6 research outputs found

    Biometric face recognition using multilinear projection and artificial intelligence

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    PhD ThesisNumerous problems of automatic facial recognition in the linear and multilinear subspace learning have been addressed; nevertheless, many difficulties remain. This work focuses on two key problems for automatic facial recognition and feature extraction: object representation and high dimensionality. To address these problems, a bidirectional two-dimensional neighborhood preserving projection (B2DNPP) approach for human facial recognition has been developed. Compared with 2DNPP, the proposed method operates on 2-D facial images and performs reductions on the directions of both rows and columns of images. Furthermore, it has the ability to reveal variations between these directions. To further improve the performance of the B2DNPP method, a new B2DNPP based on the curvelet decomposition of human facial images is introduced. The curvelet multi- resolution tool enhances the edges representation and other singularities along curves, and thus improves directional features. In this method, an extreme learning machine (ELM) classifier is used which significantly improves classification rate. The proposed C-B2DNPP method decreases error rate from 5.9% to 3.5%, from 3.7% to 2.0% and from 19.7% to 14.2% using ORL, AR, and FERET databases compared with 2DNPP. Therefore, it achieves decreases in error rate more than 40%, 45%, and 27% respectively with the ORL, AR, and FERET databases. Facial images have particular natural structures in the form of two-, three-, or even higher-order tensors. Therefore, a novel method of supervised and unsupervised multilinear neighborhood preserving projection (MNPP) is proposed for face recognition. This allows the natural representation of multidimensional images 2-D, 3-D or higher-order tensors and extracts useful information directly from tensotial data rather than from matrices or vectors. As opposed to a B2DNPP which derives only two subspaces, in the MNPP method multiple interrelated subspaces are obtained over different tensor directions, so that the subspaces are learned iteratively by unfolding the tensor along the different directions. The performance of the MNPP has performed in terms of the two modes of facial recognition biometrics systems of identification and verification. The proposed supervised MNPP method achieved decrease over 50.8%, 75.6%, and 44.6% in error rate using ORL, AR, and FERET databases respectively, compared with 2DNPP. Therefore, the results demonstrate that the MNPP approach obtains the best overall performance in various learning scenarios

    A multilevel paradigm for deep convolutional neural network features selection with an application to human gait recognition

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    Human gait recognition (HGR) shows high importance in the area of video surveillance due to remote access and security threats. HGR is a technique commonly used for the identification of human style in daily life. However, many typical situations like change of clothes condition and variation in view angles degrade the system performance. Lately, different machine learning (ML) techniques have been introduced for video surveillance which gives promising results among which deep learning (DL) shows best performance in complex scenarios. In this article, an integrated framework is proposed for HGR using deep neural network and fuzzy entropy controlled skewness (FEcS) approach. The proposed technique works in two phases: In the first phase, deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) features are extracted by pre-trained CNN models (VGG19 and AlexNet) and their information is mixed by parallel fusion approach. In the second phase, entropy and skewness vectors are calculated from fused feature vector (FV) to select best subsets of features by suggested FEcS approach. The best subsets of picked features are finally fed to multiple classifiers and finest one is chosen on the basis of accuracy value. The experiments were carried out on four well-known datasets, namely, AVAMVG gait, CASIA A, B and C. The achieved accuracy of each dataset was 99.8, 99.7, 93.3 and 92.2%, respectively. Therefore, the obtained overall recognition results lead to conclude that the proposed system is very promising

    Decomposition and classification of electroencephalography data

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    Contribution to supervised representation learning: algorithms and applications.

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    278 p.In this thesis, we focus on supervised learning methods for pattern categorization. In this context, itremains a major challenge to establish efficient relationships between the discriminant properties of theextracted features and the inter-class sparsity structure.Our first attempt to address this problem was to develop a method called "Robust Discriminant Analysiswith Feature Selection and Inter-class Sparsity" (RDA_FSIS). This method performs feature selectionand extraction simultaneously. The targeted projection transformation focuses on the most discriminativeoriginal features while guaranteeing that the extracted (or transformed) features belonging to the sameclass share a common sparse structure, which contributes to small intra-class distances.In a further study on this approach, some improvements have been introduced in terms of theoptimization criterion and the applied optimization process. In fact, we proposed an improved version ofthe original RDA_FSIS called "Enhanced Discriminant Analysis with Class Sparsity using GradientMethod" (EDA_CS). The basic improvement is twofold: on the first hand, in the alternatingoptimization, we update the linear transformation and tune it with the gradient descent method, resultingin a more efficient and less complex solution than the closed form adopted in RDA_FSIS.On the other hand, the method could be used as a fine-tuning technique for many feature extractionmethods. The main feature of this approach lies in the fact that it is a gradient descent based refinementapplied to a closed form solution. This makes it suitable for combining several extraction methods andcan thus improve the performance of the classification process.In accordance with the above methods, we proposed a hybrid linear feature extraction scheme called"feature extraction using gradient descent with hybrid initialization" (FE_GD_HI). This method, basedon a unified criterion, was able to take advantage of several powerful linear discriminant methods. Thelinear transformation is computed using a descent gradient method. The strength of this approach is thatit is generic in the sense that it allows fine tuning of the hybrid solution provided by different methods.Finally, we proposed a new efficient ensemble learning approach that aims to estimate an improved datarepresentation. The proposed method is called "ICS Based Ensemble Learning for Image Classification"(EM_ICS). Instead of using multiple classifiers on the transformed features, we aim to estimate multipleextracted feature subsets. These were obtained by multiple learned linear embeddings. Multiple featuresubsets were used to estimate the transformations, which were ranked using multiple feature selectiontechniques. The derived extracted feature subsets were concatenated into a single data representationvector with strong discriminative properties.Experiments conducted on various benchmark datasets ranging from face images, handwritten digitimages, object images to text datasets showed promising results that outperformed the existing state-ofthe-art and competing methods

