1,695 research outputs found

    Statistical relational learning of semantic models and grammar rules for 3D building reconstruction from 3D point clouds

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    Formal grammars are well suited for the estimation of models with an a-priori unknown number of parameters such as buildings and have proven their worth for 3D modeling and reconstruction of cities. However, the generation and design of corresponding grammar rules is a laborious task and relies on expert knowledge. This thesis presents novel approaches for the reduction of this effort using advanced machine learning methods resulting in automatically learned sophisticated grammar rules. Indeed, the learning of a wide range of sophisticated rules, that reflect the variety and complexity, is a challenging task. This is especially the case if a simultaneous machine learning of building structures and the underlying aggregation hierarchies as well as the building parameters and the constraints among them for a semantic interpretation is expected. Thus, in this thesis, an incremental approach is followed. It separates the structure learning from the parameter distribution learning of building parts. Moreover, the so far procedural approaches with formal grammars are mostly rather convenient for the generation of virtual city models than for the reconstruction of existing buildings. To this end, Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) techniques are transferred and applied for the first time in the field of 3D building modeling. This enables the automatic learning of declarative logic programs, which are equivalent to attribute grammars and separate the representation of buildings and their parts from the reconstruction task. A stepwise bottom-up learning, starting from the smallest atomic features of a building part together with the semantic, topological and geometric constraints, is a key to a successful learning of a whole building part. Only few examples are sufficient to learn from precise as well as noisy observations. The learning from uncertain data is realized using probability density functions, decision trees and uncertain projective geometry. This enables the handling and modeling of uncertain topology and geometric reasoning taking noise into consideration. The uncertainty of models itself is also considered. Therefore, a novel method is developed for the learning of Weighted Attribute Context-Free Grammar (WACFG). On the one hand, the structure learning of façades – context-free part of the Grammar – is performed based on annotated derivation trees using specific Support Vector Machines (SVMs). The latter are able to derive probabilistic models from structured data and to predict a most likely tree regarding to given observations. On the other hand, to the best of my knowledge, Statistical Relational Learning (SRL), especially Markov Logic Networks (MLNs), are applied for the first time in order to learn building part (shape and location) parameters as well as the constraints among these parts. The use of SRL enables to take profit from the elegant logical relational description and to benefit from the efficiency of statistical inference methods. In order to model latent prior knowledge and exploit the architectural regularities of buildings, a novel method is developed for the automatic identification of translational as well as axial symmetries. For symmetry identification a supervised machine learning approach is followed based on an SVM classifier. Building upon the classification results, algorithms are designed for the representation of symmetries using context-free grammars from authoritative building footprints. In all steps the machine learning is performed based on real- world data such as 3D point clouds and building footprints. The handling with uncertainty and occlusions is assured. The presented methods have been