9 research outputs found

    Posting versus Replying: The Effects of Instructor Participation in MOOC Discussion Forums

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    Previous research has suggested that the frequency of instructor participation in online discussion forums can affect student participation and subsequently their learning results in online courses. However , the different approaches of instructor participation and their effects have not been well studied, particularly in MOOCs of very large class sizes. This research investigates how instructor participation via posting vs. replying in online discussion forums affects student participation in MOOCs. Our results show that instructors mainly participate through replying rather than posting. However , instructor posting is more effective than instructor replying on enhancing student participation, and this advantage of instructor posting over replying increases with class size. Class size negatively moderates the positive effect of instructor replying, but not that of instructor posting. These findings implicate the necessity of a well-planned participation strategy for instructors to engage in MOOC discussion forums

    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Dropout Rate in the World: A Protocol for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Introduction: Massive open online course (MOOC) is an online course that is open, meaning there are no barriers to entry, and entails no special educational costs or features. Recently, MOOCs have received increasing popularity throughout the world. Regardless of the subject taught and the university providing the course, the dropout rate of MOOCs is one of the most important challenges ahead. The objective of this systematic review is to estimate the global rate of MOOCs dropout and factors affecting this frequency. Methods: This systematic review will search MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), Embase (Embase.com), ASSIA, CINAHL, Education Research, BEI, and Eric databases systematically according to predefined criteria without language restrictions to retrieve prospective and retrospective observational studies conducted between the 1st of January 2000 and 30th of December 2021, evaluating the frequency of leaving MOOCs throughout the world. Discordances between the two different authors through the processes of screening, selection, quality assessment, and data extraction will be settled via discussion and if the issue cannot be resolved, a third expert advice will be requested. For all studies, forest plots will be shown to represent the separate and pooled frequency along with their 95% confidence intervals. To examine statistical heterogeneity, the Q-statistic test and the I2statistic will be utilized. To investigate potential reporting bias and non-significant study effects, funnel plots will be employed. Tests, such as Begg’s and Egger’s will also be carried out. The time trends for MOOCs dropout rate will be calculated using a cumulative meta-analysis. Conclusion: As dropout rate is one of the most challenges that universities may encounter, this systematic review will help universities extend their view, save their resources, or maybe design their MOOCs differently. This protocol is registered in Open Science Framework (OSF), available at: https://osf.io/jgyqx


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    MOOCs are a recent phenomenon that has generated expectations both with respect to pedagogical issues and strategic and economic issues of higher education. Thus, systematizing knowledge about the subject through a systematic literature review (RSL) becomes relevant. Thus, the objective of this study was to perform a SLR, as proposed by Kitchenham, to identify the state of the art on the impacts and challenges of MOOCs in higher education. The main impacts of MOOCs relate to their characteristics of openness and massive attendance, which allow accessibility and democratization of education. These courses are being incorporated into higher education through the use of hybrid teaching models and, as they are a recent phenomenon, need to overcome several barriers, such as low completion rates and the limited attendance of students comprising disadvantaged groups. Many actions are being assessed and implemented in this direction.Os MOOCs são um fenômeno recente que tem gerado expectativas tanto nas questões pedagógicas, quanto nas questões estratégicas e econômicas do ensino superior. Desse modo, sistematizar o conhecimento sobre a temática, por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL), torna-se relevante. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi realizar uma RSL, conforme proposto por Kitchenham (2004), para identificar o estado da arte sobre os impactos e desafios dos MOOCs no ensino superior. Os principais impactos dos MOOCs estão relacionados as suas características de abertura e atendimento massivo, que possibilitam acessibilidade e democratização do ensino. Esses cursos estão sendo incorporados ao ensino superior por meio da utilização de modelos híbridos de ensino e, como são um fenômeno recente, precisam superar diversas barreiras, como as baixas taxas de conclusão e o impacto limitado no acesso de grupos de alunos menos favorecidos. Muitas ações estão sendo avaliadas e implantadas nesse sentido.Os MOOCs são um fenômeno recente que tem gerado expectativas tanto nas questões pedagógicas, quanto nas questões estratégicas e econômicas do ensino superior. Desse modo, sistematizar o conhecimento sobre a temática, por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL), torna-se relevante. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi realizar uma RSL, conforme proposto por Kitchenham (2004), para identificar o estado da arte sobre os impactos e desafios dos MOOCs no ensino superior. Os principais impactos dos MOOCs estão relacionados as suas características de abertura e atendimento massivo, que possibilitam acessibilidade e democratização do ensino. Esses cursos estão sendo incorporados ao ensino superior por meio da utilização de modelos híbridos de ensino e, como são um fenômeno recente, precisam superar diversas barreiras, como as baixas taxas de conclusão e o impacto limitado no acesso de grupos de alunos menos favorecidos. Muitas ações estão sendo avaliadas e implantadas nesse sentido

