210 research outputs found

    Performance Comparison of the RPL and LOADng Routing Protocols in a Home Automation Scenario

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    RPL, the routing protocol proposed by IETF for IPv6/6LoWPAN Low Power and Lossy Networks has significant complexity. Another protocol called LOADng, a lightweight variant of AODV, emerges as an alternative solution. In this paper, we compare the performance of the two protocols in a Home Automation scenario with heterogenous traffic patterns including a mix of multipoint-to-point and point-to-multipoint routes in realistic dense non-uniform network topologies. We use Contiki OS and Cooja simulator to evaluate the behavior of the ContikiRPL implementation and a basic non-optimized implementation of LOADng. Unlike previous studies, our results show that RPL provides shorter delays, less control overhead, and requires less memory than LOADng. Nevertheless, enhancing LOADng with more efficient flooding and a better route storage algorithm may improve its performance

    Multipoint-to-Point and Broadcast in RPL

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    Recent trends in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have suggested converging to such being IPv6-based. to this effect, the Internet Engineering Task Force has chartered a Working Group to develop a routing protocol specification, enabling IPv6-based multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks. This routing protocol, denoted RPL, has been under development for approximately a year, and this memorandum takes a critical look at the state of advancement hereof: it provides a brief algorithmic description of the protocol, and discusses areas where -- in the authors view -- further efforts are required in order for the protocol to become a viable candidate for general use in WSNs. Among these areas is the lack of a proper broadcast mechanism. This memorandum suggests two such broadcast mechanisms, both aiming at (i) exploiting the existing routing state of RPL, while (ii) requiring no additional state maintenance, and studies the performance of RPL and of these suggested mechanisms

    Study of Multipoint-to-Point and Broadcast Traffic Performance in RPL

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    Recent trends in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have suggested converging to such being IPv6-based. to this effect, the Internet Engineering Task Force has chartered a Working Group to develop a routing protocol specification, enabling IPv6-based multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks. This routing protocol, denoted RPL, has been under development for approximately a year, and this memorandum takes a critical look at the state of advancement hereof: it provides a brief algorithmic description of the protocol, and discusses areas where -- in the authors view -- further efforts are required in order for the protocol to become a viable candidate for general use in WSNs. Among these areas is the lack of a proper broadcast mechanism. This memorandum suggests two such broadcast mechanisms, both aiming at (i) exploiting the existing routing state of RPL, while (ii) requiring no additional state maintenance, and studies the performance of RPL and of these suggested mechanisms.Les tendances récentes dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (Wireless Sensor Networks --WSNs) suggèrent une convergence vers des réseaux IPv6. A cet effet, l'IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) a mis sur pied un groupe de travail pour élaborer la spécification d'un protocole de routage s'appliquant aux réseaux de capteurs sans fil multi-hop basés sur IPv6. Ce protocole de routage, appelé RPL, est en cours de développement depuis environ un an. Cet article présente un examen critique de son état d'avancement. Après une brève description algorithmique du protocole, une discussion est proposée sur des domaines, où selon les auteurs, des efforts supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour que le protocole puisse devenir candidat viable à une utilisation généralisée dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil. Parmi ces domaines se trouve l'absence d'un mécanisme de diffusion approprié. Cet article suggère deux mécanismes de diffusion, tous deux avec l'objectif (i) de pouvoir exploiter l'état de routage actuel du protocole RPL (ii) sans requérir à une maintenance supplémentaire de cet état. Il étudie également les performances de RPL et des deux mécanismes de diffusion proposés

    Simulation of the RPL Routing Protocol for IPv6 Sensor Networks: two cases studies

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    International audienceThe routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) was recently designed in the ROLL working group at IETF. Few simulation tools exist that enable its evaluation in order to prepare for its real deployment. In this paper, we provide a new evaluation of this protocol with two approaches using two different simulators adapted to our needs. We first evaluated the value of mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks to extend the network lifetime using a sensor network simulator, WSNet, augmented by our own RPL module. We then focus on the performance comparison of simulated sensor networks and real powerline communication networks (PLC) using the RPL capable COOJA simulator augmented by our own PLC module. In each case, we justify the simulator choice, describe the tools implemented and present the obtained results. Our studies give two new RPL evaluations and show the interest of choosing a simulation tool adapted to the targeted study with the associated software developments. As a conclusion, we demonstrated how these two case studies can be combined in a heterogeneous network architecture to extend its global lifetime

    A Comparative Performance Study of the Routing Protocols LOAD and RPL with Bi-Directional Traffic in Low-power and Lossy Networks (LLN)

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    Routing protocols for sensor networks are often designed with explicit assumptions, serving to simplify design and reduce the necessary energy, processing and communications requirements. Different protocols make different assumptions -- and this memorandum carefully considers those made by the designers of RPL -- an IPv6 routing protocol for such networks, developed within the IETF. Specific attention is given to the predominance of bi-directional traffic flows in a large class of sensor networks, and this memorandum therefore studies the performance of RPL for such flows. As a point of comparison, a different protocol, called LOAD, is also studied. LOAD is derived from AODV and supports more general kinds of traffic flows. The results of this investigation reveal that for scenarios where bi-directional traffic flows are predominant, LOAD provides similar data delivery ratios as RPL, while incurring less overhead and being simultaneously less constrained in the types of topologies supported

