690 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Optical Properties of Near-Infrared (NIR) Absorbing Azo Dyes

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    This chapter provides a general overview and information on near-infrared (NIR) absorbing azo dyes. In this work, we have developed an efficient and simple protocol for the synthesis of novel A-π-D-π-A NIR azo dyes. The near-infrared absorbing azo dyes were synthesized by using 2-hydroxy-1,4 naphthoquinone (Lawsone) and different substituted aromatic primary amines. Furthermore, author developed push-pull chromophores of A-π-D-π-A type containing an electron-withdrawing azo core, phenazine moieties, and a hydroxyl group as electron donor. The benzo[a]quinoxalino[2,3-i]phenazin-5-ol moiety was introduced to make the system planer as well as to increase the π-conjugation. The optical properties of these dyes were studied in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF)

    Contrast agents for molecular photoacoustic imaging.

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    Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) is an emerging tool that bridges the traditional depth limits of ballistic optical imaging and the resolution limits of diffuse optical imaging. Using the acoustic waves generated in response to the absorption of pulsed laser light, it provides noninvasive images of absorbed optical energy density at depths of several centimeters with a resolution of ∼100 μm. This versatile and scalable imaging modality has now shown potential for molecular imaging, which enables visualization of biological processes with systemically introduced contrast agents. Understanding the relative merits of the vast range of contrast agents available, from small-molecule dyes to gold and carbon nanostructures to liposome encapsulations, is a considerable challenge. Here we critically review the physical, chemical and biochemical characteristics of the existing photoacoustic contrast agents, highlighting key applications and present challenges for molecular PAI.This work was supported by CRUK (Career Establishment Award no. C47594/A16267 to J.W. and S.E.B., Core Funding C14303/A17197 to J.W. and S.E.B.), the European Commission (CIG FP7-PEOPLE- 2013-CIG-630729 to J.W. and S.E.B.), the EPSRC-CRUK Cancer Imaging Centre in Cambridge and Manchester (C197/A16465 to J.W. and S.E.B.), King’s College London and University College London Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre Cancer Research UK & Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, in association with the Medical Research Council and the Department of Health, UK (P.B.), and the European Union (project FAMOS FP7 ICT, contract 317744 to P.B.).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.392

    Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Photothermal Therapy

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    Photothermal therapy is a kind of therapy based on increasing the temperature of tumoral cells above 42 C. To this aim, cells must be illuminated with a laser, and the energy of the radiation is transformed in heat. Usually, the employed radiation belongs to the near-infrared radiation range. At this range, the absorption and scattering of the radiation by the body is minimal. Thus, tissues are almost transparent. To improve the efficacy and selectivity of the energy-to-heat transduction, a light-absorbing material, the photothermal agent, must be introduced into the tumor. At present, a vast array of compounds are available as photothermal agents. Among the substances used as photothermal agents, gold-based compounds are one of the most employed. However, the undefined toxicity of this metal hinders their clinical investigations in the long run. Magnetic nanoparticles are a good alternative for use as a photothermal agent in the treatment of tumors. Such nanoparticles, especially those formed by iron oxides, can be used in combination with other substances or used themselves as photothermal agents. The combination of magnetic nanoparticles with other photothermal agents adds more capabilities to the therapeutic system: the nanoparticles can be directed magnetically to the site of interest (the tumor) and their distribution in tumors and other organs can be imaged. When used alone, magnetic nanoparticles present, in theory, an important limitation: their molar absorption coefficient in the near infrared region is low. The controlled clustering of the nanoparticles can solve this drawback. In such conditions, the absorption of the indicated radiation is higher and the conversion of energy in heat is more efficient than in individual nanoparticles. On the other hand, it can be designed as a therapeutic system, in which the heat generated by magnetic nanoparticles after irradiation with infrared light can release a drug attached to the nanoparticles in a controlled manner. This form of targeted drug delivery seems to be a promising tool of chemo-phototherapy. Finally, the heating efficiency of iron oxide nanoparticles can be increased if the infrared radiation is combined with an alternating magnetic field

    Binding Studies of Near Infrared Cyanine Dyes with Human Serum Albumin and Poly-L-Lysine Using Optical Spectroscopy Methods