    Ensino/aprendizagem num novo contexto tecnológico: um estudo no âmbito do ensino superior

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    Today’s students of higher education are considered digital natives. They have a wide array of technologies at their disposal that are used in their day-to-day lives in very different contexts; including recreation, work and academic. This scenario promotes a change of culture by the main actors associated with the Teaching/Learning process. This prompted the development of the present thesis which aims to evaluate the degree of use and acceptance of technologies supporting the Teaching/Learning process in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). The methodology used when conducting this study was based initially on a review of the specialized literature, identifying the three main technological generations supporting the Teaching/Learning process: Learning Management Systems (LMS), Web 2.0 technologies and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Subsequently, the technologies recognized as the most relevant within each of these generations have been the subject of (i) a systematic literature review, (ii) a content analysis elaborated on the platforms/technologies used in international Higher Education Institutions, and (iii) an empirical work conducted at a Portuguese Higher Education Institution. Concerning the latter, an understanding of the behavior of the two main players involved in the Teaching/Learning process (students and teachers) was particularly sought after. Therefore, studies were conducted on (i) the students’ use of the main technologies, (ii) the students’ acceptance of some of these technologies in the context of Teaching/Learning and (iii) the use and acceptance of the technologies by teachers. The results indicated that the Moodle platform is the LMS most used in Higher Education Institutions. In this context, the platform is mostly used as a content repository and a communication channel. As for Web 2.0, Video Sharing, Social Networks and Wikis were proven to be the technologies most used by students and teachers. The results also revealed that the technologies in question are well accepted by both parties, thus showing that their adoption could benefit the Teaching/Learning process in the new technological paradigm. Regarding the MOOCs, few teachers showed knowledge of the concept and no teachers who had created these type of courses were identified. This study resulted in the development of seven scientific works with peer review, being five scientific papers published or submitted to international scientific journals and two chapters published in international books. These scientific works constitute an integral part of this doctoral thesis.Atualmente, os estudantes do ensino superior são considerados nativos digitais, tendo à sua disposição um conjunto abrangente de tecnologias que utilizam no seu dia a dia nos mais diversos contextos, incluindo o de lazer, de trabalho e académico. Este cenário promove uma mudança de cultura por parte dos principais atores associados ao processo de Ensino/Aprendizagem, o que motivou o desenvolvimento da presente tese que tem por objetivo avaliar o grau de utilização e de aceitação das tecnologias de suporte ao processo Ensino/Aprendizagem nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES). A metodologia utilizada na condução deste estudo, baseou-se inicialmente numa revisão da literatura especializada, tendo-se identificado as três principais gerações tecnológicas de suporte ao processo Ensino/Aprendizagem, mais especificamente os Learning Management Systems (LSM), as tecnologias Web 2.0 e os Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Seguidamente, as tecnologias reconhecidas como as mais relevantes no âmbito de cada uma destas gerações foram alvo de revisão sistemática da literatura, de análise de conteúdo elaborada sobre as plataformas/tecnologias utilizadas em Instituições de Ensino Superior de referência a nível internacional, e de trabalhos empíricos conduzidos numa Instituição de Ensino Superior Portuguesa. Em particular, no que se refere a estes últimos, procurou-se perceber o comportamento relativo à adoção das tecnologias por parte dos dois principais intervenientes no processo Ensino/Aprendizagem, i.e., estudantes e professores. Desta forma, foram conduzidos estudos acerca (i) da utilização, por parte dos estudantes, das principais tecnologias, (ii) da aceitação, por parte dos estudantes, de algumas dessas tecnologias em contexto Ensino/Aprendizagem e (iii) da utilização e aceitação das tecnologias por parte dos professores. Os resultados apontaram para o facto de a plataforma Moodle representar o LMS mais utilizado no Ensino Superior sendo, no contexto do caso analisado, utilizado maioritariamente como repositório de conteúdos e canal de comunicação. No que se refere à Web 2.0, o Video Sharing, as Redes Sociais e as Wikis revelaram-se como as tecnologias mais utilizadas pelos estudantes e pelos professores. Os resultados revelaram, ainda, que as tecnologias em causa são bem aceites, tanto por parte dos estudantes como dos professores, evidenciando, assim, que a sua adoção poderá beneficiar o processo Ensino/Aprendizagem no paradigma tecnológico. Já no que diz respeito às MOOCs, poucos professores evidenciaram conhecer o conceito, não se tendo identificado professores que tivessem criado este tipo de cursos. Este estudo traduziu-se na elaboração de sete trabalhos científicos com revisão por pares, dos quais cinco artigos publicados/submetidos a revistas científicas internacionais e dois capítulos publicados de livros internacionais, que aqui se apresentam e constituem parte integrante desta tese de doutoramento.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    Massive open online courses and completion rates: does academic readiness and its factors influence completion rates in MOOCs?

