13 research outputs found

    Towards content-centric geometric routing

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    Content delivery is a crucial feature of existing cloud and telecom networks. This is confirmed by the tremendous success of media streaming services such as Spotify and Netftix, as well as the content and file-distribution systems such as BitTorrent. A recurring problem in these type of network services is about keeping the protocol overhead as low as possible while maximizing the efficiency of such systems in terms of network delay to customers. In this paper we propose the use of a routing system-inferred coordinate system to improve: i) content server selection upon receiving content requests, and ii) the mapping of content to servers/caches. We describe the required protocol mechanisms, and evaluate potential gains using coordinates of Geometric Tree Routing and compare it to pure IP-based mechanisms or measurement-based content systems relying on coordinates. The proposed approach can be further extended in order to include alternate geometric systems for example supporting hyperbolic geometries

    NC Algorithms for Computing a Perfect Matching and a Maximum Flow in One-Crossing-Minor-Free Graphs

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    In 1988, Vazirani gave an NC algorithm for computing the number of perfect matchings in K3,3K_{3,3}-minor-free graphs by building on Kasteleyn's scheme for planar graphs, and stated that this "opens up the possibility of obtaining an NC algorithm for finding a perfect matching in K3,3K_{3,3}-free graphs." In this paper, we finally settle this 30-year-old open problem. Building on recent NC algorithms for planar and bounded-genus perfect matching by Anari and Vazirani and later by Sankowski, we obtain NC algorithms for perfect matching in any minor-closed graph family that forbids a one-crossing graph. This family includes several well-studied graph families including the K3,3K_{3,3}-minor-free graphs and K5K_5-minor-free graphs. Graphs in these families not only have unbounded genus, but can have genus as high as O(n)O(n). Our method applies as well to several other problems related to perfect matching. In particular, we obtain NC algorithms for the following problems in any family of graphs (or networks) with a one-crossing forbidden minor: ∙\bullet Determining whether a given graph has a perfect matching and if so, finding one. ∙\bullet Finding a minimum weight perfect matching in the graph, assuming that the edge weights are polynomially bounded. ∙\bullet Finding a maximum stst-flow in the network, with arbitrary capacities. The main new idea enabling our results is the definition and use of matching-mimicking networks, small replacement networks that behave the same, with respect to matching problems involving a fixed set of terminals, as the larger network they replace.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Euclidean Greedy Drawings of Trees

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    Greedy embedding (or drawing) is a simple and efficient strategy to route messages in wireless sensor networks. For each source-destination pair of nodes s, t in a greedy embedding there is always a neighbor u of s that is closer to t according to some distance metric. The existence of greedy embeddings in the Euclidean plane R^2 is known for certain graph classes such as 3-connected planar graphs. We completely characterize the trees that admit a greedy embedding in R^2. This answers a question by Angelini et al. (Graph Drawing 2009) and is a further step in characterizing the graphs that admit Euclidean greedy embeddings.Comment: Expanded version of a paper to appear in the 21st European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2013). 24 pages, 20 figure

    Force-directed embedding of scale-free networks in the hyperbolic plane

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    Force-directed drawing algorithms are the most commonly used approach to visualize networks. While they are usually very robust, the performance of Euclidean spring embedders decreases if the graph exhibits the high level of heterogeneity that typically occurs in scale-free real-world networks. As heterogeneity naturally emerges from hyperbolic geometry (in fact, scale-free networks are often perceived to have an underlying hyperbolic geometry), it is natural to embed them into the hyperbolic plane instead. Previous techniques that produce hyperbolic embeddings usually make assumptions about the given network, which (if not met) impairs the quality of the embedding. It is still an open problem to adapt force-directed embedding algorithms to make use of the heterogeneity of the hyperbolic plane, while also preserving their robustness. We identify fundamental differences between the behavior of spring embedders in Euclidean and hyperbolic space, and adapt the technique to take advantage of the heterogeneity of the hyperbolic plane

    On the Area Requirements of Planar Greedy Drawings of Triconnected Planar Graphs

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    In this paper we study the area requirements of planar greedy drawings of triconnected planar graphs. Cao, Strelzoff, and Sun exhibited a family H\cal H of subdivisions of triconnected plane graphs and claimed that every planar greedy drawing of the graphs in H\mathcal H respecting the prescribed plane embedding requires exponential area. However, we show that every nn-vertex graph in H\cal H actually has a planar greedy drawing respecting the prescribed plane embedding on an O(n)×O(n)O(n)\times O(n) grid. This reopens the question whether triconnected planar graphs admit planar greedy drawings on a polynomial-size grid. Further, we provide evidence for a positive answer to the above question by proving that every nn-vertex Halin graph admits a planar greedy drawing on an O(n)×O(n)O(n)\times O(n) grid. Both such results are obtained by actually constructing drawings that are convex and angle-monotone. Finally, we consider α\alpha-Schnyder drawings, which are angle-monotone and hence greedy if α≤30∘\alpha\leq 30^\circ, and show that there exist planar triangulations for which every α\alpha-Schnyder drawing with a fixed α<60∘\alpha<60^\circ requires exponential area for any resolution rule

    Availability analysis of resilient geometric routing on Internet topology

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    Scalable routing schemes for large-scale networks, especially future Internet, are required. Geometric routing scheme is a promising candidate to solve the scalability issue of routing tables in conventional IP routing based on longest prefix matching. In this scheme, network nodes are assigned virtual coordinates and packets are forwarded towards their intended destination following a distance-decreasing policy. Dynamics in the network such as node/link failures might affect this forwarding and lead packets to a dead end. We proposed recovery techniques in geometric routing to deliver packets to the destination in case of failures. In this paper, we perform an analysis on the availability of the proposed protection techniques on the Internet graph. The routing scheme over optical transport network is considered and the reliability data of physical components and a known network availability model are used. This evaluation is compared with the shortest cycle scheme which finds two node disjoint paths between every source and destination in the topology and also with geometric routing with no protection. The results show that the proposed scheme performs reasonably well compared to the shortest cycle scheme and significantly enhances the availability compared to geometric routing without any protection

    Drawing Graphs as Spanners

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    We study the problem of embedding graphs in the plane as good geometric spanners. That is, for a graph GG, the goal is to construct a straight-line drawing Γ\Gamma of GG in the plane such that, for any two vertices uu and vv of GG, the ratio between the minimum length of any path from uu to vv and the Euclidean distance between uu and vv is small. The maximum such ratio, over all pairs of vertices of GG, is the spanning ratio of Γ\Gamma. First, we show that deciding whether a graph admits a straight-line drawing with spanning ratio 11, a proper straight-line drawing with spanning ratio 11, and a planar straight-line drawing with spanning ratio 11 are NP-complete, ∃R\exists \mathbb R-complete, and linear-time solvable problems, respectively, where a drawing is proper if no two vertices overlap and no edge overlaps a vertex. Second, we show that moving from spanning ratio 11 to spanning ratio 1+ϵ1+\epsilon allows us to draw every graph. Namely, we prove that, for every ϵ>0\epsilon>0, every (planar) graph admits a proper (resp. planar) straight-line drawing with spanning ratio smaller than 1+ϵ1+\epsilon. Third, our drawings with spanning ratio smaller than 1+ϵ1+\epsilon have large edge-length ratio, that is, the ratio between the length of the longest edge and the length of the shortest edge is exponential. We show that this is sometimes unavoidable. More generally, we identify having bounded toughness as the criterion that distinguishes graphs that admit straight-line drawings with constant spanning ratio and polynomial edge-length ratio from graphs that require exponential edge-length ratio in any straight-line drawing with constant spanning ratio