30 research outputs found

    SÀhkönsiirtoverkko-omaisuuden kunnonvalvontajÀrjestelmÀ Esineiden Internet -alustalla

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    Fingrid is making the transition from time-based maintenance to condition-based maintenance in order to increase the cost-efficiency of substation asset condition management and to prevent equipment failures. Digitalization improves real-time visibility to asset condition as Fingrid is developing an Internet of Things (IoT) concept for online asset condition monitoring. The objective of this Thesis was to specify Fingrid's requirements for asset condition data visualization in an Asset Performance Management (APM) application. A secondary objective was to document Fingrid's IoT concept and existing condition monitoring practices. Asset maintenance strategies, digitalization and Internet of Things were discussed as a background. For the IoT data of switchgear, simple illustrations of dashboards were drawn to show how the data could be visualized in an APM application. Regarding power transformers, the necessary basic elements for condition data visualization were reviewed. Specifications for visualization of all the available condition data were listed in Appendices. Online condition monitoring is currently concentrated on switchgear, power transformers and substation buildings. The IoT solution for switchgear consists of low-cost sensor units installed in switchgear control cabinets and bay marshalling cabinets. Power transformers are equipped with online DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) instruments which is a well-established practice. In substation buildings, the climate is monitored with low-cost IoT sensors. The conclusion of the study was that there are two types of condition data that determine Fingrid's requirements for data visualization in an APM application: time series data and event data. Monitoring of continuous processes produces a large amount of continuous time series data. A tool with efficient functionalities for time series data presentation and analysis is needed. Switchgear operations and oil sampling produce event data that require visualization in forms of data reporting and special analyses. The amount of event data is small even though it will increase due to IoT.Fingrid on siirtymÀssÀ aikaperusteisesta sÀhköasemien kunnossapidosta kuntoperusteiseen kunnossapitoon kustannustehokkuuden parantamiseksi ja laitevikojen ennalta ehkÀisemiseksi. Reaaliaikaista nÀkyvyyttÀ omaisuuden kuntoon parannetaan kehittÀmÀllÀ "Esineiden Internet" (\textit{engl. Internet of Things, IoT}) -konsepti omaisuuden kÀytönaikaiseen kunnonvalvontaan. TÀmÀn diplomityön tavoitteena oli laatia mÀÀrittelyt kunnonvalvontadatan visualisoinnille omaisuuden kunnonvalvontajÀrjestelmÀssÀ. Toisena tavoitteena oli dokumentoida Fingridin IoT-konsepti ja kÀytössÀ olevat perinteiset kunnonvalvontamenetelmÀt. Taustana työlle esiteltiin omaisuuden kunnonhallintamalleja, digitalisaatiota ja Esineiden InternetiÀ. Kytkinlaitteiden IoT-datan visualisoinnin tarpeiden hahmottamiseksi laadittiin luonnoksia kunnonvalvontajÀrjestelmÀn nÀkymistÀ. Muuntajien kunnonvalvonnan tarpeelliset osa-alueet kunnonvalvontajÀrjestelmÀssÀ kÀytiin lÀpi kÀytössÀ olevia ratkaisuja tutkimalla. MÀÀrittelyt kaiken kÀytettÀvissÀ olevan kunnonvalvontadatan visualisoinnille listattiin työn liitteissÀ. KÀytönaikainen kunnonvalvonta keskittyy tÀllÀ hetkellÀ kytkinlaitteisiin, muuntajiin ja sÀhköasemarakennuksiin. Kytkinlaitteiden IoT-ratkaisu koostuu kytkinlaitteen ohjainkaappiin sekÀ kytkinkentÀn jakokaappiin asennetuista kustannustehokkaista sensoriyksiköistÀ. Muuntajat on varustettu jatkuva-aikaisella vikakaasujen seurannalla, mikÀ on toimivaksi todettu ja vakiintunut kunnonvalvontamenetelmÀ. Asemarakennusten olosuhteita valvotaan huoneisiin sijoitetuilla IoT-sensoriyksiköillÀ. Työn johtopÀÀtöksenÀ voidaan todeta kunnonvalvontadatan jakaantuvan pÀÀasiassa kahteen muotoon, jotka mÀÀrittelevÀt Fingridin tarpeet kunnonvalvontajÀrjestelmÀlle. Jatkuva-aikaisten prosessien valvonta tuottaa suuren mÀÀrÀn jatkuvaa aikasarjadataa, minkÀ vuoksi tehokkaat työkalut aikasarjadatan esittÀmiselle ovat tarpeen. Kytkinlaitteiden ohjaukset ja muuntajien öljynÀytteet puolestaan tuottavat tapahtumaperusteista dataa, jonka visualisointi muistuttaa datan raportointimenetelmiÀ. Tarvitaan erilaisia datan esitystapoja ja mukautettuja analysointimenetelmiÀ. Tapahtumadatan mÀÀrÀ on pieni siitÀ huolimatta, ettÀ sen mÀÀrÀ kasvaa huomattavasti IoT:n myötÀ

