6,441 research outputs found

    Automatic Verification of Finite Precision Implementations of Linear Controllers

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    We consider the problem of verifying finite precision implementation of linear time-invariant controllers against mathematical specifications. A specification may have multiple correct implementations which are different from each other in controller state representation, but equivalent from a perspective of input-output behavior (e.g., due to optimization in a code generator). The implementations may use finite precision computations (e.g. floating-point arithmetic) which cause quantization (i.e., roundoff) errors. To address these challenges, we first extract a controller\u27s mathematical model from the implementation via symbolic execution and floating-point error analysis, and then check approximate input-output equivalence between the extracted model and the specification by similarity checking. We show how to automatically verify the correctness of floating-point controller implementation in C language using the combination of techniques such as symbolic execution and convex optimization problem solving. We demonstrate the scalability of our approach through evaluation with randomly generated controller specifications of realistic size

    Proving memory safety of floating-point computations by combining static and dynamic program analysis

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    Whitebox fuzzing is a novel form of security testing based on runtime symbolic execution and constraint solving. Over the last couple of years, whitebox fuzzers have found dozens of new security vulnerabilities (buffer overflows) in Windows and Linux applications, including codecs, image viewers and media players. Those types of applications tend to use floating-point instructions available on modern processors, yet existing whitebox fuzzers and SMT constraint solvers do not handle floating-point arithmetic. Are there new security vulnerabilities lurking in floating-point code? A naive solution would be to extend symbolic execu-tion to floating-point (FP) instructions (months of work), ex-tend SMT solvers to reason about FP constraints (months of work), and then face more complex constraints and an even worse path explosion problem. Instead, we propose an alternative approach, based on the rough intuition that FP code should only perform memory-safe data-processing of the “payload ” of an image or video file, while the non-FP part of the application should deal with buffer alloca-tions and memory address computations, with only the lat-ter being prone to buffer overflows and other security critical bugs. Our approach combines (1) a lightweight local path-insensitive “may ” static analysis of FP instructions with (2) a high-precision whole-program path-sensitive “must ” dy-namic analysis of non-FP instructions. The aim of this com-bination is to prove memory safety of the FP part and a form of non-interference between the FP part and the non-FP part with respect to memory address computations. We have implemented our approach using two existing tools for, respectively, static and dynamic x86 binary analysis. We present preliminary results of experiments with standard JPEG, GIF and ANI Windows parsers. For a given test suite of diverse input files, our mixed static/dynamic analysis is able to prove memory safety of FP code in those parsers for a small upfront static analysis cost and a marginal runtime expense compared to regular runtime symbolic execution

    Symbolic Crosschecking of Data-Parallel Floating Point Code

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    In this thesis we present a symbolic execution-based technique for cross-checking programs accelerated using SIMD or OpenCL against an unaccelerated version, as well as a technique for detecting data races in OpenCL programs. Our techniques are implemented in KLEE-CL, a symbolic execution engine based on KLEE that supports symbolic reasoning on the equivalence between expressions involving both integer and floating-point operations. While the current generation of constraint solvers provide good support for integer arithmetic, there is little support available for floating-point arithmetic, due to the complexity inherent in such computations. The key insight behind our approach is that floating-point values are only reliably equal if they are essentially built by the same operations. This allows us to use an algorithm based on symbolic expression matching augmented with canonicalisation rules to determine path equivalence. Under symbolic execution, we have to verify equivalence along every feasible control-flow path. We reduce the branching factor of this process by aggressively merging conditionals, if-converting branches into select operations via an aggressive phi-node folding transformation. To support the Intel Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE) instruction set, we lower SSE instructions to equivalent generic vector operations, which in turn are interpreted in terms of primitive integer and floating-point operations. To support OpenCL programs, we symbolically model the OpenCL environment using an OpenCL runtime library targeted to symbolic execution. We detect data races by keeping track of all memory accesses using a memory log, and reporting a race whenever we detect that two accesses conflict. By representing the memory log symbolically, we are also able to detect races associated with symbolically indexed accesses of memory objects. We used KLEE-CL to find a number of issues in a variety of open source projects that use SSE and OpenCL, including mismatches between implementations, memory errors, race conditions and compiler bugs

    Rational approximation for solving an implicitly given Colebrook flow friction equation

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    The empirical logarithmic Colebrook equation for hydraulic resistance in pipes implicitly considers the unknown flow friction factor. Its explicit approximations, used to avoid iterative computations, should be accurate but also computationally efficient. We present a rational approximate procedure that completely avoids the use of transcendental functions, such as logarithm or non-integer power, which require execution of the additional number of floating-point operations in computer processor units. Instead of these, we use only rational expressions that are executed directly in the processor unit. The rational approximation was found using a combination of a Pade approximant and artificial intelligence (symbolic regression). Numerical experiments in Matlab using 2 million quasi-Monte Carlo samples indicate that the relative error of this new rational approximation does not exceed 0.866%. Moreover, these numerical experiments show that the novel rational approximation is approximately two times faster than the exact solution given by the Wright omega function.Web of Science81art. no. 2

    Analysis of a benchmark suite to evaluate mixed numeric and symbolic processing

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    The suite of programs that formed the benchmark for a proposed advanced computer is described and analyzed. The features of the processor and its operating system that are tested by the benchmark are discussed. The computer codes and the supporting data for the analysis are given as appendices