529 research outputs found

    How Challenging are Bebras Tasks? : An IRT Analysis Based on the Performance of Italian Students

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    This paper analyses the results of the 2014 edition of the Italian Bebras/Kangourou contest, exploiting the Item Response Theory statistical methodology in order to infer the difficulty of each of the proposed tasks starting from the scores attained by the participants. Such kind of analysis, enabling the organizers of the contest to check whether or not the difficulty perceived by pupils was substantially different from that estimated by those who proposed the tasks, is important as a feedback in order to gain knowledge to be used both in ranking participants and in organizing future editions of the contest. We show how the proposed analysis essentially highlights that the 63% of tasks was perceived at the same level of difficulty estimated by those who proposed them, but a 37% of tasks were either easier or more difficult than expected

    e-Skills: The International dimension and the Impact of Globalisation - Final Report 2014

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    In today’s increasingly knowledge-based economies, new information and communication technologies are a key engine for growth fuelled by the innovative ideas of highly - skilled workers. However, obtaining adequate quantities of employees with the necessary e-skills is a challenge. This is a growing international problem with many countries having an insufficient numbers of workers with the right e-Skills. For example: Australia: “Even though there’s 10,000 jobs a year created in IT, there are only 4500 students studying IT at university, and not all of them graduate” (Talevski and Osman, 2013). Brazil: “Brazil’s ICT sector requires about 78,000 [new] people by 2014. But, according to Brasscom, there are only 33,000 youths studying ICT related courses in the country” (Ammachchi, 2012). Canada: “It is widely acknowledged that it is becoming inc reasingly difficult to recruit for a variety of critical ICT occupations –from entry level to seasoned” (Ticoll and Nordicity, 2012). Europe: It is estimated that there will be an e-skills gap within Europe of up to 900,000 (main forecast scenario) ICT pr actitioners by 2020” (Empirica, 2014). Japan: It is reported that 80% of IT and user companies report an e-skills shortage (IPA, IT HR White Paper, 2013) United States: “Unlike the fiscal cliff where we are still peering over the edge, we careened over the “IT Skills Cliff” some years ago as our economy digitalized, mobilized and further “technologized”, and our IT skilled labour supply failed to keep up” (Miano, 2013)

    Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on software process education, training and professionalism (SPETP 2015)

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    These Proceedings contain the papers accepted for publication and presentation at the first 1st International Workshop on Software Process Education, Training and Professionalism (SPETP 2015) held in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination (SPICE 2015), Gothenburg, Sweden, during June 15-17, 2015. During the 14th International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination (SPICE 2014) held in Vilnius, Lithuania, at a post conference dinner, a group of key individuals from education and industry started to discuss the challenges faced for software process education, training and professionalism, especially with the background of the new modes of learning and teaching in higher education. Further discussions held post conference with key players in the relevant professional and personal certification fields led to a consensus that it is time for the industry to rise to the new challenges and set out in a manifesto a common vision for educators and trainers together with a set of recommendations to address the challenges faced. It was therefore agreed co-located the 1st International Workshop on Software Process Education, Training and Professionalism with the 15th International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination. This workshop focused on the new challenges for and best practices in software process education, training and professionalism. The foundation for learning of software process should be part of a university or college education however software process is often treated as ‘add one’ module to the core curriculum. In a professional context, whilst there have been a number of initiatives focused on the certification related to the software process professional these have had little success for numerous reasons. Cooperation in education between industry, academia and professional bodies is paramount, together with the recognition of how the education world is changing and how education is resourced, delivered (with online and open learning) and taken up. Over the next 10 years on-line learning is projected to grow fifteen fold, accounting for 30% of all education provision, according to the recent report to the European Commission on New modes of learning and teaching in higher education. It is a great pleasure to see the varied contributions to this 1st International Workshop on Software Process Education, Training and Professionalism and we hope that our joint dedication, passion and innovation will lead to success for the profession through the publication of the manifesto as a key outcome from the workshop. On behalf of the SPETP 2015 conference Organizing Committee, we would like to thank all participants. Firstly all the authors, whose quality work is the essence of the conference, and the members of the Program Committee, who helped us with their expertise and diligence in reviewing all of the submissions. As we all know, organizing a conference requires the effort of many individuals. We wish to thank also all the members of our Organizing Committee, whose work and commitment were invaluable

    OnCreate and the virtual teammate: an analysis of online creative processes and remote collaboration

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    This paper explores research undertaken by a consortium of 10 universities from across Europe as part of an EU Erasmus Strategic Partnership project called OnCreate. Recent research and experiences prove the importance of the design and implementation of online courses that are learner-centred, include collaboration and integrate rich use of media in authentic environments. The OnCreate project explores the specific challenges of creative processes in such environments. The first research phase comprises a comparative qualitative analysis of collaboration practices in design-related study programmes at the ten participating universities. A key outcome of this research was in identifying the shortcomings of the hierarchical role models of established Learning Management Systems (such as Moodle or Blackboard) and the tendency towards evolving 'mash-up' environments to support creative online collaboration

