17 research outputs found

    Exploring the Complexity of Layout Parameters in Tournaments and Semi-Complete Digraphs

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    A simple digraph is semi-complete if for any two of its vertices u and v, at least one of the arcs (u,v) and (v,u) is present. We study the complexity of computing two layout parameters of semi-complete digraphs: cutwidth and optimal linear arrangement (OLA). We prove that: -Both parameters are NP-hard to compute and the known exact and parameterized algorithms for them have essentially optimal running times, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis. - The cutwidth parameter admits a quadratic Turing kernel, whereas it does not admit any polynomial kernel unless coNP/poly contains NP. By contrast, OLA admits a linear kernel. These results essentially complete the complexity analysis of computing cutwidth and OLA on semi-complete digraphs. Our techniques can be also used to analyze the sizes of minimal obstructions for having small cutwidth under the induced subdigraph relation

    On width measures and topological problems on semi-complete digraphs

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    Under embargo until: 2021-02-01The topological theory for semi-complete digraphs, pioneered by Chudnovsky, Fradkin, Kim, Scott, and Seymour [10], [11], [12], [28], [43], [39], concentrates on the interplay between the most important width measures — cutwidth and pathwidth — and containment relations like topological/minor containment or immersion. We propose a new approach to this theory that is based on outdegree orderings and new families of obstacles for cutwidth and pathwidth. Using the new approach we are able to reprove the most important known results in a unified and simplified manner, as well as provide multiple improvements. Notably, we obtain a number of efficient approximation and fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for computing width measures of semi-complete digraphs, as well as fast fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for testing containment relations in the semi-complete setting. As a direct corollary of our work, we also derive explicit and essentially tight bounds on duality relations between width parameters and containment orderings in semi-complete digraphs.acceptedVersio

    A Sub-Exponential FPT Algorithm and a Polynomial Kernel for Minimum Directed Bisection on Semicomplete Digraphs

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    Given an n-vertex digraph D and a non-negative integer k, the Minimum Directed Bisection problem asks if the vertices of D can be partitioned into two parts, say L and R, such that |L| and |R| differ by at most 1 and the number of arcs from R to L is at most k. This problem, in general, is W-hard as it is known to be NP-hard even when k=0. We investigate the parameterized complexity of this problem on semicomplete digraphs. We show that Minimum Directed Bisection on semicomplete digraphs is one of a handful of problems that admit sub-exponential time fixed-parameter tractable algorithms. That is, we show that the problem admits a 2^{O(sqrt{k} log k)}n^{O(1)} time algorithm on semicomplete digraphs. We also show that Minimum Directed Bisection admits a polynomial kernel on semicomplete digraphs. To design the kernel, we use (n,k,k^2)-splitters. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time such pseudorandom objects have been used in the design of kernels. We believe that the framework of designing kernels using splitters could be applied to more problems that admit sub-exponential time algorithms via chromatic coding. To complement the above mentioned results, we prove that Minimum Directed Bisection is NP-hard on semicomplete digraphs, but polynomial time solvable on tournaments

    Polynomial Kernel for Immersion Hitting in Tournaments

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    For a fixed simple digraph H without isolated vertices, we consider the problem of deleting arcs from a given tournament to get a digraph which does not contain H as an immersion. We prove that for every H, this problem admits a polynomial kernel when parameterized by the number of deleted arcs. The degree of the bound on the kernel size depends on H

    Exploiting Dense Structures in Parameterized Complexity

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    Over the past few decades, the study of dense structures from the perspective of approximation algorithms has become a wide area of research. However, from the viewpoint of parameterized algorithm, this area is largely unexplored. In particular, properties of random samples have been successfully deployed to design approximation schemes for a number of fundamental problems on dense structures [Arora et al. FOCS 1995, Goldreich et al. FOCS 1996, Giotis and Guruswami SODA 2006, Karpinksi and Schudy STOC 2009]. In this paper, we fill this gap, and harness the power of random samples as well as structure theory to design kernelization as well as parameterized algorithms on dense structures. In particular, we obtain linear vertex kernels for Edge-Disjoint Paths, Edge Odd Cycle Transversal, Minimum Bisection, d-Way Cut, Multiway Cut and Multicut on everywhere dense graphs. In fact, these kernels are obtained by designing a polynomial-time algorithm when the corresponding parameter is at most ?(n). Additionally, we obtain a cubic kernel for Vertex-Disjoint Paths on everywhere dense graphs. In addition to kernelization results, we obtain randomized subexponential-time parameterized algorithms for Edge Odd Cycle Transversal, Minimum Bisection, and d-Way Cut. Finally, we show how all of our results (as well as EPASes for these problems) can be de-randomized

    The solution space of sorting with recurring comparison faults

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    Suppose that n elements shall be sorted by comparisons, but an unknown subset of at most k pairs systematically returns false comparison results. Using a known connection with feedback arc sets in tournaments (FAST), we characterize the solution space of sorting with recurring comparison faults by a FAST enumeration, which represents all information about the order that can be obtained by doing all comparisons. An optimal parameterized enumeration algorithm for FAST also works for the more general chordal graphs, and this fact contributes to the efficiency of our representation. Then, we compute the solution space more efficiently, by fault-tolerant versions of Treesort and Quicksort. For rare faults the complexity is close to optimal. We propose propose directions of further research, revolving around decision diagrams for sorting with recurring faults