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    Swine Diseases

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    The present-day graduate of veterinary medicine is quite well fitted by his technical training to enter into any of the many branches open to him. However, the technical training does not prepare one completely to meet actual field problems. I believe this to Lc true especially of those graduates who enter into general practice, and in this instance to one phase, i. e., swine practice. Therefore, the following is written with the hope that it may be of assistance in helping the recent graduate solve some of the problems confronting him

    Swine diseases

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    11/80/8MSMALL FARM FAMILY PROGRAMA fact sheet about common swine diseases.Bonnard Moseley (Extension Veterinarian, College of Veterinary Medicine

    Feral Swine Disease Surveillance – National Targets and Pilot Projects

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    The National Feral Swine Damage Management Program (NFSP) in collaboration with the National Wildlife Disease Program (NWDP) and USDA APHIS Veterinary Services works to identify the diseases of national concern in feral swine. The current national disease surveillance program includes classical swine fever (CSF), swine brucellosis (SB), and pseudorabies (PRV). CSF is a foreign animal disease and feral swine samples collected and tested serve as part of Veterinary Services surveillance stream for this pathogen. Both SB and PRV have been eradicated from U.S. commercial swine operations; however, as they are endemic diseases in feral swine populations, monitoring of feral swine for SB and PRV is deemed important to inform the swine industry as well as other livestock entities of the potential risk of reintroduction. Wildlife Services routinely removes feral swine and collects serum (approximately 2,800 samples annually) to conduct serologic tests on these three diseases. Sampling is distributed over both space and time and is currently undertaken in 37 states of the U.S. with counties being ranked high, medium, and low priority based upon risk factors. In addition to the diseases of national concern, the NFSP supports a number of pilot projects to address disease issues that arise at a local level. In close collaboration with Wildlife Services field personnel and others on the ground, the NFSP is able to quickly and robustly identify and sample for additional pathogens of zoonotic, domestic livestock, or companion animal concern. These projects are often multi-agency collaborative efforts and include diseases such as bovine tuberculosis and chronic wasting disease

    Current swine respiratory diseases morphology in intensive swine production in Serbia

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    Swine respiratory diseases represent one of the most frequent health issues in pig production worldwide. Despite the great progress that has been made in the field of diagnostics, control and prophylaxis, respiratory diseases still remain the most challenging health problem in modern commercial pig production. The list of infectious agents that cause respiratory diseases in swine is extensive and includes both, bacterial and viral pathogens. In Serbia, more than fifteen years after the introduction of modern vaccines, the list of bacterial pathogens related to swine respiratory infections still include Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Haemophilus parasuis and Pasteurella multocida. On the other hand, most commonly involved viral pathogens are Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus, Swine influenza virus, Porcine circovirus type 2 and Pseudorabies virus. The morphological features of pneumonia where several agents are involved, depend on the predominant etiological agent. Expanding knowledge of the main pathogens associated with swine respiratory diseases and the effects of their interactions on the disease outcome is important for further investigations of lung diseases and implementation of control strategies in commercial pig populations in Serbia. This review discusses the latest findings on swine respiratory disease and current trends in Serbian pig production

    Swine Health: Respiratory Diseases of Swine

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    Chronic pneumonia is said to be the most costly disease of swine in the world. Pneumonia causes considerable death loss in swine of all ages. It also causes poor performance, slow gains, and poor feed utilization in chronically infected animals. This condition is the number one problem of swine production today. Modern confinement rearing also contributes to the problem. Large numbers of hogs living in close proximity provide ideal conditions for the spread of infectious agents from one to another. Poorly managed swine facilities, with less than adequate ventilation add fuel to the fire. At the present time there is no known specific treatment for many of these respiratory diseases. We must rely on prevention rather than on treatment. Diagnosis plays a very important role in these conditions because many of them resemble each other. Your veterinarian should be consulted, and if necessary he may enlist the aid of a diagnostic laboratory. There are many interactions between diseases. For example, swine that have atrophic rhinitis are more susceptible to pneumonia. The filtering capacity of the nasal passage is reduced due to damage to the turbinate bones. The presence of lung worms or migrating ascarid larvae can also predispose lungs to more severe infections. This fact sheet touches briefly on some of the most common respiratory problems encountered in swine production. This list is by no means complete

    Quantitative approach for the risk assessment of African swine fever and Classical swine fever introduction into the United States through legal imports of pigs and swine products.

