36 research outputs found

    Students’ Perspective toward Blended Learning to Learn English at Vocational School

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    Penyebaran  Corona Virus (COVID 19) telah mengubah sistim pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah. Untuk mengatasi penyebaran COVID 19 maka pengajaran bahasa Inggris dilaksanakan secara online. Salah satu metode yang diterapkan di SMK N 3 Payakumbuh adalah metode Blended Learning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mendeskripsikan perspektif  siwa SMK terhadap  Blended  Learning dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan rancanagn deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK N 3 Payakumbuh. Purposif sampling teknik digunakan denga jumlah sample 60 orang siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu angket yang sudah mempehatikan validitas dan reliabitas.  Berdasarkan analis data, hasil penelitian ini adalah siswa SMK N 3 Payakumbuh  memiliki perspektif yang positif terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan mneggunakan Blended Learning. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah siswa SMK N 3 Payakumbuh memiliki perspektif yang positif terhadap Blended Learning dalam belajar bahasa Inggris ditinjau dari motivasi belajar, proses pembelajaran, dan content bahasa Inggris

    Perceived Best Practices for Faculty Training in Distance Education

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    After conducting a literature review of adult student learning styles and teaching method analysis, it became apparent that there was not a significant difference in academic performance for students with differing learning styles whether they attended face-to-face or online classroom environments. What was not clearly indicated though, from the review of the literature, was what were the perceived best practices for online teaching from the perspective of experienced distance educators and whether the instructors’ perceived learning style was incorporated in training programs to assist faculty to teach online. Thus, the purpose of this qualitative pilot study is to determine the perceived best practices to train faculty to teach in an online environment and how individual instructors’ perceived learning styles can be incorporated within best practices to foster competence on an individual instructor level. This study also analyzes faculty resistance to distance education and how transformative learning theory may play a role in overcoming this resistance

    Implementation of blended learning model in mathematics subject

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    Technology helps optimize the learning process. PMRI-based e-modules can help students in the online learning process. This study aimed to produce e-module teaching materials based on Indonesian realistic mathematics education for class VII social arithmetic that are valid, practical, and effective. The application used is Flip PDF Professional, which involves 63 research subjects at one of the state middle schools in the Banyuasin district. The instruments used were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and student tests. This research uses the type of development research model called the ADDIE model, which has five stages: namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Based on the validation results by three validators, the development of PMRI-based e-module teaching materials is included in the valid criteria with an average value of 84.36%. According to the results of the practicality questionnaire, the average value is 80.39%. Students achieve an average score of 85% on the effectiveness criteria in the final test, indicating that the development results are suitable for use in the learning process. The e-module teaching materials that have been developed will provide convenience in the learning process both offline and online, which will have an impact on increasing student learning outcomes and can be used as a consideration for teachers in delivering material, especially social arithmetic class VII

    Predicting learning success in online learning environments: Self-regulated learning, prior knowledge and repetition

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    The emergence of new trends sometimes carries the risk that established, well-proven concepts rooted in other disciplines are not properly integrated into new approaches. As Learning Analytics seems to be evolving into a highly multidisciplinary field, we would like to demonstrate the importance of embedding classic theories and concepts into a Learning Analytics, system-data-driven setting. Our results confirm that classical factors that are operationalized with the help of system-generated data outperform more recent survey-based models. Therefore, we want to stress the point that system-generated data should not be left behind in the quickly evolving field of Learning Analytics

    Teaching a Blended Supply Chain Management Course to Marketing Majors

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    Abstract “ In this paper the authors report their research findings from primary research on the usage of online content in both an undergraduate and graduate level blended Supply Chain Management course utilizing a video-textbook. Both a Pre and Post-Test were administered to the students at the beginning and end of the semes-ter respectively to gauge students \u27 opinions about the online portion of the blended course as well as their preference between a traditional lecture format, an online class, and a blended class. Results of the survey show that the students \u27 opinions about the online material and preference for a blended class improved over the course of the semester. Furthermore, some significant difference between Graduate and Undergraduate students and Male and Female students were found

    Assessing the acceptance of UiTM Pahang users towards the implementation of blended learning approach / Azniza Ahmad Zaini...[et.al.]

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    This paper discusses the initial investigation on the factors that influence the acceptance of both lecturers and students of the implementation of Blended Learning (BL) approach in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Pahang. Blended learning, also known as semi-attendance based learning, offers flexibility of learning and utilizes the technologies in education. About 30% of the total courses of the various programs in UiTM need to be conducted online by June 2013. However, some of the lecturers were afraid that the students would refuse to participate in online learning and some of them lack IT skills so that they might need extra time to prepare their lecture notes online. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 86 final year students of Diploma in Computer Science registered for the programming course and 67students of Diploma in Banking registered for the Malaysian economy course during the June-October 2013 Semester to assess their acceptance of the new approach. At the same time, 53 lecturers from various faculties at UiTM Pahang were also involved in the survey using convenience sampling method and the data were then analysed using descriptive statistics. The users’ perception on i-Learn Portal usage for the BL method, as well as the benefits of implementing Blended Learning approach in their teaching and learning process were also identified. The findings reveal that the students could adapt with the BL approach since most of the students were computer and Internet literate and were gradually adapting to the mixed approaches in assessments. Most of the students also agreed that the implementation of Blended Learning should be continued corresponding with the development of technology, but there were some suggestions on the improvement of the Learning Management System (LMS) portal to achieve the benefits that Blended Learning offers either in physical or virtual classrooms. On the other hand, the findings show that majority of the lecturers do accept the implementation of blended learning mode in their teaching and learning process although they are not ready to do so

