1,001 research outputs found

    Probing microwave fields and enabling in-situ experiments in a transmission electron microscope.

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    A technique is presented whereby the performance of a microwave device is evaluated by mapping local field distributions using Lorentz transmission electron microscopy (L-TEM). We demonstrate the method by measuring the polarisation state of the electromagnetic fields produced by a microstrip waveguide as a function of its gigahertz operating frequency. The forward and backward propagating electromagnetic fields produced by the waveguide, in a specimen-free experiment, exert Lorentz forces on the propagating electron beam. Importantly, in addition to the mapping of dynamic fields, this novel method allows detection of effects of microwave fields on specimens, such as observing ferromagnetic materials at resonance

    Design and Applications of Multi-Frequency Holographic Subsurface Radar: Review and Case Histories

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    Holographic subsurface radar (HSR) is not currently in widespread usage. This is due to a historical perspective in the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) community that the high attenuation of electromagnetic waves in most media of interest and the inability to apply time-varying gain to the continuous-wave (CW) HSR signal preclude sufficient effective penetration depth. While it is true that the fundamental physics of HSR, with its use of a CW signal, does not allow amplification of later (i.e., deeper) arrivals in lossy media (as is possible with impulse subsurface radar (ISR)), HSR has distinct advantages. The most important of these is the ability to do shallow subsurface imaging with a resolution that is not possible with ISR. In addition, the design of an HSR system is simpler than for ISR due to the relatively low-tech transmitting and receiving antennae. This paper provides a review of the main principles of HSR through an optical analogy and describes possible algorithms for radar hologram reconstruction. We also present a review of the history of development of systems and applications of the RASCAN type, which is possibly the only commercially available holographic subsurface radar. Among the subsurface imaging and remote sensing applications considered are humanitarian demining, construction inspection, nondestructive testing of dielectric aerospace materials, surveys of historic architecture and artworks, paleontology, and security screening. Each application is illustrated with relevant data acquired in laboratory and/or field experiments

    Development and Applications of the Holographic Subsurface RASCAN Radar

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    Error assessment of microwave holography inversion for shallow buried objects

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    Holographic imaging is a technique that uses microwave energy to create a three-dimensional image of an object or scene. This technology has potential applications in land mine detection, as the long-wavelength microwave energy can penetrate the ground and create an image of hidden objects without the need for direct physical contact. However, the inversion algorithms commonly used to digitally reconstruct 3D images from holographic images, such as Convolution, Angular Spectrum, and Fresnel, are known to have limitations and can introduce errors in the reconstructed image. Despite these challenges, the use of holographic radar at around 2 GHz in combination with holographic imaging techniques for land mine detection allows to recover size and shape of buried objects. In this paper, we estimate the reconstruction error for the convolution algorithm based on hologram imaging simulation and assess these errors recommending an increase in the scanner area, considering the limitations that the system has and the expected error reduction.Comment: accepted at IWA-GP

    From GHz to mHz: A Multiwavelength Study of the Acoustically Active 14 August 2004 M7.4 Solar Flare

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    We carried out an electromagnetic acoustic analysis of the solar flare of 14 August 2004 in active region AR10656 from the radio to the hard X-ray spectrum. The flare was a GOES soft X-ray class M7.4 and produced a detectable sun quake, confirming earlier inferences that relatively low-energy flares may be able to generate sun quakes. We introduce the hypothesis that the seismicity of the active region is closely related to the heights of coronal magnetic loops that conduct high-energy particles from the flare. In the case of relatively short magnetic loops, chromospheric evaporation populates the loop interior with ionized gas relatively rapidly, expediting the scattering of remaining trapped high-energy electrons into the magnetic loss cone and their rapid precipitation into the chromosphere. This increases both the intensity and suddenness of the chromospheric heating, satisfying the basic conditions for an acoustic emission that penetrates into the solar interior.Comment: Accepted in Solar Physic

    Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS)

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    The third Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS) was held 12-16 Jul. 1993, at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. More than 800 presentations were made, and those abstracts are included in this publication