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    The sensitivity of biological studies performed between 190 and 650 nm is greatly reduced due to the autofluorescence of biomolecules and impurities in this region. Therefore, the enhanced signal-to-noise ratios encountered at longer wavelengths makes biological analysis within the near infrared (NIR) region from 650 nm to 1100 nm far more advantageous. This dissertation describes the noncovalent binding interactions of near-infrared (NIR) carbocyanine dyes with human serum albumin (HSA) and poly-L-lysine (PLL) using UV-Vis/NIR absorption spectroscopy, emission spectroscopy, circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence detected circular dichroism (FDCD). The optical spectroscopy methods used in this work are described in detail in Chapter 1. The various applications of NIR dyes in protein analysis are introduced in Chapter 2. In general, the sensitivity of cyanines to the polarity of their local environment makes them quite suitable for protein labeling schemes. In aqueous media, cyanines have a high propensity for self-association. Yet in the hydrophobic binding sites of globular proteins, these aggregates often dissipate. Absorption and emission spectroscopy can be utilized to observe the differential spectral properties of monomer, intra-molecular and intermolecular aggregates. In Chapter 3, the photophysical properties of bis(cyanine) NIR dyes containing di-, tri-, and tetraethylene glycol linkers were each examined in the presence of HSA are discussed. Variations in chain length as well as probe flexibility were demonstrated through distinct differences in absorption and emission spectra. The observed changes in the spectral properties of the NIR dyes in the presence and absence of HSA were correlated to the physical parameters of the probes\u27 local environment (i.e., protein binding sites and self-association). All three bis-cyanines examined exhibited enhanced fluorescence in the presence of HSA. The bis-cyanine dye containing the tri(ethylene glycol) spacer allowed for a complete overlap of the benzene rings, to form π-π interactions which were observed as intra-molecular H-aggregate bands. The dye exhibited no fluorescence in buffer, owing to the H-aggregation observed in the absorption data. In the presence of HSA, the intra-molecular dimers were disrupted and fluorescence was then detected. The cut-on fluorescence displayed by the dye in the presence of HSA made it ideal for noncovalent labeling applications. The utility of several NIR dyes for use as secondary structural probes was investigated in Chapter 4. NIR dyes were screened thoroughly using UV-Vis/NIR absorption spectroscopy dyes with spectral properties which were sensitive to protein secondary structure models of such as PLL in basic solution. Two NIR dyes were found to be quite sensitive to the structural features of uncharged α- and β-PLL. The chiral discrimination of these probes for basic protein secondary structures was also evaluated through CD measurements within the NIR probes\u27 absorption bands

    Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Phenoxazine Analogs Designed as Potential Antimalarials

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    The phenoxazine core has been explored in the development of chromophoric systems that have seen use as fluorescent probes and therapeutic agents in combating illnesses of many forms. This thesis reports the synthesis and evaluation of some novel phenoxazine and benzo[a]phenoxazine analogs. Phenoxazinium are charged lipophilic molecules and the recent resurgence of π-Delocalized Lipophilic Cations (DLC) hypothesis in the combat against protozoan illnesses has prompted focus on the synthetic exploration of the derivatization of their architectures in medicinal chemistry. The principle aim of these modifications were to synthesize a focused library of systematically modified analogs catering to the enhancement of related “drug like” properties found throughout the literature of their development as antimalarials

    Modifications To The Benzophenoxazine Architecture: Synthesis And Characterization

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    Nile red and Nile blue are intensely colored fluorescent dyes from the benzophenoxazine family. Modification of the donor amine with varying alkyl substituents was achieved with the principle aim being to investigate differences, both optical and physical, between dye scaffolds outfitted with secondary amines versus tertiary amines. These changes to the dyes’ architectural framework gave holistic effects to the bulk molecule by modulating hydrophobicity, optical properties, and protein binding constants to human serum albumin

    Nanomaterials with high solar reflectance as an emerging path towards energy-efficient envelope systems: a review

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    The application of nanomaterials in the construction field is allowing the development of smart, green, durable and more efficient buildings. Among the most widely researched nanomaterials are nanosized cool pigments, which are being enforced to achieve thermal and energy-efficient facades, with the development of high reflectance and retro-reflectance coatings. Their peculiar optical and catalytic activity turns nanomaterials into suitable candidates to be used as dark coloured high solar reflectance without affecting aesthetic characteristics, thus improving the durability of coatings. The objective of this paper is to review the state-of-the-art on the benefits of using high reflectance nanopigments as coatings in building facades and their production and synthesis processes. It is thus divided into three main topics: (i) the benefits of using nanopigments on facades, (ii) the most important nanomaterials used as cool pigments and (iii) the main methods of synthesizing nanopigments. One expects that the study of near-infrared nanopigmentation synthesis processes will be able to promote and disseminate the use of nanotechnology in construction, assessing the production problems and limitation and thus helping to disseminate new products by reducing production costs and increase availability. [GRAPHICS]

