1,320 research outputs found

    Seismological support for the metastable superplume model, sharp features, and phase changes within the lower mantle

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    Recently, a metastable thermal-chemical convection model was proposed to explain the African Superplume. Its bulk tabular shape remains relatively stable while its interior undergoes significant stirring with low-velocity conduits along its edges and down-welling near the middle. Here, we perform a mapping of chemistry and temperature into P and S velocity variations and replace a seismically derived structure with this hybrid model. Synthetic seismogram sections generated for this 2D model are then compared directly with corresponding seismic observations of P (P, PCP, and PKP) and S (S, SCS, and SKS) phases. These results explain the anticorrelation between the bulk velocity and shear velocity and the sharpness and level of SKS travel time delays. In addition, we present evidence for the existence of a D" triplication (a putative phase change) beneath the down-welling structure

    Modeling pN2 through Geological Time: Implications for Planetary Climates and Atmospheric Biosignatures

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    Nitrogen is a major nutrient for all life on Earth and could plausibly play a similar role in extraterrestrial biospheres. The major reservoir of nitrogen at Earth's surface is atmospheric N2, but recent studies have proposed that the size of this reservoir may have fluctuated significantly over the course of Earth's history with particularly low levels in the Neoarchean - presumably as a result of biological activity. We used a biogeochemical box model to test which conditions are necessary to cause large swings in atmospheric N2 pressure. Parameters for our model are constrained by observations of modern Earth and reconstructions of biomass burial and oxidative weathering in deep time. A 1-D climate model was used to model potential effects on atmospheric climate. In a second set of tests, we perturbed our box model to investigate which parameters have the greatest impact on the evolution of atmospheric pN2 and consider possible implications for nitrogen cycling on other planets. Our results suggest that (a) a high rate of biomass burial would have been needed in the Archean to draw down atmospheric pN2 to less than half modern levels, (b) the resulting effect on temperature could probably have been compensated by increasing solar luminosity and a mild increase in pCO2, and (c) atmospheric oxygenation could have initiated a stepwise pN2 rebound through oxidative weathering. In general, life appears to be necessary for significant atmospheric pN2 swings on Earth-like planets. Our results further support the idea that an exoplanetary atmosphere rich in both N2 and O2 is a signature of an oxygen-producing biosphere.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables (includes appendix), published in Astrobiolog

    Contrasting stress fields on correlating margins of the South Atlantic

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    The “passiveness” of passive continental margins across the globe is currently under debate since several studies have shown that these margins may experience a variety of stress states and undergo significant vertical movement post-breakup. Of special interest is the South Atlantic, because the bounding continents have very different recent geological histories, with Africa experiencing continental rifting whereas South America is influenced by subduction on the Pacific side. It is not clear to what extent the Atlantic continental margins are subject to the same stresses and vertical motions as the main continents. To address this problem, we performed a paleostress analysis of two originally adjacent areas, i.e. NW Namibia and SE/S Brazil. Both areas are covered by the ~ 133-Ma-old Paraná-Etendeka extrusives that were emplaced shortly before or during the onset of the Atlantic rifting. Thus, the volcanics serve as a time marker for syn- or post-rift deformation. Collected fault slip data in the volcanics reveal remarkable differences between the two correlating areas. NW Namibia was dominated by extension in ENE-WSW and SW-NE directions, and by minor strike-slip movement with NW-SE directed compression. SE/S Brazil was mostly affected by strike-slip faulting, with compression oriented E-W and SW-NE. Similar fault systems appear widespread across SE Brazil and may be the combined result of flexural margin bending and the Nazca plate subduction. The results of NW Namibia differ from known compressional stress tensors in western South Africa, post-dating 90 Ma. The south-western African continental margin may thus have experienced a spatially variable stress history. Our results show that the tectonic evolution of the continental margins of the South Atlantic is not passive and that both margins vary significantly in structural style and stress fields, indicating that variable plate boundary forces play a major role in margin evolution

    Metastable superplumes and mantle compressibility

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    Seismically, the African superplume is known to have a sharp lateral transition in V_S and an interface between seismic anomalies with high relief. Such a structure is usually unstable in conventional thermo-chemical convection models. Using a compressible thermo-chemical convection model in which each material has a distinct equation of state, we find an expanded regime of metastable superplumes. In the preferred model, superplume material has a bulk modulus 6% higher and density 2.25% higher than ambient mantle. The inferred physical properties of the superplume are consistent with subducted oceanic crust, simultaneously satisfying seismological, geodynamical, mineralogical and geochemical constraints

    Evidence for a chemical-thermal structure at base of mantle from sharp lateral P-wave variations beneath Central America

