349 research outputs found

    3D-Sonification for Obstacle Avoidance in Brownout Conditions

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    Helicopter brownout is a phenomenon that occurs when making landing approaches in dusty environments, whereby sand or dust particles become swept up in the rotor outwash. Brownout is characterized by partial or total obscuration of the terrain, which degrades visual cues necessary for hovering and safe landing. Furthermore, the motion of the dust cloud produced during brownout can lead to the pilot experiencing motion cue anomalies such as vection illusions. In this context, the stability and guidance control functions can be intermittently or continuously degraded, potentially leading to undetected surface hazards and obstacles as well as unnoticed drift. Safe and controlled landing in brownout can be achieved using an integrated presentation of LADAR and RADAR imagery and aircraft state symbology. However, though detected by the LADAR and displayed on the sensor image, small obstacles can be difficult to discern from the background so that changes in obstacle elevation may go unnoticed. Moreover, pilot workload associated with tracking the displayed symbology is often so high that the pilot cannot give sufficient attention to the LADAR/RADAR image. This paper documents a simulation evaluating the use of 3D auditory cueing for obstacle avoidance in brownout as a replacement for or compliment to LADAR/RADAR imagery

    Trajectory solutions for a game-playing robot using nonprehensile manipulation methods and machine vision

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    The need for autonomous systems designed to play games, both strategy-based and physical, comes from the quest to model human behaviour under tough and competitive environments that require human skill at its best. In the last two decades, and especially after the 1996 defeat of the world chess champion by a chess-playing computer, physical games have been receiving greater attention. Robocup TM, i.e. robotic football, is a well-known example, with the participation of thousands of researchers all over the world. The robots created to play snooker/pool/billiards are placed in this context. Snooker, as well as being a game of strategy, also requires accurate physical manipulation skills from the player, and these two aspects qualify snooker as a potential game for autonomous system development research. Although research into playing strategy in snooker has made considerable progress using various artificial intelligence methods, the physical manipulation part of the game is not fully addressed by the robots created so far. This thesis looks at the different ball manipulation options snooker players use, like the shots that impart spin to the ball in order to accurately position the balls on the table, by trying to predict the ball trajectories under the action of various dynamic phenomena, such as impacts. A 3-degree of freedom robot, which can manipulate the snooker cue on a par with humans, at high velocities, using a servomotor, and position the snooker cue on the ball accurately with the help of a stepper drive, is designed and fabricated. [Continues.

    Augmented reality and scene examination

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    The research presented in this thesis explores the impact of Augmented Reality on human performance, and compares this technology with Virtual Reality using a head-mounted video-feed for a variety of tasks that relate to scene examination. The motivation for the work was the question of whether Augmented Reality could provide a vehicle for training in crime scene investigation. The Augmented Reality application was developed using fiducial markers in the Windows Presentation Foundation, running on a wearable computer platform; Virtual Reality was developed using the Crytek game engine to present a photo-realistic 3D environment; and a video-feed was provided through head-mounted webcam. All media were presented through head-mounted displays of similar resolution to provide the sole source of visual information to participants in the experiments. The experiments were designed to increase the amount of mobility required to conduct the search task, i.e., from rotation in the horizontal or vertical plane through to movement around a room. In each experiment, participants were required to find objects and subsequently recall their location. It is concluded that human performance is affected not merely via the medium through which the world is perceived but moreover, the constraints governing how movement in the world is controlled

    Face processing in early development: a systematic review of behavioral studies and considerations in times of COVID-19 pandemic

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    Human faces are one of the most prominent stimuli in the visual environment of young infants and convey critical information for the development of social cognition. During the COVID-19 pandemic, mask wearing has become a common practice outside the home environment. With masks covering nose and mouth regions, the facial cues available to the infant are impoverished. The impact of these changes on development is unknown but is critical to debates around mask mandates in early childhood settings. As infants grow, they increasingly interact with a broader range of familiar and unfamiliar people outside the home; in these settings, mask wearing could possibly influence social development. In order to generate hypotheses about the effects of mask wearing on infant social development, in the present work, we systematically review N = 129 studies selected based on the most recent PRISMA guidelines providing a state-of-the-art framework of behavioral studies investigating face processing in early infancy. We focused on identifying sensitive periods during which being exposed to specific facial features or to the entire face configuration has been found to be important for the development of perceptive and socio-communicative skills. For perceptive skills, infants gradually learn to analyze the eyes or the gaze direction within the context of the entire face configuration. This contributes to identity recognition as well as emotional expression discrimination. For socio- communicative skills, direct gaze and emotional facial expressions are crucial for attention engagement while eye-gaze cuing is important for joint attention. Moreover, attention to the mouth is particularly relevant for speech learning. We discuss possible implications of the exposure to masked faces for developmental needs and functions. Providing groundwork for further research, we encourage the investigation of the consequences of mask wearing for infants’ perceptive and socio-communicative development, suggesting new directions within the research field

