301 research outputs found

    Die Geburt des “Ich” in den psychologischen Texten Lou Andreas-Salom?s

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    100 Ă„rs eventyrlig fortĂŠlling

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    Psykoanalysen mellem videnskab og kuns

    The Pole Star Monthly, Vol.07, No.03-附éŒČ

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    193mm x 260mm4ăƒšăƒŒă‚žćˆ†ăŒèĄšèŁïŒ‘æžšăźç”šçŽ™ă«ć°ćˆ·ă•ă‚ŒïŒŒé™„éŒČăŒäž­ć€źéƒšćˆ†ă«ăŻă•ăżèŸŒăŸă‚ŒăŠă„ă‚‹

    Den enkeltes form

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    Horace Engdahl: Den enkeltes for

    NervenschwÀche und Krieg

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    Since the 1880s neurasthenia - a term popularised by New York-physician George Beard - was discussed an a phenomenon of modernity, but over a long period of debate, psychiatry were not able to define what this "modern malady" exactly meant nor was it able to find any discernible causes for the epidemic disease. Neurasthenia was not simply a diagnostic term, which was often applied by fin de siĂšcle-physicians to their workaday routine, but a kind of lifestyle, a sign of a certain emotional sensitivity in modern times. In the last decade historical research on neurasthenia has focused on Britain, Germany and the Netherlands. But what happened in Austria-Hungary, especially in Vienna? Focusing on Viennese psychiatry, part one of the book analyses the "invention" of Neurasthenia and the adoption of Beards thesis in Austrian medicine, bringing out various figures and alternative methods of explanations of the disease that was identified as a central, yet unwanted feature of modern manliness. Based on this the outcome of war could be seen as an instance of 'nerve-corrections'. Like many medical professionals in Austria-Hungary, psychiatrists had reacted to the war with nearly unanimous support: patriotic habits went hand in hand with high psychiatric expectations of the powerful mental effects of war. These hopes were badly disappointed. In the more recent literature on the medical and cultural history of the Great War, the phenomenon of the epidemic mental breakdowns of soldiers has been given a prominent place. 'Shellshock' and 'war neurosis' are now key words and frequent metaphors for the shattering effects of an industrialized war. In a sense these psychiatric labels symbolically represent the destructive impact of mechanized weapons on body and soul, the loss of narrative structures and the traumatic after-effects of modern warfare. How can Viennese-centred Austrian psychiatry in the First World War be characterized? With regard to new studies on the history of trauma, war and psychiatry I intend to emphasize two interpretations. Firstly, as in German and other European psychiatric war communities, models of rationalisation and modernisation are of significance when focusing on this topic. Viennese psychiatrists were neither particularly brutal nor especially tolerant in the way they dealt with the situation. Instead, as in other European countries in the Great War, they acted in keeping with military requirements and standards. Secondly, the specific political and cultural context of the Austro-Hungarian situation is of utmost importance as well. Shell-shock was a phenomenon that affected all nations, but reactions differed according to different national traditions and different medical ways of understanding, representing