    Drivers for the development of computational thinking in Costa Rican students

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    Este estudio proporciona evidencia sobre factores que facilitan el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional (PC) en estudiantes costarricenses de primaria, incluyendo el aporte de la propuesta de LIE++ que aborda conocimientos y prĂĄcticas del PC mediante proyectos de programaciĂłn y computaciĂłn fĂ­sica. Se utilizĂł un diseño cuasiexperimental para comparar un grupo de estudiantes de LIE++ con un grupo de estudiantes de otra propuesta llamada LIEGuĂ­as que enfatiza aprendizajes con tecnologĂ­as digitales. En el estudio participaron 14.795 estudiantes, respondiendo voluntariamente una prueba en lĂ­nea que se construyĂł y validĂł para estimar los puntajes alcanzados en PC. Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes participantes de LIE++ obtuvieron mejores puntajes en comparaciĂłn con el grupo de LIEGuĂ­as y mediante un modelo de regresiĂłn multinivel se identificaron que variables personales y sociales de los estudiantes y de la misma ejecuciĂłn de la propuesta inciden en el favorecimiento de estos aprendizajes. Esta investigaciĂłn es un primer acercamiento al tema en este contexto, que se refiere a la importancia de brindar oportunidades educativas que apunten a conocimientos y habilidades mĂĄs avanzadas de la computaciĂłn, asĂ­ como a la relevancia de seguir desarrollando herramientas y metodologĂ­as que ayuden a generar evidencias sobre el PC en el ĂĄmbito educativo y asĂ­ mejorar las intervenciones educativasThis study provides evidence about factors that facilitate the development of computational thinking (CT) in Costa Rican elementary school students, including the description of the contribution of the LIE++ proposal that addresses CT knowledge and practices through programming and physical computing projects. A quasi-experimental design was used to compare a group of students from the LIE++ educational proposal with a group of students from another proposal called LIE-Guides, which emphasizes learning with digital technologies. The study sample comprised 14,795 voluntary students, who answered an online test that was constructed and validated to estimate the scores achieved in CT. The results showed that the students participating in the LIE++ proposal obtained better scores compared to the LIE-Guides group. A multilevel regression model demonstrated that students’ personal and social variables, as well as the proposal’s execution scheme, positively affected student learning in CT. This research is a first approach to the subject in this context. It refers to the importance of providing educational opportunities that focus on more advanced computing knowledge and skills, as well as the relevance of continuing to develop tools and methodologies that help generate evidence about CT in education in order to improve educational intervention

    The European Union Science Olympiad: towards a multidisciplinary strategy for science education

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    The European Union Science Olympiad (EUSO) is a unique, multidisciplinary, integrated, Science, practical-based, team competition. It was established to provide young EU students with a platform to display their scientific capabilities. The concept of the EUSO thus developed from the senior Olympiads which existed at international level at the time. To be accepted by EU Science educators and governments, it would have to mirror these single subject, individual, theory-based Olympiads in several respects and yet be novel in aspects that embody and reflect new ways of teaching and learning. This thesis tracks the historical growth and success of the EUSO from its establishment in 2003 to the present day. It describes the background and significant difficulties involved in convincing EU Science educators of its merits. The philosophy, rationale, teething problems, evolution, integration and key role of team-work are outlined. The EUSO's contribution to the education system of today, and the performance of Irish students in EUSO in comparison to the performance of students from the old and new Europe, are examined. A crucial element in this success story has been the methodology used in the organisation of the EUSO: Participatory Action Research (PAR). Through this democratic process, participants were released from the constraints of the established Olympiad structures and enabled to function in an environment which allowed them to investigate their own reality in order to change it. Such actions have resulted in the development of a new science Olympiad model, the EUSO model. The EUSO has worked: 22 countries and 132 students participated in 2012. 906 students have taken part since 2003. The most striking finding in its ten year history, however, is the dominance of the gold and silver medal categories by the former Soviet Bloc countries

    ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks: a literature review

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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation is a complex and vibrant process, one that involves a combination of technological and organizational interactions. Often an ERP implementation project is the single largest IT project that an organization has ever launched and requires a mutual fit of system and organization. Also the concept of an ERP implementation supporting business processes across many different departments is not a generic, rigid and uniform concept and depends on variety of factors. As a result, the issues addressing the ERP implementation process have been one of the major concerns in industry. Therefore ERP implementation receives attention from practitioners and scholars and both, business as well as academic literature is abundant and not always very conclusive or coherent. However, research on ERP systems so far has been mainly focused on diffusion, use and impact issues. Less attention has been given to the methods used during the configuration and the implementation of ERP systems, even though they are commonly used in practice, they still remain largely unexplored and undocumented in Information Systems research. So, the academic relevance of this research is the contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge. An annotated brief literature review is done in order to evaluate the current state of the existing academic literature. The purpose is to present a systematic overview of relevant ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks as a desire for achieving a better taxonomy of ERP implementation methodologies. This paper is useful to researchers who are interested in ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Results will serve as an input for a classification of the existing ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks. Also, this paper aims also at the professional ERP community involved in the process of ERP implementation by promoting a better understanding of ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks, its variety and history

    The future of work: Towards a progressive agenda for all. EPC Issue Paper 9 DECEMBER 2019

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    Europe’s labour markets and the world of work in general are being transformed by the megatrends of globalisation, the fragmentation of the production and value chain, demographic ageing, new societal aspirations and the digitalisation of the economy. This Issue Paper presents the findings and policy recommendations of “The future of work – Towards a progressive agenda for all”, a European Policy Centre research project. Its main objectives were to expand public knowledge about these profound changes and to reverse the negative narrative often associated with this topic. It aimed to show how human decisions and the right policies can mitigate upcoming disruptions and provide European and national policymakers with a comprehensive toolkit for a progressive agenda for the new world of work
