933 research outputs found

    Best-first heuristic search for multicore machines

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    To harness modern multicore processors, it is imperative to develop parallel versions of fundamental algorithms. In this paper, we compare different approaches to parallel best-first search in a shared-memory setting. We present a new method, PBNF, that uses abstraction to partition the state space and to detect duplicate states without requiring frequent locking. PBNF allows speculative expansions when necessary to keep threads busy. We identify and fix potential livelock conditions in our approach, proving its correctness using temporal logic. Our approach is general, allowing it to extend easily to suboptimal and anytime heuristic search. In an empirical comparison on STRIPS planning, grid pathfinding, and sliding tile puzzle problems using 8-core machines, we show that A*, weighted A* and Anytime weighted A* implemented using PBNF yield faster search than improved versions of previous parallel search proposals

    Planning under time pressure

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    Heuristic search is a technique used pervasively in artificial intelligence and automated planning. Often an agent is given a task that it would like to solve as quickly as possible. It must allocate its time between planning the actions to achieve the task and actually executing them. We call this problem planning under time pressure. Most popular heuristic search algorithms are ill-suited for this setting, as they either search a lot to find short plans or search a little and find long plans. The thesis of this dissertation is: when under time pressure, an automated agent should explicitly attempt to minimize the sum of planning and execution times, not just one or just the other. This dissertation makes four contributions. First we present new algorithms that use modern multi-core CPUs to decrease planning time without increasing execution. Second, we introduce a new model for predicting the performance of iterative-deepening search. The model is as accurate as previous offline techniques when using less training data, but can also be used online to reduce the overhead of iterative-deepening search, resulting in faster planning. Third we show offline planning algorithms that directly attempt to minimize the sum of planning and execution times. And, fourth we consider algorithms that plan online in parallel with execution. Both offline and online algorithms account for a user-specified preference between search and execution, and can greatly outperform the standard utility-oblivious techniques. By addressing the problem of planning under time pressure, these contributions demonstrate that heuristic search is no longer restricted to optimizing solution cost, obviating the need to choose between slow search times and expensive solutions

    Engineering LaCAM∗^\ast: Towards Real-Time, Large-Scale, and Near-Optimal Multi-Agent Pathfinding

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    This paper addresses the challenges of real-time, large-scale, and near-optimal multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) through enhancements to the recently proposed LaCAM* algorithm. LaCAM* is a scalable search-based algorithm that guarantees the eventual finding of optimal solutions for cumulative transition costs. While it has demonstrated remarkable planning success rates, surpassing various state-of-the-art MAPF methods, its initial solution quality is far from optimal, and its convergence speed to the optimum is slow. To overcome these limitations, this paper introduces several improvement techniques, partly drawing inspiration from other MAPF methods. We provide empirical evidence that the fusion of these techniques significantly improves the solution quality of LaCAM*, thus further pushing the boundaries of MAPF algorithms.Comment: 20 page

    Algorithms for Graph-Constrained Coalition Formation in the Real World

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    Coalition formation typically involves the coming together of multiple, heterogeneous, agents to achieve both their individual and collective goals. In this paper, we focus on a special case of coalition formation known as Graph-Constrained Coalition Formation (GCCF) whereby a network connecting the agents constrains the formation of coalitions. We focus on this type of problem given that in many real-world applications, agents may be connected by a communication network or only trust certain peers in their social network. We propose a novel representation of this problem based on the concept of edge contraction, which allows us to model the search space induced by the GCCF problem as a rooted tree. Then, we propose an anytime solution algorithm (CFSS), which is particularly efficient when applied to a general class of characteristic functions called m+am+a functions. Moreover, we show how CFSS can be efficiently parallelised to solve GCCF using a non-redundant partition of the search space. We benchmark CFSS on both synthetic and realistic scenarios, using a real-world dataset consisting of the energy consumption of a large number of households in the UK. Our results show that, in the best case, the serial version of CFSS is 4 orders of magnitude faster than the state of the art, while the parallel version is 9.44 times faster than the serial version on a 12-core machine. Moreover, CFSS is the first approach to provide anytime approximate solutions with quality guarantees for very large systems of agents (i.e., with more than 2700 agents).Comment: Accepted for publication, cite as "in press

    Heuristic search under time and cost bounds

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    Intelligence is difficult to formally define, but one of its hallmarks is the ability find a solution to a novel problem. Therefore it makes good sense that heuristic search is a foundational topic in artificial intelligence. In this context search refers to the process of finding a solution to the problem by considering a large, possibly infinite, set of potential plans of action. Heuristic refers to a rule of thumb or a guiding, if not always accurate, principle. Heuristic search describes a family of techniques which consider members of the set of potential plans of action in turn, as determined by the heuristic, until a suitable solution to the problem is discovered. This work is concerned primarily with suboptimal heuristic search algorithms. These algorithms are not inherently flawed, but they are suboptimal in the sense that the plans that they return may be more expensive than a least cost, or optimal, plan for the problem. While suboptimal heuristic search algorithms may not return least cost solutions to the problem, they are often far faster than their optimal counterparts, making them more attractive for many applications. The thesis of this dissertation is that the performance of suboptimal search algorithms can be improved by taking advantage of information that, while widely available, has been overlooked. In particular, we will see how estimates of the length of a plan, estimates of plan cost that do not err on the side of caution, and measurements of the accuracy of our estimators can be used to improve the performance of suboptimal heuristic search algorithms

    09491 Abstracts Collection -- Graph Search Engineering

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    From the 29th November to the 4th December 2009, the Dagstuhl Seminar 09491 ``Graph Search Engineering \u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available
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