32 research outputs found

    Robot swarming applications

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    This paper discusses the different modes of operation of a swarm of robots: (i) non-communicative swarming, (ii) communicative swarming, (iii) networking, (iv) olfactory-based navigation and (v) assistive swarming. I briefly present the state of the art in swarming and outline the major techniques applied for each mode of operation and discuss the related problems and expected results

    Human Swarm Interaction for Radiation Source Search and Localization

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    This study shows that appropriate human interaction can benefit a swarm of robots to achieve goals more efficiently. A set of desirable features for human swarm interaction is identified based on the principles of swarm robotics. Human swarm interaction architecture is then proposed that has all of the desirable features. A swarm simulation environment is created that allows simulating a swarm behavior in an indoor environment. The swarm behavior and the results of user interaction are studied by considering radiation source search and localization application of the swarm. Particle swarm optimization algorithm is slightly modified to enable the swarm to autonomously explore the indoor environment for radiation source search and localization. The emergence of intelligence is observed that enables the swarm to locate the radiation source completely on its own. Proposed human swarm interaction is then integrated in a simulation environment and user evaluation experiments are conducted. Participants are introduced to the interaction tool and asked to deploy the swarm to complete the missions. The performance comparison of the user guided swarm to that of the autonomous swarm shows that the interaction interface is fairly easy to learn and that user guided swarm is more efficient in achieving the goals. The results clearly indicate that the proposed interaction helped the swarm achieve emergence

    Multi-robot team formation control in the GUARDIANS project

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    Purpose The GUARDIANS multi-robot team is to be deployed in a large warehouse in smoke. The team is to assist firefighters search the warehouse in the event or danger of a fire. The large dimensions of the environment together with development of smoke which drastically reduces visibility, represent major challenges for search and rescue operations. The GUARDIANS robots guide and accompany the firefighters on site whilst indicating possible obstacles and the locations of danger and maintaining communications links. Design/methodology/approach In order to fulfill the aforementioned tasks the robots need to exhibit certain behaviours. Among the basic behaviours are capabilities to stay together as a group, that is, generate a formation and navigate while keeping this formation. The control model used to generate these behaviours is based on the so-called social potential field framework, which we adapt to the specific tasks required for the GUARDIANS scenario. All tasks can be achieved without central control, and some of the behaviours can be performed without explicit communication between the robots. Findings The GUARDIANS environment requires flexible formations of the robot team: the formation has to adapt itself to the circumstances. Thus the application has forced us to redefine the concept of a formation. Using the graph-theoretic terminology, we can say that a formation may be stretched out as a path or be compact as a star or wheel. We have implemented the developed behaviours in simulation environments as well as on real ERA-MOBI robots commonly referred to as Erratics. We discuss advantages and shortcomings of our model, based on the simulations as well as on the implementation with a team of Erratics.</p

    Swarm Robot Systems Based on the Evolution of Personality Traits

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    Abstract Game theory may be very useful in modeling and analyzing swarms of robots. Using game theory in conjunction with traits of personalities, we achieve intelligent swarm robots. Traits of personality are characteristics of each robot that define the robots&apos; behaviours. The environment is represented as a game and due to the evolution of the traits through a learning process, we show how the robots may react intelligently to changes in the environment. A proof of convergence for the proposed algorithm is offered. The process of selection of traits is discussed and the potential of the modeling is demonstrated in several different simulations

    Estratégia geral de ondas de mensagens para desenvolvimento de tarefas em enxames de robôs

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    This thesis proposes a general methodology for a systematic approach of tasks in swarms of robots. Swarm robotics investigates collective behaviors in multiple robot systems. The study and development of robotic systems, in general, aims to assist the human being in difficult, heavy or unhealthy jobs. In contrast to robotic systems based on a single robot, the use of robotic swarms still does not translate into everyday applications. One possible explanation is the difficulty in implementing distributed controllers for such applications. Many research works are directed towards the development of techniques to assist in the elaboration of collective tasks. In the message wave strategy proposed in this work, the swarm operates as a network of robots, which interact through wireless communication. A distributed message wave algorithm is designed to be used in robot swarms, serving as the basis for the control of different tasks. In this thesis, the control software for commonly nown as basic tasks of recruitment, alignment, navigation, aggregation, and dispersion, are implemented. The operation of these tasks is evaluated through a simulated swarm of robots. Experiments show that the time required to complete these tasks is dependent on the size of the swarm, the propagation of messages and the characteristics of each task. The design and execution of such tasks serve as proof of concept for the proposed strategy, indicating its generality so as to be used to implement other collective tasks.Esta tese propõe uma metodologia geral para o desenvolvimento sistemático de tarefas em enxames de robôs. A robótica de enxame investiga comportamentos coletivos em sistemas de múltiplos robôs. O estudo e desenvolvimento de sistemas robóticos, de uma forma geral, tem por objetivo auxiliar o ser humano em trabalhos difíceis, pesados ou insalubres. Em contraste com sistemas robóticos baseados em um único robô, o uso de enxames robóticos ainda não se traduz em aplicações do cotidiano. Uma possível explicação para este fato está na dificuldade existente no desenvolvimento de controladores distribuídos para tais aplicações. Muitas pesquisas estão direcionadas para a criação de técnicas que auxiliem na elaboração de tarefas coletivas. Na estratégia de ondas de mensagens proposta nesta tese, o enxame opera como uma rede de robôs que interagem por meio de comunicação sem fio. Um algoritmo distribuído de ondas de mensagens foi formulado para uso em enxames de robôs, servindo como base para o controle de diferentes tarefas. Neste trabalho foram implementados os softwares de controle para as tarefas conhecidas como básicas, que dizem respeito ao recrutamento, alinhamento, navegação, agregação e dispersão. O funcionamento destas tarefas foi avaliado em um enxame simulado de robôs. Experimentos mostram que o tempo necessário para conclusão destas tarefas está relacionado com o tamanho do enxame, a propagação das mensagens e características próprias de cada tarefa. A implementação destas tarefas demonstra a generalidade da estratégia proposta, indicando seu potencial uso em outras tarefas coletivas

