2,600 research outputs found

    An empirical analysis of SNS users and their privacy and security awareness of risks associated with sharing SNS profiles (online identities)

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    Social networking sites (SNS) like MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn now have hundreds of millions of users. In this paper a quantitative approach was used to analyse primary data collected about SNS users. Our findings show that SNS users are dominated by younger adults, higher education levels and higher income levels. SNSs are more likely to be used for maintaining existing friendships as opposed to establishing new friendships and for building business networks. SNS users either have poor levels of privacy and security awareness or high levels of complacency in relation to SNS profile sharing and sharing their identity online

    Addressing the cyber safety challenge: from risk to resilience

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    Addressing the cyber safety challenge: from risk to resilience describes the cyber safety issues emerging from a range of technology trends, how different populations are using technologies and the risks they face, and how we can effectively respond to each group’s unique cyber safety needs. Written by the University of Western Sydney for Telstra Corporation Ltd, the report advocates for continuing to move cyber safety from a ‘risk and protection’ framework to one that focuses on building digital resilience, as well as fostering trust and confidence in the online environment. To do this we need to: Address the needs of populations often neglected by current policies and programs – including adults, seniors, parents, and small to medium enterprises Continue to build the digital literacy skills of all populations, because digital literacy strongly influences users’ ability to engage safely online – this is best achieved by a hands-on learning approach Keep risk in perspective – the risks and benefits of digital participation go hand in hand Broaden the focus from awareness-raising to long-term behaviour change. As digital technologies become further integrated into the everyday lives of Australians, users are potentially exposed to greater risks. However, the risks and benefits of digital participation go hand in hand. The challenge, therefore, is to support users to minimise the risks without limiting their digital participation and their capacity to derive the full benefits of connectivity. If Australians are to benefit as either consumers or providers of online services and products in the e-commerce environment, consumer safety and trust need to be improved. Cyber safety needs to be considered against a transforming backdrop of technology trends, products and practices. While the rise of social media has tended to dominate recent debate and developments in cyber safety, particularly in relation to young people, a range of other trends is also shaping how users engage online, the risks they potentially face in the new media landscape, and the strategies used to address them. These trends include the rise of user generated content and content sharing platforms; the uptake of mobile technologies and, in particular, the adoption of smartphones; cloud computing; platform integration and single sign-on mechanisms; and the rise of GPS and location based services

    The Merge of Social Network Sites and Professional Development: A Case Study of Twitter Usage Among Minnesota K-12 Principals

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    Over past decades, the position of principal, like that of technology, has evolved and changed drastically. Today, the changing face of Internet technologies is merging with the changing face of educational professional development (United States Department of Education, 2010; Veletsianos, 2012). Due to rapid growth and change within the technology industry, there is limited research about the relationship of technology and professional development. Although some research can be found regarding the manner in which scholars, academics, educators, and students are using [Social Network Sites] in education,there is little research that pertains specifically to usage of this tool by school principals. Further research is needed to examine principals’ use of SNS to: 1) sustain a level of expertise within their role; 2) access content that is directly related to practice; 3) provide collaboration and sharing of knowledge with other practitioners; and 4) construct personalized learning. In order to gain a better understanding of how SNS are being used, specifically by active principals, for personalized professional development purposes, a qualitative case study methodology was implemented. Employing one-on-one interviews, data was coded and analyzed to provide specific perspectives on the manner in which five selected principals were using Twitter in dispensing their duties. The [following] research questions were intended to provide an expanded understanding of the manner in which principals are using Twitter for effective, personal and professional development. How are selected principals using Twitter to access content that directly relates to practice and constructs personalized learning? How are selected principals using SNS to collaborate with other practitioners and sustain a level of role expertise? What are selected principals’ perceptions of the effectiveness of using SNS for personal, professional development purposes? Research questions were framed according to Rutherford’s (2010) review of literature, which concluded that effective professional development is practical (Borko, 2004; Darling-Hammond & Mclaughlin, 1995; Hirsh, 2004; Nord, 2004; Wei et al., 2009), participant-driven or constructivist in nature (Borko, 2004; Darling-Hammond & Mclaughlin, 1995; Wayne et al., 2008), and collaborative (Borko, 2004; Darling-Hammond & Mclaughlin, 1995; Hirsh, 2004; Nord, 2004; Warren-Little, 2006) and helps professionals sustain a level of expertise (Borko, 2004; Darling-Hammond & Mclaughlin, 1995; Wayne et al., 2008; Wei et al., 2009). Overall, principals provided ratings of “very valuable” or “extremely valuable” to ninety percent (18) of [Rutherford’s] four key elements that characterize effective professional development. In summary, the data collected through this qualitative case study furnished high correlations between the use of Twitter for professional purposes and the key characteristics of effective professional development, as defined by Rutherford (2010). Therefore, although this study is not generalizable, the findings support the notion that principals can use SNS for effective personal, professional development purposes

