5 research outputs found

    Resilient Backhaul Network Design Using Hybrid Radio/Free-Space Optical Technology

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    The radio-frequency (RF) technology is a scalable solution for the backhaul planning. However, its performance is limited in terms of data rate and latency. Free Space Optical (FSO) backhaul, on the other hand, offers a higher data rate but is sensitive to weather conditions. To combine the advantages of RF and FSO backhauls, this paper proposes a cost-efficient backhaul network using the hybrid RF/FSO technology. To ensure a resilient backhaul, the paper imposes a given degree of redundancy by connecting each node through KK link-disjoint paths so as to cope with potential link failures. Hence, the network planning problem considered in this paper is the one of minimizing the total deployment cost by choosing the appropriate link type, i.e., either hybrid RF/FSO or optical fiber (OF), between each couple of base-stations while guaranteeing KK link-disjoint connections, a data rate target, and a reliability threshold. The paper solves the problem using graph theory techniques. It reformulates the problem as a maximum weight clique problem in the planning graph, under a specified realistic assumption about the cost of OF and hybrid RF/FSO links. Simulation results show the cost of the different planning and suggest that the proposed heuristic solution has a close-to-optimal performance for a significant gain in computation complexity

    Practical design of optimal wireless metropolitan area networks: model and algorithms for OFDMA networks

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D.This thesis contributes to the study of the planning and optimisation of wireless metropolitan area networks, in particular to the access network design of OFDMAbased systems, where different parameters like base station position, antenna tilt and azimuth need to be configured during the early stages of the network life. A practical view for the solution of this problem is presented by means of the development of a novel design framework and the use of multicriteria optimisation. A further consideration of relaying and cooperative communications in the context of the design of this kind of networks is done, an area little researched. With the emergence of new technologies and services, it is very important to accurately identify the factors that affect the design of the wireless access network and define how to take them into account to achieve optimally performing and cost-efficient networks. The new features and flexibility of OFDMA networks seem particularly suited to the provision of different broadband services to metropolitan areas. However, until now, most existing efforts have been focused on the basic access capability networks. This thesis presents a way to deal with the trade-offs generated during the OFDMA access network design, and presents a service-oriented optimization framework that offers a new perspective for this process with consideration of the technical and economic factors. The introduction of relay stations in wireless metropolitan area networks will bring numerous advantages such as coverage extension and capacity enhancement due to the deployment of new cells and the reduction of distance between transmitter and receiver. However, the network designers will also face new challenges with the use of relay stations, since they involve a new source of interference and a complicated air interface; and this need to be carefully evaluated during the network design process. Contrary to the well known procedure of cellular network design over regular or hexagonal scenarios, the wireless network planning and optimization process aims to deal with the non-uniform characteristics of realistic scenarios, where the existence of hotspots, different channel characteristics for the users, or different service requirements will determine the final design of the wireless network. This thesis is structured in three main blocks covering important gaps in the existing literature in planning (efficient simulation) and optimisation. The formulation and ideas proposed in the former case can still be evaluated over regular scenarios, for the sake of simplicity, while the study of latter case needs to be done over specific scenarios that will be described when appropriate. Nevertheless, comments and conclusions are extrapolated to more general cases throughout this work. After an introduction and a description of the related work, this thesis first focuses on the study of models and algorithms for classical point-to-multipoint networks on Chapter 3, where the optimisation framework is proposed. Based on the framework, this work: - Identifies the technology-specific physical factors that affect most importantly the network system level simulation, planning and optimization process. - It demonstrates how to simplify the problem and translate it into a formal optimization routine with consideration of economic factors. - It provides the network provider, a detailed and clear description of different scenarios during the design process so that the most suitable solution can be found. Existing works on this area do not provide such a comprehensive framework. In Chapter 4: - The impact of the relay configuration on the network planning process is analysed. - A new simple and flexible scheme to integrate multihop communications in the Mobile WiMAX frame structure is proposed and evaluated. - Efficient capacity calculations that allow intensive system level simulations in a multihop environment are introduced. In Chapter 5: - An analysis of the optimisation procedure with the addition of relay stations and the derived higher complexity of the process is done. - A frequency plan procedure not found in the existing literature is proposed, which combines it with the use of the necessary frame fragmentation of in-band relay communications and cooperative procedures. - A novel joint two-step process for network planning and optimisation is proposed. Finally, conclusions and open issues are exposed

