2,072 research outputs found

    Medical imaging analysis with artificial neural networks

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    Given that neural networks have been widely reported in the research community of medical imaging, we provide a focused literature survey on recent neural network developments in computer-aided diagnosis, medical image segmentation and edge detection towards visual content analysis, and medical image registration for its pre-processing and post-processing, with the aims of increasing awareness of how neural networks can be applied to these areas and to provide a foundation for further research and practical development. Representative techniques and algorithms are explained in detail to provide inspiring examples illustrating: (i) how a known neural network with fixed structure and training procedure could be applied to resolve a medical imaging problem; (ii) how medical images could be analysed, processed, and characterised by neural networks; and (iii) how neural networks could be expanded further to resolve problems relevant to medical imaging. In the concluding section, a highlight of comparisons among many neural network applications is included to provide a global view on computational intelligence with neural networks in medical imaging

    Diabetes Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network

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    Diabetes is one of the most common diseases worldwide where a cure is not found for it yet. Annually it cost a lot of money to care for people with diabetes. Thus the most important issue is the prediction to be very accurate and to use a reliable method for that. One of these methods is using artificial intelligence systems and in particular is the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). So in this paper, we used artificial neural networks to predict whether a person is diabetic or not. The criterion was to minimize the error function in neural network training using a neural network model. After training the ANN model, the average error function of the neural network was equal to 0.01 and the accuracy of the prediction of whether a person is diabetics or not was 87.3

    Cancer diagnosis using deep learning: A bibliographic review

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    In this paper, we first describe the basics of the field of cancer diagnosis, which includes steps of cancer diagnosis followed by the typical classification methods used by doctors, providing a historical idea of cancer classification techniques to the readers. These methods include Asymmetry, Border, Color and Diameter (ABCD) method, seven-point detection method, Menzies method, and pattern analysis. They are used regularly by doctors for cancer diagnosis, although they are not considered very efficient for obtaining better performance. Moreover, considering all types of audience, the basic evaluation criteria are also discussed. The criteria include the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve), Area under the ROC curve (AUC), F1 score, accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, precision, dice-coefficient, average accuracy, and Jaccard index. Previously used methods are considered inefficient, asking for better and smarter methods for cancer diagnosis. Artificial intelligence and cancer diagnosis are gaining attention as a way to define better diagnostic tools. In particular, deep neural networks can be successfully used for intelligent image analysis. The basic framework of how this machine learning works on medical imaging is provided in this study, i.e., pre-processing, image segmentation and post-processing. The second part of this manuscript describes the different deep learning techniques, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), generative adversarial models (GANs), deep autoencoders (DANs), restricted Boltzmann’s machine (RBM), stacked autoencoders (SAE), convolutional autoencoders (CAE), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), long short-term memory (LTSM), multi-scale convolutional neural network (M-CNN), multi-instance learning convolutional neural network (MIL-CNN). For each technique, we provide Python codes, to allow interested readers to experiment with the cited algorithms on their own diagnostic problems. The third part of this manuscript compiles the successfully applied deep learning models for different types of cancers. Considering the length of the manuscript, we restrict ourselves to the discussion of breast cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer, and skin cancer. The purpose of this bibliographic review is to provide researchers opting to work in implementing deep learning and artificial neural networks for cancer diagnosis a knowledge from scratch of the state-of-the-art achievements

    Passively mode-locked laser using an entirely centred erbium-doped fiber

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    This paper describes the setup and experimental results for an entirely centred erbium-doped fiber laser with passively mode-locked output. The gain medium of the ring laser cavity configuration comprises a 3 m length of two-core optical fiber, wherein an undoped outer core region of 9.38 μm diameter surrounds a 4.00 μm diameter central core region doped with erbium ions at 400 ppm concentration. The generated stable soliton mode-locking output has a central wavelength of 1533 nm and pulses that yield an average output power of 0.33 mW with a pulse energy of 31.8 pJ. The pulse duration is 0.7 ps and the measured output repetition rate of 10.37 MHz corresponds to a 96.4 ns pulse spacing in the pulse train

