28,269 research outputs found

    An intelligent computer- based tutoring approach for the management of negative transfer

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    This research addresses how a prototype of a language tutoring system, the Chinese Tutor, tackles the practical problem of negative transfer (i.e. mother tongue influence) in the learning of Chinese grammar by English-speaking students. The design of the Chinese Tutor has been based on the results of empirical studies carried out as part of this research. The results of the data analysis show that negative transfer can be used to account for almost 80% of the errors observed in the linguistic output of students in their study of Chinese. If the students can be helped to overcome these errors, the standard of their Chinese will be greatly improved. In this research, an approach of Intelligent Language Tutoring Systems (ILTSs) has been adopted for handling negative transfer. This is because there are several advantages of ILTSs, including interactive learning, highly individualised instruction and student-centred instruction [Wyatt 1984 .The Chinese Tutor contains five main components: the Expert Model, which contains all the linguistic knowledge for tutoring and serves as a standard for evaluating the student's performance; the Student Model, which collects information on the student's performance; the Diagnoser, which detects different types of error made by the student; the Tutor Model, which plans student learning, makes didactic decisions and chooses an appropriate tutorial strategy based on the student’s performance; and the Interface Module, which communicates between the student and the system. A general and robust solution to the treatment of negative transfer, i.e. the technique of Mixed Grammar has been devised. The rules in this grammar can be applied to detect arbitrary transfer errors by using a general set of rules. A number of students in the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Durham have used the Chinese Tutor with positive results

    Personalising Learning with Dynamic Prediction and Adaptation to Learning Styles in a Conversational Intelligent Tutoring System

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    This thesis presents research that combines the benefits of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), conversational agents (CA) and learning styles theory by constructing a novel conversational intelligent tutoring system (CITS) called Oscar. Oscar CITS aims to imitate a human tutor by implicitly predicting individuals’ learning style preferences and adapting its tutoring style to suit them during a tutoring conversation. ITS are computerised learning systems that intelligently personalise tutoring based on learner characteristics such as existing knowledge and learning style. ITS are traditionally student-led, hyperlink-based learning systems that adapt the presentation of learning resources by reordering or hiding links. Research suggests that students learn more effectively when instruction matches their learning style, which is typically modelled explicitly using questionnaires or implicitly based on behaviour. Learning is a social process and natural language interfaces to ITS, such as CAs, allow students to construct knowledge through discussion. Existing CITS adapt tutoring according to student knowledge, emotions and mood, however no CITS adapts to learning styles. Oscar CITS models a human tutor by directing a tutoring conversation and automatically detecting and adapting to an individual’s learning styles. Original methodologies and architectures were developed for constructing an Oscar Predictive CITS and an Oscar Adaptive CITS. Oscar Predictive CITS uses knowledge captured from a learning styles model to dynamically predict learning styles from an individual’s tutoring dialogue. Oscar Adaptive CITS applies a novel adaptation algorithm to select the best tutoring style for each tutorial question. The Oscar CITS methodologies and architectures are independent of the learning styles model and subject domain. Empirical studies involving real students have validated the prediction and adaptation of learning styles in a real-world teaching/learning environment. The results show that learning styles can be successfully predicted from a natural language tutoring dialogue, and that adapting the tutoring style significantly improves learning performance

    Design and Development of an Intelligent Tutoring System for C# Language

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    Learning programming is thought to be troublesome. One doable reason why students don’t do well in programming is expounded to the very fact that traditional way of learning within the lecture hall adds more stress on students in understanding the Material rather than applying the Material to a true application. For a few students, this teaching model might not catch their interest. As a result, they'll not offer their best effort to grasp the Material given. Seeing however the information is applied to real issues will increase student interest in learning. As a consequence, this may increase their effort to be taught. In the current paper, we try to help students learn C# programming language using Intelligent Tutoring System. This ITS was developed using ITSB authoring tool to be able to help the student learn programming efficiently and make the learning procedure very pleasing. A knowledge base using ITSB authoring tool style was used to represent the student's work and to give customized feedback and support to students