    Symmetry-Adapted Machine Learning for Information Security

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    Symmetry-adapted machine learning has shown encouraging ability to mitigate the security risks in information and communication technology (ICT) systems. It is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that relies on the principles of processing future events by learning past events or historical data. The autonomous nature of symmetry-adapted machine learning supports effective data processing and analysis for security detection in ICT systems without the interference of human authorities. Many industries are developing machine-learning-adapted solutions to support security for smart hardware, distributed computing, and the cloud. In our Special Issue book, we focus on the deployment of symmetry-adapted machine learning for information security in various application areas. This security approach can support effective methods to handle the dynamic nature of security attacks by extraction and analysis of data to identify hidden patterns of data. The main topics of this Issue include malware classification, an intrusion detection system, image watermarking, color image watermarking, battlefield target aggregation behavior recognition model, IP camera, Internet of Things (IoT) security, service function chain, indoor positioning system, and crypto-analysis

    Hierarchical age estimation using enhanced facial features.

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    Doctor of Philosopy in Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2018.Ageing is a stochastic, inevitable and uncontrollable process that constantly affect shape, texture and general appearance of the human face. Humans can easily determine ones’ gender, identity and ethnicity with highest accuracy as compared to age. This makes development of automatic age estimation techniques that surpass human performance an attractive yet challenging task. Automatic age estimation requires extraction of robust and reliable age discriminative features. Local binary patterns (LBP) sensitivity to noise makes it insufficiently reliable in capturing age discriminative features. Although local ternary patterns (LTP) is insensitive to noise, it uses a single static threshold for all images regardless of varied image conditions. Local directional patterns (LDP) uses k directional responses to encode image gradient and disregards not only central pixel in the local neighborhood but also 8 k directional responses. Every pixel in an image carry subtle information. Discarding 8 k directional responses lead to lose of discriminative texture features. This study proposes two variations of LDP operator for texture extraction. Significantorientation response LDP (SOR-LDP) encodes image gradient by grouping eight directional responses into four pairs. Each pair represents orientation of an edge with respect to central reference pixel. Values in each pair are compared and the bit corresponding to the maximum value in the pair is set to 1 while the other is set to 0. The resultant binary code is converted to decimal and assigned to the central pixel as its’ SOR-LDP code. Texture features are contained in the histogram of SOR-LDP encoded image. Local ternary directional patterns (LTDP) first gets the difference between neighboring pixels and central pixel in 3 3 image region. These differential values are convolved with Kirsch edge detectors to obtain directional responses. These responses are normalized and used as probability of an edge occurring towards a respective direction. An adaptive threshold is applied to derive LTDP code. The LTDP code is split into its positive and negative LTDP codes. Histograms of negative and positive LTDP encoded images are concatenated to obtain texture feature. Regardless of there being evidence of spatial frequency processing in primary visual cortex, biologically inspired features (BIF) that model visual cortex uses only scale and orientation selectivity in feature extraction. Furthermore, these BIF are extracted using holistic (global) pooling across scale and orientations leading to lose of substantive information. This study proposes multi-frequency BIF (MF-BIF) where frequency selectivity is introduced in BIF modelling. Local statistical BIF (LS-BIF) uses local pooling within scale, orientation and frequency in n n region for BIF extraction. Using Leave-one-person-out (LOPO) validation protocol, this study investigated performance of proposed feature extractors in age estimation in a hierarchical way by performing age-group classification using Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) followed by within age-group exact age regression using support vector regression (SVR). Mean absolute error (MAE) and cumulative score (CS) were used to evaluate performance of proposed face descriptors. Experimental results on FG-NET ageing dataset show that SOR-LDP, LTDP, MF-BIF and LS-BIF outperform state-of-the-art feature descriptors in age estimation. Experimental results show that performing gender discrimination before age-group and age estimation further improves age estimation accuracies. Shape, appearance, wrinkle and texture features are simultaneously extracted by visual system in primates for the brain to process and understand an image or a scene. However, age estimation systems in the literature use a single feature for age estimation. A single feature is not sufficient enough to capture subtle age discriminative traits due to stochastic and personalized nature of ageing. This study propose fusion of different facial features to enhance their discriminative power. Experimental results show that fusing shape, texture, wrinkle and appearance result into robust age discriminative features that achieve lower MAE compared to single feature performance