    The fate of colors in the 20th - 21st centuries: preserving the organic colorants in plastic artifacts

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    Objectos modernos e contemporâneos feitos de plástico são amplamente encontrados no património cultural. Presentemente, a sua preservação levanta questões críticas aos conservadores e cientistas uma vez que estes objectos podem facilmente sofrer degradação num curto espaço de tempo. Um dos fenómenos que pode alterar significativamente a aparência de objectos em plástico é a alteração de cor (descoloração). De um modo geral, a descoloração é habitualmente associada à degradação dos polímeros, contudo, os pigmentos, que são parte integrante das formulações do plástico, também podem desvanecer devido à exposição à luz. A identificação de objetos de plástico com pigmentos sensíveis à luz é um exercício bastante exigente devido à sensibilidade dos mesmos a alterações na cor. A caracterização dos corantes nos plásticos é normalmente realizada através de amostragem, métodos de extração e testagem destrutiva. Como alternativa, esta tese apresenta uma abordagem inovadora e multi- analítica baseada em espectroscopias que foi desenvolvida para a identificação in situ dos pigmentos em plásticos históricos. Esta metodologia compreendeu a utilização de microscopia ótica (MO), microespectrometria por fluorescência de raios X dispersiva de energias (μ-EDXRF), espectroscopia UV-Vis-NIR de reflectância, fotoluminescência (PL) e micro-espectroscopia de Raman (μ-Raman) na análise de obras de arte, objetos industriais e de uso diário, datados de 1950-2000s e pertencentes a coleções Portuguesas. Deste estudo resultou a identificação dos pigmentos comumente presentes na paleta de cor dos coloristas da indústria dos plásticos portuguesa: óxido de ferro (PR 101, α-Fe2O3), molibdato de cromato de chumbo (PR 104, Pb(Cr,Mo,S)O4), vermelho de cádmio (PR 108, Cd(S,Se); PR 113, (Cd,Hg)S), amarelo de cádmio (PY 37, CdS; PY 35; (Cd,Zn)S), branco de titânio (PW 6, TiO2 ambos rutilo e anátase), oxicloreto de bismuto (PW 14, BiOCl) e lacas do pigmento orgânico β-naftol (PR 48, PR 49, PR 53). Adicionalmente, foi também identificado um pigmento fora do comum, o pigmento perlascente plumbonacrite Pb5(CO3)3O(OH)2. Para todos os casos de estudo, μ-Raman foi a ferramenta chave para a caracterização dos pigmentos nos objetos de plástico, aportando dados conclusivos para a identificação dos mesmos. A impressão digital vibracional dos pigmentos orgânicos e inorgânicos foi adquirida com sucesso recorrendo à focagem do laser na superfície das partículas. A aquisição de dados espectrais de pigmentos com concentrações muito baixas (0.1 % a 5%, aproximadamente) à escala micro foi possível através de microscopia confocal, que faz parte do sistema do equipamento de μ-Raman. Adicionalmente, foi também possível obter informação sobre o polímero base (principalmente termoplásticos) e cargas. Os métodos analíticos desenvolvidos neste estudo deverão, em trabalhos futuros, facilitar a obtenção de informação complementar sobre estes objetos de plástico e permitir uma melhor identificação e avaliação do seu estado de conservação. Esta tese foca particularmente objectos de plástico vermelhos visto que estes foram identificados como os mais severamente afetados por alterações de cor. O estado avançado de desvanecimento identificado no pigmento β-naftol PR 53 mostrou a sua fraca estabilidade à luz em formulações de plástico. Esta situação, junto com as alterações de cor descritas em literatura para o pigmento PR 48 em objetos de plástico, sugere uma sensibilidade dos pigmentos vermelhos da família dos β-naftol ao desvanecimento. O PR 53 e os pigmentos vermelhos da família dos β-naftóis são pigmentos históricos facilmente encontrados em objetos do património cultural. No entanto, o conhecimento acerca da sua estabilidade a longo prazo e resistência à foto-degradação é limitado, especialmente para os casos onde os mesmos se encontram em polímeros, sendo que este conhecimento é essencial para a sua preservação. Neste estudo, a quantificação da foto-estabilidade para uma série de pigmentos vermelhos da família dos β-naftol foi realizada pela primeira vez, através do cálculo do rendimento quântico de fotodegradação (ΦR). Os valores obtidos variaram entre 3x10-6 e 4x10-5, indicativo de uma estabilidade relativamente boa à luz por parte das moléculas. Tendo em consideração que a estabilidade dos pigmentos não se limita exclusivamente ao pigmento em si, mas também à sua interação com o meio envolvente, foram realizados ensaios de envelhecimento por exposição à luz (λ>300 nm) do pigmento em solução, em pó e incorporado em polímeros de modo a avaliar o papel do meio na estabilidade à luz dos pigmentos e as vias pelas quais estes se degradam. Verificou-se que o ligante tem um impacto significativo na estabilidade do pigmento uma vez que se foi detetada uma maior sensibilidade à luz dos