    Imaging and inverse problems of electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation

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    Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation (NDE) is used widely in industry to assess the character of structures and materials noninvasively. A major aspect of any NDE system is solving the associated inverse problem to characterize the material under study. The solution of the inverse problem is directly related to the physics of a particular electromagnetic NDE system which can be either fully dynamic, quasistatic, or static depending on the operating frequency and material parameters. In a general electromagnetic NDE system, indirect inversion techniques which utilize large amounts of a priori knowledge and some type of calibration scheme are employed to characterize materials. However, in certain test situations the governing physics of an electromagnetic NDE system allow direct inversion techniques to be employed which can be used to image flaws in a material. There has, however, been research which attempts to utilize direct inversion methods which do not rely on the underlying physics of the electromagnetic NDE system;This dissertation first describes the importance of the underlying physics to the solution of the electromagnetic NDE inverse problem. In this context, the inverse problem of fully dynamic electromagnetic NDE and magnetoquasistatic (MQS) NDE are developed to elucidate their underlying mathematical and physical properties. It is shown that the inverse problem for MQS phenomena is generally much more difficult than that of fully dynamic electromagnetic phenomena. Experiments are conducted which utilize fully dynamic millimeter wave NDE and MQS eddy current NDE to compare and contrast the physics and inverse problem of each technique. Two methods are then examined as a possible means of inverting MQS data with direct techniques. A transformation from diffusion to waves is examined as a method of inverting MQS data as a pseudo-wave field. An analytic inversion of the transformation is developed and used to gain insight into robustness issues associated with the method. Also, an averaging scheme is developed to increase the robustness of the transformation. Next, a technique is developed which utilizes phase shifts of steady state eddy current impedance measurements to directly image subsurface flaws in electrically conducting materials. A 1-D analytic study and a 2-D finite element simulation are used to gain insight into the underlying physics associated with the method. A modification to the technique is developed which utilizes the finite element model to account for phase distortions associated with the induced eddy currents in a test sample. An experiment is then carried out to demonstrate this direct inversion technique on actual eddy current data;The results of this study show that the use of direct inversion methods for imaging electromagnetic NDE must be carried out with a clear understanding of the underlying physical phenomena. There are many instances where direct inversion schemes can be applied to fully dynamic electromagnetic fields. Due to physical limitations associated with MQS phenomena, direct inversion methods are not generally applicable to MQS data. However, a transformation technique is shown to be a potential means for utilizing direct inversion techniques on MQS. A second direct inversion technique introduced for MQS data has potential for imaging subsurface flaws in electrically conducting materials. There are, however, severe limitations to both inversion methods which reduce their usefulness

    Modeling the Subsurface Structure of Sunspots

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    While sunspots are easily observed at the solar surface, determining their subsurface structure is not trivial. There are two main hypotheses for the subsurface structure of sunspots: the monolithic model and the cluster model. Local helioseismology is the only means by which we can investigate subphotospheric structure. However, as current linear inversion techniques do not yet allow helioseismology to probe the internal structure with sufficient confidence to distinguish between the monolith and cluster models, the development of physically realistic sunspot models are a priority for helioseismologists. This is because they are not only important indicators of the variety of physical effects that may influence helioseismic inferences in active regions, but they also enable detailed assessments of the validity of helioseismic interpretations through numerical forward modeling. In this paper, we provide a critical review of the existing sunspot models and an overview of numerical methods employed to model wave propagation through model sunspots. We then carry out an helioseismic analysis of the sunspot in Active Region 9787 and address the serious inconsistencies uncovered by \citeauthor{gizonetal2009}~(\citeyear{gizonetal2009,gizonetal2009a}). We find that this sunspot is most probably associated with a shallow, positive wave-speed perturbation (unlike the traditional two-layer model) and that travel-time measurements are consistent with a horizontal outflow in the surrounding moat.Comment: 73 pages, 19 figures, accepted by Solar Physic
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