62 research outputs found

    Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructures

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    This book contains the manuscripts that were accepted for publication in the MDPI Special Topic "Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure" after a rigorous peer-review process. Authors from academia, government and industry contributed their innovative solutions, consistent with the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity. The book contains 16 articles: an editorial explaining current challenges, innovative solutions, real-world experiences including critical infrastructure, 15 original papers that present state-of-the-art innovative solutions to attacks on critical systems, and a review of cloud, edge computing, and fog's security and privacy issues

    Vers une description Ă©volutive et une exploration efficace des concepts et des artefacts d'architecture microservices

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    RÉSUMÉ : L'adoption de l'architecture Microservices (MSA) pour la conception de systèmes logiciels est une tendance en industrie et en recherche. De nature compositionnelle et distribuée, les systèmes basés sur l'architecture Microservices sont composés de services ayant une responsabilité restreinte et bien définie, visant un isolement complet dans une perspective de non-partage de ressources. Les systèmes basés sur des microservices sont souvent classés comme de systèmes « Cloud-Native ». L'adoption de l'architecture Microservices représente un changement de paradigme technologique et managérial comportant des défis, notamment : la taille, la portée et le nombre de services, et leurs interopérabilité et réutilisation. Outre ces défis, la compréhension, l'adoption et l'implémentation des principes fondamentaux de ce style architectural sont des challenges qui impactent la conception d'architectures microservices efficaces et cohérentes. En effet, l'absence d'un large consensus sur certains principes et termes clés de cette architecture mènent à sa mauvaise compréhension et par conséquent à des implémentations incorrectes. Cette absence de consensus est une manifestation concrète de l'immaturité de cette architecture qui mène à des défis lors de la formalisation des connaissances. Également, il manque une méthode uniforme capable de supporter les concepteurs lors de la modélisation des microservices, notamment dans l'agencement des différentes composantes. À cela s'ajoute l'absence de modèles conceptuels pouvant guider les ingénieurs dans les premières phases de conception de ces systèmes. Plusieurs approches ont été utilisées pour la modélisation d'architectures microservices, tels que : formelle et informelle, manuelle et automatique et toutes les combinaisons de ces quatre, mais ces approches ne répondent pas à tous les défis rencontrés par les concepteurs. Pour faciliter la modélisation des microservices et rendre le processus plus efficace, il est nécessaire de développer des approches de conception et de représentation alternatives. Dans cette perspective, nous proposons une approche ontologique capable de répondre autant aux défis de conception que de représentation des architectures microservices. Dans ce mémoire, nous vous présentons nos résultats de recherche dont la principale contribution est une ontologie du domaine des architectures Microservices définie en suivant les principes de logique de description et formalisée en utilisant le langage « Web Ontology Language » (OWL), une technologie clé du Web sémantique. À cette ontologie nous avons donné le nom d'« Ontology of Microservices Architecture Concepts » (OMSAC). OMSAC contient suffisamment de vocabulaire pour décrire les concepts qui définissent l'architecture Microservices et pour représenter les différents artefacts composant ces architectures. Sa structure permet une évolution rapide et est capable de prendre en charge les enjeux liés à l'immaturité actuelle de ces architectures. En tant que technologie d'intelligence artificielle (IA), les ontologies possèdent des capacités de raisonnement avancées auxquelles il est possible d'ajouter d'autres technologies pour les étendre et ainsi répondre à différents besoins. Avec cet objectif, nous avons utilisé OMSAC conjointement avec des techniques d'apprentissage machine pour modéliser et analyser des architectures microservices afin de calculer le degré de similitude entre différents microservices appartenant à différents systèmes. Ce cas d'utilisation d'OMSAC constitue une contribution supplémentaire de notre recherche et renforce les perspectives de recherche dans l'assistance, l'outillage et l'automatisation de la modélisation des architectures microservices. Cette contribution montre également la pertinence de la recherche de mécanismes permettant de faire de l'analytique avancée sur les modèles d'architectures. Dans des travaux de recherche futurs, nous nous intéresserons au développent de ces mécanismes, et planifions la conception d'un assistant intelligent capable de projeter des architectures microservices basées sur les meilleures pratiques et favorisant la réutilisation de microservices existants. Également, nous souhaitons développer un langage dédié afin d'abstraire les syntaxes d'OWL et du langage de requête SPARQL pour faciliter l'utilisation d'OMSAC par les concepteurs, ingénieurs et programmeurs qui ne sont pas familiers avec ces technologies du Web sémantique. -- Mot(s) clé(s) en français : Architectures microservices, ontologies, modélisation de systèmes logiciels, apprentissage automatique. -- ABSTRACT : The use of Microservices Architecture (MSA) for designing software systems has become a trend in industry and research. Adopting MSA represents a technological and managerial shift with challenges including the size, scope, number, interoperability and reuse of microservices, modelling using multi-viewpoints, as well as the adequate understanding, adoption, and implementation of fundamental principles of the Microservices Architecture. Adequately undertaking these challenges is mandatory for designing effective MSA-based systems. In this thesis, we explored an ontological representation of the knowledge concerning the Microservices Architecture domain. This representation is capable of addressing MSA understanding and modelling challenges. As a result of this research, we propose the Ontology of Microservices Architecture Concepts (OMSAC), which is a domain ontology containing enough vocabulary to describe MSA concepts and artifacts and in a form to allow fast evolution and advanced analytical capabilities. -- Mot(s) clé(s) en anglais : Microservices Architecture, Ontologies, Conceptual modelling, machine learning

