85 research outputs found

    Explaining Spanish and Polish Approaches to the European Neighbourhood Policy

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    This paper analyzes Polish and Spanish proposals relative to the EUÕs Southern and Eastern Dimensions. Furthermore, plausible explanations are forwarded regarding the resemblances between SpainÕs and PolandÕs policies towards neighbourhood: the national interests considerations based on the constructivist approach; policy entrepreneurship in the context of institutional conditions of the European Foreign Policy and the process of lessons drawing in the framework of the European Foreign Policy policy-making process.European Neighbourhood Policy, Spain, Poland

    The Dynamic Duo: Collaboration Between Writing Centers and Academic Libraries

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    As academic libraries move toward the model of the information commons – a place where users can expect support in finding, interpreting, creating, and communicating information – it increasingly makes sense for university writing centers to have a more prominent presence within the library. But collaboration between libraries and writing centers promises more than just “one-stop shopping” for students as they write their papers. Working together can also provide both libraries and writing centers new opportunities to promote their services to students and faculty. In order for such collaborations to move forward, libraries and writing centers need to acknowledge the similarities and differences in the work they do with students, specifically in such areas of concern as: student research, plagiarism and citation issues especially with regard to international students or English Language Learners. During our session, participants will have the opportunity to hear about the panel’s experiences, learn about the many connections between writing centers and libraries, discover ways that libraries can collaborate with writing centers and address the pitfalls and considerations associated with these partnerships

    Effect of Work Team, School Culture on Decision Making of The Principals of The State High School in Jakarta

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    The objective of this study is to learn the influence of work team and school culture toward decision making of high school in Jakarta. This study was the quantitative approach, and  path analysis method was applied to analyze the data. In this study, principals of state high school have been chosen as a unit analysis and 91 samples of state high school in Jakarta. The results of this study showed that: (1) work teams have a direct positive effect on decision making; (2) school culture has a direct positive effect on decision making. At last, this study suggested that work teams and school culture were important determinants of the principal’s decision making

    Paper Session II-B - National Spaceport Testbed

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    The U.S. space industry continues to struggle to turn space business into successful business. Sensing this, both NASA and the state of Florida are exploring ideas for engaging their technological and economic resources in solving this grand challenge. This paper proposes just such an idea: a revolutionary new facility called the National Spaceport Testbed that would be dedicated to testing new space transportation technology. The one-of-a-kind testbed would allow space entrepreneurs to carry out ground and flight tests at reduced costs; allow NASA to apply resources to technical risk reduction; and allow Florida to attract and retain new space business

    Learning on the Ground: Seeing Agriculture Through the Eyes of Farmers

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    The set of human resources at the service of an organization must recognize itself in the image that it spreads, and experience the feeling of belonging to a collective. The regular and appealing use of the internal communication tools available makes it possible to keep all employees informed about the life of the institution, and about the changes underway: these supports are therefore a vital substance in the involvement process, so everyone should be used to facilitate and develop the circulation of information. Information within the company is one of the preliminary conditions for good motivation at work. This information has to circulate with the greatest freedom, in every way, following not only the formal structures of the company, but also the entire range of informal structures (Levenshus & Lemon, 2017; McKie & Willis, 2012). Successful organizations are those that have an informed and motivated workforce that “can respond to criticism, explain difficulties, publicize successes, praise merits. In short, they are those whose staff can act as a faithful, credible and positive ambassador.” (Westphalen, s.d.: 66).JEL: D20; D02  Article visualizations

    Iberia: Spain and Portugal

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    Both Spain and Portugal are strongly pro-European countries. After decades of relative isolation and socio-economic backwardness under authoritarian rule, in 1986 they simultaneously joined the then European Community as a way to support their democratisation, modernisation and international reorientation (see Royo and Manuel, 2003). Since their ‘return to Europe’, the two countries have been committed EU members, both being part of the Schengen and Euro areas as well as supporting advances in foreign and security cooperation. Located on the southern fringe of Europe, with less developed economies than their Northern partners, but with rich national histories that give them special ties to many countries around the world, the two Iberian neighbours have often held similar views and worked closely together within the EU, particularly for greater social and economic cohesion as well as stronger relations with countries around the Mediterranean and in Latin America. Madrid has, however, embraced deeper European integration in a more determined way than Lisbon, particularly on security and defence matters. While Spain has tended to be closer to a more Europeanist line as seen in countries such as Germany and France, Portugal has shown more affinities with the Atlanticist leanings of the Netherlands or the UK. Greater Atlanticism has been a way for Portugal to try and differentiate itself from its bigger and only neighbour as well as balancing more continentalist perspectives in Europe in general (see Algieri and Regelsberger, 1996; Rodrigues and García Pérez, 2011). Both countries also have important socio-economic links with the UK, especially in trade, migration and tourism. However, while Portugal has historical ties of friendship with Britain, based on a centuries old alliance that is now mostly symbolic but still valued, Madrid and London have kept a relatively low profile diplomatic relationship, in part a result of the deep-rooted dispute over Gibraltar. It is against this backdrop that Spain and Portugal approached Britain’s renegotiation, referendum and vote to leave the EU