    Search and restore: a study of cooperative multi-robot systems

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    Swarm intelligence is the study of natural biological systems with the ability to transform simple local interactions into complex global behaviours. Swarm robotics takes these principles and applies them to multi-robot systems with the aim of achieving the same level of complex behaviour which can result in more robust, scalable and flexible robotic solutions than singular robot systems. This research concerns how cooperative multi-robot systems can be utilised to solve real world challenges and outperform existing techniques. The majority of this research is focused around an emergency ship hull repair scenario where a ship has taken damage and sea water is flowing into the hull, decreasing the stability of the ship. A bespoke team of simulated robots using novel algorithms enable the robots to perform a coordinated ship hull inspection, allowing the robots to locate the damage faster than a similarly sized uncoordinated team of robots. Following this investigation, a method is presented by which the same team of robots can use self-assembly to form a structure, using their own bodies as material, to cover and repair the hole in the ship hull, halting the ingress of sea water. The results from a collaborative nature-inspired scenario are also presented in which a swarm of simple robots are tasked with foraging within an initially unexplored bounded arena. Many of the behaviours implemented in swarm robotics are inspired by biological swarms including their goals such as optimal distribution within environments. In this scenario, there are multiple items of varying quality which can be collected from different sources in the area to be returned to a central depot. The aim of this study is to imbue the robot swarm with a behaviour that will allow them to achieve the most optimal foraging strategy similar to those observed in more complex biological systems such as ants. The author’s main contribution to this study is the implementation of an obstacle avoidance behaviour which allows the swarm of robots to behave more similarly to systems of higher complexity

    Robotics in Germany and Japan

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    This book comprehends an intercultural and interdisciplinary framework including current research fields like Roboethics, Hermeneutics of Technologies, Technology Assessment, Robotics in Japanese Popular Culture and Music Robots. Contributions on cultural interrelations, technical visions and essays are rounding out the content of this book

    Robotic 3D Reconstruction Utilising Structure from Motion

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    Sensing the real-world is a well-established and continual problem in the field of robotics. Investigations into autonomous aerial and underwater vehicles have extended this challenge into sensing, mapping and localising in three dimensions. This thesis seeks to understand and tackle the challenges of recovering 3D information from an environment using vision alone. There is a well-established literature on the principles of doing this, and some impressive demonstrations; but this thesis explores the practicality of doing vision-based 3D reconstruction using multiple, mobile robotic platforms, the emphasis being on producing accurate 3D models. Typically, robotic platforms such as UAVs have a single on-board camera, restricting which method of visual 3D recovery can be employed. This thesis specifically explores Structure from Motion, a monocular 3D reconstruction technique which produces detailed and accurate, although slow to calculate, 3D reconstructions. It examines how well proof-of-concept demonstrations translate onto the kinds of robotic systems that are commonly deployed in the real world, where local processing is limited and network links have restricted capacity. In order to produce accurate 3D models, it is necessary to use high-resolution imagery, and the difficulties of working with this on remote robotic platforms is explored in some detail

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Distributed Cognition as the Basis for Adaptation and Homeostasis in Robots

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    Many researchers approach the problem of building autonomous systems by looking to biology for inspiration. This has given rise to a wide-range of artificial systems mimicking their biological counterparts—artificial neural networks, artificial endocrine systems, and artificial musculoskeletal systems are prime examples. While these systems are succinct and work well in isolation, they can become cumbersome and complicated when combined to perform more complex tasks. Autonomous behaviour is one such complex task. This thesis considers autonomy as the complex behaviour it is, and proposes a bottom-up approach to developing autonomous behaviour from cognition. This consists of investigating how cognition can provide new approaches to the current limitations of swarm systems, and using this as the basis for one type of autonomous behaviour: artificial homeostasis. Distributed cognition, a form of emergent cognition, is most often described in terms of the immune system and social insects. By taking inspiration from distributed cognition, this thesis details the development of novel algorithms for cognitive decision-making and emergent identity in leaderless, homogenous swarms. Artificial homeostasis is provided to a robot through an architecture that combines the cognitive decision-making algorithm with a simple associative memory. This architecture is used to demonstrate how a simple architecture can endow a robot with the capacity to adapt to an unseen environment, and use that information to proactively seek out what it needs from the environment in order to maintain its internal state