    Volume 2 – Conference: Wednesday, March 9

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    10. Internationales Fluidtechnisches Kolloquium:Group 1 | 2: Novel System Structures Group 3 | 5: Pumps Group 4: Thermal Behaviour Group 6: Industrial Hydraulic

    Evaluation of a fuzzy-expert system for fault diagnosis in power systems

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    A major problem with alarm processing and fault diagnosis in power systems is the reliance on the circuit alarm status. If there is too much information available and the time of arrival of the information is random due to weather conditions etc., the alarm activity is not easily interpreted by system operators. In respect of these problems, this thesis sets out the work that has been carried out to design and evaluate a diagnostic tool which assists power system operators during a heavy period of alarm activity in condition monitoring. The aim of employing this diagnostic tool is to monitor and raise uncertain alarm information for the system operators, which serves a proposed solution for restoring such faults. The diagnostic system uses elements of AI namely expert systems, and fuzzy logic that incorporate abductive reasoning. The objective of employing abductive reasoning is to optimise an interpretation of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) based uncertain messages when the SCADA based messages are not satisfied with simple logic alone. The method consists of object-oriented programming, which demonstrates reusability, polymorphism, and readability. The principle behind employing objectoriented techniques is to provide better insights and solutions compared to conventional artificial intelligence (Al) programming languages. The characteristics of this work involve the development and evaluation of a fuzzy-expert system which tries to optimise the uncertainty in the 16-lines 12-bus sample power system. The performance of employing this diagnostic tool is assessed based on consistent data acquisition, readability, adaptability, and maintainability on a PC. This diagnostic tool enables operators to control and present more appropriate interpretations effectively rather than a mathematical based precise fault identification when the mathematical modelling fails and the period of alarm activity is high. This research contributes to the field of power system control, in particular Scottish Hydro-Electric PLC has shown interest and supplied all the necessary information and data. The AI based power system is presented as a sample application of Scottish Hydro-Electric and KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation)

    Analyse et Ă©valuation de l’application du cadenassage sur des machines dans des entreprises du QuĂ©bec