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    Compressional waves that sample the lowermost mantle west of Central America show a rapid change in travel times of up to 4 s over a sampling distance of 300 km and a change in waveforms. The differential travel times of the PKP waves (which traverse Earth's core) correlate remarkably well with predictions for S-wave tomography. Our modeling suggests a sharp transition in the lowermost mantle from a broad slow region to a broad fast region with a narrow zone of slowest anomaly next to the boundary beneath the Cocos Plate and the Caribbean Plate. The structure may be the result of ponding of ancient subducted Farallon slabs situated near the edge of a thermal and chemical upwelling

    Deformation-Induced Mechanical Instabilities at the Core-Mantle Boundary

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    Post-Perovskite: The Last Mantle Phase Transition Our understanding of the core-mantle boundary (CMB) region has improved significantly over the past several years due, in part, to the discovery of the post-perovskite phase. Sesimic data suggest that the CMB region is highly heterogeneous, possibly reflecting chemical and physical interaction between outer core material and the lowermost mantle. In this contribution we present the results of a new mechanism of mass transfer across the CMB and comment on possible repercussions that include the initiation of deep, siderophile-enriched mantle plumes. We view the nature of core-mantle interaction, and the geodynamic and geochemical ramifications, as multiscale processes, both spatially and temporally. Three lengthscales are defined. On the microscale (1-50 km), we describe the effect of loading and subsequent shearing of the CMB region and show how this may drive local flow of outer core fluid upwards into D". We propose that larger scale processes operating on a mesoscale (50-300 km) and macroscale regimes (> 300 km) are linked to the microscale, and suggest ways in which these processes may impact on global mantle dynamics

    Imaging the African superplume - upper mantle, tomography and moment tensor

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    Brandt, Martin B.C. 2011. Imaging the African Superplume – Upper mantle, Tomography and Moment tensor. Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. The African Superplume, African Superswell and East African Rift System are amongst the most prominent geophysical features on Earth, but the structure, evolution and interaction between these features is controversial. In my thesis I conducted a range of investigations in an effort to better understand these issues. The thesis presents the investigations into the structure and expressions of these features. These include: (I) A study of the upper mantle shear velocity structure beneath southern Africa to investigate the source of the buoyancy that has powered the Superswell; (II) Statistical hypothesis testing of middle-mantle shear velocity tomographic models to evaluate evidence for links between the Superplume and low velocity features in/near the transition zone; and (III) Computation of three new regional moment tensors for South Africa to assess crustal stress in the Kalahari craton, and its link with mantle structure and dynamics. Waveform data were obtained for the study on the upper mantle shear velocity structure and the moment tensor inversions from the Southern African Seismic Experiment Kaapvaal craton array. For the statistical hypothesis testing on global tomography images, new travel-time data from both global and AfricaArray stations were added to Grand’s global shear velocity data set. The principal findings of this study are summarized below. I. The upper mantle shear velocity structure beneath the Kalahari craton is similar to that of other shields, except for slightly slower velocities from 110–220 km depth. The difference may be due to higher temperatures or a decrease in magnesium number (Mg#). If the slower velocities in the deep lithosphere are due solely to a temperature anomaly, then slightly less than half of the unusually high elevation of the Kalahari craton can be explained by shallow buoyancy from a depleted hot lithosphere. Decreasing the Mg# of the lower lithosphere would increase density and counteract higher temperatures. If an excess temperature of 90 K over a 110 km depth range and a corresponding decrease in Mg# of -2 between the Kalahari and the other cratons are assumed, this would match the seismic velocity difference but would result in essentially no buoyancy difference. We conclude that the high elevation of the Kalahari craton can only be partially supported by shallow mantle buoyancy and must have a deeper source. We determined a thickness of 250±30 km for the mantle transition zone below eastern southern Africa, which is similar to the global average, but the corresponding velocity gradient is less steep than in standard global models (PREM and IASP91). Velocity jumps of 0.16±0.1 km/s (eastern) and 0.21±0.1 km/s (central) across the 410 km discontinuity were found. Our results indicate a thermal or chemical anomaly in the mantle transition zone, but this cannot be quantified due to uncertainty. II. Statistical hypothesis testing on our global tomography images indicated that the African Superplume rises from the core-mantle boundary to at least 1150 km depth, and the upper mantle slow-velocity anomaly extends from the base of the lithosphere to below the mantle transition zone. The model that links the African Superplume with the slow-velocity anomaly in the upper mantle under eastern Africa has an equal probability to an alternative hypothesis with a thin slow-velocity “obstruction zone” at 850 to 1000 km depth. III. Finally, we calculated three regional moment tensors for South Africa and made progress towards resolving the discrepancy between the local and moment magnitudes we observe for the region. Moment tensors/focal mechanisms in southern Africa change from normal faulting (extension) in the northeast near the East African Rift to strike-slip faulting in the southwest. This confirms previous studies stating that not only eastern Africa, but also southern Africa is being actively uplifted by lithospheric modification at its base and/or the African Superplume

    Superplume Project: Towards a new view of whole Earth dynamics

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