successfully applied on real data. The belonging classification and reconstruction results are shown.Statistisches relationales Lernen von semantischen Modellen und Grammatikregeln fĂŒr 3D GebĂ€uderekonstruktion aus 3D Punktwolken Formale Grammatiken eignen sich sehr gut zur SchĂ€tzung von Modellen mit a-priori unbekannter Anzahl von Parametern und haben sich daher als guter Ansatz zur Rekonstruktion von StĂ€dten mittels 3D Stadtmodellen bewĂ€hrt. Der Entwurf und die Erstellung der dazugehörigen Grammatikregeln benötigt jedoch Expertenwissen und ist mit großem Aufwand verbunden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Verfahren entwickelt, die diesen Aufwand unter Zuhilfenahme von leistungsfĂ€higen Techniken des maschinellen Lernens reduzieren und automatisches Lernen von Regeln ermöglichen. Das Lernen umfangreicher Grammatiken, die die Vielfalt und KomplexitĂ€t der GebĂ€ude und ihrer Bestandteile widerspiegeln, stellt eine herausfordernde Aufgabe dar. Dies ist insbesondere der Fall, wenn zur semantischen Interpretation sowohl das Lernen der Strukturen und Aggregationshierarchien als auch von Parametern der zu lernenden Objekte gleichzeitig statt finden soll. Aus diesem Grund wird hier ein inkrementeller Ansatz verfolgt, der das Lernen der Strukturen vom Lernen der Parameterverteilungen und Constraints zielfĂŒhrend voneinander trennt. Existierende prozedurale AnsĂ€tze mit formalen Grammatiken sind eher zur Generierung von synthetischen Stadtmodellen geeignet, aber nur bedingt zur Rekonstruktion existierender GebĂ€ude nutzbar. HierfĂŒr werden in dieser Schrift Techniken der Induktiven Logischen Programmierung (ILP) zum ersten Mal auf den Bereich der 3D GebĂ€udemodellierung ĂŒbertragen. Dies fĂŒhrt zum Lernen deklarativer logischer Programme, die hinsichtlich ihrer AusdrucksstĂ€rke mit attributierten Grammatiken gleichzusetzen sind und die ReprĂ€sentation der GebĂ€ude von der Rekonstruktionsaufgabe trennen. Das Lernen von zuerst disaggregierten atomaren Bestandteilen sowie der semantischen, topologischen und geometrischen Beziehungen erwies sich als SchlĂŒssel zum Lernen der Gesamtheit eines GebĂ€udeteils. Das Lernen erfolgte auf Basis einiger weniger sowohl prĂ€ziser als auch verrauschter Beispielmodelle. Um das Letztere zu ermöglichen, wurde auf Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichteverteilungen, EntscheidungsbĂ€umen und unsichere projektive Geometrie zurĂŒckgegriffen. Dies erlaubte den Umgang mit und die Modellierung von unsicheren topologischen Relationen sowie unscharfer Geometrie. Um die Unsicherheit der Modelle selbst abbilden zu können, wurde ein Verfahren zum Lernen Gewichteter Attributierter Kontextfreier Grammatiken (Weighted Attributed Context-Free Grammars, WACFG) entwickelt. Zum einen erfolgte das Lernen der Struktur von Fassaden –kontextfreier Anteil der Grammatik – aus annotierten HerleitungsbĂ€umen mittels spezifischer Support Vektor Maschinen (SVMs), die in der Lage sind, probabilistische Modelle aus strukturierten Daten abzuleiten und zu prĂ€dizieren. Zum anderen wurden nach meinem besten Wissen Methoden des statistischen relationalen Lernens (SRL), insbesondere Markov Logic Networks (MLNs), erstmalig zum Lernen von Parametern von GebĂ€uden sowie von bestehenden Relationen und Constraints zwischen ihren Bestandteilen eingesetzt. Das Nutzen von SRL erlaubt es, die eleganten relationalen Beschreibungen der Logik mit effizienten Methoden der statistischen Inferenz zu verbinden. Um latentes Vorwissen zu modellieren und architekturelle RegelmĂ€ĂŸigkeiten auszunutzen, ist ein Verfahren zur automatischen Erkennung von Translations- und Spiegelsymmetrien und deren ReprĂ€sentation mittels kontextfreier Grammatiken entwickelt worden. HierfĂŒr wurde mittels ĂŒberwachtem Lernen ein SVM-Klassifikator entwickelt und implementiert. Basierend darauf wurden Algorithmen zur Induktion von Grammatikregeln aus Grundrissdaten entworfen

