110 research outputs found

    What can you verify and Enforce at Runtime?

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    International audienceThe underlying property, its definition and representation play a major role when monitoring a system. Having a suitable and convenient framework to express properties is thus a concern for runtime analysis. It is desirable to delineate in this framework the sets of properties for which runtime analysis approaches can be applied to. This paper presents a unified view of runtime verification and enforcement of properties in the Safety-Progress classification. Firstly, we extend the Safety-Progress classification of properties in a runtime context. Secondly, we characterize the set of properties which can be verified (monitorable properties) and enforced (enforceable properties) at runtime. We propose in particular an alternative definition of ''property monitoring'' to the one classically used in this context. Finally, for the delineated sets of properties, we define specialized verification and enforcement monitors

    Enforcing security policies with runtime monitors

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    Le monitorage (monitoring) est une approche pour la sécurisation du code qui permet l'exécution d’un code potentiellement malicieux en observant son exécution, et en intervenant au besoin pour éviter une violation d’une politique de sécurité. Cette méthode a plusieurs applications prometteuses, notamment en ce qui a trait à la sécurisation du code mobile. Les recherches académiques sur le monitorage se sont généralement concentrées sur deux questions. La première est celle de délimiter le champ des politiques de sécurité applicables par des moniteurs opérant sous différentes contraintes. La seconde question est de construire des méthodes permettant d’insérer un moniteur dans un programme, ce qui produit un nouveau programme instrumenté qui respecte la politique de sécurité appliquée par ce moniteur. Mais malgré le fait qu’une vaste gamme de moniteurs a été étudiée dans la littérature, les travaux sur l’insertion des moniteurs dans les programmes se sont limités à une classe particulière de moniteurs, qui sont parmi les plus simples et les plus restreint quant à leur champ de politiques applicables. Cette thèse étend les deux avenues de recherches mentionnées précédemment et apporte un éclairage nouveau à ces questions. Elle s’attarde en premier lieu à étendre le champ des politiques applicables par monitorage en développabt une nouvelle approche pour l’insertion d’un moniteur dans un programme. En donnant au moniteur accès à un modèle du comportement du programme, l’étude montre que le moniteur acquiert la capacité d’appliquer une plus vaste gamme de politiques de sécurité. De plus, les recherches ont aussi d´emontré qu’un moniteur capable de transformer l’exécution qu’il surveille est plus puissant qu’un moniteur qui ne possède pas cette capacité. Naturellement, des contraintes doivent être imposées sur cette capacité pour que l’application de la politique soit cohérente. Autrement, si aucune restriction n’est imposée au moniteur, n’importe quelle politique devient applicable, mais non d’une manière utile ou désirable. Dans cette étude, nous proposons deux nouveaux paradigmes d’application des politiques de sécurité qui permettent d’incorporer des restrictions raisonnables imposées sur la capacité des moniteurs de transformer les exécutions sous leur contrôle. Nous étudions le champ des politiques applicables avec ces paradigmes et donnons des exemples de politiques réelles qui peuvent être appliquées à l’aide de notre approche.Execution monitoring is an approach that seeks to allow an untrusted code to run safely by observing its execution and reacting if need be to prevent a potential violation of a user-supplied security policy. This method has many promising applications, particularly with respect to the safe execution of mobile code. Academic research on monitoring has generally focused on two questions. The first, relates to the set of policies that can be enforced by monitors under various constraints and the conditions under which this set can be extended. The second question deals with the way to inline a monitor into an untrusted or potentially malicious program in order to produce a new instrumented program that provably respects the desired security policy. This study builds on the two strands of research mentioned above and brings new insights to this study. It seeks, in the first place, to increase the scope of monitorable properties by suggesting a new approach of monitor inlining. By drawing on an a priori model of the program’s possible behavior, we develop a monitor that can enforce a strictly larger set of security properties. Furthermore, longstanding research has showed that a monitor that is allowed to transform its input is more powerful than one lacking this ability. Naturally, this ability must be constrained for the enforcement to be meaningful. Otherwise, if the monitor is given too broad a leeway to transform valid and invalid sequences, any property can be enforced, but not in a way that is useful or desirable. In this study, we propose two new enforcement paradigms which capture reasonable restrictions on a monitor’s ability to alter its input. We study the set of properties enforceable if these enforcement paradigms are used and give examples of real-life security policies that can be enforced using our approach

    Predictive runtime enforcement

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    International audienceRuntime enforcement (RE) is a technique to ensure that the (untrustworthy) output of a black-box system satisfies some desired properties. In RE, the output of the running system, modeled as a sequence of events, is fed into an enforcer. The enforcer ensures that the sequence complies with a certain property, by delaying or modifying events if necessary. This paper deals with predictive runtime enforcement, where the system is not entirely black-box, but we know something about its behavior. This a priori knowledge about the system allows to output some events immediately, instead of delaying them until more events are observed, or even blocking them permanently. This in turn results in better enforcement policies. We also show that if we have no knowledge about the system, then the proposed enforcement mechanism reduces to standard (non-predictive) runtime enforcement. All our results related to predictive RE of untimed properties are also formalized and proved in the Isabelle theorem prover. We also discuss how our predictive runtime enforcement framework can be extended to enforce timed properties

    Various Notions of Opacity Verified and Enforced at Runtime

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    In this paper, we are interested in the validation of opacity where opacity means the impossibility for an attacker to retrieve the value of a secret in a system of interest. Roughly speaking, ensuring opacity provides confidentiality of a secret on the system that must not leak to an attacker. More specifically, we study how we can verify and enforce, at system runtime, several levels of opacity. Besides already considered notions of opacity, we also introduce a new one that provides a stronger level of confidentiality

