6,565 research outputs found

    How will the Internet of Things enable Augmented Personalized Health?

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    Internet-of-Things (IoT) is profoundly redefining the way we create, consume, and share information. Health aficionados and citizens are increasingly using IoT technologies to track their sleep, food intake, activity, vital body signals, and other physiological observations. This is complemented by IoT systems that continuously collect health-related data from the environment and inside the living quarters. Together, these have created an opportunity for a new generation of healthcare solutions. However, interpreting data to understand an individual's health is challenging. It is usually necessary to look at that individual's clinical record and behavioral information, as well as social and environmental information affecting that individual. Interpreting how well a patient is doing also requires looking at his adherence to respective health objectives, application of relevant clinical knowledge and the desired outcomes. We resort to the vision of Augmented Personalized Healthcare (APH) to exploit the extensive variety of relevant data and medical knowledge using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to extend and enhance human health to presents various stages of augmented health management strategies: self-monitoring, self-appraisal, self-management, intervention, and disease progress tracking and prediction. kHealth technology, a specific incarnation of APH, and its application to Asthma and other diseases are used to provide illustrations and discuss alternatives for technology-assisted health management. Several prominent efforts involving IoT and patient-generated health data (PGHD) with respect converting multimodal data into actionable information (big data to smart data) are also identified. Roles of three components in an evidence-based semantic perception approach- Contextualization, Abstraction, and Personalization are discussed

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    A framework to support the tourist’s information-needs based on a ubiquitous approach

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    Nowadays, tourists are increasingly thirsty for information on anything that surrounds him. With the Information Communication Technologies (ICT) evolution that supports the ubiquity, it is necessary to rethink the available models of information and services to tourists. With the evolution of mobile devices, with wireless access, together with the decreasing of the network traffic costs and with the increasing number of access points of wireless access, becomes more common and attractive. Therefore, in this paper we present an analysis of the state of the art of the support applications for tourists for mobile environments, setting them according to the development technologies. In addition, it is also presented a suitable framework to support the tourist’s needs based on a ubiquitous approach

    Designing Contextualized Learning

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    Specht, M. (2008). Designing Contextualized Learning. In H. H. Adelsberger, Kinshuk, J. M. Pawlowski & D. Sampson (Eds.), Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training (2th ed., pp. 101-111). Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 2008: International Handbook on Information Systems Series.Contextualized and ubiquitous learning are relatively new research areas that combine the latest developments in ubiquitous and context aware computing with pedagogical approaches relevant to structure more situated and context aware learning support. Searching for different backgrounds of mobile and contextualized learning authors have identified the relations between existing educational paradigms and new classes of mobile appli- cations for education (Naismith, Lonsdale, Vavoula, & Sharples, 2004). Furthermore best practices of mobile learning applications have been iden- tified and discussed in focused workshops (Stone, Alsop, Briggs, & Tomp- sett, 2002; Tatar, Roschelle, Vahey, & Peunel, 2002). Especially in the area of educational field trips (Equator Project, 2003; RAFT, 2003) in the last years innovative approaches for intuitive usage of contextualized mo- bile interfaces have been developed. The following paper describes the motivation and background for con- textualizing learning and illustrates the implementation of a service based and flexible learning toolkit developed in the RAFT project for supporting contextualized collaborative learning support

    CHORUS Deliverable 4.5: Report of the 3rd CHORUS Conference

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    The third and last CHORUS conference on Multimedia Search Engines took place from the 26th to the 27th of May 2009 in Brussels, Belgium. About 100 participants from 15 European countries, the US, Japan and Australia learned about the latest developments in the domain. An exhibition of 13 stands presented 16 research projects currently ongoing around the world

    Comparative Study of the Mobile Learning Architectures

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    International audienceWith the emergence of mobile devices (Smart Phone, PDA, UMPC, game consoles, etc.), learning is changing from electronic learning (e-Learning) to mobile learning (m-learning). In fact, due to the mobility feature, it seems that the m-learning have to be adapted with the change within the context. Several researches addressed this issue and implemented a mobile learning environment to prove its usefulness and feasibility in various domains. In this article, we conduct a comparative study between a list of mobile learning architectures and methods that are presented in the literature. The performance of these architectures is evaluated based on several criteria, such as the adaptation management, which is an important parameter for the management and customization of the learning resources for the learners, as well as the environment, which is a core part of mobile learning systems