12 research outputs found

    Structured evaluation of training in virtual environments

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    Virtual Environments (VEs) created through Virtual Reality (VR) technologies have been suggested as potentially beneficial for a number of applications. However a review of VEs and VR has highlighted the main barriers to implementation as: current technological limitations; usability issues with various systems; a lack of real applications; and therefore little proven value of use. These barriers suggest that industry would benefit from some structured guidance for developing effective VEs. To examine this ‘training’ was chosen to be explored, as it has been suggested as a potential early use of VEs and is of importance to many sectors. A review of existing case studies on VE training applications (VETs) examined type of training applications and VR systems being considered; state of development of these applications and results of any evaluation studies. In light of these case studies, it was possible to focus this work on the structured evaluation of training psycho-motor skills using VEs created by desktop VR. In order to perform structured evaluation, existing theories of training and evaluation were also reviewed. Using these theories, a framework for developing VETs was suggested. Applying this framework, two VETs were proposed, specified, developed and evaluated. Conclusions of this work highlighted the many areas in the development process of an effective VET that still need addressing. In particular, in the proposal stage, it is necessary to provide some guidance on the appropriateness of VET for particular tasks. In the specification and building stages, standard formats and techniques are required in order to guide the VE developer(s) in producing an effective VET. Finally in the evaluation stage, there are still tools required that highlight the benefits of VET and many more evaluation studies needed to contribute information back to the development process. Therefore VEs are still in their early stages and this work unifies existing work in the area specifically on training and highlights the gaps that need to be addressed before widespread implementation

    How is VR used to support training in industry? The INTUITION network of excellence working group on education and training

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    INTUITION is the European Network of Excellence on virtual reality and virtual environments applications for future workspaces. The purpose of the network is to gather expertise from partner members and determine the future research agenda for the development and use of virtual reality (VR) technologies. The working group on Education and Training (WG2.9) is specifically focused on understanding how VR is being used to support learning in educational and industrial contexts. This paper presents four case examples of VR technology currently in use or development for training in industry. Conclusions are drawn concerning future development of VR training applications and barriers that need to be overcome

    User Experience in Virtual Reality, conducting an evaluation on multiple characteristics of a Virtual Reality Experience

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    Virtual Reality applications are today numerous and cover a wide range of interests and tastes. As popularity of Virtual Reality increases, developers in industry are trying to create engrossing and exciting experiences that captivate the interest of users. User-Experience, a term used in the field of Human-Computer Interaction and Interaction Design, describes multiple characteristics of the experience of a person interacting with a product or a system. Evaluating User-Experience can provide valuable insight to developers and researchers on the thoughts and impressions of the end users in relation to a system. However, little information exists regarding on how to conduct User-Experience evaluations in the context of Virtual Reality. Consecutively, due to the numerous parameters that influence User-Experience in Virtual Reality, conducting and organizing evaluations can be overwhelming and challenging. The author of this thesis investigated how to conduct a User-Experience evaluation on multiple aspects of a Virtual Reality headset by identifying characteristics of the experience, and the methods that can be used to measure and evaluate them. The data collected was both qualitative and quantitative to cover a wide range of characteristics of the experience. Furthermore, the author applied usability testing, think-aloud protocol, questionnaires and semi-structured interview as methods to observe user behavior and collect information regarding the aspects of the Virtual Reality headset. The testing session described in this study included 14 participants. Data from this study showed that the combination of chosen methods were able to provide adequate information regarding the experience of the users despite encountered difficulties. Additionally, this thesis showcases which methods were used to evaluate specific aspects of the experience and the performance of each method as findings of the study

    Using Virtual Reality Modelling to Enhance Electrical Safety and Design in the Built Environment.

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    This thesis presents a prototype desktop virtual reality model entitled ‘Virtual Electrical Services’, to enhance electrical safety and design in the built environment. The model presented has the potential to be used as an educational tool for third level students, a design tool for industry, or as a virtual electrical safety manual for the general public. A description of the development of the virtual reality model is presented along with the applications that were developed within the model. As part of the VR development process, this research investigates the cause and effects of electrical accidents in domestic properties. This highlights the high-risk activities, which lead to receiving an electric shock in a domestic property and identifies at-risk groups that could most benefit from electrical safety interventions. It also examines the theory of transfer touch voltage calculations and expands on it to show how to carry out a sensitivity analysis in relation to the design parameters that are being used by designers and installers. The use of Desktop Virtual Reality systems for enhancing electrical safety and engineering design is a novel prospect for both practicing and student electrical services engineers. This innovative approach, which can be readily accessed via the World Wide Web, constitutes a marked shift in conventional learning and design techniques to a more immersive, interactive and intuitive working and learning environment. A case study is carried out to evaluate the users’ attitudes toward VR learning environments and also the usability of the prototype model developed. From the completed case study, it appears that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that virtual reality could enhance electrical safety and design in the built environment and also advance training methods used to educate electrical services engineers and electricians. The thesis includes a discussion on the limitations of the system developed and the potential for future research and developmen