    Micro-intelligence for the IoT: logic-based models and technologies

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    Computing is moving towards pervasive, ubiquitous environments in which devices, software agents and services are all expected to seamlessly integrate and cooperate in support of human objectives. An important next step for pervasive computing is the integration of intelligent agents that employ knowledge and reasoning to understand the local context and share this information in support of intelligent applications and interfaces. Such scenarios, characterised by "computation everywhere around us", require on the one hand software components with intelligent behaviour in terms of objectives and context, and on the other their integration so as to produce social intelligence. Logic Programming (LP) has been recognised as a natural paradigm for addressing the needs of distributed intelligence. Yet, the development of novel architectures, in particular in the context Internet of Things (IoT), and the emergence of new domains and potential applications, are creating new research opportunities where LP could be exploited, when suitably coupled with agent technologies and methods so that it can fully develop its potential in the new context. In particular, the LP and its extensions can act as micro-intelligence sources for the IoT world, both at the individual and the social level, provided that they are reconsidered in a renewed architectural vision. Such micro-intelligence sources could deal with the local knowledge of the devices taking into account the domain specificity of each environment. The goal of this thesis is to re-contextualise LP and its extensions in these new domains as a source of micro-intelligence for the IoT world, envisioning a large number of small computational units distributed and situated in the environment, thus promoting the local exploitation of symbolic languages with inference capabilities. The topic is explored in depth and the effectiveness of novel LP models and architectures -and of the corresponding technology- expressing the concept of micro-intelligence is tested

    Strategies for IT Product Managers to Manage Microservice Systems in Enterprises

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    Many information technology (IT) product managers have experienced significant challenges in adopting microservice architecture (MSA) systems successfully in their organizations. Inefficiencies resulting from MSA system adoption are of concern to IT product managers as these inefficiencies increase the cost of maintenance and increase the time to deliver software updates to the business. Grounded in the technology-organization-environment theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the strategies used by IT product managers for the domain-driven design and development and operations practices to reduce the inefficiencies during the MSA system adoption. The participants were 18 IT product managers associated with the adoption and operation of microservice architecture systems at a global consumer goods manufacturer company and a global financial company, both with headquarters in Europe. Data were collected from semi structured interviews and a review of 7 documents. A thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Four major themes emerged to include organizational alignment in adopting MSA, ways of working, experienced-based approach to design MSA systems, and MSA environment landscape. A key recommendation for IT product managers is to adopt an IT organization structure aligned with the business context of the MSA system allowing for a full lifecycle approach. The implications for positive social change include the potential for IT product managers to improve the work environment for the MSA-related teams, which may lead to robust software systems and easier to use applications by removing barriers and increasing accessibility for users, thus supporting individuals in their daily life