    ITS for Teaching TOEFL

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    Abstract: An e-learning system is increasingly gaining popularity in the academic community because of several benefits of learning anywhere anyplace and anytime. An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is a computer system that aims to provide immediate and customized instruction or feedback to learners, usually without requiring intervention from a human teacher.(ITSB) is the tutoring system Builder Which designed and improved to help teachers in building intelligent tutoring system in many fields .In this paper we have an example and an evaluating are presented of building an intelligent tutoring system for teaching TOEFL using ITSB tool

    Knowledge-based Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching Mongo Database

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    Recently, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) got much attention from researchers even though ITS educational technology began in the late 1960s and ITS is just embryonic from laboratories into the field. In this paper we outline an intelligent tutoring system for teaching basics of the databases system called (MDB). The MDB was built as education system by using the authoring tool (ITSB). MDB contains learning materials as a group of lessons for beginner level which include relational database system and lessons in the process to install and set up a database. MDB system has exams for each level of the Lessons. An evaluation was done to see the effectiveness the MDB among learners and instructors. The outcome of the evaluation was promising

    An Intelligent Tutoring System for Teaching Grammar English Tenses

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    The evolution of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is the result of the amount of research in the field of education and artificial intelligence in recent years. English is the third most common languages in the world and also is the internationally dominant in the telecommunications, science and trade, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomatic language as most of the areas of work now taught in English. Therefore, the demand for learning English has increased. In this paper, we describe the design of an Intelligent Tutoring System for teaching English language grammar to help students learn English grammar easily and smoothly. The system provides all topics of English grammar and generates a series of questions automatically for each topic for the students to solve. The system adapts with all the individual differences of students and begins gradually with students from easier to harder level. The intelligent tutoring system was given to a group of students of all age groups to try it and to see the impact of the system on students. The results showed a good satisfaction of the students toward the system

    ITSB: An Intelligent Tutoring System Authoring Tool

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    Abstract. Intelligent Tutoring System Builder (ITSB) is an authoring tool designed and developed to aid teachers in constructing intelligent tutoring systems in a multidisciplinary fields. The teacher is needed to create a set of pedagogical fundamentals, which, in line, are inured to automatically build up a broad tutor framework and construct an intelligent tutoring system. In this paper an explanation of the theory and the architecture of the tool is outlined. A presentation of several system components, the requirements of the different components, integration of these components in ITSB tool are shown. Furthermore, implanting of requirements, cognitive principle, and common design fundamentals in the tool to ease the use of teachers. A variety of design matters, an example of building an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Java language using ITSB tool and an evaluation are presented

    ITS for Teaching French

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    Abstract: The paper depicts the blueprint of an electronic wise indicating system for demonstrating learning French to understudies to overcome the inconveniences they go up against. The fundamental idea of this structure is a proficient introduction into learning French. The system shows the purpose of learning French and coordinates thusly made issues for the understudies to clarify. The system is logically balanced at run time to the understudy’s individual progress. The system gives unequivocal help to adaptable presentation to learners

    An Intelligent Tutoring System for Learning TOEFL

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    An e-learning system is increasingly gaining popularity in the academic community because of several benefits of learning anywhere anyplace and anytime. An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is a computer system that aims to provide immediate and customized instruction or feedback to learners, usually without requiring intervention from a human teacher.(ITSB) is the tutoring system Builder Which designed and improved to help teachers in building intelligent tutoring system in many fields. In this paper, we have an example and an evaluating are presented of building an intelligent tutoring system for teaching TOEFL using ITSB tool

    Adaptive Intelligent Tutoring System for learning Computer Theory

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    In this paper, we present an intelligent tutoring system developed to help students in learning Computer Theory. The Intelligent tutoring system was built using ITSB authoring tool. The system helps students to learn finite automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines and examines the relationship between these automata and formal languages, deterministic and nondeterministic machines, regular expressions, context free grammars, undecidability, and complexity. During the process the intelligent tutoring system gives assistance and feedback of many types in an intelligent manner according to the behavior of the student. An evaluation of the intelligent tutoring system has revealed reasonably acceptable results in terms of its usability and learning abilities are concerned
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