    Deep learning cardiac motion analysis for human survival prediction

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    Motion analysis is used in computer vision to understand the behaviour of moving objects in sequences of images. Optimising the interpretation of dynamic biological systems requires accurate and precise motion tracking as well as efficient representations of high-dimensional motion trajectories so that these can be used for prediction tasks. Here we use image sequences of the heart, acquired using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, to create time-resolved three-dimensional segmentations using a fully convolutional network trained on anatomical shape priors. This dense motion model formed the input to a supervised denoising autoencoder (4Dsurvival), which is a hybrid network consisting of an autoencoder that learns a task-specific latent code representation trained on observed outcome data, yielding a latent representation optimised for survival prediction. To handle right-censored survival outcomes, our network used a Cox partial likelihood loss function. In a study of 302 patients the predictive accuracy (quantified by Harrell's C-index) was significantly higher (p < .0001) for our model C=0.73 (95%\% CI: 0.68 - 0.78) than the human benchmark of C=0.59 (95%\% CI: 0.53 - 0.65). This work demonstrates how a complex computer vision task using high-dimensional medical image data can efficiently predict human survival

    Diagnóstico no invasivo de patologías humanas combinando análisis de aliento y modelización con redes neuronales

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, leída el 09-09-2016It is currently known that there is a direct relation between the moment a disease is detected or diagnosed and the consequences it will have on the patient, as an early detection is generally linked to a more favorable outcome. This concept is the basis of the present research, due to the fact that its main goal is the development of mathematical tools based on computational artificial intelligence to safely and non-invasively attain the detection of multiple diseases. To reach these devices, this research has focused on the breath analysis of patients with diverse diseases, using several analytical methodologies to extract the information contained in these samples, and multiple feature selection algorithms and neural networks for data analysis. In the past, it has been shown that there is a correlation between the molecular composition of breath and the clinical status of a human being, proving the existence of volatile biomarkers that can aid in disease detection depending on their presence or amount. During this research, two main types of analytical approaches have been employed to study the gaseous samples, and these were cross-reactive sensor arrays (based on organically functionalized silicon nanowire field-effect transistors (SiNW FETs) or gold nanoparticles (GNPs)) and proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). The cross-reactive sensors analyze the bulk of the breath samples, offering global, fingerprint-like information, whereas PTR-MS quantifies the volatile molecules present in the samples. All of the analytical equipment employed leads to the generation of large amounts of data per sample, forcing the need of a meticulous mathematical analysis to adequately interpret the results. In this work, two fundamental types of mathematical tools were utilized. In first place, a set of five filter-based feature selection algorithms (χ2 (chi2) score, Fisher’s discriminant ratio, Kruskal-Wallis test, Relief-F algorithm, and information gain test) were employed to reduce the amount of independent in the large databases to the ones which contain the greatest discriminative power for a further modeling task. On the other hand, and in relation to mathematical modeling, artificial neural networks (ANNs), algorithms that are categorized as computational artificial intelligence, have been employed. These non-linear tools have been used to locate the relations between the independent variables of a system and the dependent ones to fulfill estimations or classifications. The type of ANN that has been used in this thesis coincides with the one that is more commonly employed in research, which is the supervised multilayer perceptron (MLP), due to its proven ability to create reliable models for many different applications...Actualmente es sabido que existe una relación directa entre el momento en el cual se detecta o diagnostica una enfermedad y las consecuencias que tendrá sobre el paciente, ya que una detección temprana va generalmente ligada a un desarrollo más favorable. Este concepto es el cimiento de la presente investigación, cuyo objetivo fundamental es el desarrollo de herramientas basadas en inteligencia artificial computacional que consigan, mediante medios seguros y no invasivos, la detección de diversas enfermedades. Para alcanzar dichos sistemas, los estudios han sido enfocados en el análisis de muestras de aliento de pacientes de diversas enfermedades, empleando varias técnicas para extraer información, y diversos algoritmos de selección de variables y redes neuronales para el procesamiento matemático. En el pasado, se ha comprobado que hay una correlación entre la composición molecular del aliento y el estado clínico de una persona, evidenciando la existencia de biomarcadores volátiles que pueden ayudar a detectar enfermedades, ya sea por su presencia o por su cantidad. Durante el transcurso de esta investigación, se han empleado esencialmente dos tipos de técnicas analíticas para estudiar las muestras gaseosas, y estas son conjuntos de sensores de reactividad cruzada (basados en transistores de efecto de campo con nanocables de silicio (SiNW FETs) o en nanopartículas de oro (GNPs), ambos funcionalizados con cadenas orgánicas) y equipos de reacción de transferencia de protones con espectrometría de masas (PTR-MS). Los sensores de reactividad cruzada analizan el aliento en su conjunto, extrayéndose información de la muestra global, mientras que usando PTR-MS, se cuantifican las moléculas volátiles presentes en las muestras analizadas. Todas las técnicas empleadas desembocan en la generación de grandes cantidades de datos por muestra, por lo que un análisis matemático exhaustivo es necesario para poder sacar el máximo rendimiento de los estudios. En este trabajo, se emplearon principalmente dos tipos de herramientas matemáticas. Las primeras son un grupo de cinco algoritmos de selección de variables, concretamente, filtros de variables (cálculos basados en estadística de χ2 (chi2), ratio discriminante de Fisher, análisis de Kruskal-Wallis, algoritmo relief-F y test de ganancia de información), que se han empleado en las bases de datos con grandes cantidades de variables independientes para localizar aquellas con mayor importancia o poder discriminativo para una tarea de modelización matemática posterior. Por otro lado, en cuando a dicha modelización, se ha empleado un tipo de algoritmo que se cataloga dentro del área de la inteligencia artificial computacional: las redes neuronales artificiales (ANNs). Estas herramientas matemáticas de naturaleza no lineal se han utilizado para localizar las relaciones existentes entre las variables independientes de un sistema y las variables dependientes o parámetros a estimar o clasificar. Se ha empleado el tipo de ANN supervisada más extensamente usado en investigación, que son los perceptrones multicapa (MLPs), debido a su habilidad contrastada para originar modelos fiables para numerosas aplicaciones...Fac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEunpu

