10 research outputs found

    Supporting Requirements Verification Using XSLT

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    In this paper we present a light-weight approach for the automatic verification of requirements. This approach is not based on natural language parsing techniques but on the representation of requirements in XML. In our approach, XSLT stylesheets are used not only to automatically generate requirements documents, but also to provide verification–oriented heuristics as well as to measure the quality of requirements using some verification–oriented metrics. These ideas have been implemented in REM, an experimentalXML– based requirements management tool also described in this paper.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC 2000–1106–C02–0

    Software Requirements Quality Evaluation: State of the art and research challenges

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    Quality models are important tools for quality management. In software development projects, they are useful as predictive tools for assessing the state of the product being developed and the process used. In order to achieve software quality, a high-quality Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is required. This document is generated at the beginning of a software development project, and is used in all stages. Thus, it is essential to evaluate the quality of the SRS in order to be able to take early corrective and enhancement actions. However, assessing the quality of a SRS is not a simple process, mainly by the multitude of proposals, often contradictory, of the attributes to be evaluated and the methodologies used for that purpose. Thus, it is mandatory to consider proven quality models for guiding this evaluation process. Related to this, this work performs an exploratory analysis of various quality models proposed in this area which can be used as a basis for SRS quality evaluation. Moreover, the work is intended to be a compendium of the most important tendencies and strategies in the field that serves as a starting point for developing comprehensive models and tools for quality attributes evaluation in a SRS.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Software Requirements Quality Evaluation: State of the art and research challenges

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    Quality models are important tools for quality management. In software development projects, they are useful as predictive tools for assessing the state of the product being developed and the process used. In order to achieve software quality, a high-quality Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is required. This document is generated at the beginning of a software development project, and is used in all stages. Thus, it is essential to evaluate the quality of the SRS in order to be able to take early corrective and enhancement actions. However, assessing the quality of a SRS is not a simple process, mainly by the multitude of proposals, often contradictory, of the attributes to be evaluated and the methodologies used for that purpose. Thus, it is mandatory to consider proven quality models for guiding this evaluation process. Related to this, this work performs an exploratory analysis of various quality models proposed in this area which can be used as a basis for SRS quality evaluation. Moreover, the work is intended to be a compendium of the most important tendencies and strategies in the field that serves as a starting point for developing comprehensive models and tools for quality attributes evaluation in a SRS.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Using Templates and Linguistic Patterns to Define Process Performance Indicators

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    Process performance management (PPM) aims at measuring, monitoring and analysing the performance of business processes (BPs), in order to check the achievement of strategic and operational goals and to support decision making for their optimisation. PPM is based on process performance indicators (PPIs), so having an appropriate definition of them is crucial. One of the main problems of PPIs definition is to express them in an unambiguous, complete, understandable, traceable and verifiable manner. In practice, PPIs are defined informally —usually in ad-hoc, natural language, with its well-known problems— or they are defined from an implementation perspective, hardly understandable to non– technical people. In order to solve this problem, in this article we propose a novel approach to improve the definition of PPIs using templates and linguistic patterns. This approach promotes reuse, reduces both ambiguities and missing information, is understandable to all stakeholders and maintains traceability with the process model. Furthermore, it enables the automated processing of PPI definitions by its straightforward translation into the PPINOT metamodel, allowing the gathering of the required information for their computation as well as the analysis of the relationships between them and with BP elementsComisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2009-07366Comisión Interministerial de ciencia y Tecnología TIN2012-32273Junta de Andalucía TIC-5906Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-253

    IT Service Alignment Verification of Quantitative Properties in Service Design

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    Despite many years of research, alignment of business and IT services remains a challenge. In this paper we show how to verify the quantitative properties of a service against stakeholder requirements during service design. We model the service with the Systemic Enterprise Architecture Method (SEAM). This allows us to specify the service alignment constraints with what we call a feasibility constraint. We translate the SEAM model into Scala code, where the feasibility constraint is mapped to a constraint of a Scala function. We then check the Scala function’s verification condition with the Leon verification tool. An alignment is achieved if no counterexample is found. If a counterexample exists, it allows to detect which service component is at the source of the misalignment

    Software Requirements Quality Evaluation: State of the art and research challenges

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    Quality models are important tools for quality management. In software development projects, they are useful as predictive tools for assessing the state of the product being developed and the process used. In order to achieve software quality, a high-quality Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is required. This document is generated at the beginning of a software development project, and is used in all stages. Thus, it is essential to evaluate the quality of the SRS in order to be able to take early corrective and enhancement actions. However, assessing the quality of a SRS is not a simple process, mainly by the multitude of proposals, often contradictory, of the attributes to be evaluated and the methodologies used for that purpose. Thus, it is mandatory to consider proven quality models for guiding this evaluation process. Related to this, this work performs an exploratory analysis of various quality models proposed in this area which can be used as a basis for SRS quality evaluation. Moreover, the work is intended to be a compendium of the most important tendencies and strategies in the field that serves as a starting point for developing comprehensive models and tools for quality attributes evaluation in a SRS.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Méthodes formelles de haut niveau pour la conception de systèmes électroniques fiables

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal


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