331 research outputs found

    Analysis and design of power delivery networks exploiting simulation tools and numerical optimization techniques

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    A higher performance of computing systems is being demanded year after year, driving the digital industry to fiercely compete for offering the fastest computer system at the lowest cost. In addition, as computing system performance is growing, power delivery networks (PDN) and power integrity (PI) designs are getting increasingly more relevance due to the faster speeds and more parallelism required to obtain the required performance growth. The largest data throughput at the lowest power consumption is a common goal for most of the commercial computing systems. As a consequence of this performance growth and power delivery tradeoffs, the complexity involved in analyzing and designing PDN in digital systems is being increased. This complexity drives longer design cycle times when using traditional design tools. For this reason, the need of using more efficient design methods is getting more relevance in order to keep designing and launching products in a faster manner to the market. This trend pushes PDN designers to look for methodologies to simplify analysis and reduce design cycle times. The main objective for this Master’s thesis is to propose alternative methods by exploiting reliable simulation approaches and efficient numerical optimization techniques to analyze and design PDN to ensure power integrity. This thesis explores the use of circuital models and electromagnetic (EM) field solvers in combination with numerical optimization methods, including parameter extraction (PE) formulations. It also establishes a sound basis for using space mapping (SM) methodologies in future developments, in a way that we exploit the advantages of the most accurate and powerful models, such as 3D full-wave EM simulators, but conserving the simplicity and low computational resourcing of the analytical, circuital, and empirical models

    Optoelectronic devices and packaging for information photonics

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    This thesis studies optoelectronic devices and the integration of these components onto optoelectronic multi chip modules (OE-MCMs) using a combination of packaging techniques. For this project, (1×12) array photodetectors were developed using PIN diodes with a GaAs/AlGaAs strained layer structure. The devices had a pitch of 250μm, operated at a wavelength of 850nm. Optical characterisation experiments of two types of detector arrays (shoe and ring) were successfully performed. Overall, the shoe devices achieved more consistent results in comparison with ring diodes, i.e. lower dark current and series resistance values. A decision was made to choose the shoe design for implementation into the high speed systems demonstrator. The (1x12) VCSEL array devices were the optical sources used in my research. This was an identical array at 250μm pitch configuration used in order to match the photodetector array. These devices had a wavelength of 850nm. Optoelectronic testing of the VCSEL was successfully conducted, which provided good beam profile analysis and I-V-P measurements of the VCSEL array. This was then implemented into a simple demonstrator system, where eye diagrams examined the systems performance and characteristics of the full system and showed positive results. An explanation was given of the following optoelectronic bonding techniques: Wire bonding and flip chip bonding with its associated technologies, i.e. Solder, gold stud bump and ACF. Also, technologies, such as ultrasonic flip chip bonding and gold micro-post technology were looked into and discussed. Experimental work implementing these methods on packaging the optoelectronic devices was successfully conducted and described in detail. Packaging of the optoelectronic devices onto the OEMCM was successfully performed. Electrical tests were successfully carried out on the flip chip bonded VCSEL and Photodetector arrays. These results verified that the devices attached on the MCM achieved good electrical performance and reliable bonding. Finally, preliminary testing was conducted on the fully assembled OE-MCMs. The aim was to initially power up the mixed signal chip (VCSEL driver), and then observe the VCSEL output

    CMOS MESFET Cascode Amplifiers for RFIC Applications

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    abstract: There is an ever-increasing demand for higher bandwidth and data rate ensuing from exploding number of radio frequency integrated systems and devices. As stated in the Shannon-Hartley theorem, the maximum achievable data rate of a communication channel is linearly proportional to the system bandwidth. This is the main driving force behind pushing wireless systems towards millimeter-wave frequency range, where larger bandwidth is available at a higher carrier frequency. Observing the Moor’s law, highly scaled complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technologies provide fast transistors with a high unity power gain frequency which enables operating at millimeter-wave frequency range. CMOS is the compelling choice for digital and signal processing modules which concurrently offers high computation speed, low power consumption, and mass integration at a high manufacturing yield. One of the main shortcomings of the sub-micron CMOS technologies is the low breakdown voltage of the transistors that limits the dynamic range of the radio frequency (RF) power blocks, especially with the power amplifiers. Low voltage swing restricts the achievable output power which translates into low signal to noise ratio and degraded linearity. Extensive research has been done on proposing new design and IC fabrication techniques with the goal of generating higher output power in CMOS technology. The prominent drawbacks of these solutions are an increased die area, higher cost per design, and lower overall efficiency due to lossy passive components. In this dissertation, CMOS compatible metal–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFETs) are utilized to put forward a new solution to enhance the power amplifier’s breakdown voltage, gain and maximum output power. Requiring no change to the conventional CMOS process flow, this low cost approach allows direct incorporation of high voltage power MESFETs into silicon. High voltage MESFETs were employed in a cascode structure to push the amplifier’s cutoff frequency and unity power gain frequency to the 5G and K-band frequency range. This dissertation begins with CMOS compatible MESFET modeling and fabrication steps, and culminates in the discussion of amplifier design and optimization methodology, parasitic de-embedding steps, simulation and measurement results, and high resistivity RF substrate characterization.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Integrated 3D glass modules with high-Q inductors and thermal dissipation for RF front-end applications