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    The US livestock safety strongly depends on its capacity to prevent the introduction of Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs). Therefore, accurate and updated information on the location and origin of those potential TADs risks is essential, so preventive measures as market restrictions can be put on place. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the current risk of African swine fever (ASF) and Classical swine fever (CSF) introduction into the US through the legal importations of live pigs and swine products using a quantitative approach that could be later applied to other risks. Four quantitative stochastic risk assessment models were developed to estimate the monthly probabilities of ASF and CSF release into the US, and the exposure of susceptible populations (domestic and feral swine) to these introductions at state level. The results suggest a low annual probability of either ASF or CSF introduction into the US, by any of the analyzed pathways (5.5*10-3). Being the probability of introduction through legal imports of live pigs (1.8*10-3 for ASF, and 2.5*10-3 for CSF) higher than the risk of legally imported swine products (8.90*10-4 for ASF, and 1.56*10-3 for CSF). This could be caused due to the low probability of exposure associated with this type of commodity (products). The risk of feral pigs accessing to swine products discarded in landfills was slightly higher than the potential exposure of domestic pigs through swill feeding. The identification of the months at highest risk, the origin of the higher risk imports, and the location of the US states most vulnerable to those introductions (Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin for live swine and California, Florida and Texas for swine products), is valuable information that would help to design prevention, risk-mitigation and early-detection strategies that would help to minimize the catastrophic consequences of potential ASF/CSF introductions into the US

    Analysis of Swine Movements in a Province in Northern Vietnam and Application in the Design of Surveillance Strategies for Infectious Diseases

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    While swine production is rapidly growing in South-East Asia, the structure of the swine industry and the dynamic of pig movements have not been well-studied. However, this knowledge is a prerequisite for understanding the dynamic of disease transmission in swine populations and designing cost-effective surveillance strategies for infectious diseases. In this study, we assessed the farming and trading practices in the Vietnamese swine familial farming sector, which accounts for most pigs in Vietnam, and for which disease surveillance is a major challenge. Farmers from two communes of a Red River Delta Province (northern Vietnam) were interviewed, along with traders involved in pig transactions. Major differences in the trade structure were observed between the two communes. One commune had mainly transversal trades, that is between farms of equivalent sizes, whereas the other had pyramidal trades, that is from larger to smaller farms. Companies and large familial farrow-to-finish farms were likely to act as major sources of disease spread through pig sales, demonstrating their importance for disease control. Familial fattening farms with high pig purchases were at greater risk of disease introduction and should be targeted for disease detection as part of a risk-based surveillance. In contrast, many other familial farms were isolated or weakly connected to the swine trade network limiting their relevance for surveillance activities. However, some of these farms used boar hiring for breeding, increasing the risk of disease spread. Most familial farms were slaughtering pigs at the farm or in small local slaughterhouses, making the surveillance at the slaughterhouse inefficient. In terms of spatial distribution of the trades, the results suggested that northern provinces were highly connected and showed some connection with central and southern provinces. These results are useful to develop risk-based surveillance protocols for disease detection in the swine familial sector and to make recommendations for disease control. (Résumé d'auteur


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    Feral swine populations provide both benefits and liabilities to citizens of the United States. Their expanding range and increasing densities, however, have raised concern over the adverse environmental and agricultural effects and the increased risk of disease transmission between feral swine and livestock. We discuss the role of feral swine in the transmission of wildlife diseases and, in particular, in diseases of national significance to the livestock industry. We also discuss available management tools and strategies for reducing feral swine populations, minimizing damage or disease occurrences and eradicating populations when deemed appropriate. Finally, we note areas of research that may provide valuable management tools in the future

    Modeling the live-pig trade network in Georgia: Implications for disease prevention and control.

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    Live pig trade patterns, drivers and characteristics, particularly in backyard predominant systems, remain largely unexplored despite their important contribution to the spread of infectious diseases in the swine industry. A better understanding of the pig trade dynamics can inform the implementation of risk-based and more cost-effective prevention and control programs for swine diseases. In this study, a semi-structured questionnaire elaborated by FAO and implemented to 487 farmers was used to collect data regarding basic characteristics about pig demographics and live-pig trade among villages in the country of Georgia, where very scarce information is available. Social network analysis and exponential random graph models were used to better understand the structure, contact patterns and main drivers for pig trade in the country. Results indicate relatively infrequent (a total of 599 shipments in one year) and geographically localized (median Euclidean distance between shipments = 6.08 km; IQR = 0-13.88 km) pig movements in the studied regions. The main factors contributing to live-pig trade movements among villages were being from the same region (i.e., local trade), usage of a middleman or a live animal market to trade live pigs by at least one farmer in the village, and having a large number of pig farmers in the village. The identified villages' characteristics and structural network properties could be used to inform the design of more cost-effective surveillance systems in a country which pig industry was recently devastated by African swine fever epidemics and where backyard production systems are predominant
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