86,844 research outputs found

    Relaxation time for a dimer covering with height representation

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    This paper considers the Monte Carlo dynamics of random dimer coverings of the square lattice, which can be mapped to a rough interface model. Two kinds of slow modes are identified, associated respectively with long-wavelength fluctuations of the interface height, and with slow drift (in time) of the system-wide mean height. Within a continuum theory, the longest relaxation time for either kind of mode scales as the system size N. For the real, discrete model, an exact lower bound of O(N) is placed on the relaxation time, using variational eigenfunctions corresponding to the two kinds of continuum modes.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX; 1 figure in PostScript file; to appear, J. Stat. Phys. Sections and subsections were reshuffled to improve presentation, some text added on quantum-dimer model, fully-frustrated Ising model, and application to general class of "height" model

    Particle-hole symmetric localization in two dimensions

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    We revisit two-dimensional particle-hole symmetric sublattice localization problem, focusing on the origin of the observed singularities in the density of states ρ(E)\rho(E) at the band center E=0. The most general such system [R. Gade, Nucl. Phys. B {\bf 398}, 499 (1993)] exhibits critical behavior and has ρ(E)\rho(E) that diverges stronger than any integrable power-law, while the special {\it random vector potential model} of Ludwiget al [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 50}, 7526 (1994)] has instead a power-law density of states with a continuously varying dynamical exponent. We show that the latter model undergoes a dynamical transition with increasing disorder--this transition is a counterpart of the static transition known to occur in this system; in the strong-disorder regime, we identify the low-energy states of this model with the local extrema of the defining two-dimensional Gaussian random surface. Furthermore, combining this ``surface fluctuation'' mechanism with a renormalization group treatment of a related vortex glass problem leads us to argue that the asymptotic low EE behavior of the density of states in the {\it general} case is ρ(E)E1elnE2/3\rho(E) \sim E^{-1} e^{-|\ln E|^{2/3}}, different from earlier prediction of Gade. We also study the localized phases of such particle-hole symmetric systems and identify a Griffiths ``string'' mechanism that generates singular power-law contributions to the low-energy density of states in this case.Comment: 18 pages (two-column PRB format), 10 eps figures include

    Intertemporal Choice of Fuzzy Soft Sets

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    This paper first merges two noteworthy aspects of choice. On the one hand, soft sets and fuzzy soft sets are popular models that have been largely applied to decision making problems, such as real estate valuation, medical diagnosis (glaucoma, prostate cancer, etc.), data mining, or international trade. They provide crisp or fuzzy parameterized descriptions of the universe of alternatives. On the other hand, in many decisions, costs and benefits occur at different points in time. This brings about intertemporal choices, which may involve an indefinitely large number of periods. However, the literature does not provide a model, let alone a solution, to the intertemporal problem when the alternatives are described by (fuzzy) parameterizations. In this paper, we propose a novel soft set inspired model that applies to the intertemporal framework, hence it fills an important gap in the development of fuzzy soft set theory. An algorithm allows the selection of the optimal option in intertemporal choice problems with an infinite time horizon. We illustrate its application with a numerical example involving alternative portfolios of projects that a public administration may undertake. This allows us to establish a pioneering intertemporal model of choice in the framework of extended fuzzy set theorie

    Rayleigh-Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy of nitrous oxide (N2_2O)

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    High signal-to-noise and high-resolution light scattering spectra are measured for nitrous oxide (N2_2O) gas at an incident wavelength of 403.00 nm, at 90^\circ scattering, at room temperature and at gas pressures in the range 0.540.5-4 bar. The resulting Rayleigh-Brillouin light scattering spectra are compared to a number of models describing in an approximate manner the collisional dynamics and energy transfer in this gaseous medium of this polyatomic molecular species. The Tenti-S6 model, based on macroscopic gas transport coefficients, reproduces the scattering profiles in the entire pressure range at less than 2\% deviation at a similar level as does the alternative kinetic Grad's 6-moment model, which is based on the internal collisional relaxation as a decisive parameter. A hydrodynamic model fails to reproduce experimental spectra for the low pressures of 0.5-1 bar, but yields very good agreement (<1< 1\%) in the pressure range 242-4 bar. While these three models have a different physical basis the internal molecular relaxation derived can for all three be described in terms of a bulk viscosity of ηb(6±2)×105\eta_b \sim (6 \pm 2) \times 10^{-5} Pa\cdots. A 'rough-sphere' model, previously shown to be effective to describe light scattering in SF6_6 gas, is not found to be suitable, likely in view of the non-sphericity and asymmetry of the N-N-O structured linear polyatomic molecule

    Analysis of the potentials of multi criteria decision analysis methods to conduct sustainability assessment

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    Sustainability assessments require the management of a wide variety of information types, parameters and uncertainties. Multi criteria decision analysis (MCDA) has been regarded as a suitable set of methods to perform sustainability evaluations as a result of its flexibility and the possibility of facilitating the dialogue between stakeholders, analysts and scientists. However, it has been reported that researchers do not usually properly define the reasons for choosing a certain MCDA method instead of another. Familiarity and affinity with a certain approach seem to be the drivers for the choice of a certain procedure. This review paper presents the performance of five MCDA methods (i.e. MAUT, AHP, PROMETHEE, ELECTRE and DRSA) in respect to ten crucial criteria that sustainability assessments tools should satisfy, among which are a life cycle perspective, thresholds and uncertainty management, software support and ease of use. The review shows that MAUT and AHP are fairly simple to understand and have good software support, but they are cognitively demanding for the decision makers, and can only embrace a weak sustainability perspective as trade-offs are the norm. Mixed information and uncertainty can be managed by all the methods, while robust results can only be obtained with MAUT. ELECTRE, PROMETHEE and DRSA are non-compensatory approaches which consent to use a strong sustainability concept, accept a variety of thresholds, but suffer from rank reversal. DRSA is less demanding in terms of preference elicitation, is very easy to understand and provides a straightforward set of decision rules expressed in the form of elementary “if … then …” conditions. Dedicated software is available for all the approaches with a medium to wide range of results capability representation. DRSA emerges as the easiest method, followed by AHP, PROMETHEE and MAUT, while ELECTRE is regarded as fairly difficult. Overall, the analysis has shown that most of the requirements are satisfied by the MCDA methods (although to different extents) with the exclusion of management of mixed data types and adoption of life cycle perspective which are covered by all the considered approaches