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    The objectives of this research are to model, design, fabricate and validate high quality factor (Q > 100 at 2.4 GHz for 3-10 nH/mm2) inductors and innovative thermal structures with copper through-package vias to maintain low junction temperatures of < 85 oC in power amplifiers, and demonstrate ultra-thin fully-integrated dual-band (2.4 GHz/ 5GHz) WLAN modules with passive-active integration on ultra-thin glass substrates with double-side RF circuits and copper through-package vias (TPVs). Today’s RF subsystems are 2D single or multichip packages made of either organic laminates or LTCC (low temperature co-fired ceramic) substrates. The need for form-factor reduction in RF subsystems in both z and x-y direction has led to the evolution of embedded die-package architectures in thin laminates with dies facing up or down. This also reduces insertion loss and improves signal integrity by minimizing electromagnetic interference (EMI), package parasitics and routing issues. For further improvement in performance and miniaturization, glass is proposed as an ideal substrate for RF module integration. However, major design and fabrication challenges need to be addressed to achieve ultra-thin high Q RF components and also enable IC cooling to eliminate hotspots on glass substrates, which forms the key focus of this thesis.Ph.D

    Literature review on thermo-mechanical behavior of components for LED system-in-package

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    Extremely Large Area (88 mm X 88 mm) Superconducting Integrated Circuit (ELASIC)

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    Superconducting integrated circuit (SIC) is a promising "beyond-CMOS" device technology enables speed-of-light, nearly lossless communications to advance cryogenic (4 K or lower) computing. However, the lack of large-area superconducting IC has hindered the development of scalable practical systems. Herein, we describe a novel approach to interconnect 16 high-resolution deep UV (DUV EX4, 248 nm lithography) full reticle circuits to fabricate an extremely large (88mm X 88 mm) area superconducting integrated circuit (ELASIC). The fabrication process starts by interconnecting four high-resolution DUV EX4 (22 mm X 22 mm) full reticles using a single large-field (44 mm X 44 mm) I-line (365 nm lithography) reticle, followed by I-line reticle stitching at the boundaries of 44 mm X 44 mm fields to fabricate the complete ELASIC field (88 mm X 88 mm). The ELASIC demonstrated a 2X-12X reduction in circuit features and maintained high-stitched line superconducting critical currents. We examined quantum flux parametron (QFP) circuits to demonstrate the viability of common active components used for data buffering and transmission. Considering that no stitching requirement for high-resolution EX4 DUV reticles is employed, the present fabrication process has the potential to advance the scaling of superconducting quantum devices