    Bidirectional Runtime Enforcement of First-Order Branching-Time Properties

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    Runtime enforcement is a dynamic analysis technique that instruments a monitor with a system in order to ensure its correctness as specified by some property. This paper explores bidirectional enforcement strategies for properties describing the input and output behaviour of a system. We develop an operational framework for bidirectional enforcement and use it to study the enforceability of the safety fragment of Hennessy-Milner logic with recursion (sHML). We provide an automated synthesis function that generates correct monitors from sHML formulas, and show that this logic is enforceable via a specific type of bidirectional enforcement monitors called action disabling monitors

    Runtime verification on data-carrying traces

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    Malfunctioning software systems can cause severe loss of money, sensitive data, or even human life. The ambition is therefore to verify these systems not only statically, but also monitor their behaviour at runtime. For the latter case, the temporal logic LTL---a de facto standard specification formalism in runtime verification---is widely used and well-understood. However, propositional variables are usually not a natural nor sufficient model to represent the behaviour of complex, interactive systems that can process arbitrary input values. Consequently, there is a demand for more expressive formalisms that are defined what we call traces with data, i.e., traces that contain propositions enriched with values from a (possibly) infinite domain. This thesis studies the runtime monitoring with data for a natural extension of LTL that includes first-order quantification, called LTLFO. The logic's quantifiers range over values that appear in a trace. Under assumptions laid out of what should arguably be considered a ``proper'' runtime monitor, this thesis first identifies and analyses the underlying decision problems of monitoring properties in LTL and LTLFO. Moreover, it proposes a monitoring procedure for the latter. A result is that LTLFO is undecidable, and the prefix problem too, which an online monitor has to preferably solve to coincide with monotonicity. Hence, the obtained monitor cannot be complete for LTLFO; however, this thesis proves the soundness of its construction and gives experimental results from an implementation, in order to justify its usefulness and efficiency in practice. The monitor is based on a new type of automaton, called spawning automaton; it helps to efficiently decide what parts of a possibly infinite state space need to be memorised at runtime. Furthermore, the problem occurs that not every property can be monitored trace-length independently, which is possible in LTL. For that reason, a hierarchy of effectively monitorable properties is proposed. It distinguishes properties for which a monitor requires only constant memory from ones for which a monitor inevitably has to grow ad infinitum, independently of how the future of a trace evolves. Last but not least, a proof of concept validates the monitoring means developed in this thesis on a widely established system with intensive data use: Malicious behaviour is checked on Android devices based on the most comprehensive malware set presently available. The overall detection and false positive rates are 93.9% and 28%, respectively. As a means of conducting the experiments and as a contribution in itself, an application-agnostic logging-layer for the Android system has been developed and its technical insights are explained. It aims at leveraging runtime verification techniques on Android, like other domain-specific instrumentation approaches did, such as AspectJ for Java

    Achieving impact through research and partnerships

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    The seventh NORA Symposium held in conjunction witt the University of Cincinnati; marking 15 years of NORA and the 40th anniversary of NIOSH and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)."The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), in partnership with the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety (LMRIS) and the National Safety Council (NSC), hosted the fifth National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS) on October 18-20, 2011 at the Waterfront Place Hotel in Morgantown, West Virginia. NOIRS is the only national forum focused on the presentation of occupational injury research findings, data, and methods. This symposium served numerous objectives aimed at preventing traumatic occupational injury through research and prevention. They included: presenting current research findings; fostering collaboration among researchers from a broad range of disciplines, perspectives, and topic areas; identifying "best practices" for the prevention of work-related injuries; exploring the cost-effectiveness of injury prevention strategies and interventions; showcasing innovative and high technology approaches to research and prevention; and continuing to promote the implementation of the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA). Questions addressed included: What are the latest traumatic occupational injury research findings? What are emerging problems and research areas in workplace trauma? How is prevention through design being applied to occupational injury research and prevention? What activities are being done to implement research to practice in the area of traumatic occupational injury? What are the best practice intervention and prevention strategies? What are the economic costs of traumatic occupational injuries and are the prevention strategies cost-effective? What are the trends in traumatic occupational injury and fatality incidence? In research tools, techniques, and methods? In prevention? What specific workplace risks are faced by adolescents, older adults, foreign-born workers, non-English-speaking workers, low-literacy workers, and other special populations? How can researchers and practitioners in different sectors and disciplines better collaborate and coordinate their activities to reduce traumatic occupational injuries? What methods are available to assess, quantify, and compare traumatic occupational injury risks? Occupational injury researchers from all disciplines attended and shared their research. We encouraged participation by all interested individuals, including: safety researchers; safety practitioners; health care professionals; administrators; epidemiologists; engineers; manufacturers; communication researchers; regulators; employers; policy makers; insurers; students; advocates; workers; educators and trainers; and others interested in attending. The symposium consistd of contributed oral presentations in concurrent sessions and a poster session." - NIOSHTIC-2Welcome -- Award winners -- Agenda -- RAPID presentation agenda -- Abstracts/Poster Session 1 -- Abstracts/Poster Session 2 -- Abstracts/Poster Session 3 -- Abstract author indexConsists of the program and abstracts for the conference

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2022, which was held during April 2-7, 2022, in Munich, Germany, as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2022. The 46 full papers and 4 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 159 submissions. The proceedings also contain 16 tool papers of the affiliated competition SV-Comp and 1 paper consisting of the competition report. TACAS is a forum for researchers, developers, and users interested in rigorously based tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems. The conference aims to bridge the gaps between different communities with this common interest and to support them in their quest to improve the utility, reliability, exibility, and efficiency of tools and algorithms for building computer-controlled systems
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