4 research outputs found

    Technic and Collaboration Breakdown Structures: Drivers of collaborative problem solving approaches in a supply chain context

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    Problem Solving Methodologies have been par excellence a cornerstone element of the firms’ strategy on achieving effective continuous improvement. But the enterprise evolution towards an extended environment characterized by network-based organization has radically changed the problem solving paradigms. This paper aims to propose a generic and collaborative methodology addressing more complex and distributed problems, dealing with Supply Chain issues and having a key role as a driver for building global competitive advantages and create superior performances at a Supply Chain level

    Collaborative problem solving within supply chains: general framework, process and methodology

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    The Problem Solving Process is a central element of the firms' continuous improvement strategies. In this framework, a number of approaches have succeeded to demonstrate their effectiveness to tackle industrial problems. The list includes, but is not limited to PDCA, DMAICS, 7Steps and 8D/9S. However, the emergence and increasing emphasis in the supply chains have impacted the effectiveness of those methods to solve problems that go beyond the boundaries of a single firm and, in consequence, their ability to provide solutions when the contexts on which firms operate are distributed. This can be explained because not only the problems, but also the products, partners, skills, resources and pieces of evidence required to solve those problems are distributed, fragmented and decentralized across the network. This PhD thesis deals with the solving of industrial problems in supply chains based in collaboration. It develops a general framework for studying this paradigm, as well as both a generic process and a collaborative methodology able to deal with the process in practice. The proposal considers all the technical aspects (e.g. products modeling and network structure) and the collaborative aspects (e.g. the trust decisions and/or the power gaps between partners) that simultaneously impact the supply chain operation and the jointly solving of problems. Finally, this research work positions the experiential knowledge as a central lever of the problem solving process to contribute to the continuous improvement strategies at a more global level

    Résolution collaborative de problèmes au sein des chaînes logistiques : cadre conceptuel, processus et méthodologie

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    La Résolution de Problèmes est l'un des piliers des stratégies d'amélioration continue des entreprises. Dans ce cadre, un certain nombre des méthodes ont réussi à démontrer son efficacité pour adresser des problèmes particulièrement complexes. Parmi ces méthodes, on peut distinguer le PDCA, le DMAICS, le 7Steps et le 8D/9S. Pourtant, l'apparition des réseaux distribuées de partenaires, ainsi que le positionnement du concept d'entreprise étendue, ont obligé les entreprises à aller au-delà de ses frontières pour travailler en synergie avec tous les partenaires en amont et en aval de sa chaîne. Dans ce contexte, l'efficacité de ces méthodes de résolution des problèmes a été fortement impactée. Ceci car non seulement les problèmes, mais aussi les produits, les partenaires, les ressources et l'information nécessaires pour sa résolution sont extrêmement fragmentés et décentralisés. Cette thèse s'intéresse donc à la résolution collaborative de problèmes au sein des chaînes distribuées de partenaires et son objectif est de proposer un processus et une méthodologie adaptés à ces contextes. Les propositions faites prennent en compte les aspects techniques (e.g. la modélisation des flux et la configuration de la chaîne) ainsi que les aspects collaboratifs (e.g. le niveau de confiance et/ou le rapport de pouvoir entre les partenaires) que conditionnent l'opération et l'efficacité du réseau. Finalement, cette thèse s'intéresse à l'articulation d'un système de retour d'expérience dans la résolution de problèmes distribués afin d'améliorer son efficacité. ABSTRACT : The Problem Solving Process is a central element of the firms' continuous improvement strategies. In this framework, a number of approaches have succeeded to demonstrate their effectiveness to tackle industrial problems. The list includes, but is not limited to PDCA, DMAICS, 7Steps and 8D/9S. However, the emergence and increasing emphasis in the supply chains have impacted the effectiveness of those methods to solve problems that go beyond the boundaries of a single firm and, in consequence, their ability to provide solutions when the contexts on which firms operate are distributed. This can be explained because not only the problems, but also the products, partners, skills, resources and pieces of evidence required to solve those problems are distributed, fragmented and decentralized across the network. This PhD thesis deals with the solving of industrial problems in supply chains based in collaboration. It develops a general framework for studying this paradigm, as well as both a generic process and a collaborative methodology able to deal with the process in practice. The proposal considers all the technical aspects (e.g. products modeling and network structure) and the collaborative aspects (e.g. the trust decisions and/or the power gaps between partners) that simultaneously impact the supply chain operation and the jointly solving of problems. Finally, this research work positions the experiential knowledge as a central lever of the problem solving process to contribute to the continuous improvement strategies at a more global level

    Managerial Perception of Supply Chain Quality Risk: Risk Analysis and Decision Analysis

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    Due to increased supply chain complexity, ensuring the quality of supply materials or products from upstream suppliers has become a challenge for firms. A great deal has been written on possible solutions and strategies to deal with supply chain quality risk (SCQR) in recent years. However, the manager’s decision-making process in relation to SCQR has not been fully researched. To close this gap, the aims of this study were to scrutinise managers’ perceptions of SCQR, as well as the antecedents of and decision-making related to perceived SCQR. The relevant literature was comprehensively reviewed in order to build a foundation for the conceptualisation of perceived SCQR. This study proposed that the managerial perception of SCQR was a multi-dimensional concept with four representations. A rigorous scale development process was adopted to develop a set of reliable instruments to measure perceived SCQR. With a sample of 316 Chinese manufacturers, the validity and reliability of the measurement scales for the representations of SCQR perception were assessed. Based on the risky-decision making model, a theoretical framework of the managerial decision-making process in relation to perceived SCQR was proposed. Furthermore, the agency theory and resource dependence theory were drawn on to identify factors related to the supply chain relationship and supply chain quality barriers that might have effects on three of the representations of SCQR. Based on the resource dependence theory, it was found that buyer and supplier dependence affect the representations of SCQR differently. The empirical results indicate that the inability to test and inability to trace are significant drivers of the perception of SCQR. The representation of SCQR impact on the intention of adopting two oriented quality management practices was also examined. The result reveals that when managers face increasing SCQR, they tend to be conservative in applying the quality management practices