54 research outputs found

    Silkroad : A system supporting DSM and multiple paradigms in cluster computing

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIn the static analysis of functional programs, control- ow analysis (k-CFA) is a classic method of approximating program behavior as a infinite state automata. CFA2 and abstract garbage collection are two recent, yet orthogonal improvements, on k-CFA. CFA2 approximates program behavior as a pushdown system, using summarization for the stack. CFA2 can accurately approximate arbitrarily-deep recursive function calls, whereas k-CFA cannot. Abstract garbage collection removes unreachable values from the store/heap. If unreachable values are not removed from a static analysis, they can become reachable again, which pollutes the final analysis and makes it less precise. Unfortunately, as these two techniques were originally formulated, they are incompatible. CFA2's summarization technique for managing the stack obscures the stack such that abstract garbage collection is unable to examine the stack for reachable values. This dissertation presents introspective pushdown control-flow analysis, which manages the stack explicitly through stack changes (pushes and pops). Because this analysis is able to examine the stack by how it has changed, abstract garbage collection is able to examine the stack for reachable values. Thus, introspective pushdown control-flow analysis merges successfully the benefits of CFA2 and abstract garbage collection to create a more precise static analysis. Additionally, the high-performance computing community has viewed functional programming techniques and tools as lacking the efficiency necessary for their applications. Nebo is a declarative domain-specific language embedded in C++ for discretizing partial differential equations for transport phenomena. For efficient execution, Nebo exploits a version of expression templates, based on the C++ template system, which is a type-less, completely-pure, Turing-complete functional language with burdensome syntax. Nebo's declarative syntax supports functional tools, such as point-wise lifting of complex expressions and functional composition of stencil operators. Nebo's primary abstraction is mathematical assignment, which separates what a calculation does from how that calculation is executed. Currently Nebo supports single-core execution, multicore (thread-based) parallel execution, and GPU execution. With single-core execution, Nebo performs on par with the loops and code that it replaces in Wasatch, a pre-existing high-performance simulation project. With multicore (thread-based) execution, Nebo can linearly scale (with roughly 90% efficiency) up to 6 processors, compared to its single-core execution. Moreover, Nebo's GPU execution can be up to 37x faster than its single-core execution. Finally, Wasatch (the pre-existing high-performance simulation project which uses Nebo) can scale up to 262K cores

    The Use of Games and Crowdsourcing for the Fabrication-aware Design of Residential Buildings

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    State-of-the-art participatory design acknowledges the true, ill-defined nature of design problems, taking into account stakeholders' values and preferences. However, it overburdens the architect, who has to synthesize far more constraints into a one-of-a-kind design. Generative Design promises to equip architects with great power to standardize and systemize the design process. However, the common trap of generative design is trying to treat architecture simply as a tame problem. In this work, I investigate the use of games and crowdsourcing in architecture through two sets of explorative questions. First, if everyone can participate in the network-enabled creation of the built environment, what role will they play? And what tools will they need to enable them? And second, if anyone can use digital fabrication to build any building, how will we design it? What design paradigms will govern this process? I present a map of design paradigms that lie at the intersections of Participatory Design, Generative Design, Game Design, and Crowd Wisdom. In four case studies, I explore techniques to employ the practices from the four fields in the service of architecture. Generative Design can lower the difficulty of the challenge to design by automating a large portion of the work. A newly formulated, unified taxonomy of generative design across the disciplines of architecture, computer science, and computer games builds the base for the use of algorithms in the case studies. The work introduces Playable Voxel-Shape Grammars, a new type of generative technique. It enables Game Design to guide participants through a series of challenges, effectively increasing their skills by helping them understand the underlying principles of the design task at hand. The use of crowdsourcing in architecture can mean thousands of architects creating content for a generative design system, to expand and open up its design space. Crowdsourcing can also be about millions of people online creating designs that an architect or a homeowner can refer to increase their understanding of the complex issues at hand in a given design project and for better decision making. At the same time, game design in architecture helps find the balance between algorithmically exploring pre-defined design alternatives and open-ended, free creativity. The research reveals a layered structure of entry points for crowd-contributed content as well as the granular nature of authorship among four different roles: non-expert stakeholders, architects, the crowd, and the tool-makers