    Virtual reality and stroke rehabilitation: a mixed reality simulation of an everyday task

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    This thesis is about the process of designing a computer simulation as a treatment tool for stroke rehabilitation. A stroke is a debilitating disease that is characterised by focal neural damage usually leading to physical and cognitive impairments. These impairments may severely compromise the stroke survivor's ability to perform everyday tasks of self-care such as dressing, washing and preparing meals. Safety issues are also an important consideration for the rehabilitation of the stroke survivor. Some everyday tasks can be hazardous, particularly when electrical equipment or hot liquids are involved. Computer simulations are gaining interest as a tool for stroke rehabilitation because they offer a means to replicate assessments and everyday tasks within ecologically valid environments. Training the motor skills required to perform everyday tasks together with the cognitive component of the activity is desirable however this is not always achieved due to the limitations of the human computer interface. These limitations are addressed by a simulation that is presented in this thesis. Stakeholders in stroke care contributed to the design and development of the simulation in order to ensure that it conformed to their requirements. The development culminated in a mixed reality system with a unique method of interaction in which real household objects were monitored by various electronic sensing technologies. The purpose of controlling the computer simulation using real objects was to encourage users to practice an everyday task (making a hot drink) using naturalistic upper limb movement whilst performing the task in a safe and controlled environment. The role of the computer was to monitor and score user's progress, and to intervene with prompts and demonstrations as required. The system was installed on a hospital stroke unit and tested by patients, something that had previously not been achieved. It was found to be acceptable and usable as a means of practicing making a hot drink. The system design, limitations and recommendations for future developments are discussed

    Improving Chemical Plant Safety Training Using Virtual Reality

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    The chemical engineering industry often requires people to work in hazardous environments and to operate complicated equipment which often limits the type of training that be carried out on site. The daily job of chemical plant operators is becoming more demanding due to the increasing plant complexity together with increasing requirements on plant safety, production capacity, product quality and cost effectiveness. The importance of designing systems and environments that are as safe as possible to educate and train personnel is vital for the chemical process industries. Virtual reality offers the potential to expose personnel to hazardous situations in a safe, highly visual and interactive manner. Virtual reality has been proposed as a technological breakthrough that holds the power to facilitate learning. The ability to visualise complex and dynamic systems involving personnel, equipment and layouts during any real operation is a potential advantage of such an approach. Virtual reality and multimedia training is commonly used in many industries, aiding understanding and memory retention and creating a more interactive learning experience. Four desktop virtual reality training environments were developed for this research which highlighted issues related to chemical process dynamic simulation and plant safety. The pump training system is a virtual reality environment, which was built using the SAFE-VR virtual engine, to train personnel to operate two centrifugal pumps. The virtual hazard spotting exercise focuses on improving the users' safety awareness of electrical and occupational hygiene hazards. The virtual boiler plant is a complicated and high detailed virtual training environment, which is characterised by its flexibility and by a real time dynamic simulation of the steam generation chemical process. The virtual flooding and gas absorption experiment was based on an undergraduate laboratory experiment for the Chemical Engineering degree course at the University of Nottingham, focusing primarily on training and safety issues of students using the equipment. The dynamic features of the virtual absorption column simulation give high level of realism in the virtual environment