    Cumulative object categorization in clutter

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    In this paper we present an approach based on scene- or part-graphs for geometrically categorizing touching and occluded objects. We use additive RGBD feature descriptors and hashing of graph conïŹguration parameters for describing the spatial arrangement of constituent parts. The presented experiments quantify that this method outperforms our earlier part-voting and sliding window classiïŹcation. We evaluated our approach on cluttered scenes, and by using a 3D dataset containing over 15000 Kinect scans of over 100 objects which were grouped into general geometric categories. Additionally, color, geometric, and combined features were compared for categorization tasks

    Toward knowledge-based automatic 3D spatial topological modeling from LiDAR point clouds for urban areas

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    Le traitement d'un trÚs grand nombre de données LiDAR demeure trÚs coûteux et nécessite des approches de modélisation 3D automatisée. De plus, les nuages de points incomplets causés par l'occlusion et la densité ainsi que les incertitudes liées au traitement des données LiDAR compliquent la création automatique de modÚles 3D enrichis sémantiquement. Ce travail de recherche vise à développer de nouvelles solutions pour la création automatique de modÚles géométriques 3D complets avec des étiquettes sémantiques à partir de nuages de points incomplets. Un cadre intégrant la connaissance des objets à la modélisation 3D est proposé pour améliorer la complétude des modÚles géométriques 3D en utilisant un raisonnement qualitatif basé sur les informations sémantiques des objets et de leurs composants, leurs relations géométriques et spatiales. De plus, nous visons à tirer parti de la connaissance qualitative des objets en reconnaissance automatique des objets et à la création de modÚles géométriques 3D complets à partir de nuages de points incomplets. Pour atteindre cet objectif, plusieurs solutions sont proposées pour la segmentation automatique, l'identification des relations topologiques entre les composants de l'objet, la reconnaissance des caractéristiques et la création de modÚles géométriques 3D complets. (1) Des solutions d'apprentissage automatique ont été proposées pour la segmentation sémantique automatique et la segmentation de type CAO afin de segmenter des objets aux structures complexes. (2) Nous avons proposé un algorithme pour identifier efficacement les relations topologiques entre les composants d'objet extraits des nuages de points afin d'assembler un modÚle de Représentation FrontiÚre. (3) L'intégration des connaissances sur les objets et la reconnaissance des caractéristiques a été développée pour inférer automatiquement les étiquettes sémantiques des objets et de leurs composants. Afin de traiter les informations incertitudes, une solution de raisonnement automatique incertain, basée sur des rÚgles représentant la connaissance, a été développée pour reconnaßtre les composants du bùtiment à partir d'informations incertaines extraites des nuages de points. (4) Une méthode heuristique pour la création de modÚles géométriques 3D complets a été conçue en utilisant les connaissances relatives aux bùtiments, les informations géométriques et topologiques des composants du bùtiment et les informations sémantiques obtenues à partir de la reconnaissance des caractéristiques. Enfin, le cadre proposé pour améliorer la modélisation 3D automatique à partir de nuages de points de zones urbaines a été validé par une étude de cas visant à créer un modÚle de bùtiment 3D complet. L'expérimentation démontre que l'intégration des connaissances dans les étapes de la modélisation 3D est efficace pour créer un modÚle de construction complet à partir de nuages de points incomplets.The processing of a very large set of LiDAR data is very costly and necessitates automatic 3D modeling approaches. In addition, incomplete point clouds caused by occlusion and uneven density and the uncertainties in the processing of LiDAR data make it difficult to automatic creation of semantically enriched 3D models. This research work aims at developing new solutions for the automatic creation of complete 3D geometric models with semantic labels from incomplete point clouds. A framework integrating knowledge about objects in urban scenes into 3D modeling is proposed for improving the completeness of 3D geometric models using qualitative reasoning based on semantic information of objects and their components, their geometric and spatial relations. Moreover, we aim at taking advantage of the qualitative knowledge of objects in automatic feature recognition and further in the creation of complete 3D geometric models from incomplete point clouds. To achieve this goal, several algorithms are proposed for automatic segmentation, the identification of the topological relations between object components, feature recognition and the creation of complete 3D geometric models. (1) Machine learning solutions have been proposed for automatic semantic segmentation and CAD-like segmentation to segment objects with complex structures. (2) We proposed an algorithm to efficiently identify topological relationships between object components extracted from point clouds to assemble a Boundary Representation model. (3) The integration of object knowledge and feature recognition has been developed to automatically obtain semantic labels of objects and their components. In order to deal with uncertain information, a rule-based automatic uncertain reasoning solution was developed to recognize building components from uncertain information extracted from point clouds. (4) A heuristic method for creating complete 3D geometric models was designed using building knowledge, geometric and topological relations of building components, and semantic information obtained from feature recognition. Finally, the proposed framework for improving automatic 3D modeling from point clouds of urban areas has been validated by a case study aimed at creating a complete 3D building model. Experiments demonstrate that the integration of knowledge into the steps of 3D modeling is effective in creating a complete building model from incomplete point clouds

    Multi-Scale Hierarchical Conditional Random Field for Railway Electrification Scene Classification Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data

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    With the recent rapid development of high-speed railway in many countries, precise inspection for railway electrification systems has become more significant to ensure safe railway operation. However, this time-consuming manual inspection is not satisfactory for the high-demanding inspection task, thus a safe, fast and automatic inspection method is required. With LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data becoming more available, the accurate railway electrification scene understanding using LiDAR data becomes feasible towards automatic 3D precise inspection. This thesis presents a supervised learning method to classify railway electrification objects from Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) data. First, a multi-range Conditional Random Field (CRF), which characterizes not only labeling homogeneity at a short range, but also the layout compatibility between different objects at a middle range in the probabilistic graphical model is implemented and tested. Then, this multi-range CRF model will be extended and improved into a hierarchical CRF model to consider multi-scale layout compatibility at full range. The proposed method is evaluated on a dataset collected in Korea with complex railway electrification systems environment. The experiment shows the effectiveness of proposed model