    Analysis of the high frequency substrate noise effects on LC-VCOs

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    La integració de transceptors per comunicacions de radiofreqüència en CMOS pot quedar seriosament limitada per la interacció entre els seus blocs, arribant a desaconsellar la utilització de un únic dau de silici. El soroll d’alta freqüència generat per certs blocs, com l’amplificador de potencia, pot viatjar pel substrat i amenaçar el correcte funcionament de l’oscil·lador local. Trobem tres raons importants que mostren aquest risc d’interacció entre blocs i que justifiquen la necessitat d’un estudi profund per minimitzar-lo. Les característiques del substrat fan que el soroll d’alta freqüència es propagui m’és fàcilment que el de baixa freqüència. Per altra banda, les estructures de protecció perden eficiència a mesura que la freqüència augmenta. Finalment, el soroll d’alta freqüència que arriba a l’oscil·lador degrada al seu correcte comportament. El propòsit d’aquesta tesis és analitzar en profunditat la interacció entre el soroll d’alta freqüència que es propaga pel substrat i l’oscil·lador amb l’objectiu de poder predir, mitjançant un model, l’efecte que aquest soroll pot tenir sobre el correcte funcionament de l’oscil·lador. Es volen proporcionar diverses guies i normes a seguir que permeti als dissenyadors augmentar la robustesa dels oscil·ladors al soroll d’alta freqüència que viatja pel substrat. La investigació de l’efecte del soroll de substrat en oscil·ladors s’ha iniciat des d’un punt de vista empíric, per una banda, analitzant la propagació de senyals a través del substrat i avaluant l’eficiència d’estructures per bloquejar aquesta propagació, i per altra, determinant l’efecte d’un to present en el substrat en un oscil·lador. Aquesta investigació ha mostrat que la injecció d’un to d’alta freqüència en el substrat es pot propagar fins arribar a l’oscil·lador i que, a causa del ’pulling’ de freqüència, pot modular en freqüència la sortida de l’oscil·lador. A partir dels resultats de l’anàlisi empíric s’ha aportat un model matemàtic que permet predir l’efecte del soroll en l’oscil·lador. Aquest model té el principal avantatge en el fet de que està basat en paràmetres físics de l’oscil·lador o del soroll, permetent determinar les mesures que un dissenyador pot prendre per augmentar la robustesa de l’oscil·lador així com les conseqüències que aquestes mesures tenen sobre el seu funcionament global (trade-offs). El model ha estat comparat tant amb simulacions com amb mesures reals demostrant ser molt precís a l’hora de predir l’efecte del soroll de substrat. La utilitat del model com a eina de disseny s’ha demostrat en dos estudis. Primerament, les conclusions del model han estat aplicades en el procés de disseny d’un oscil·lador d’ultra baix consum a 2.5GHz, aconseguint un oscil·lador robust al soroll de substrat d’alta freqüència i amb característiques totalment compatibles amb els principals estàndards de comunicació en aquesta banda. Finalment, el model s’ha utilitzat com a eina d’anàlisi per avaluar la causa de les diferències, en termes de robustesa a soroll de substrat, mesurades en dos oscil·ladors a 60GHz amb dues diferents estratègies d’apantallament de l’inductor del tanc de ressonant, flotant en un cas i connectat a terra en l’altre. El model ha mostrat que les diferències en robustesa són causades per la millora en el factor de qualitat i en l’amplitud d’oscil·lació i no per un augment en l’aïllament entre tanc i substrat. Per altra banda, el model ha demostrat ser vàlid i molt precís inclús en aquest rang de freqüència tan extrem. el principal avantatge en el fet de que està basat en paràmetres físics de l’oscil·lador o del soroll, permetent determinar les mesures que un dissenyador pot prendre per augmentar la robustesa de l’oscil·lador així com les conseqüències que aquestes mesures tenen sobre el seu funcionament global (trade-offs). El model ha estat comparat tant amb simulacions com amb mesures reals demostrant ser molt precís a l’hora de predir l’efecte del soroll de substrat. La utilitat del model com a eina de disseny s’ha demostrat en dos estudis. Primerament, les conclusions del model han estat aplicades en el procés de disseny d’un oscil·lador d’ultra baix consum a 2.5GHz, aconseguint un oscil·lador robust al soroll de substrat d’alta freqüència i amb característiques totalment compatibles amb els principals estàndards de comunicació en aquesta banda. Finalment, el model s’ha utilitzat com a eina d’anàlisi per avaluar la causa de les diferències, en termes de robustesa a soroll de substrat, mesurades en dos oscil·ladors a 60GHz amb dues diferents estratègies d’apantallament de l’inductor del tanc de ressonant, flotant en un cas i connectat a terra en l’altre. El model ha mostrat que les diferències en robustesa són causades per la millora en el factor de qualitat i en l’amplitud d’oscil·lació i no per un augment en l’aïllament entre tanc i substrat. Per altra banda, el model ha demostrat ser vàlid i molt precís inclús en aquest rang de freqüència tan extrem.The integration of transceivers for RF communication in CMOS can be seriously limited by the interaction between their blocks, even advising against using a single silicon die. The high frequency noise generated by some of the blocks, like the power amplifier, can travel through the substrate, reaching the local oscillator and threatening its correct performance. Three important reasons can be stated that show the risk of the single die integration. Noise propagation is easier the higher the frequency. Moreover, the protection structures lose efficiency as the noise frequency increases. Finally, the high frequency noise that reaches the local oscillator degrades its performance. The purpose of this thesis is to deeply analyze the interaction between the high frequency substrate noise and the oscillator with the objective of being able to predict, thanks to a model, the effect that this noise may have over the correct behavior of the oscillator. We want to provide some guidelines to the designers to allow them to increase the robustness of the oscillator to high frequency substrate noise. The investigation of the effect of the high frequency substrate noise on oscillators has started from an empirical point of view, on one hand, analyzing the noise propagation through the substrate and evaluating the efficiency of some structures to block this propagation, and on the other hand, determining the effect on an oscillator of a high frequency noise tone present in the substrate. This investigation has shown that the injection of a high frequency tone in the substrate can reach the oscillator and, due to a frequency pulling effect, it can modulate in frequency the output of the oscillator. Based on the results obtained during the empirical analysis, a mathematical model to predict the effect of the substrate noise on the oscillator has been provided. The main advantage of this model is the fact that it is based on physical parameters of the oscillator and of the noise, allowing to determine the measures that a designer can take to increase the robustness of the oscillator as well as the consequences (trade-offs) that these measures have over its global performance. This model has been compared against both, simulations and real measurements, showing a very high accuracy to predict the effect of the high frequency substrate noise. The usefulness of the presented model as a design tool has been demonstrated in two case studies. Firstly, the conclusions obtained from the model have been applied in the design of an ultra low power consumption 2.5 GHz oscillator robust to the high frequency substrate noise with characteristics which make it compatible with the main communication standards in this frequency band. Finally, the model has been used as an analysis tool to evaluate the cause of the differences, in terms of performance degradation due to substrate noise, measured in two 60 GHz oscillators with two different tank inductor shielding strategies, floating and grounded. The model has determined that the robustness differences are caused by the improvement in the tank quality factor and in the oscillation amplitude and no by an increased isolation between the tank and the substrate. The model has shown to be valid and very accurate even in these extreme frequency range.Postprint (published version

