19 research outputs found

    Design and evaluation of information flow signature for secure computation of applications

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    This thesis presents an architectural solution that provides secure and reliable execution of an application that computes critical data, in spite of potential hardware and software vulnerabilities. The technique does not require source code of or specifications about the malicious library function(s) called during execution of an application. The solution is based on the concept of Information Flow Signatures (IFS). The technique uses both a model-checker-based symbolic fault injection analysis tool called SymPLFIED to generate an IFS for an application or operating system, and runtime signature checking at the level of hardware to protect the integrity of critical data. The runtime checking is implemented in the IFS module. Reliable computation of data is ensured by the critical value re-computation (CVR) module. Prototype implementation of the signature checking and reliability module on a soft processor within an FPGA incurs no performance overhead and about 12% chip area overhead. The security module itself incurs about 7.5% chip area overhead. Performance evaluations indicate that the IFS module incurs as little as 3-4% overhead compared to 88-100% overhead when the runtime checking is implemented as a part of software. Preliminary testing indicates that the technique can provide 100% coverage for insider attacks that manifest as memory corruption and change the architectural state of the processor. Hence the IFS and CVR implementation offers a flexible, low-overhead, high-coverage method for ensuring reliable and secure computing

    SymPLFIED: Symbolic Program Level Fault Injection and Error Detection Framework

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryNational Science Foundation / NSF-CNS-05-51665 and NSF-CNS-04-0635

    Third NASA Langley Formal Methods Workshop

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    This publication constitutes the proceedings of NASA Langley Research Center's third workshop on the application of formal methods to the design and verification of life-critical systems. This workshop brought together formal methods researchers, industry engineers, and academicians to discuss the potential of NASA-sponsored formal methods and to investigate new opportunities for applying these methods to industry problems. contained herein are copies of the material presented at the workshop, summaries of many of the presentations, a complete list of attendees, and a detailed summary of the Langley formal methods program. Much of this material is available electronically through the World-Wide Web via the following URL

    Systematic Model-based Design Assurance and Property-based Fault Injection for Safety Critical Digital Systems

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    With advances in sensing, wireless communications, computing, control, and automation technologies, we are witnessing the rapid uptake of Cyber-Physical Systems across many applications including connected vehicles, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, smart homes etc. Many of these applications are safety-critical in nature and they depend on the correct and safe execution of software and hardware that are intrinsically subject to faults. These faults can be design faults (Software Faults, Specification faults, etc.) or physically occurring faults (hardware failures, Single-event-upsets, etc.). Both types of faults must be addressed during the design and development of these critical systems. Several safety-critical industries have widely adopted Model-Based Engineering paradigms to manage the design assurance processes of these complex CPSs. This thesis studies the application of IEC 61508 compliant model-based design assurance methodology on a representative safety-critical digital architecture targeted for the Nuclear power generation facilities. The study presents detailed experiences and results to demonstrate the benefits of Model testing in finding design flaws and its relevance to subsequent verification steps in the workflow. Additionally, to study the impact of physical faults on the digital architecture we develop a novel property-based fault injection method that overcomes few deficiencies of traditional fault injection methods. The model-based fault injection approach presented here guarantees high efficiency and near-exhaustive input/state/fault space coverage, by utilizing formal model checking principles to identify fault activation conditions and prove the fault tolerance features. The fault injection framework facilitates automated integration of fault saboteurs throughout the model to enable exhaustive fault location coverage in the model

    Analysis of Safety-Critical Computer Failures in Medical Devices

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    Incidents due to malfunctioning medical devices are a major cause of serious injury and death in the United States. During 2006–2011, 5,294 recalls and around 1.2 million adverse events were reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Almost 23% of these recalls were due to computer-related failures, of which around 94% presented medium-to-high risk of severe health consequences (such as serious injury or death) to patients. This paper investigates the causes of failures in computer-based medical devices and their impact on patients, by analyzing human-written descriptions of recalls and adverse event reports, obtained from public FDA databases. We characterize computer-related failures by deriving fault classes, failure modes, recovery actions, and number of devices affected by the recalls. This analysis is used as a basis for identifying safety issues in life-critical medical devices and providing insights on the future challenges in the design of safety-critical medical devices.Princeton/MARCO / 2009-DT-2049Stanford/DTRA / 27451040-49741-AOpe

