGA. The experience reveals what can currently be expected from such an approach and what are the weak points that should be addressed by future research and development