and acting. In a comparative cultural history of World War One, Austria-Hungary is a model of a shattered society, paralysed by ethnic conflicts and cultural differences. In this context, the therapeutic response to war neurosis was affected by language confusion, national stereotypes and malingering. The German-Austrian psychiatrists not only emerged as a group of experts who had taken responsibility for the efficient treatment of war neurosis, but also as a pressure group that intended to keep centrifugal forces of the multinational empire under control.Das Unbehagen an der Moderne hatte um 1900 einen Namen: Neurasthenie. Dieses Buch fĂŒhrt in die unruhigen mentalen Landschaften Kakaniens und thematisiert als zentrale Fragen: Wie wurde die Neurasthenie in den österreichischen Ärztemilieus debattiert? Was hieß es fĂŒr Patienten, mit dieser Diagnose konfrontiert zu sein? Neurasthenie stand fĂŒr die Erschöpfung der modernen stĂ€dtischen Gesellschaft, die sich durch eine rastlose LebensfĂŒhrung ĂŒberfordert sah, und machte ihre emotionalen SensibilitĂ€ten und SicherheitsbedĂŒrfnisse transparent. Insbesondere MĂ€nner des BĂŒrgertums griffen auf das neue psychiatrische Deutungsangebot zurĂŒck. Die Diagnose der Neurasthenie konnte "unmĂ€nnliche" Verhaltensweisen sinnstiftend erklĂ€ren. Zugleich ließ sie aber auch BedĂŒrfnisse nach deren Überwindung entstehen. Im Spiegel dieser Nervendiskurse lĂ€sst sich besser verstehen, warum 1914 der Krieg als "therapeutisches Erlebnis" und mĂ€nnliches Erneuerungsprojekt angepriesen wurde. Die RealitĂ€ten des modernen Maschinenkrieges setzten diesen Vorstellungen ein rasches Ende: Der Zitterer wurde zu einer massenhaft auftretenden Erscheinung, zum umstrittenen Patienten und zur Krisenfigur der AbhĂ€rtungsutopisten, die aus dem Krieg den "neuen Menschen" hervorgehen sahen. Da die MilitĂ€rs in den Kriegsneurosen eine gefĂ€hrliche SchwĂ€chung der Schlagkraft der Armee sahen, wurden wissenschaftliche Experten gebraucht, die rasch und effizient mit diesem Problem umgehen konnten. Die Psychiatrie befand sich dadurch in einer völlig neuen Situation, da sie nicht nur Kritik an einer gesellschaftlichen Krisensituation formulieren konnte, sondern auch Ressourcen und Instrumentarien zu deren BewĂ€ltigung bereitzustellen hatte. Welche Akzentverschiebungen ergaben sich in der psychiatrischen Wahrnehmung und Deutung sowie im Umgang mit Nervenkrankheiten? Wie lĂ€sst sich die österreichische Psychiatrie des Ersten Weltkriegs in historischer Perspektive charakterisieren? Mit Bezug auf die neuere medizinhistorische und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung wird die Kriegspsychiatrie auf der Folie der Herausbildung der Medizin als SchlĂŒsselwissenschaft des modernen Krieges analysiert. Dies bedeutete, dass die therapeutische Arbeit der Psychiater an den Vorgaben und Zielvorstellungen des Krieg fĂŒhrenden Staates ausgerichtet war. DarĂŒber hinaus wird auf einige Problemkonstellationen des Vielvölkerstaates und deren Auswirkungen auf psychiatrisches Handeln im Krieg eingegangen. Die elektrischen Behandlungsmethoden der Psychiater werden auf der Folie der ethnisch-sprachlichen PluralitĂ€t der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee diskutiert. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit bietet solcherart eine differenzierte Analyse und Neubewertung des PhĂ€nomens der "Kriegsneurosen" wie auch der Rolle der österreichischen Psychiatrie im Ersten Weltkrieg