    A SiGe BiCMOS LNA for mm-wave applications

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    A 5 GHz continuous unlicensed bandwidth is available at millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies around 60 GHz and offers the prospect for multi gigabit wireless applications. The inherent atmospheric attenuation at 60 GHz due to oxygen absorption makes the frequency range ideal for short distance communication networks. For these mm-wave wireless networks, the low noise amplifier (LNA) is a critical subsystem determining the receiver performance i.e., the noise figure (NF) and receiver sensitivity. It however proves challenging to realise high performance mm-wave LNAs in a silicon (Si) complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The mm-wave passive devices, specifically on-chip inductors, experience high propagation loss due to the conductivity of the Si substrate at mm-wave frequencies, degrading the performance of the LNA and subsequently the performance of the receiver architecture. The research is aimed at realising a high performance mm-wave LNA in a Si BiCMOS technology. The focal points are firstly, the fundamental understanding of the various forms of losses passive inductors experience and the techniques to address these issues, and secondly, whether the performance of mm-wave passive inductors can be improved by means of geometry optimising. An associated hypothesis is formulated, where the research outcome results in a preferred passive inductor and formulates an optimised passive inductor for mm-wave applications. The performance of the mm-wave inductor is evaluated using the quality factor (Q-factor) as a figure of merit. An increased inductor Q-factor translates to improved LNA input and output matching performance and contributes to the lowering of the LNA NF. The passive inductors are designed and simulated in a 2.5D electromagnetic (EM) simulator. The electrical characteristics of the passive structures are exported to a SPICE netlist which is included in a circuit simulator to evaluate and investigate the LNA performance. Two LNAs are designed and prototyped using the 13μ-m SiGe BiCMOS process from IBM as part of the experimental process to validate the hypothesis. One LNA implements the preferred inductor structures as a benchmark, while the second LNA, identical to the first, replaces one inductor with the optimised inductor. Experimental verification allows complete characterization of the passive inductors and the performance of the LNAs to prove the hypothesis. According to the author's knowledge, the slow-wave coplanar waveguide (S-CPW) achieves a higher Q-factor than microstrip and coplanar waveguide (CPW) transmission lines at mm-wave frequencies implemented for the 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology node. In literature, specific S-CPW transmission line geometry parameters have previously been investigated, but this work optimises the signal-to-ground spacing of the S-CPW transmission lines without changing the characteristic impedance of the lines. Optimising the S-CPW transmission line for 60 GHz increases the Q-factor from 38 to 50 in simulation, a 32 % improvement, and from 8 to 10 in measurements. Furthermore, replacing only one inductor in the output matching network of the LNA with the higher Q-factor inductor, improves the input and output matching performance of the LNA, resulting in a 5 dB input and output reflection coefficient improvement. Although a 5 dB improvement in matching performance is obtained, the resultant noise and gain performance show no significant improvement. The single stage LNAs achieve a simulated gain and NF of 13 dB and 5.3 dB respectively, and dissipate 6 mW from the 1.5 V supply. The LNA focused to attain high gain and a low NF, trading off linearity and as a result obtained poor 1 dB compression of -21.7 dBm. The LNA results are not state of the art but are comparable to SiGe BiCMOS LNAs presented in literature, achieving similar gain, NF and power dissipation figures.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte
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