5,588 research outputs found


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    It is shown that a IIA superstring carrying D0-brane charge can be `blown-up', in a {\it Minkowski vacuum} background, to a (1/4)-supersymmetric tubular D2-brane, supported against collapse by the angular momentum generated by crossed electric and magnetic Born-Infeld fields. This `supertube' can be viewed as a worldvolume realization of the sigma-model Q-lump.Comment: Revision includes mention of some configurations dual to the supertub

    Quantum Mechanics in Non-Inertial Frames with a Multi-Temporal Quantization Scheme: II) Non-Relativistic Particles

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    The non-relativistic version of the multi-temporal quantization scheme of relativistic particles in a family of non-inertial frames (see hep-th/0502194) is defined. At the classical level the description of a family of non-rigid non-inertial frames, containing the standard rigidly linear accelereted and rotating ones, is given in the framework of parametrized Galilei theories. Then the multi-temporal quantization, in which the gauge variables, describing the non-inertial effects, are not quantized but considered as c-number generalized times, is applied to non relativistic particles. It is shown that with a suitable ordering there is unitary evolution in all times and that, after the separation of center of mass, it is still possible to identify the inertial bound states. The few existing results of quantization in rigid non-inertial frames are recovered as special cases

    The Relevance of Irrelevance: Absolute Objects and the Jones-Geroch Dust Velocity Counterexample, with a Note on Spinors

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    James L. Anderson analyzed the conceptual novelty of Einstein's theory of gravity as its lack of ``absolute objects.'' Michael Friedman's related concept of absolute objects has been criticized by Roger Jones and Robert Geroch for implausibly admitting as absolute the timelike 4-velocity field of dust in cosmological models in Einstein's theory. Using Nathan Rosen's action principle, I complete Anna Maidens's argument that the Jones-Geroch problem is not solved by requiring that absolute objects not be varied. Recalling Anderson's proscription of (globally) ``irrelevant'' variables that do no work (anywhere in any model), I generalize that proscription to locally irrelevant variables that do no work in some places in some models. This move vindicates Friedman's intuitions and removes the Jones-Geroch counterexample: some regions of some models of gravity with dust are dust-free, and there is no good reason to have a timelike dust 4-velocity vector there. Eliminating the irrelevant timelike vctors keeps the dust 4-velocity from counting as absolute by spoiling its neighborhood-by-neighborhood diffeomorphic equivalence to (1,0,0,0). A more fundamental Gerochian timelike vector field presents itself in gravity with spinors in the standard orthonormal tetrad formalism, though eliminating irrelevant fields might solve this problem as well

    Unexpected results in asymptotically free quantum field theories

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    We study the behavior of asymptotically free (AF) spin and gauge models when their continuous symmetry group is replaced by different discrete non-Abelian subgroups. Precise numerical results with relative errors down to O(0.1%) suggest that the models with large subgroups are in the universality class of the underlying original models. We argue that such a scenario is consistent with the known properties of AF theories. The small statistical errors allow a detailed investigation of the cut-off effects also. At least up to correlation lengths ~300 they follow effectively an O(a) rather than the expected O(a^2) form both in the O(3) and in the dodecahedron model.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, some omissions corrected, a reference adde
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