pigmentos PR 48 e PR 53 quando incorporados nos plásticos, comparativamente ao ensaio do pigmento em pó. Este novo conhecimento irá contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias na conservação dos plásticos com estes pigmentos vermelhos fotossensíveis através da previsão do desvanecimento. Espectrometrias de massa (MS) por cromatografia em fase líquida e gasosa foram utilizadas na caracterização dos principais subprodutos da degradação. Observou-se uma fotodegradação significativa e a formação de compostos ftálicos e ftalatos nos pigmentos em solução e em pó.Modern and contemporary objects made of plastics are widely found in cultural heritage. Today, their preser- vation poses critical issues to conservators and scientists, as they can suffer from extensive degradation in a short time period. Color change (discoloration) is one of the alteration phenomena that can significantly affect their appearance. Discoloration is commonly associated with the degradation of polymers. However, pigments within plastics can also fade due to exposure to light. The identification of objects that contain light-sensitive pigments is demanding because of the sensitivity of plastics to color change. Normally sampling, extraction methods and destructive testing are required for the characterization of colorants in plastics. In this work, an innovative multi-analytical spectroscopic approach for the in situ identification of pigments in historical plastics was developed. Optical microscopy (MO), micro-energy dispersive X-ray fluo- rescence (μ-EDXRF), UV-Vis-NIR reflectance, photoluminescence (PL) and Raman microscopy (μ-Raman), were used for the analysis of artworks, industrial and daily objects dated from 1950s-2000s from Portuguese collections. A common colorists’ palette within the Portuguese plastics industry was identified: iron oxide (PR 101, α-Fe2O3), lead chromate molybdate (PR 104, Pb(Cr,Mo,S)O4), cadmium red (PR 108, Cd(S,Se); PR 113, (Cd,Hg)S) and cadmium yellow (PY 37, CdS; PY 35; (Cd,Zn)S) pigments, titanium whites (PW 6, TiO2 both rutile and anatase), bismuth oxychloride (PW 14, BiOCl) and organic β-naphthol lakes (PR 48, PR 49, PR 53). An exceptional pigment found was the pearlescent plumbonacrite pigment Pb5(CO3)3O(OH)2. In all the case studies, μ-Raman was the key analytical tool for pigment characterization in the plastic objects, providing conclusive data for their identification. The vibrational fingerprint of both inorganic and organic pigments was successfully recorded by focusing the laser beam on particle surfaces. The confocal microscopy system used in μ-Raman enabled the collection of spectral data from low concentrations of pigments (ap- proximately 0.1%-5%) on the micro-scale. In addition to pigments, information on the base polymer (mainly thermoplastics) and fillers was obtained. The analytical methods developed will facilitate the acquisition of complementary data from plastics allowing material identification and condition assessment in the future. This thesis focused on red pigmented plastic artifacts, as they were found to be severely faded among the studied objects. The identification of β-naphthol pigment lake PR 53 as a faded pigment highlighted its poor fastness in plastics, that together with the color change of PR 48 in plastic objects, reported in literature, suggests the particular susceptibility of β-naphthol red lakes to fading. PR 53, and the other β-naphthol reds, are historical pigments widely found in cultural heritage. However, little is known about their photodegradation and stability, especially when they are found in polymer media, and this knowledge is essential for their long- term preservation. For the first time, photodegradation quantum yields (ΦR) were calculated for a series of red pigments based on β-naphthol in order to quantify their photo-stability. ΦR values ranging from 3x10-6 to 4x10-5 were obtained, indicating relatively light-stable molecules. Bearing in mind that pigment fastness is not only related to the pigment itself, but also to its interaction with the confined environment, light-aging experiments (λ>300 nm) were conducted in solution, on powders, and in polymers to assess the role of the medium on the lightfastness of the pigments and their degradation pathways. A significant impact of the binder on their stability was found. Indeed, a higher sensitivity to light of PR 48 and PR 53 pigments, when incorporated in plastics than in powder, was observed. This new knowledge will contribute to the prediction of plastic fading and inform effective preventive conservation strategies for objects containing light- sensitive β-naphthol red pigments. Liquid- and gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (MS) were used for the characterization of the main degradation products. Extensive photodegradation was observed with the formation of phthalic compounds and phthalates in both solution and powder phases