    The Implementation of Online Classes in Mediating Reading Activities in the Blended Learning Model

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    As technology develops, the quality of language learning is able to improve due to the ease and innovation in accessing information and media as a learning tool, so that it can provide enormous benefits, especially in writing learning activities. Therefore, this study aims at examining the extent to which digital storytelling utilizes Storybird (a web tool for writing story) to mediate students’ learning activities. This study employed qualitative netnography as a research method. Through netnography, there are three beneficial aspects of students’ creative writing learning, which are: 1) Storybird is a platform for collaborative writing activities, 2) digital storytelling can develop students’ higher order thinking skills, and 3) digital storytelling becomes a method for implementing creative and innovative language learning. This study contributed to provide the understanding of how digital storytelling can be a learning method that provides broader thinking space for students. In addition, the purpose of this study is to invite students to participate in the process of learning creative writing.Seiring perkembangan teknologi, kualitas pembelajaran bahasa mampu meningkat disebabkan oleh kemudahan dan inovasi dalam mengakses informasi dan media sebagai sarana pembelajaran, sehingga hal tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar, terutama dalam aktivitas pembelajaran menulis. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengkaji sejauh mana digital storytelling dengan memanfaatkan Storybird (sebuah webtool untuk menulis cerita) dalam memediasi aktifitas belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode netnography kualitatif sebagai model penelitian, Melalui netnography, penelitian ini mendapatkan temuan bahwa terdapat tiga aspek manfaat terhadap pembelajaran menulis kreatif siswa, yaitu: 1) Storybird menjadi platform dalam melakukan kegiatan menulis kolaboratif, 2) digital storytelling dapat membantu mengembangkan kemampuan higher order thinking siswa, dan 3) digital storytelling menjadi metode untuk menerapkan pembelajaran bahasa yang kreatif dan inovatif. Kontribusi dari penelitian ini untuk memberikan pemahaman bagaimana digital storytelling dapat menjadi metode belajar yang dapat memberikan ruang berfikir yang lebih kepada siswa. Adapun tujuan dari metode ini adalah untuk mengajak siswa agar lebih terlibat ke dalam proses pembelajaran menulis kreatif


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    Banyak jenis penelitian tentang blended learning telah dilakukan namun studi analisis faktor implementasinya masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan fit model dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi blended learning dalam pembelajaran matematika. Keberhasilan implementasi blended learning diadopsi dari Stacey dan Gerbic (2008) yang mencakup empat hal besar yaitu kondisi lembaga, guru, siswa, dan pertimbangan pedagogik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode explanatory survey. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan random cluster sampling berjumlah 165 guru kelas 4, 5, dan 6 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah di Kota Bogor pada Januari hingga Juli 2020. Instrumen menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala Likert. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Evaluasi dalam model ini terdiri dari dua tahap, yakni measurement model dan structural measurement. Uji hipotesis yang dilakukan menggunakan kaidah pengujian signifikansi dengan bantuan aplikasi SmartPLS 3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel kondisi guru memiliki kontribusi yang paling besar terhadap implementasi blended learning, selanjutnya kondisi siswa lalu pertimbangan pedagogik dan terakhir kondisi lembaga memberikan pengaruh yang paling kecil. Effect Size pada tingkat struktural diperoleh nilai f2 untuk prediktor kondisi guru sebesar 0,378378, kondisi siswa sebesar 0,372973 yang keduanya termasuk dalam kategori efek kuat dan pertimbangan pedagogik sebesar 0,32973 termasuk kategori efek sedang. Penelitian ini penting digunakan sebagai rujukan bagi pemerintah maupun stakeholder dalam menganalisisis faktor-faktor implementasi blended learning matematika di lembaga pendidikannya. Kata kunci : analisis faktor, implementasi, blended learning, matematika, sekolah dasar Many types of research on blended learning have been carried out but the implementation factor analysis studies are still limited. This study aims to obtain a fit model and analyze the factors that influence the implementation of blended learning in mathematics teaching. The successful implementation of blended learning was adopted from Stacey and Gerbic (2008) which includes four major things, namely the condition of the institution, teachers, students, and pedagogic considerations. This study uses a quantitative approach with an explanatory survey method. The sample was taken using random cluster sampling totalling 165 teachers of grades 4, 5, and 6 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Bogor City from January to July 2020. The instrument used a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The data analysis method used is descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Evaluation in this model consists of two stages, namely measurement model and structural measurement. Hypothesis testing was carried out using the rules of significance testing with the help of the SmartPLS 3 application. The results showed that the teacher's condition variable had the greatest contribution to the implementation of blended learning, then the student's condition and pedagogic considerations and finally the condition of the institution gave the least influence. Effect Size at the structural level obtained a value of f2 for predictors of teacher conditions of 0.378378, student conditions of 0.372973 both of which belong to the strong effect category and pedagogic considerations of 0.32973 including the moderate effect category. This research is important to be used as a reference for the government and stakeholders in analyzing the implementation factors of mathematics blended learning in educational institutions. Keywords: factor analysis, implementation, blended learning, mathematics, elementary schoo