3,585 research outputs found


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    This article discusses lexicography, terminography, and the principles of putting together Uzbek terminological dictionaries. It also goes over the basics of putting together terminological dictionaries. In the compilation of medical dictionaries, the philosophy of lexicography and the theoretical notions of their construction are explored.Keywords: lexicography, terminography, lexicography, lexical theory, lexical units, standardization, linguistic dictionaries, multilingual dictionaries, branch dictionaries, typology of dictionaries

    Arabic Manuscripts in Islamic Historiography during the Mamluk Dynasty

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    Historiography of Islam has often reflected the efforts to construct history distorted by political elements of power and the subjective interests of historians, hindering the presentation of the true historical facts. One of the pressing issues is how the use of the Arabic language in historical texts influences the understanding of Islamic historiography. This research aims to detail and analyze the characteristics of Islamic historiography during the medieval period, especially in the context of the Mamluk Dynasty, with a focus on the role of the Arabic language. The research methodology involves a literature review, examining various previous studies on Islamic historiography. The results of data analysis reveal characteristics of encyclopedic scholarship, the pivotal role of the Arabic language as the primary means of communication in constructing historical narratives, and the presence of creativity and originality in historical writings. Thus, this research makes a significant contribution to the development of theoretical frameworks for understanding the history of medieval Islam during the Mamluk period. This study is essential for delving into Islamic historiography of the past, especially in the context of the use of the Arabic language, to gain a deeper understanding of how Islamic history was recorded and conveyed during the Mamluk Dynasty. With this understanding, we can grasp the political, cultural, and social nuances that shaped the Islamic historical narrative during this period, while highlighting the crucial role of the Arabic language in this process

    In the Wake of Lombard: The Reception of Augustine in the Early Thirteenth Century

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    Tagging Scientific Publications using Wikipedia and Natural Language Processing Tools. Comparison on the ArXiv Dataset

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    In this work, we compare two simple methods of tagging scientific publications with labels reflecting their content. As a first source of labels Wikipedia is employed, second label set is constructed from the noun phrases occurring in the analyzed corpus. We examine the statistical properties and the effectiveness of both approaches on the dataset consisting of abstracts from 0.7 million of scientific documents deposited in the ArXiv preprint collection. We believe that obtained tags can be later on applied as useful document features in various machine learning tasks (document similarity, clustering, topic modelling, etc.)

    Ensinar com a banda desenhada para desenvolver competĂȘncias em interação oral na lĂ­ngua materna

