5 research outputs found

    Bounds on Certain Multiplications of Affine Combinations

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    Let A and B be n x n matrices the entries of which are affine combinations of the variables a_1,... ,a_m,b_1,. .. ,b_m over GF(2). Suppose that, for each i, 1<= i <= m, the term a_i b_i is an element of the product matrix C = A € B. What is the maximum value that m can have as a function of n ? This question arises from a recent technique for improving the communication complexity of zero-knowledge proofs.The obvious upper bound of n^2 is improved to n^2 sqrt[3] 3 + O(n). Tighter bounds are obtained for smaller values of n. The bounds for n = 2, n = 3, and n = 4 are tight

    Structures and lower bounds for binary covering arrays

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    A qq-ary tt-covering array is an m×nm \times n matrix with entries from {0,1,...,q−1}\{0, 1, ..., q-1\} with the property that for any tt column positions, all qtq^t possible vectors of length tt occur at least once. One wishes to minimize mm for given tt and nn, or maximize nn for given tt and mm. For t=2t = 2 and q=2q = 2, it is completely solved by R\'enyi, Katona, and Kleitman and Spencer. They also show that maximal binary 2-covering arrays are uniquely determined. Roux found the lower bound of mm for a general t,nt, n, and qq. In this article, we show that m×nm \times n binary 2-covering arrays under some constraints on mm and nn come from the maximal covering arrays. We also improve the lower bound of Roux for t=3t = 3 and q=2q = 2, and show that some binary 3 or 4-covering arrays are uniquely determined.Comment: 16 page

    Study of Zero-Knowledge protocols and Elliptic Curve Cryptography and their implementation in Smart Card environments using Java Card

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    This paper studies the problem of Zero-Knowledge Protocol (ZKP) and elliptic curve cryptographic implementation in a computationally limited environment, such as, the smart cards, using Java Card. Besides that, it is explained how the zero-knowledge protocol was selected to implement it on a smart card and how the benchmarking was conducted to select this protocol. The paper also shows a theoretical development to implement the ZKP protocol using elliptic curve cryptography. Keywords: Authentication; Zero-knowledge; Cryptography; Elliptic Curve; Java card; Smart cardsComment: 16 pages, in Spanis

    Practical zero-knowledge Protocols based on the discrete logarithm Assumption

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    Zero-knowledge proofs were introduced by Goldwasser, Micali, and Rackoff. A zero-knowledge proof allows a prover to demonstrate knowledge of some information, for example that they know an element which is a member of a list or which is not a member of a list, without disclosing any further information about that element. Existing constructions of zero-knowledge proofs which can be applied to all languages in NP are impractical due to their communication and computational complexity. However, it has been known since Guillou and Quisquater's identification protocol from 1988 and Schnorr's identification protocol from 1991 that practical zero-knowledge protocols for specific problems exist. Because of this, a lot of work was undertaken over the recent decades to find practical zero-knowledge proofs for various other specific problems, and in recent years many protocols were published which have improved communication and computational complexity. Nevertheless, to find more problems which have an efficient and practical zero-knowledge proof system and which can be used as building blocks for other protocols is an ongoing challenge of modern cryptography. This work addresses the challenge, and constructs zero-knowledge arguments with sublinear communication complexity, and achievable computational demands. The security of our protocols is only based on the discrete logarithm assumption. Polynomial evaluation arguments are proposed for univariate polynomials, for multivariate polynomials, and for a batch of univariate polynomials. Furthermore, the polynomial evaluation argument is applied to construct practical membership and non-membership arguments. Finally, an efficient method for proving the correctness of a shuffle is proposed. The proposed protocols have been tested against current state of the art versions in order to verify their practicality in terms of run-time and communication cost. We observe that the performance of our protocols is fast enough to be practical for medium range parameters. Furthermore, all our verifiers have a better asymptotic behavior than earlier verifiers independent of the parameter range, and in real life settings our provers perform better than provers of existing protocols. The analysis of the results shows that the communication cost of our protocols is very small; therefore, our new protocols compare very favorably to the current state of the art