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    RÉSUMÉ : De nombreux dĂ©cĂšs et accidents surviennent lors des interventions de maintenance sur des machines industrielles. L’automatisation et la mĂ©canisation du travail ont tendance Ă  rĂ©duire le nombre d’opĂ©rateurs de machines. Les interventions de maintenance demeurent souvent complexes et dangereuses. La maintenance Ă©tant souvent nĂ©gligĂ©e par les concepteurs de machines, plusieurs risques rĂ©siduels associĂ©s aux interventions de maintenance sur des machines doivent ĂȘtre gĂ©rĂ©s par les utilisateurs en entreprises. Par ailleurs, compte tenu des risques associĂ©s Ă  la rĂ©paration et l’entretien des machines, la plupart des lĂ©gislations des pays industrialisĂ©s, incluant le Canada, font rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  une mĂ©thode de rĂ©duction du risque, notamment au cadenassage (consignation ou lockout) des Ă©quipements. Au Canada, de nombreux accidents sont causĂ©s par l’absence ou des lacunes au niveau du cadenassage. La norme canadienne CSA Z460-13 prescrit des exigences relatives Ă  la maĂźtrise des Ă©nergies dangereuses associĂ©es Ă  des machines. La norme CSA Z460-13 dĂ©finie le cadenassage comme une mĂ©thode ou une procĂ©dure de cadenassage qui consiste en l’installation d’un cadenas ou d’une Ă©tiquette sur un dispositif d’isolement des sources d’énergie conformĂ©ment Ă  une procĂ©dure Ă©tablie, indiquant que le dispositif d’isolement des sources d’énergie ne doit pas ĂȘtre actionnĂ© avant le retrait du cadenas ou de l’étiquette conformĂ©ment Ă  une procĂ©dure Ă©tablie. En 2016, la Commission des Normes, de l’ÉquitĂ©, de la SantĂ© et de la SĂ©curitĂ© du Travail (CNESST) a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que en moyenne 4 dĂ©cĂšs et 1 000 accidents par an sont causĂ©s par le dĂ©gagement intempestif d’une source d’énergie lors de travaux d’installation, d’entretien ou de rĂ©paration sur des machines mal ou non cadenassĂ©es (consignĂ©es). Dans cette thĂšse, les observations ont eu lieu dans le secteur des scieries et les rĂ©sultats des observations de l’application des procĂ©dures (57), d’entrevues semi-dirigĂ©es (22) et de la documentation sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et analysĂ©s. Cette Ă©tude a permis de comparer l’application en usine et les prescriptions normatives et rĂšglementaires. En effet, l’application rĂ©elle du cadenassage diffĂšre des Ă©crits de l’usine, des normes et du rĂšglement dans les entreprises visitĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de la recherche montrent que: (i) les procĂ©dures (fiches de cadenassage) ne sont presque pas utilisĂ©es lorsqu’il y a 2 sources et moins d’énergie, (ii) les fiches de cadenassage observĂ©es ne sont pas conformes aux exigences rĂšglementaires et normatives, (iii) les mĂ©thodes de cadenassage varient d’une entreprise Ă  l’autre, malgrĂ© des exigences normatives qui proposent un cadre prĂ©cis commun, (iv) les autres mĂ©thodes de maĂźtrise des Ă©nergies dangereuses sont utilisĂ©es sans effectuer d’analyse du risque, (v) des entreprises peuvent appliquer des procĂ©dures de cadenassage sans avoir de programme pour l’encadrer, (vi) les programmes Ă©crits ne reflĂštent pas la rĂ©alitĂ© observĂ©e lors de leur application, (vii) les alternatives aux mĂ©thodes de contrĂŽle des Ă©nergies sont diffĂ©rentes de celles proposĂ©es dans les normes, (viii) les difficultĂ©s et des facteurs favorisants lors du cadenassage, tels que le rapprochement des points d’isolement de la zone dangereuse, la simplification du cadenassage ou la vĂ©rification de la zone dangereuse avant le dĂ©marrage de la machine permettent d’amĂ©liorer l’application, (ix) une faible vĂ©rification d’absence de l’énergie effectuĂ©e par les travailleurs et (x) un systĂšme de validation d’absence de l’énergie Ă  l’aide d’un systĂšme de contrĂŽle dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© renforce l’application d’une procĂ©dure. Le domaine du cadenassage est en pleine Ă©volution au QuĂ©bec en 2016 avec des nouveaux articles scientifiques et un nouveau rĂšglement en santĂ© et en sĂ©curitĂ© du travail. Cette thĂšse est la premiĂšre recherche sur l’observation directe du cadenassage en entreprises.----------ABSTRACT : In Canada and other industrialized countries, workers who have to intervene in hazardous zones during machinery maintenance, repair or unjamming must apply lockout/tagout or other energy-controlling procedures. Canadian Standard CSA Z460 defines lockout as the installation of a lock or tag on an energy-isolating device on machinery in accordance with an established procedure. Activation of the energy-isolating device must only be possible after the previously applied lock or tag has been removed in accordance with the established procedure. The steps in the lockout procedure are: (i) turning off the equipment, (ii) isolating the energy sources, (iii) de-energizing the energy sources, (iv) dissipating residual energy, and (v) verifying that the equipment is actually at zero energy. However, multiple questions remain about the lockout concept and the related regulatory requirements. In 2016, the Commission des normes, de l’équitĂ©, de la santĂ© et de la sĂ©curitĂ© du travail (CNESST) revealed that an average of four deaths and 1,000 accidents are caused annually by the inadvertent start-up of an energy source during the installation, maintenance or repair of machinery that is not properly locked/tagged out or not locked/tagged out at all. The aim of the current study was to analyze and evaluate the application of lockout programs and procedures on machinery. The observations documented in this thesis were carried out in the wood processing industry. The thesis presents and analyzes the results of the 57 sessions during which the application of procedures was observed in the sawmills and of the 22 semi-structured interviews, as well as the programs collected. The study revealed a major gap between the application of lockout procedures and programs in sawmills and the normative and regulatory requirements. In fact, the actual application in the visited companies differed greatly from the written programs, standards and regulations. The research findings were as follows: (i) procedures (lockout placards) were essentially not followed when there were two sources and less of energy, (ii) the lockout placards observed were not compliant with the regulatory and normative requirements, (iii) lockout procedures varied from one company to another despite normative requirements that advocate a specific common framework, (iv) other methods of controlling hazardous energies were used without performing risk analysis, (v) one company applied a lockout procedure with no program to guide it, (vi) the written programs did not reflect the realities observed during their application, (vii) the alternative methods used to control hazardous energies were different from those proposed in the standards, (viii) the identification of problems hindering and factors facilitating lockout, such as bringing isolation points closer to the hazardous zone, simplifying the lockout procedure or verifying the hazardous zone prior to starting up the machinery, led to adaptations and improved lockout procedures, (ix) the workers performed little verification of the zero-energy state, and (x) the introduction of a safety-dedicated control system for validating zero energy strengthened application of the procedure. The issue of lockout is currently undergoing considerable change, with the arrival of new scientific articles and the new Quebec regulation in 2016. This thesis documents the first study based on direct observations of lockout procedures in companies