    Studies on the Viability of Cellular Multihop Networks with Fixed Relays

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    The use of low cost fixed wireless relays has been proposed as a way to deploy high data-rate networks at an affordable cost. During the last decade, significant academic and industrial research has been dedicated to relays. Protocol architectures for cellular-relaying networks are currently considered for standardization as part of both IEEE 802.16 and 3GPP. Various relaying techniques have successfully been commercialized over the years. This dissertation concentrates on the particular case of large scale use of low cost relays, for which focus is put on signal processing and radio resource allocation, rather than on antenna and radio frequency (RF) design, or on network planning. A key question is how low relay cost is low enough for a relaying architecture to be viable from an economic point of view? We develop a framework for evaluating the viability of relaying solutions. The framework is based on a comparison between the relaying architectures and traditional single-hop cellular architectures. This comparative analysis is done from an operator perspective, and is formulated as a network-dimensioning problem. The associated investment decisions are based on financial measures (cost or profit) and taken under technical constraints (throughput, coverage, etc.).First, we consider a large number of traditional dimensioning scenarios, in which the radio network is design for a predefined traffic demand and target quality of service level. We show that the use of low cost relays can indeed be viable, but that the cost savings vary strongly from case to case and often are only modest. Due to the half-duplex nature of the low cost relays, these relays are best suited for providing coverage to guaranteed data-rates, at low end-to-end spectral efficiency, and in environments with strong shadow fading. The type of environment and the placement of relays are more important than the specific protocols and algorithms used in the network. Therefore, traditional network planning remains an essential and challenging task, which is unlikely to be replaced by large-scale (unplanned) use of relays.Second, we suggest a new direction of research in which the viability of relays is judged considering the entire life cycle of a radio network. We give several examples in which the temporary use of relays is economically viable, especially if the service uptake is slow or the uncertainty about the future demand is high. This is particularly relevant if the last-mile cost of a network is dominated by the backhaul transmission cost, and if relaying is implemented as a feature of an access point, rather than as a new device type.QC 2010081


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    In this thesis, we propose several resource allocation strategies for relay networks in the context of joint power and bandwidth allocation and relay selection, and joint power allocation and subchannel assignment for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) systems. Sharing the two best ordered relays with equal power between the two users over Rayleigh flat fading channels is proposed to establish full diversity order for both users. Closed form expressions for the outage probability, and bit error probability (BEP) performance measures for both amplify and forward (AF) and decode and forward (DF) cooperative communication schemes are developed for different scenarios. To utilize the full potentials of relay-assisted transmission in multi user systems, we propose a mixed strategy of AF relaying and direct transmission, where the user transmits part of the data using the relay, and the other part is transmitted using the direct link. The resource allocation problem is formulated to maximize the sum rate. A recursive algorithm alternating between power allocation and bandwidth allocation steps is proposed to solve the formulated resource allocation problem. Due to the conflict between limited wireless resources and the fast growing wireless demands, Stackelberg game is proposed to allocate the relay resources (power and bandwidth) between competing users, aiming to maximize the relay benefits from selling its resources. We prove the uniqueness of Stackelberg Nash Equilibrium (SNE) for the proposed game. We develop a distributed algorithm to reach SNE, and investigate the conditions for the stability of the proposed algorithm. We propose low complexity algorithms for AF-OFDMA and DF-OFDMA systems to assign the subcarriers to the users based on high SNR approximation aiming to maximize the weighted sum rate. Auction framework is proposed to devise competition based solutions for the resource allocation of AF-OFDMA aiming tomaximize either vi the sum rate or the fairness index. Two auction algorithms are proposed; sequential and one-shot auctions. In sequential auction, the users evaluate the subcarrier based on the rate marginal contribution. In the one-shot auction, the users evaluate the subcarriers based on an estimate of the Shapley value and bids on all subcarriers at once

    Cooperative Communications inWireless Local Area Networks: MAC Protocol Design and Multi-layer Solutions

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    This dissertation addresses cooperative communications and proposes multi-layer solu- tions for wireless local area networks, focusing on cooperative MAC design. The coop- erative MAC design starts from CSMA/CA based wireless networks. Three key issues of cooperation from the MAC layer are dealt with: i.e., when to cooperate (opportunistic cooperation), whom to cooperate with (relay selection), and how to protect cooperative transmissions (message procedure design). In addition, a cooperative MAC protocol that addresses these three issues is proposed. The relay selection scheme is further optimized in a clustered network to solve the problem of high collision probability in a dense network. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated in terms of through- put, packet delivery rate and energy efficiency. Furthermore, the proposed protocol is verified through formal model checking using SPIN. Moreover, a cooperative code allo- cation scheme is proposed targeting at a clustered network where multiple relay nodes can transmit simultaneously. The cooperative communication design is then extended to the routing layer through cross layer routing metrics. Another part of the work aims at enabling concurrent transmissions using cooperative carrier sensing to improve the per- formance in a WLAN network with multiple access points sharing the same channel