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    With the increase in the cost of an education and the flat employment rate, many institutions and students are looking to online learning to solve this academic dilemma. Online education is thought to be a low-cost academic alternative to brick and mortar courses. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) goals include issues of equity in higher education, the rising costs of a college education, and funding concerns. MOOCs can be taken from anywhere as long as the participant has a computer and access to the Internet is available. Also, traditional MOOCs do not require any financial commitment and do not have academic prerequisites or an admissions process. Completion rates among learners taking MOOCs are low, begging the question of whether they actually address matters of escalating college costs and higher education equity. The purpose of this study is to explore whether academic readiness in the context of the likelihood the learner completing the course. This study focuses on one component of the many factors in MOOCs - the likelihood of course completion and academic readiness. Academic readiness in MOOCs is not a requirement, but a component that may determine whether a learner has the tools needed to complete a MOOC. Academic readiness suggests a level of knowledge and cognitive abilities necessary to understand the course content and to navigate the course technologically. Theories addressing structural elements within MOOCs include Clow's funnel of participation, behaviorism, and constructivism. Of these theories, constructivism provides the theoretical framework for understanding learners' abilities and willingness to learn in the study. This quantitative study attempts to evaluate the likelihood of course completion and the factors that may influence these outcomes using secondary data from Duke's MOOC pre- and post-course surveys. Logistic regression analysis with the dependent variable (a learner completes a Duke's MOOCs) and the independent variables (academic readiness and its factors -- college degree; age; race; gender; previous experience with course subject, course level -- beginner, intermediate; or advanced; and STEM or non-STEM) will be used to estimate the likelihood that these variables will encourage learners to complete MOOCs or understand why learners do not

    Self-Determination Theory and MOOC enrollment motivation: Validation of the online learning enrollment intentions scale

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    Personalized learning tracks within MOOCs remain underdeveloped. Despite MOOCs possessing tremendous potential for personalized learning, little individualization of the MOOC has occurred. Some students look at MOOCs as a textbook, others as a formal course, and others as an opportunity to socialize. Understanding student enrollment needs are a critical initial step to helping students get the most out of MOOC. The online learning enrollment intentions scale (OLEI) (Kizilcec & Schneider, 2015) inventories student enrollment motivation in MOOCs. Despite being a short measure of enrollment motivation, the OLEI has not been widely deployed in MOOCs or reported in MOOC literature. This investigation contributes to the validity and reliability evidence of the OLEI by correlating it with mature instruments based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL). SDT posits that humans are moved by intrinsic, extrinsic, and social motivations. SDT also asserts that the absence of motivation is amotivation. Amotivation is an important construct to study in MOOCs. The overwhelming majority of students sign up for MOOCs and fail to pursue significant learning beyond initial sign-up. Understanding this amotivational state is necessary to developing interventions that motivate MOOC learners to return to the course before they fail to satisfy their learning goals. These four motivational states (intrinsic, extrinsic, social, and amotivational) were investigated using quantitative methods. This study used correlation coefficients to compare associations between the OLEI and instruments built on SDT and SRL. Sixty-eight participants were solicited from active MOOCs on the edX and Coursera platforms. Results support that the OLEI accurately inventories extrinsic and amotivational initial enrollment states. Less support was reported with validity associations for intrinsic or social motivational states and the OLEI. Validity and reliability evidence for the OLEI is reported

    Study Partners Recommendation for xMOOCs Learners

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    Massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide an opportunity for people to access free courses offered by top universities in the world and therefore attracted great attention and engagement from college teachers and students. However, with contrast to large scale enrollment, the completion rate of these courses is really low. One of the reasons for students to quit learning process is problems which they face that could not be solved by discussing them with classmates. In order to keep them staying in the course, thereby further improving the completion rate, we address the task of study partner recommendation for students based on both content information and social network information. By analyzing the content of messages posted by learners in course discussion forum, we investigated the learners’ behavior features to classify the learners into three groups. Then we proposed a topic model to measure learners’ course knowledge awareness. Finally, a social network was constructed based on their activities in the course forum, and the relationship in the network was then employed to recommend study partners for target learner combined with their behavior features and course knowledge awareness. The experiment results show that our method achieves better performance than recommending method only based on content information