    Automated Anomaly Detection and Localization System for a Microservices Based Cloud System

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    Context: With an increasing number of applications running on a microservices-based cloud system (such as AWS, GCP, IBM Cloud), it is challenging for the cloud providers to offer uninterrupted services with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) factors. Problem Statement: Existing monitoring frameworks often do not detect critical defects among a large volume of issues generated, thus affecting recovery response times and usage of maintenance human resource. Also, manually tracing the root causes of the issues requires a significant amount of time. Objective: The objective of this work is to: (i) detect performance anomalies, in real-time, through monitoring KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) using distributed tracing events, and (ii) identify their root causes. Proposed Solution: This thesis proposes an automated prediction-based anomaly detection and localization system, capable of detecting performance anomalies of a microservice using machine learning techniques, and determine their root-causes using a localization process. Novelty: The originality of this work lies in the detection process that uses a novel ensemble of a time-series forecasting model and three different unsupervised learning techniques that avoid defining static error thresholds to detect an anomaly and, instead follow a dynamic approach. Experimental Results: The proposed detection system was experimented using different variants of ensembles, evaluated on a real-world production dataset out of which two proposed ensembles outperformed the existing static rule-based approach with average F1-scores of 86% and 84%, average precision scores of 82% and 77% and average recall scores of 91% and 93% respectively across 6 experiments. The proposed detection ensembles were also evaluated on the Numenta Anomaly Benchmark (NAB) datasets and results show that the proposed method performs better than the Numenta’s standard HTM model score. Research Methodology: We adopted an agile methodology to conduct our research in an incremental and iterative fashion. Conclusion: The two proposed ensembles for anomaly detection perform better than the existing static rule-based approach

    Service Provisioning in Edge-Cloud Continuum Emerging Applications for Mobile Devices

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    Disruptive applications for mobile devices can be enhanced by Edge computing facilities. In this context, Edge Computing (EC) is a proposed architecture to meet the mobility requirements imposed by these applications in a wide range of domains, such as the Internet of Things, Immersive Media, and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. EC architecture aims to introduce computing capabilities in the path between the user and the Cloud to execute tasks closer to where they are consumed, thus mitigating issues related to latency, context awareness, and mobility support. In this survey, we describe which are the leading technologies to support the deployment of EC infrastructure. Thereafter, we discuss the applications that can take advantage of EC and how they were proposed in the literature. Finally, after examining enabling technologies and related applications, we identify some open challenges to fully achieve the potential of EC, and also research opportunities on upcoming paradigms for service provisioning. This survey is a guide to comprehend the recent advances on the provisioning of mobile applications, as well as foresee the expected next stages of evolution for these applications

    A software development framework for secure microservices

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    Abstract: The software development community has seen the proliferation of a new style of building applications based on small and specialized autonomous units of computation logic called microservices. Microservices collaborate by sending light-weight messages to automate a business task. These microservices are independently deployable with arbitrary schedules, allowing enterprises to quickly create new sets of business capabilities in response to changing business requirements. It is expected that the use of microservices will become the default style of building software applications by the year 2023, with the microservices’ market projected to reach thirtytwo billion United States of American dollars. The adoption of microservices presents new security challenges due to the way the units of computation logic are designed, deployed and maintained. The decomposition of an application into small independent units increases the attack surface, and makes it a challenge to secure and control network traffic for each unit. These new security challenges cannot be addressed by traditional security strategies. Software engineers developing microservices are facing growing pressure to build secure microservices to ensure the security of business information assets and guarantee business continuity. The research conducted in this thesis proposes a software development framework that software engineers can use to build secure microservices. The framework defines artefacts, development and maintenance activities together with methods and techniques that software engineers can use to ensure that microservices are developed from the ground up to be secure. The goal of the framework is to ensure that microservices are designed and built to be able to detect, react, respond and recover from attacks during day-to-day operations. To prove the capability of the framework, a microservices-based application is developed using the proposed software development framework as part of an experiment to determine its effectiveness. These results, together with a comparative and quality review of the framework indicate that the software development framework can be effectively used to develop secure microservices.Ph.D. (Computer Science
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