    Feature-based hybrid inspection planning for complex mechanical parts

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    Globalization and emerging new powers in the manufacturing world are among many challenges, major manufacturing enterprises are facing. This resulted in increased alternatives to satisfy customers\u27 growing needs regarding products\u27 aesthetic and functional requirements. Complexity of part design and engineering specifications to satisfy such needs often require a better use of advanced and more accurate tools to achieve good quality. Inspection is a crucial manufacturing function that should be further improved to cope with such challenges. Intelligent planning for inspection of parts with complex geometric shapes and free form surfaces using contact or non-contact devices is still a major challenge. Research in segmentation and localization techniques should also enable inspection systems to utilize modern measurement technologies capable of collecting huge number of measured points. Advanced digitization tools can be classified as contact or non-contact sensors. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a hybrid inspection planning system that benefits from the advantages of both techniques. Moreover, the minimization of deviation of measured part from the original CAD model is not the only characteristic that should be considered when implementing the localization process in order to accept or reject the part; geometric tolerances must also be considered. A segmentation technique that deals directly with the individual points is a necessary step in the developed inspection system, where the output is the actual measured points, not a tessellated model as commonly implemented by current segmentation tools. The contribution of this work is three folds. First, a knowledge-based system was developed for selecting the most suitable sensor using an inspection-specific features taxonomy in form of a 3D Matrix where each cell includes the corresponding knowledge rules and generate inspection tasks. A Travel Salesperson Problem (TSP) has been applied for sequencing these hybrid inspection tasks. A novel region-based segmentation algorithm was developed which deals directly with the measured point cloud and generates sub-point clouds, each of which represents a feature to be inspected and includes the original measured points. Finally, a new tolerance-based localization algorithm was developed to verify the functional requirements and was applied and tested using form tolerance specifications. This research enhances the existing inspection planning systems for complex mechanical parts with a hybrid inspection planning model. The main benefits of the developed segmentation and tolerance-based localization algorithms are the improvement of inspection decisions in order not to reject good parts that would have otherwise been rejected due to misleading results from currently available localization techniques. The better and more accurate inspection decisions achieved will lead to less scrap, which, in turn, will reduce the product cost and improve the company potential in the market

    Review of 3D Point Cloud Data Segmentation Methods

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    Feature Sensitive Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Simplification using Support Vector Regression

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    Contemporary three-dimensional (3D) scanning devices are characterized by high speed and resolution. They provide dense point clouds that contain abundant data about scanned objects and require computationally intensive and time consuming processing. On the other hand, point clouds usually contain a large amount of redundant data that carry little or no additional information about scanned object geometry. To facilitate further analysis and extraction of relevant information from point cloud, as well as faster transfer of data between different computational devices, it is rational to carry out its simplification at an early stage of the processing. However, the reduction of data during simplification has to ensure high level of information contents preservation; simplification has to be feature sensitive. In this paper we propose a method for feature sensitive simplification of 3D point clouds that is based on epsilon insensitive support vector regression (epsilon-SVR). The proposed method is intended for structured point clouds. It exploits the flatness property of epsilon-SVR for effective recognition of points in high curvature areas of scanned lines. The points from these areas are kept in simplified point cloud along with a reduced number of points from flat areas. In addition, the proposed method effectively detects the points in the vicinity of sharp edges without additional processing. Proposed simplification method is experimentally verified using three real world case studies. To estimate the quality of the simplification, we employ non-uniform rational b-splines fitting to initial and reduced scan lines

    Feature Sensitive Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Simplification using Support Vector Regression

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    Contemporary three-dimensional (3D) scanning devices are characterized by high speed and resolution. They provide dense point clouds that contain abundant data about scanned objects and require computationally intensive and time consuming processing. On the other hand, point clouds usually contain a large amount of redundant data that carry little or no additional information about scanned object geometry. To facilitate further analysis and extraction of relevant information from point cloud, as well as faster transfer of data between different computational devices, it is rational to carry out its simplification at an early stage of the processing. However, the reduction of data during simplification has to ensure high level of information contents preservation; simplification has to be feature sensitive. In this paper we propose a method for feature sensitive simplification of 3D point clouds that is based on epsilon insensitive support vector regression (epsilon-SVR). The proposed method is intended for structured point clouds. It exploits the flatness property of epsilon-SVR for effective recognition of points in high curvature areas of scanned lines. The points from these areas are kept in simplified point cloud along with a reduced number of points from flat areas. In addition, the proposed method effectively detects the points in the vicinity of sharp edges without additional processing. Proposed simplification method is experimentally verified using three real world case studies. To estimate the quality of the simplification, we employ non-uniform rational b-splines fitting to initial and reduced scan lines