    Simulation Modelling of Distributed-Shared Memory Multiprocessors

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureDistributed shared memory (DSM) systems have been recognised as a compelling platform for parallel computing due to the programming advantages and scalability. DSM systems allow applications to access data in a logically shared address space by abstracting away the distinction of physical memory location. As the location of data is transparent, the sources of overhead caused by accessing the distant memories are difficult to analyse. This memory locality problem has been identified as crucial to DSM performance. Many researchers have investigated the problem using simulation as a tool for conducting experiments resulting in the progressive evolution of DSM systems. Nevertheless, both the diversity of architectural configurations and the rapid advance of DSM implementations impose constraints on simulation model designs in two issues: the limitation of the simulation framework on model extensibility and the lack of verification applicability during a simulation run causing the delay in verification process. This thesis studies simulation modelling techniques for memory locality analysis of various DSM systems implemented on top of a cluster of symmetric multiprocessors. The thesis presents a simulation technique to promote model extensibility and proposes a technique for verification applicability, called a Specification-based Parameter Model Interaction (SPMI). The proposed techniques have been implemented in a new interpretation-driven simulation called DSiMCLUSTER on top of a discrete event simulation (DES) engine known as HASE. Experiments have been conducted to determine which factors are most influential on the degree of locality and to determine the possibility to maximise the stability of performance. DSiMCLUSTER has been validated against a SunFire 15K server and has achieved similarity of cache miss results, an average of +-6% with the worst case less than 15% of difference. These results confirm that the techniques used in developing the DSiMCLUSTER can contribute ways to achieve both (a) a highly extensible simulation framework to keep up with the ongoing innovation of the DSM architecture, and (b) the verification applicability resulting in an efficient framework for memory analysis experiments on DSM architecture

    Fabricate 2020

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    Fabricate 2020 is the fourth title in the FABRICATE series on the theme of digital fabrication and published in conjunction with a triennial conference (London, April 2020). The book features cutting-edge built projects and work-in-progress from both academia and practice. It brings together pioneers in design and making from across the fields of architecture, construction, engineering, manufacturing, materials technology and computation. Fabricate 2020 includes 32 illustrated articles punctuated by four conversations between world-leading experts from design to engineering, discussing themes such as drawing-to-production, behavioural composites, robotic assembly, and digital craft

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 9. Number 3.

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    Typogenetic design - aesthetic decision support for architectural shape generation

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    Typogenetic Design is an interactive computational design system combining generative design, evolutionary search and architectural optimisation technology. The active tool for supporting design decisions during architectural shape generation uses an aesthetic system to guide the search process. This aesthetic system directs the search process toward preferences expressed interactively by the designer. An image input as design reference is integrated by means of shape comparison to provide direction to the exploratory search. During the shape generation process, the designer can choose solutions interactively in a graphical user interface. Those choices are then used to support the selection process as part of the fitness function by online classification. Enhancing human decision making capabilities in human-in-the-loop design systems addresses the complexity of architecture in respect to aesthetic requirements. On the strength of machine learning, the integral performance trade-off during multi-criteria optimisation was extended to address aesthetic preferences. The tacit knowledge and subjective understanding of designers can be used in the shape generation process based on interactive mechanisms. As a result, an integrated support system for performance-based design was developed and tested. Closing the loop from design to construction using design optimisation of structural nodes in a set of case studies confirmed the need for intuitive design systems, interfaces and mechanisms to make architectural optimisation more accessible and intuitive to handle. This dissertation investigated Typogenetic Design as a tool for initial morphological search. Novel instruments for human interaction with design systems were developed using mixed-method research. The present investigation consists of an in-depth technological enquiry into the use of interactive generative design for exploratory search as an integrated support system for performance-based design. Associated project-based research on the design potential of Typogenetic Design showcases the application of the design system for architecture. Generative design as an expressive tool to produce architectural geometries was investigated in regard to its ability to drive initial morphological search of complex geometries. The reinterpretation of processes and boosting of productivity by artificial intelligence was instrumental in exploring a holistic approach combining quantitative and qualitative criteria in a human-in-the-loop system. The shift in focus from an objective to a subjective understanding of computational design processes indicates a perspective change from optimisation to learning as a computational paradigm. Integrating learning capabilities in architectural optimisation enhances the capability of architects to explore large design spaces of emergent representations using evolutionary search. The shift from design automation to interactive generative design introduces the possibility for designers to evaluate shape solutions based on their knowledge and expertise to the computational system. At the same time, the aesthetic system is trained in adaptation to the choices made by the designer. Furthermore, an initial image input allows the designer to add a design reference to the Typogenetic Design process. Shape comparison using a similarity measure provides additional guidance to the architectural shape generation using grammar evolution. Finally, a software prototype was built and tested by means of user-experience evaluation. These participant experiments led to the specification of custom software requirements for the software implementation of a parametric Typogenetic tool. I explored semi-automated design in application to different design cases using the software prototype of Typogenetic Design. Interactive mass-customisation is a promising application of Typogenetic Design to interactively specify product structure and component composition. The semi-automated design paradigm is one step on the way to moderating the balance between automation and control of computational design systems

    Performance Driven Design Systems In Practice

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