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    Desde os anos 90, temos vindo a estudar o uso da banda desenhada para ensinar o PortuguĂȘs como lĂ­ngua materna na escolaridade obrigatĂłria em Portugal. Tendo em conta o facto de que, na atualidade, o processo de ensino estĂĄ focado no desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias, defendemos o uso da banda desenhada para desenvolver competĂȘncias em compreensĂŁo na leitura e expressĂŁo/produção escrita. Mais tarde, levĂĄmos a cabo um estudo que consistia na anĂĄlise do programa para o ensino do PortuguĂȘs como lĂ­ngua materna centrado na presença da banda desenhada nesse documento e no papel que esta pode desempenhar no desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias em comunicação oral e escrita. Recorrendo Ă  anĂĄlise documental, recolhemos informação nesse documento relativa aos dois aspetos jĂĄ referidos: i) referĂȘncias Ă  banda desenhada e ii) seu contributo para o desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias em comunicação oral e escrita. De seguida, os dados relativos ao segundo aspeto foram objeto de anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo. Neste texto, apresentamos a parte dos resultados desse estudo relativa Ă  anĂĄlise da presença da banda desenhada no programa para o 1.Âș Ciclo do Ensino BĂĄsico e ao papel que esta pode desempenhar no desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias em interação oral. Esses resultados permitiram-nos concluir que, embora a banda desenhada seja escassamente referida no programa, pode efetivamente contribuir para o desenvolvimento de competĂȘncias em interação oral em crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 9 ou 10 anos.Since the 90s, I have been studying the use of comics in teaching Portuguese as a mother tongue in compulsory education in Portugal. Taking into account the fact that nowadays the teaching process is centered in the development of competences, I sustained the use of comics to develop competences in reading and writing. Lately, I developed a study consisting in the analysis of the syllabus for teaching Portuguese as a mother tongue focused on the presence of comics in that document and the role comics may play in the development of competences in oral and written communication. Using document analysis, I gathered information from the syllabus concerning the two aspects mentioned above: i) presence of comics and ii) their contribution to the development of competences in oral and written communication. Afterwards, data concerning the second aspect afore mentioned were submitted to content analysis. In this text, I present part of the results of this study concerning the analysis of the presence of comics in the syllabus for primary school (the first four years in the Portuguese educational system) and the role they may play in the development of competences in oral interaction. The findings allowed me to conclude that, although comics are scarcely mentioned in the syllabus, they may in fact contribute to the development of competences in oral interaction by 6-9 or 10 year-old children.Depuis les annĂ©es 90, nous Ă©tudions le rĂŽle jouĂ© par la bande dessinĂ©e dans l’enseignement du Portugais comme langue maternelle dans l’enseignement obligatoire au Portugal. Tenant compte du fait que, Ă  prĂ©sent, l’enseignement est axĂ© sur le dĂ©veloppement de compĂ©tences, nous avons soutenu le recours Ă  la bande dessinĂ©e pour dĂ©velopper des compĂ©tences en lecture et Ă©criture. Plus tard, nous avons menĂ© Ă  bout une Ă©tude correspondant Ă  l’analyse du curriculum pour l’enseignement du Portugais comme langue maternelle axĂ©e sur la prĂ©sence de la bande dessinĂ©e dans ce document et le rĂŽle qu’elle pourrait jouer dans le dĂ©veloppement de compĂ©tences en communication orale et Ă©crite. En ayant recours Ă  l’analyse documentaire, nous avons recueilli des donnĂ©es concernant les deux aspects mentionnĂ©s : i) prĂ©sence de la bande dessinĂ©e et ii) son apport au dĂ©veloppement de compĂ©tences en communication orale et Ă©crite. Ensuite, les donnĂ©es concernant le deuxiĂšme aspect ont Ă©tĂ© soumises Ă  l’analyse de contenu. Dans ce texte, nous prĂ©sentons une partie de ces rĂ©sultats concernant l’analyse de la prĂ©sence de la bande dessinĂ©e dans le curriculum pour l’école primaire (correspondant aux quatre premiĂšres annĂ©es de scolaritĂ© au Portugal) et du rĂŽle qu’elle peut jouer dans le dĂ©veloppement de compĂ©tences en interaction orale. Nous avons conclu que, malgrĂ© le fait que la bande dessinĂ©e est rarement mentionnĂ©e dans ce curriculum, elle peut en effet jouer un rĂŽle important dans le dĂ©veloppement de compĂ©tences en interaction orale d’enfants ĂągĂ©s entre 6 et 9-10 ans.publishe

    Turkological and Ottomanic legacy of A.Y. Krymsky and Oriental studies in Russia (1896 – 1941)

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    Research of the Turkic (including Asia Minor), social-political, cultural and ethnolinguistic space of Eurasia is a significant and long-standing tradition of practical and academic research centers of Russia and Europe, including Ukraine. The Turkic (including Ottoman) political and cultural legacy played an especially important role in the history and culture of the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and modern Turkic states. Famous states and societies of the Turkic world (Turkish Khaganates, Volga Bulgaria, the Ulus of Jochi, the Ottoman Empire and other states of the Middle Ages and the modern period), the geographical and historical-cultural areas that were traditionally occupied by Turkic peoples of the Russian and Ottoman empires and Eurasia in general became a subject of academic research done by Russian and European orientalists (experts on Turkic and Ottoman history and culture) of the 19th – early 20th centuries. A. Y. Krymsky made an enormous contribution into the research of the history and culture of Turkic peoples of Eurasia, and any further studies of his rich academic legacy in Turkology and Ottoman studies during the main periods of his work in Moscow and Kiev remain of great relevance