    RPL Routing Protocol a case study: Precision agriculture

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    International audienceThe routing protocol for low power and lossy network (RPL) was designed in the ROLL working group at IETF since the year of 2008. Until the latest version of draft 19 released, this protocol algorithms and its four application scenario, such as home automation, industrial control, urban environment and building automation, have been nearly grounded. However, it is still very difficult to find effective approaches to simulate and evaluate RPL's behavior and other extensions of its application. In this paper, first we provide a brief presentation of the RPL protocol including two case studies ContikiRPL and TinyRPL, and an initial simulation experiment results obtained from the RPL capable COOJA simulator and its developed module. Second we then focus on the utilization of this protocol in the precision agriculture area and propose our dedicated instances hybrid network architecture to meet the specific requirement of this application. As a conclusion, we summarized our ongoing work and future solutions of the current technology issues

    Comparative Study of RPL-Enabled Optimized Broadcast in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Recent trends have suggested convergence to Wireless Sensor Net- works (WSNs) becoming IPv6-based. To this effect, the Internet Engineering Task Force has chartered a Working Group to develop a routing protocol specification, enabling IPv6-based multi-hop WSNs. The current effort of this working group is development of a unicast routing protocol denoted RPL. RPL constructs a “DAG-like” logical structure with a single root, at which the majority of the traffic flows terminate, and assumes restrictions on network dynamics and traffic generality, in order to satisfy strict constraints on router state and processing. This memorandum investigates the efficient network-wide broadcast mechanisms in WSNs, using the logical structure already established by RPL. The aim hereof is to impose minimal additional state requirements on WSN routers, beyond that already maintained by RPL. This memorandum presents a selection of such broadcast mechanisms for RPL routed WSNs, and evaluates their performances. As part of this evaluation, the memorandum compares with MPR Flooding – an established efficient flooding optimization, widely used in MANETs.Les tendances récentes suggèrent une convergence des réseaux de capteurs sans fils (WSNs ou Wireless Sensor Networks) vers IPv6. C'est pourquoi l'IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) a mis en place un groupe de travail, chargé de spécifier un protocole de routage permettant aux réseaux de capteurs sans fil multi-sauts de fonctionner avec IPv6. Les efforts du groupe de travail se concentrent actuellement sur le développement d'un protocole de routage unicast appelé RPL. RPL construit une architecture logique de type DAG (graphe orienté acyclique) avec un noeud racine unique sur lequel se termine la majorité des flux de trafic, et suppose des restrictions sur les dynamiques du réseau et sur les types de trafic supportés afin de satisfaire les contraintes fortes des routeurs en terme d'états et de traitement. Cet article examine la possibilité de fournir aux réseaux de capteurs sans fil des mécanismes efficaces de broadcast (diffusion), en utilisant la structure logique déjà proposée par RPL. Le but est ici de ne pas imposer d'exigences supplémentaires aux routeurs WSN fonctionnant déjà avec RPL. De tels mécanismes de broadcast pour les réseaux WSN utilisant le routage RPL, l'article en présente plusieurs et évalue leur performance. Dans le cadre de cette évaluation, ils sont comparés aux mécanismes reconnus et efficaces d'optimisation de diffusion du protocole MPR Flooding, largement utilisé dans les réseaux MANETs

    IETF standardization in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT): a survey

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    Smart embedded objects will become an important part of what is called the Internet of Things. However, the integration of embedded devices into the Internet introduces several challenges, since many of the existing Internet technologies and protocols were not designed for this class of devices. In the past few years, there have been many efforts to enable the extension of Internet technologies to constrained devices. Initially, this resulted in proprietary protocols and architectures. Later, the integration of constrained devices into the Internet was embraced by IETF, moving towards standardized IP-based protocols. In this paper, we will briefly review the history of integrating constrained devices into the Internet, followed by an extensive overview of IETF standardization work in the 6LoWPAN, ROLL and CoRE working groups. This is complemented with a broad overview of related research results that illustrate how this work can be extended or used to tackle other problems and with a discussion on open issues and challenges. As such the aim of this paper is twofold: apart from giving readers solid insights in IETF standardization work on the Internet of Things, it also aims to encourage readers to further explore the world of Internet-connected objects, pointing to future research opportunities

    RPL routing protocol performance under sinkhole and selective forwarding attack: experimental and simulated evaluation

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    To make possible dream of connecting 30 billion smart devices assessable from anywhere, anytime and to fuel the engine growth of Internet of things (IoT) both in terms of physical and virtual things, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) came up with a concept of 6LoWPAN possessing characteristics like low power, bandwidth and cost. To bridge the routing gap and to collaborate between low power private area network and the outside world, IETF ROLL group proposed IPv6 based lightweight standard RPL (Routing protocol for low power and lossy networks). Due to large chunks of random data generated on daily basis security either externally or internally always remain bigger threat which may lead to devastation and eventually degrades the quality of service parameters affecting network resources. This paper evaluates and compare the effect of internal attacks like sinkhole and selective forwarding attacks on routing protocol for low power and lossy network topology. Widely known IoT operating system Contiki and Cooja as the simulator are used to analyse different consequences on low power and lossy network
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