    All-electric LNG a viable alternative to conventional gas turbine driven LNG plant

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    The world demand for natural gas which is at an increasing trend has rekindled interest in the production and transportation of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from resource rich areas in Africa, Middle East, Far East, Australia and Russia to customers in Europe, Americas, China and India. The challenges for the future are to produce and transport gas in a cost effective manner to be competitive in the market place. Gas is beginning to play an increasingly important role in energy scenario of the world economy. The easiest ways of getting gas to the market is by pipe lines. However to reach markets far and wide across oceans, gas needs to be converted and transported in liquid form. Competitive pressure and search for economies of scale is driving up the size of LNG facilities and hence the capital requirement of each link of the value chain. Interdependent financing of the various links of the value chain, while maintaining their economic viability, is the challenge that sponsors need to address. The industry is potentially a high risk business due to uncertainty associated with the characteristics of the industry, which calls for high level of investment in an environment of volatility of the price and political and economic changes in the world market. LNG production facilities are becoming larger and larger than ever before to take advantage of economies of scale. These massive plants not only have created new challenges in design, procurement and construction and environment but will create new challenges in operation and maintenance. Innovative technologies and first of a kind equipment applications with a rigorous technology development and a stringent testing plans ensure that the facility will achieve a long term reliable operation. Conventional LNG plants use Gas Turbine as main drivers for refrigerant compressors. To this effect All-Electric LNG has a potential to provide an alternative offer a life cycle advantage over the convention. Hence it would be worthwhile to study the pros and cons and prospects offered by this new technology from an overall life cycle perspective for future of LNG projects. This research is an endeavours in this direction