    A Body-and-Mind-Centric Approach to Wearable Personal Assistants

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    Improving spatial orientation in virtual reality with leaning-based interfaces

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    Advancement in technology has made Virtual Reality (VR) increasingly portable, affordable and accessible to a broad audience. However, large scale VR locomotion still faces major challenges in the form of spatial disorientation and motion sickness. While spatial updating is automatic and even obligatory in real world walking, using VR controllers to travel can cause disorientation. This dissertation presents two experiments that explore ways of improving spatial updating and spatial orientation in VR locomotion while minimizing cybersickness. In the first study, we compared a hand-held controller with HeadJoystick, a leaning-based interface, in a 3D navigational search task. The results showed that leaning-based interface helped participant spatially update more effectively than when using the controller. In the second study, we designed a "HyperJump" locomotion paradigm which allows to travel faster while limiting its optical flow. Not having any optical flow (as in traditional teleport paradigms) has been shown to help reduce cybersickness, but can also cause disorientation. By interlacing continuous locomotion with teleportation we showed that user can travel faster without compromising spatial updating

    Augmented Reality Interfaces for Procedural Tasks

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    Procedural tasks involve people performing established sequences of activities while interacting with objects in the physical environment to accomplish particular goals. These tasks span almost all aspects of human life and vary greatly in their complexity. For some simple tasks, little cognitive assistance is required beyond an initial learning session in which a person follows one-time compact directions, or even intuition, to master a sequence of activities. In the case of complex tasks, procedural assistance may be continually required, even for the most experienced users. Approaches for rendering this assistance employ a wide range of written, audible, and computer-based technologies. This dissertation explores an approach in which procedural task assistance is rendered using augmented reality. Augmented reality integrates virtual content with a user's natural view of the environment, combining real and virtual objects interactively, and aligning them with each other. Our thesis is that an augmented reality interface can allow individuals to perform procedural tasks more quickly while exerting less effort and making fewer errors than other forms of assistance. This thesis is supported by several significant contributions yielded during the exploration of the following research themes: What aspects of AR are applicable and beneficial to the procedural task problem? In answering this question, we developed two prototype AR interfaces that improve procedural task accomplishment. The first prototype was designed to assist mechanics carrying out maintenance procedures under field conditions. An evaluation involving professional mechanics showed our prototype reduced the time required to locate procedural tasks and resulted in fewer head movements while transitioning between tasks. Following up on this work, we constructed another prototype that focuses on providing assistance in the underexplored psychomotor phases of procedural tasks. This prototype presents dynamic and prescriptive forms of instruction and was evaluated using a demanding and realistic alignment task. This evaluation revealed that the AR prototype allowed participants to complete the alignment more quickly and accurately than when using an enhanced version of currently employed documentation systems. How does the user interact with an AR application assisting with procedural tasks? The application of AR to the procedural task problem poses unique user interaction challenges. To meet these challenges, we present and evaluate a novel class of user interfaces that leverage naturally occurring and otherwise unused affordances in the native environment to provide a tangible user interface for augmented reality applications. This class of techniques, which we call Opportunistic Controls, combines hand gestures, overlaid virtual widgets, and passive haptics to form an interface that was proven effective and intuitive during quantitative evaluation. Our evaluation of these techniques includes a qualitative exploration of various preferences and heuristics for Opportunistic Control-based designs

    The automatic detection of chronic pain-related expression: requirements, challenges and a multimodal dataset

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    Pain-related emotions are a major barrier to effective self rehabilitation in chronic pain. Automated coaching systems capable of detecting these emotions are a potential solution. This paper lays the foundation for the development of such systems by making three contributions. First, through literature reviews, an overview of how chronic pain is expressed and the motivation for detecting it in physical rehabilitation is provided. Second, a fully labelled multimodal dataset containing high resolution multiple-view face videos, head mounted and room audio signals, full body 3-D motion capture and electromyographic signals from back muscles is supplied. Natural unconstrained pain related facial expressions and body movement behaviours were elicited from people with chronic pain carrying out physical exercises. Both instructed and non- instructed exercises where considered to reflect different rehabilitation scenarios. Two sets of labels were assigned: level of pain from facial expressions annotated by eight raters and the occurrence of six pain-related body behaviours segmented by four experts. Third, through exploratory experiments grounded in the data, the factors and challenges in the automated recognition of such expressions and behaviour are described, the paper concludes by discussing potential avenues in the context of these findings also highlighting differences for the two exercise scenarios addressed