23 research outputs found

    Succinct Oblivious RAM

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    As online storage services become increasingly common, it is important that users\u27 private information is protected from database access pattern analyses. Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a cryptographic primitive that enables users to perform arbitrary database accesses without revealing any information about the access pattern to the server. Previous ORAM studies focused mostly on reducing the access overhead. Consequently, the access overhead of the state-of-the-art ORAM constructions are almost at practical levels in certain application scenarios such as secure processors. However, we assume that the server space usage could become a new important issue in the coming big-data era. To enable large-scale computation in security-aware settings, it is necessary to rethink the ORAM server space cost using big-data standards. In this paper, we introduce "succinctness" as a theoretically tractable and practically relevant criterion of the ORAM server space efficiency in the big-data era. We, then, propose two succinct ORAM constructions that also exhibit state-of-the-art performance in terms of the bandwidth blowup and the user space. We also give non-asymptotic analyses and simulation results which indicate that the proposed ORAM constructions are practically effective

    A Dynamic Space-Efficient Filter with Constant Time Operations

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    A dynamic dictionary is a data structure that maintains sets of cardinality at most n from a given universe and supports insertions, deletions, and membership queries. A filter approximates membership queries with a one-sided error that occurs with probability at most ?. The goal is to obtain dynamic filters that are space-efficient (the space is 1+o(1) times the information-theoretic lower bound) and support all operations in constant time with high probability. One approach to designing filters is to reduce to the retrieval problem. When the size of the universe is polynomial in n, this approach yields a space-efficient dynamic filter as long as the error parameter ? satisfies log(1/?) = ?(log log n). For the case that log(1/?) = O(log log n), we present the first space-efficient dynamic filter with constant time operations in the worst case (whp). In contrast, the space-efficient dynamic filter of Pagh et al. [Anna Pagh et al., 2005] supports insertions and deletions in amortized expected constant time. Our approach employs the classic reduction of Carter et al. [Carter et al., 1978] on a new type of dictionary construction that supports random multisets

    Succinct Filters for Sets of Unknown Sizes

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    The membership problem asks to maintain a set S ? [u], supporting insertions and membership queries, i.e., testing if a given element is in the set. A data structure that computes exact answers is called a dictionary. When a (small) false positive rate ? is allowed, the data structure is called a filter. The space usages of the standard dictionaries or filters usually depend on the upper bound on the size of S, while the actual set can be much smaller. Pagh, Segev and Wieder [Pagh et al., 2013] were the first to study filters with varying space usage based on the current |S|. They showed in order to match the space with the current set size n = |S|, any filter data structure must use (1-o(1))n(log(1/?)+(1-O(?))log log n) bits, in contrast to the well-known lower bound of N log(1/?) bits, where N is an upper bound on |S|. They also presented a data structure with almost optimal space of (1+o(1))n(log(1/?)+O(log log n)) bits provided that n > u^0.001, with expected amortized constant insertion time and worst-case constant lookup time. In this work, we present a filter data structure with improvements in two aspects: - it has constant worst-case time for all insertions and lookups with high probability; - it uses space (1+o(1))n(log (1/?)+log log n) bits when n > u^0.001, achieving optimal leading constant for all ? = o(1). We also present a dictionary that uses (1+o(1))nlog(u/n) bits of space, matching the optimal space in terms of the current size, and performs all operations in constant time with high probability

    Fast and Simple Compact Hashing via Bucketing

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    Compact hash tables store a set S of n key-value pairs, where the keys are from the universe U = {0, ..., u - 1}, and the values are v-bit integers, in close to B(u, n) + nv bits of space, where B(u, n) = log2 ((u)(n)) is the information-theoretic lower bound for representing the set of keys in S, and support operations insert, delete and lookup on S. Compact hash tables have received significant attention in recent years, and approaches dating back to Cleary [IEEE T. Comput, 1984], as well as more recent ones have been implemented and used in a number of applications. However, the wins on space usage of these approaches are outweighed by their slowness relative to conventional hash tables. In this paper, we demonstrate that compact hash tables based upon a simple idea of bucketing practically outperform existing compact hash table implementations in terms of memory usage and construction time, and existing fast hash table implementations in terms of memory usage (and sometimes also in terms of construction time), while having competitive query times. A related notion is that of a compact hash ID map, which stores a set (S) over cap of n keys from U, and implicitly associates each key in (S) over cap with a unique value (its ID), chosen by the data structure itself, which is an integer of magnitude O(n), and supports inserts and lookups on S, while using space close to B(u, n) bits. One of our approaches is suitable for use as a compact hash ID map.Peer reviewe