146 research outputs found

    Bayesian spike inference from calcium imaging data

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    We present efficient Bayesian methods for extracting neuronal spiking information from calcium imaging data. The goal of our methods is to sample from the posterior distribution of spike trains and model parameters (baseline concentration, spike amplitude etc) given noisy calcium imaging data. We present discrete time algorithms where we sample the existence of a spike at each time bin using Gibbs methods, as well as continuous time algorithms where we sample over the number of spikes and their locations at an arbitrary resolution using Metropolis-Hastings methods for point processes. We provide Rao-Blackwellized extensions that (i) marginalize over several model parameters and (ii) provide smooth estimates of the marginal spike posterior distribution in continuous time. Our methods serve as complements to standard point estimates and allow for quantification of uncertainty in estimating the underlying spike train and model parameters

    Sparsity-Based Algorithms for Line Spectral Estimation

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    Learning to process with spikes and to localise pulses

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    In the last few decades, deep learning with artificial neural networks (ANNs) has emerged as one of the most widely used techniques in tasks such as classification and regression, achieving competitive results and in some cases even surpassing human-level performance. Nonetheless, as ANN architectures are optimised towards empirical results and departed from their biological precursors, how exactly human brains process information using these short electrical pulses called spikes remains a mystery. Hence, in this thesis, we explore the problem of learning to process with spikes and to localise pulses. We first consider spiking neural networks (SNNs), a type of ANN that more closely mimic biological neural networks in that neurons communicate with one another using spikes. This unique architecture allows us to look into the role of heterogeneity in learning. Since it is conjectured that the information is encoded by the timing of spikes, we are particularly interested in the heterogeneity of time constants of neurons. We then trained SNNs for classification tasks on a range of visual and auditory neuromorphic datasets, which contain streams of events (spike times) instead of the conventional frame-based data, and show that the overall performance is improved by allowing the neurons to have different time constants, especially on tasks with richer temporal structure. We also find that the learned time constants are distributed similarly to those experimentally observed in some mammalian cells. Besides, we demonstrate that learning with heterogeneity improves robustness against hyperparameter mistuning. These results suggest that heterogeneity may be more than the byproduct of noisy processes and perhaps serves a key role in learning in changing environments, yet heterogeneity has been overlooked in basic artificial models. While neuromorphic datasets, which are often captured by neuromorphic devices that closely model the corresponding biological systems, have enabled us to explore the more biologically plausible SNNs, there still exists a gap in understanding how spike times encode information in actual biological neural networks like human brains, as such data is difficult to acquire due to the trade-off between the timing precision and the number of cells simultaneously recorded electrically. Instead, what we usually obtain is the low-rate discrete samples of trains of filtered spikes. Hence, in the second part of the thesis, we focus on a different type of problem involving pulses, that is to retrieve the precise pulse locations from these low-rate samples. We make use of the finite rate of innovation (FRI) sampling theory, which states that perfect reconstruction is possible for classes of continuous non-bandlimited signals that have a small number of free parameters. However, existing FRI methods break down under very noisy conditions due to the so-called subspace swap event. Thus, we present two novel model-based learning architectures: Deep Unfolded Projected Wirtinger Gradient Descent (Deep Unfolded PWGD) and FRI Encoder-Decoder Network (FRIED-Net). The former is based on the existing iterative denoising algorithm for subspace-based methods, while the latter models directly the relationship between the samples and the locations of the pulses using an autoencoder-like network. Using a stream of K Diracs as an example, we show that both algorithms are able to overcome the breakdown inherent in the existing subspace-based methods. Moreover, we extend our FRIED-Net framework beyond conventional FRI methods by considering when the shape is unknown. We show that the pulse shape can be learned using backpropagation. This coincides with the application of spike detection from real-world calcium imaging data, where we achieve competitive results. Finally, we explore beyond canonical FRI signals and demonstrate that FRIED-Net is able to reconstruct streams of pulses with different shapes.Open Acces

    Learning-based reconstruction of FRI signals

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    Finite Rate of Innovation (FRI) sampling theory enables reconstruction of classes of continuous non-bandlimited signals that have a small number of free parameters from their low-rate discrete samples. This task is often translated into a spectral estimation problem that is solved using methods involving estimating signal subspaces, which tend to break down at a certain peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). To avoid this breakdown, we consider alternative approaches that make use of information from labelled data. We propose two model-based learning methods, including deep unfolding the denoising process in spectral estimation, and constructing an encoder-decoder deep neural network that models the acquisition process. Simulation results of both learning algorithms indicate significant improvements of the breakdown PSNR over classical subspace-based methods. While the deep unfolded network achieves similar performance as the classical FRI techniques and outperforms the encoder-decoder network in the low noise regimes, the latter allows to reconstruct the FRI signal even when the sampling kernel is unknown. We also achieve competitive results in detecting pulses from in vivo calcium imaging data in terms of true positive and false positive rate while providing more precise estimations

    Sparsity based sub-wavelength imaging with partially incoherent light via quadratic compressed sensing

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    We demonstrate that sub-wavelength optical images borne on partially-spatially-incoherent light can be recovered, from their far-field or from the blurred image, given the prior knowledge that the image is sparse, and only that. The reconstruction method relies on the recently demonstrated sparsity-based sub-wavelength imaging. However, for partially-spatially-incoherent light, the relation between the measurements and the image is quadratic, yielding non-convex measurement equations that do not conform to previously used techniques. Consequently, we demonstrate new algorithmic methodology, referred to as quadratic compressed sensing, which can be applied to a range of other problems involving information recovery from partial correlation measurements, including when the correlation function has local dependencies. Specifically for microscopy, this method can be readily extended to white light microscopes with the additional knowledge of the light source spectrum.Comment: 16 page
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