    Parallel symbolic execution for automated real-world software testing

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    This paper introduces Cloud9, a platform for automated testing of real-world software. Our main contribution is the scalable parallelization of symbolic execution on clusters of commodity hardware, to help cope with path explosion. Cloud9 provides a systematic interface for writing "symbolic tests" that concisely specify entire families of inputs and behaviors to be tested, thus improving testing productivity. Cloud9 can handle not only single-threaded programs but also multi-threaded and distributed systems. It includes a new symbolic environment model that is the first to support all major aspects of the POSIX interface, such as processes, threads, synchronization, networking, IPC, and file I/O. We show that Cloud9 can automatically test real systems, like memcached, Apache httpd, lighttpd, the Python interpreter, rsync, and curl. We show how Cloud9 can use existing test suites to generate new test cases that capture untested corner cases (e.g., network stream fragmentation). Cloud9 can also diagnose incomplete bug fixes by analyzing the difference between buggy paths before and after a patch

    SYNFI: Pre-Silicon Fault Analysis of an Open-Source Secure Element

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    Fault attacks are active, physical attacks that an adversary can leverage to alter the control-flow of embedded devices to gain access to sensitive information or bypass protection mechanisms. Due to the severity of these attacks, manufacturers deploy hardware-based fault defenses into security-critical systems, such as secure elements. The development of these countermeasures is a challenging task due to the complex interplay of circuit components and because contemporary design automation tools tend to optimize inserted structures away, thereby defeating their purpose. Hence, it is critical that such countermeasures are rigorously verified post-synthesis. Since classical functional verification techniques fall short of assessing the effectiveness of countermeasures (due to the circuit being analyzed when no faults are present), developers have to resort to methods capable of injecting faults in a simulation testbench or into a physical chip sample. However, developing test sequences to inject faults in simulation is an error-prone task and performing fault attacks on a chip requires specialized equipment and is incredibly time-consuming. Moreover, identifying the fault-vulnerable circuit is hard in both approaches, and fixing potential design flaws post-silicon is usually infeasible since that would require another tape-out. To that end, this paper introduces SYNFI, a formal pre-silicon fault verification framework that operates on synthesized netlists. SYNFI can be used to analyze the general effect of faults on the input-output relationship in a circuit and its fault countermeasures, and thus enables hardware designers to assess and verify the effectiveness of embedded countermeasures in a systematic and semi-automatic way. The framework automatically extracts sensitive parts of the circuit, induces faults into the extracted subcircuit, and analyzes the faults’ effects using formal methods. To demonstrate that SYNFI is capable of handling unmodified, industry-grade netlists synthesized with commercial and open tools, we analyze OpenTitan, the first opensource secure element. In our analysis, we identified critical security weaknesses in the unprotected AES block, developed targeted countermeasures, reassessed their security, and contributed these countermeasures back to the OpenTitan project. For other fault-hardened IP, such as the life cycle controller, we used SYNFI to confirm that existing countermeasures provide adequate protection

    VERICA - Verification of Combined Attacks

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    Physical attacks, including passive Side-Channel Analysis and active Fault Injection Analysis, are considered among the most powerful threats against physical cryptographic implementations. These attacks are well known and research provides many specialized countermeasures to protect cryptographic implementations against them. Still, only a limited number of combined countermeasures, i.e., countermeasures that protect implementations against multiple attacks simultaneously, were proposed in the past. Due to increasing complexity and reciprocal effects, design of efficient and reliable combined countermeasures requires longstanding expertise in hardware design and security. With the help of formal security specifications and adversary models, automated verification can streamline development cycles, increase quality, and facilitate development of robust cryptographic implementations. In this work, we revise and refine formal security notions for combined protection mechanisms and specifically embed them in the context of hardware implementations. Based on this, we present the first automated verification framework that can verify physical security properties of hardware circuits with respect to combined physical attacks. To this end, we conduct several case studies to demonstrate the capabilities and advantages of our framework, analyzing secure building blocks (gadgets), S-boxes build from Toffoli gates, and the ParTI scheme. For the first time, we reveal security flaws in analyzed structures due to reciprocal effects, highlighting the importance of continuously integrating security verification into modern design and development cycles