810 research outputs found

    Acceleration of stereo-matching on multi-core CPU and GPU

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    This paper presents an accelerated version of a dense stereo-correspondence algorithm for two different parallelism enabled architectures, multi-core CPU and GPU. The algorithm is part of the vision system developed for a binocular robot-head in the context of the CloPeMa 1 research project. This research project focuses on the conception of a new clothes folding robot with real-time and high resolution requirements for the vision system. The performance analysis shows that the parallelised stereo-matching algorithm has been significantly accelerated, maintaining 12x and 176x speed-up respectively for multi-core CPU and GPU, compared with non-SIMD singlethread CPU. To analyse the origin of the speed-up and gain deeper understanding about the choice of the optimal hardware, the algorithm was broken into key sub-tasks and the performance was tested for four different hardware architectures

    SICStus MT - A Multithreaded Execution Environment for SICStus Prolog

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    The development of intelligent software agents and other complex applications which continuously interact with their environments has been one of the reasons why explicit concurrency has become a necessity in a modern Prolog system today. Such applications need to perform several tasks which may be very different with respect to how they are implemented in Prolog. Performing these tasks simultaneously is very tedious without language support. This paper describes the design, implementation and evaluation of a prototype multithreaded execution environment for SICStus Prolog. The threads are dynamically managed using a small and compact set of Prolog primitives implemented in a portable way, requiring almost no support from the underlying operating system

    Parallel network protocol stacks using replication

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    Computing applications demand good performance from networking systems. This includes high-bandwidth communication using protocols with sophisticated features such as ordering, reliability, and congestion control. Much of this protocol processing occurs in software, both on desktop systems and servers. Multi-processing is a requirement on today\u27s computer architectures because their design does not allow for increased processor frequencies. At the same time, network bandwidths continue to increase. In order to meet application demand for throughput, protocol processing must be parallel to leverage the full capabilities of multi-processor or multi-core systems. Existing parallelization strategies have performance difficulties that limit their scalability and their application to single, high-speed data streams. This dissertation introduces a new approach to parallelizing network protocol processing without the need for locks or for global state. Rather than maintain global states, each processor maintains its own copy of protocol state. Therefore, updates are local and don\u27t require fine-grained locks or explicit synchronization. State management work is replicated, but logically independent work is parallelized. Along with the approach, this dissertation describes Dominoes, a new framework for implementing replicated processing systems. Dominoes organizes the state information into Domains and the communication into Channels. These two abstractions provide a powerful, but flexible model for testing the replication approach. This dissertation uses Dominoes to build a replicated network protocol system. The performance of common protocols, such as TCP/IP, is increased by multiprocessing single connections. On commodity hardware, throughput increases between 15-300% depending on the type of communication. Most gains are possible when communicating with unmodified peer implementations, such as Linux. In addition to quantitative results, protocol behavior is studied as it relates to the replication approach

    Acceleration of stereo-matching on multi-core CPU and GPU

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    This paper presents an accelerated version of a dense stereo-correspondence algorithm for two different parallelism enabled architectures, multi-core CPU and GPU. The algorithm is part of the vision system developed for a binocular robot-head in the context of the CloPeMa 1 research project. This research project focuses on the conception of a new clothes folding robot with real-time and high resolution requirements for the vision system. The performance analysis shows that the parallelised stereo-matching algorithm has been significantly accelerated, maintaining 12x and 176x speed-up respectively for multi-core CPU and GPU, compared with non-SIMD singlethread CPU. To analyse the origin of the speed-up and gain deeper understanding about the choice of the optimal hardware, the algorithm was broken into key sub-tasks and the performance was tested for four different hardware architectures

    Parallel discrete event simulation: A shared memory approach

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    With traditional event list techniques, evaluating a detailed discrete event simulation model can often require hours or even days of computation time. Parallel simulation mimics the interacting servers and queues of a real system by assigning each simulated entity to a processor. By eliminating the event list and maintaining only sufficient synchronization to insure causality, parallel simulation can potentially provide speedups that are linear in the number of processors. A set of shared memory experiments is presented using the Chandy-Misra distributed simulation algorithm to simulate networks of queues. Parameters include queueing network topology and routing probabilities, number of processors, and assignment of network nodes to processors. These experiments show that Chandy-Misra distributed simulation is a questionable alternative to sequential simulation of most queueing network models

    The CRAFT Fortran Programming Model

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