    Theoretical and experimental studies of aryl-bithiophene based push-pull pi-conjugated heterocyclic systems bearing cyanoacetic or rhodanine-3-acetic acid acceptors for SHG nonlinear optical applications

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    A series of push-pull aryl-bithiophene based systems 2-3 were designed and synthesized in order to understand how structural modifications influence the electronic, linear and nonlinear optical properties. The push-pull conjugated chromophores 2-3 bear a bithiophene spacer conjugated with a phenyl ring functionalized with N,N-dialkylamino electron-donor groups together with cyanoacetic or rhodanine-3-acetic acid acceptor groups. Theoretical (DFT calculations) and experimental studies were carried out to obtain information on conformation, electronic structure, electron distribution, dipolar moment, and molecular nonlinearity response of the push-pull bithiophene derivatives. This multidisciplinary study revealed that chromophore 2e exhibits the highest value for hyperpolarizability beta (10440 × 10-30 esu) due to the strong electron donating ability of the N,N-diethylamino group, and the ethyne linker that not only lengthens the pi- conjugation path but also grants less distortion to the system.Thanks are due to Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) for a PhD grant to S. S. M. Fernandes (SFRH/BD/87786/2012) and FEDERCOMPETE for financial support through the CQ/UM (Ref. UID/QUI/ 00686/2013 and UID/QUI/0686/2016). The NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance III 400 is part of the National NMR Network and was purchased within the framework of the National Program for Scientific Reequipment, contract REDE/1517/RMN/2005 with funds from POCI 2010 (FEDER) and FCT. The pulsed laser system was acquired within the framework of the grant (PTDC/CTM/105597/2008) from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) with funding from FEDERCOMPETE. This work was also supported by the Associated Laboratory for Sustainable Chemistry - Clean Processes and Technologies - LAQV which is financed by Portuguese national funds from FCT/MEC (UID/ QUI/50006/2013) and co-financed by the ERDF under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER–007265).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The optical and magnetic properties of redox-active d-block metal complexes with non-innocent ligands

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    Redox-active metal organic complexes with ‘non-innocent’ ligands are promising candidates when it comes to developing novel homogenous catalysts. The related complexes have gained interest since they could be utilized as affordable base-metal containing compounds instead of expensive and scarce noble metal containing complexes. The complexes with non-innocent ligands undergo readily one- or multielectron oxidation/reduction processes, which are vital in catalytic processes. Therefore, the complexes have been studied for biomimetic model compounds for metalloenzymes. These redox-active complexes have low-lying, intramolecular charge transfer processes that enable the compounds to absorb strongly electromagnetic radiation at low frequency range, namely, in the near-infrared range. In addition, the complexes possess interesting magnetic properties which are potentially influenced by photon excitation. Some of the redox-active complexes bear unpaired spins on the orbitals of the organic ligands. Redox-active complexes, in some cases, do exhibit bistability and are known to go through valence tautomerization process, where the sum of the electrons within the complex remains, while their locations and orientations vary. This may result in differing spin states within the complex and thus differing physical (optical and magnetic) properties between the tautomers. These features are the key in order to use these complexes in various sensing applications or in molecular memory. Because of their intense absorptions, the redox-active complexes have also been considered as dye sensitizers in a titanium dioxide-based dye sensitized solar cells and other photovoltaic applications. The present thesis exhibits the synthesis, characterization and the redox-active, optical and magnetic properties of first-row d-block metal complexes with non-innocent ligands