    Home quarantined: Privacy at risk in technologically-oriented learning amidst COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 triggers technologically-oriented learning and is critical in ensuring that education continues after schools close physically. The internet has a plethora of learning opportunities but may invite privacy risks to users. Using descriptive-comparative research design, the study determined the contents and artifacts exchanged in online portals, the extent of use of social media sites, teaching-learning platforms, and educational websites. The sample was 341 college students of a family-owned private higher education institution. Finally, the difference in online privacy risk management practices was determined when grouped by selected demographic variables. Using means, t-test, and ANOVA, findings from an online survey showed that personal information is shared the most in online portals. For online learning, students heavily relied on Facebook, Microsoft Teams, and Google. To protect their privacy, respondents from all classes follow online management practices. Generally, the respondents' good affordances and decorum in the online media imply that they have good behavior and value creation. Still, a comprehensive strategy to safeguard data among learners in the utilization of online productivity platforms is a must

    Digital Transformation in Higher Education – New Cohorts, New Requirements?

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    Digital transformation refers to changes that digital technologies cause and that influence various aspects of human life. Previous researchers mainly focused on the impact of the digital transformation in the context of commercial organisations and business processes. In this study, we aim to examine how digital transformation affects universities and students. We examine differences and changes in the usage of collaboration and communication platforms between different groups of members at the university and within the university lifecycle. To gain new insights, a qualitative case study with semi-structured interviews was conducted. One of the main results shows that Bachelor and Master students prefer the usage of social network sites for collaboration and communication while Ph.D. students and employees do not. Even though an increasing number of modern platforms for direct communication is offered, the results show that the communication between the groups of students and employees still takes place via email

    A Path to an Understanding of the Internet Use and Its Impact on the Academic Achievement of Social Science Students

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the use and impacts of internet on academic success of Social Science student studying in the public sector Universities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. Survey research method using a questionnaire was employed for data collection from a sample of 303 Social Science students spread over five public sector universities of KP. The response rate was 66% and the data was analyzed through SPSS 20.0 using descriptive and inferential statistics. The key findings show that male respondents reported being more experienced in internet use than female and about 84% of the students agreed with the importance of getting the internet use training. University graduates mainly used internet for Social Networking Sites (SNSs), e-mail and academic purposes and were highly satisfied with e-reference material, SNSs and audio/visual resources. Similarly, watching sports online and using shopping and trading websites online correlates with students’ lower Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). Furthermore, frequent use of indexes and abstracts, technical reports and presentations available on slide share correlates with graduates’ higher CGPA. Besides these the students reported that, the slow speed of internet, electricity shortage and restrictions on students from their parents to use internet due to the availability of immoral sites on internet were the problems in their internet use. This is the first study in KP, Pakistan that dealt with this important topic by covering a large number of social science students from large number of universities

    ALT-C 2010 Programme Guide

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    The paper attempts to outline the security issues in the development and application of cloud-based mobile learning. A brief definition of the mobile learning, its components and related technologies and devices is given. The specific characteristics of social media, big data and cloud computing are summarized in relation with their integration in the mobile learning and its transformation to a cloud-based environment. The main security threats to this type of learning are pointed out and some recommendations for providing security learning are given are given.В статье делается попытка выделить проблемы безопасности при разработке и применении мобильной учебы с применением облачных технологий. Сделано короткое определение мобильной учебы, ее компонентов, сопутствующих технологий и устройств. Обобщены особенности социальных медиа, больших данных и облачных  технологий  в отношении к их интеграции  в мобильную учебу и трансформацию в облачной среде. Определены основные угрозы для безопасности такого вида учебы и предоставлены некоторые рекомендации для обеспечения безопасности учебы. У статті робиться спроба окреслити проблеми безпеки при розробці та застосуванні мобільного навчання з застосуванням хмарних технологій. Зроблено коротке визначення мобільного навчання, його компонентів, супутніх технологій та пристроїв. Підсумовані особливості соціальних медіа, великих данних та хмарних  технологій  у відношенні до їх інтеграції  у мобільне навчання та трансформацію в хмарному середовищі. Визначені основні загрози для безпеки такого виду навчання та надані деякі рекомендації для забезпечення безпеки навчання