    Freuds rĂždder i hypnose- og suggestionsterapi

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    Forfatteren viser, hvordan Freuds terapeutiske udgangspunkt ikke kun var den suggestionsterapi, som Hippolyte Bemheim udviklede i 1880'erne, men i mindst lige sÄ hÞj grad traditionen fra den nÊsten et Ärhundrede gamle animalske magnetismes eksperimentelle og terapeutiske resultater. En vigtig formidler af denne i mellemtiden afbrudte tradition var filosoffen Carl Du Prel ( 1839-99 ), som Freudi 1914 udgaven af »DrÞmmetydningen« yder sin lavmÊlte tribut til.It is a well known faet that Charcot's hypnotic experiments and Bernheim's hypnotherapy along with Breuer's treatment of Anna O... were the starting point for Freud's psychotherapy. Less well known but not less important was the impact of the nearly one century old animal magnetism upon Freud - an Breuer as well. This psychotherapeutic tradition, revitalized 1879-80, was communicated to him not least by the works of the German philosopher Carl du Prel (1839-99). Not until in the 1914 edition of »Die Traumdeutung «, however, Freud inconspicuously admitted his indebtedness to this »brilliant mystic« as he named him

    NervenschwÀche und Krieg

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    Since the 1880s neurasthenia - a term popularised by New York-physician George Beard - was discussed an a phenomenon of modernity, but over a long period of debate, psychiatry were not able to define what this "modern malady" exactly meant nor was it able to find any discernible causes for the epidemic disease. Neurasthenia was not simply a diagnostic term, which was often applied by fin de siĂšcle-physicians to their workaday routine, but a kind of lifestyle, a sign of a certain emotional sensitivity in modern times. In the last decade historical research on neurasthenia has focused on Britain, Germany and the Netherlands. But what happened in Austria-Hungary, especially in Vienna? Focusing on Viennese psychiatry, part one of the book analyses the "invention" of Neurasthenia and the adoption of Beards thesis in Austrian medicine, bringing out various figures and alternative methods of explanations of the disease that was identified as a central, yet unwanted feature of modern manliness. Based on this the outcome of war could be seen as an instance of 'nerve-corrections'. Like many medical professionals in Austria-Hungary, psychiatrists had reacted to the war with nearly unanimous support: patriotic habits went hand in hand with high psychiatric expectations of the powerful mental effects of war. These hopes were badly disappointed. In the more recent literature on the medical and cultural history of the Great War, the phenomenon of the epidemic mental breakdowns of soldiers has been given a prominent place. 'Shellshock' and 'war neurosis' are now key words and frequent metaphors for the shattering effects of an industrialized war. In a sense these psychiatric labels symbolically represent the destructive impact of mechanized weapons on body and soul, the loss of narrative structures and the traumatic after-effects of modern warfare. How can Viennese-centred Austrian psychiatry in the First World War be characterized? With regard to new studies on the history of trauma, war and psychiatry I intend to emphasize two interpretations. Firstly, as in German and other European psychiatric war communities, models of rationalisation and modernisation are of significance when focusing on this topic. Viennese psychiatrists were neither particularly brutal nor especially tolerant in the way they dealt with the situation. Instead, as in other European countries in the Great War, they acted in keeping with military requirements and standards. Secondly, the specific political and cultural context of the Austro-Hungarian situation is of utmost importance as well. Shell-shock was a phenomenon that affected all nations, but reactions differed according to different national traditions and different medical ways of understanding, representing and acting. In a comparative cultural history of World War One, Austria-Hungary is a model of a shattered society, paralysed by ethnic conflicts and cultural differences. In this context, the therapeutic response to war neurosis was affected by language confusion, national stereotypes and malingering. The German-Austrian psychiatrists not only emerged as a group of experts who had taken responsibility for the efficient treatment of war neurosis, but also as a pressure group that intended to keep centrifugal forces of the multinational empire under control

    Freud-lose Psychoanalyse? Zum Schicksal der Triebtheorie und zum Bedeutungswandel des KrankheitsverstÀndnisses in der "modernen" Psychoanalyse

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    Mit dem Beitrag soll gezeigt werden, daß der Verzicht auf die Freudsche Triebtheorie, wie er fĂŒr den "modernen" psychoanalytischen Diskurs geradezu typisch ist, folgenschwere praktische Konsequenzen (KrankheitsverstĂ€ndnis und Therapiemodell) mit sich bringt - insbesondere die letztlich vor-freudsche, abstrakte GegenĂŒberstellung von krank und normal, und das heißt: die verklĂ€rende Beschönigung des Normalen und die pathologisierende Ausgrenzung des Neurotischen und Perversen

    Using a Multiple-Case Studies Design to Investigate the Information-Seeking Behavior of Arts Administrators

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    The case study method, and in particular the multiple???case studies design, offers LIS researchers a proven tool for achieving a deep understanding of a specific phenomenon???-for example, the information- seeking behavior of a particular user group. Although the case study method has been dismissed by critics who question the rigor of the approach, numerous studies over the past twenty years have demonstrated that the case study method can be used successfully to probe beneath the surface of a situation and to provide a rich context for understanding the phenomena under study. This article summarizes the application of the multiple???case studies design, in which a literal and theoretical replication strategy is used to identify consistent patterns of behavior and to uncover new and/or divergent themes. The motivation behind arts administrators??? decisions to seek information is investigated using this approach and examples are given of sample selection, data collection, and analysis. Specific issues associated with the case study method are identified and practical steps used to address them are suggested.published or submitted for publicatio
