10 research outputs found

    A bijection between irreducible k-shapes and surjective pistols of height k1k-1

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    International audienceThis paper constructs a bijection between irreducible kk-shapes and surjective pistols of height k1k-1, which carries the "free kk-sites" to the fixed points of surjective pistols. The bijection confirms a conjecture of Hivert and Mallet (FPSAC 2011) that the number of irreducible kk-shape is counted by the Genocchi number G2kG_{2k}.On construit une bijection entre les kk-formes irréductibles et les pistolets surjectifs de hauteur k1k-1 qui envoie les ”kk-sites libres” sur les points fixes des pistolets. Cette bijection démontre une conjecture de Hivert et Mallet (FPSAC 2011), selon laquelle les kk-formes irréductibles sont comptées par les nombres de Genocchi G2kG_{2k}

    A bijection between the irreducible k-shapes and the surjective pistols of height k-1

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    This paper constructs a bijection between irreducible kk-shapes and surjective pistols of height k1k-1, which carries the "free kk-sites" to the fixed points of surjective pistols. The bijection confirms a conjecture of Hivert and Mallet (FPSAC 2011) that the number of irreducible kk-shape is counted by the Genocchi number G2kG_{2k}

    A bijection between irreducible k-shapes and surjective pistols of height k1k-1

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    This paper constructs a bijection between irreducible kk-shapes and surjective pistols of height k1k-1, which carries the "free kk-sites" to the fixed points of surjective pistols. The bijection confirms a conjecture of Hivert and Mallet (FPSAC 2011) that the number of irreducible kk-shape is counted by the Genocchi number G2kG_{2k}

    Combinatoire algébrique des permutations et de leurs généralisations

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    This thesis is at the crossroads between combinatorics and algebra. It studies some algebraic problems from a combinatorial point of view, and conversely, some combinatorial problems have an algebraic approach which enables us tosolve them. In the first part, some classical statistics on permutations are studied: the peaks, the valleys, the double rises, and the double descents. We show that we can build sub algebras and quotients of FQSym, an algebra which basis is indexed by permutations. Then, we study classical combinatorial sequences such as Gandhi polynomials, refinements of Genocchi numbers, and Euler numbers in a non commutative way. In particular, we see that combinatorial interpretations arise naturally from the non commutative approach. Finally, we solve some freeness problems about dendriform algebras, tridendriform algebras and quadrialgebras thanks to combinatorics of some labelled treesCette thèse se situe au carrefour de la combinatoire et de l'algèbre. Elle se consacre d'une part à traduire des problèmes algébriques en des problèmes combinatoires, et inversement, utilise le formalisme algébrique pour traiter des questions combinatoires. Après un rappel des notions classiques de combinatoire et d'algèbres de Hopfavec quelques applications, nous abordons l'étude de certaines statistiques définies sur les permutations : les pics, les vallées, les doubles montées et les doubles descentes, qui sont à la base de la bijection de Françon-Viennot, elle-même débouchant sur une étude combinatoire des polynômes orthogonaux. Nous montrons qu'à partir de ces statistiques, il est possible de construire diverses sous-algèbres ou algèbres quotients de FQSym, une algèbre dont une base est indexée par les permutations. Puis, nous étudions deux suites classiques de combinatoire par une démarche non commutative : les polynômes de Gandhi, un raffinement polynomial des nombres de Genocchi, et les nombres d'Euler, une suite recelant de nombreuses propriétés combinatoires. Nous nous attachons à montrer que l'approche non commutative permet, dans la majeure partie des cas, d'obtenir de manière directe des interprétations d'identités combinatoires. Enfin, inversement, certaines questions de nature algébrique peuvent être abordées d'un point de vue combinatoire. Ainsi, à travers l'étude des algèbres dendriformes, des algèbres tridendriformes, et des quadrialgèbres, nous prouvons des questions de liberté à propos de ces algèbres grâce à la combinatoire des arbres étiqueté

    Identities on products of Genocchi numbers

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    Notes on Schubert, Grothendieck and Key Polynomials

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    We introduce common generalization of (double) Schubert, Grothendieck, Demazure, dual and stable Grothendieck polynomials, and Di Francesco-Zinn-Justin polynomials. Our approach is based on the study of algebraic and combinatorial properties of the reduced rectangular plactic algebra and associated Cauchy kernels

    Enumerative combinatorics, continued fractions and total positivity

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    Determining whether a given number is positive is a fundamental question in mathematics. This can sometimes be answered by showing that the number counts some collection of objects, and hence, must be positive. The work done in this dissertation is in the field of enumerative combinatorics, the branch of mathematics that deals with exact counting. We will consider several problems at the interface between enumerative combinatorics, continued fractions and total positivity. In our first contribution, we exhibit a lower-triangular matrix of polynomials in six indeterminates that appears empirically to be coefficientwise totally positive, and which includes as a special case the Eulerian triangle. This generalises Brenti’s conjecture from 1996. We prove the coefficientwise total positivity of a three-variable case which includes the reversed Stirling subset triangle. Our next contribution is the study of two sequences whose Stieltjes-type continued fraction coefficients grow quadratically; we study the Genocchi and median Genocchi numbers. We find Stieltjes-type and Thron-type continued fractions for some multivariate polynomials that enumerate D-permutations, a class of permutations of 2n, with respect to a very large (sometimes infinite) number of simultaneous statistics that measure cycle status, record status, crossings and nestings. After this, we interpret the Foata–Zeilberger bijection in terms of Laguerre digraphs, which enables us to count cycles in permutations. Using this interpretation, we obtain Jacobi-type continued fractions for multivariate polynomials enumerating permutations, and also Thron-type and Stieltjes-type continued fractions for multivariate polynomials enumerating D-permutations, in both cases including the counting of cycles. This enables us to prove some conjectured continued fractions due to Sokal–Zeng from 2022, and Randrianarivony–Zeng from 1996. Finally, we introduce the higher-order Stirling cycle and subset numbers; these generalise the Stirling cycle and subset numbers, respectively. We introduce some conjectures which involve different total-positivity questions for these triangular arrays and then answer some of them


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    In this dissertation we study the excedance permutation statistic. We start by extending the classical excedance statistic of the symmetric group to the affine symmetric group eSn and determine the generating function of its distribution. The proof involves enumerating lattice points in a skew version of the root polytope of type A. Next we study the excedance set statistic on the symmetric group by defining a related algebra which we call the excedance algebra. A combinatorial interpretation of expansions from this algebra is provided. The second half of this dissertation deals with the topology of the Frobenius complex, that is the order complex of a poset whose definition was motivated by the classical Frobenius problem. We determine the homotopy type of the Frobenius complex in certain cases using discrete Morse theory. We end with an enumeration of Q-factorial posets. Open questions and directions for future research are located at the end of each chapter

    Notes on Schubert, Grothendieck and Key Polynomials

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