    Application of IoT Framework for Prediction of Heart Disease using Machine Learning

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    Prognosis of illnesses is a difficult problem these days throughout the globe. Elder people of twenty years and over are taken into consideration to be laid low with this sickness now a days. For example, human beings having&nbsp; HbA1c level more than 6.5% are diagnosed as infected with diabetic diseases. This paper uses IoT to evaluate threat factors which have been similar to heart diseases which are not treated properly. Diagnosis, prevention of heart disease may be done by use of machine learning (ML). There has been an extensive disconnect among Machine Learning architects, health care researchers, patients and physicians in their technology. This paper intends to perform an in-intensity evaluation on Machine Learning to make us of new advance technologies. Latest advances within the development of IoT implanted devices and other medicine delivery gadgets, disease diagnostic methods and other medical research have considerably helped human beings diagnosed heart diseases. New soft computing models can be helpful for remedy of various heart diseases. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) employs several particularly creative thoughts to get their capsules to the client. Artificial Neural Community offers a first-rate chance to deal with heart diseases with advance IoT and cloud applications

    Review on electrical impedance tomography: Artificial intelligence methods and its applications

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    © 2019 by the authors. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) has been a hot topic among researchers for the last 30 years. It is a new imaging method and has evolved over the last few decades. By injecting a small amount of current, the electrical properties of tissues are determined and measurements of the resulting voltages are taken. By using a reconstructing algorithm these voltages then transformed into a tomographic image. EIT contains no identified threats and as compared to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans (imaging techniques), it is cheaper in cost as well. In this paper, a comprehensive review of efforts and advancements undertaken and achieved in recent work to improve this technology and the role of artificial intelligence to solve this non-linear, ill-posed problem are presented. In addition, a review of EIT clinical based applications has also been presented