    Improving Chemical Plant Safety Training Using Virtual Reality

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    The chemical engineering industry often requires people to work in hazardous environments and to operate complicated equipment which often limits the type of training that be carried out on site. The daily job of chemical plant operators is becoming more demanding due to the increasing plant complexity together with increasing requirements on plant safety, production capacity, product quality and cost effectiveness. The importance of designing systems and environments that are as safe as possible to educate and train personnel is vital for the chemical process industries. Virtual reality offers the potential to expose personnel to hazardous situations in a safe, highly visual and interactive manner. Virtual reality has been proposed as a technological breakthrough that holds the power to facilitate learning. The ability to visualise complex and dynamic systems involving personnel, equipment and layouts during any real operation is a potential advantage of such an approach. Virtual reality and multimedia training is commonly used in many industries, aiding understanding and memory retention and creating a more interactive learning experience. Four desktop virtual reality training environments were developed for this research which highlighted issues related to chemical process dynamic simulation and plant safety. The pump training system is a virtual reality environment, which was built using the SAFE-VR virtual engine, to train personnel to operate two centrifugal pumps. The virtual hazard spotting exercise focuses on improving the users' safety awareness of electrical and occupational hygiene hazards. The virtual boiler plant is a complicated and high detailed virtual training environment, which is characterised by its flexibility and by a real time dynamic simulation of the steam generation chemical process. The virtual flooding and gas absorption experiment was based on an undergraduate laboratory experiment for the Chemical Engineering degree course at the University of Nottingham, focusing primarily on training and safety issues of students using the equipment. The dynamic features of the virtual absorption column simulation give high level of realism in the virtual environment

    Virtual reality and stroke rehabilitation: a mixed reality simulation of an everyday task

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    This thesis is about the process of designing a computer simulation as a treatment tool for stroke rehabilitation. A stroke is a debilitating disease that is characterised by focal neural damage usually leading to physical and cognitive impairments. These impairments may severely compromise the stroke survivor's ability to perform everyday tasks of self-care such as dressing, washing and preparing meals. Safety issues are also an important consideration for the rehabilitation of the stroke survivor. Some everyday tasks can be hazardous, particularly when electrical equipment or hot liquids are involved. Computer simulations are gaining interest as a tool for stroke rehabilitation because they offer a means to replicate assessments and everyday tasks within ecologically valid environments. Training the motor skills required to perform everyday tasks together with the cognitive component of the activity is desirable however this is not always achieved due to the limitations of the human computer interface. These limitations are addressed by a simulation that is presented in this thesis. Stakeholders in stroke care contributed to the design and development of the simulation in order to ensure that it conformed to their requirements. The development culminated in a mixed reality system with a unique method of interaction in which real household objects were monitored by various electronic sensing technologies. The purpose of controlling the computer simulation using real objects was to encourage users to practice an everyday task (making a hot drink) using naturalistic upper limb movement whilst performing the task in a safe and controlled environment. The role of the computer was to monitor and score user's progress, and to intervene with prompts and demonstrations as required. The system was installed on a hospital stroke unit and tested by patients, something that had previously not been achieved. It was found to be acceptable and usable as a means of practicing making a hot drink. The system design, limitations and recommendations for future developments are discussed

    Experimental evaluation of interaction design in virtual reality

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    Desktop Virtual Reality (VR) is a simple and affordable way to implement VR technology into an organisation. With PC technology developing at a phenomenal pace fast processor speeds enable the relatively easy development of visually impressive Virtual Environments (VEs) that can be used with familiar desktop PCs for novice and expert end users alike. A need had consequently evolved to ensure that VE development is structured so that VEs can be visually impressive, usable and effective for their purpose. Interaction between the user and the VE is a distinguishing feature of VR but the importance of interaction on the effectiveness of the VE has been little explored, in particular how to measure that effectiveness with a view to providing guidance to VE developers in this case for training applications using the familiar and affordable desktop medium. The use of VR as a training tool has been widely investigated and implemented in both research and industry. Through experimentation this thesis reviews the design of effective interaction, primarily with the design of selection hotspots (cued objects within the VE designed to prompt the user to select that object) and the importance of implementing task guided interaction into the user’s experience with the VR system. Five experiments were performed to examine the appropriate design of selection hotspots and the importance on the inclusion of a task to the effectiveness of desktop VR training. The initial experiment examined the importance of the user's ability to select within the VE, control their own navigation and the influence of visual realism on the VE’s effectiveness as a training tool. The second experiment explored the importance of the user performing a task on the VE's effectiveness and the effectiveness of various selection hotspot cue designs. The third experiment examined influencing factors on the recall of non-task related aspects of the VE. Experiment four examined the effectiveness of selection hotspot cues when they are no longer congruous to the surrounding VE context and the final experiment investigated if participants perceived and recognised the cued objects or were merely responding to the cue and the influence of the inclusion of cues and their design. Effectiveness was measured using the recall of aspects of the VE by the user and measures of usability, presence and enjoyment. Main findings were that the use of the same incongruous interaction hot spot cues throughout the VE to prompt the selection of specific points within the VE were most effective and using task directed interaction improved task related recall but significantly reduced selection within the VE. Selection significantly increased recall when in a non-task directed VE. With the application of these findings it is possible that designers can produce more effective VEs for their purpose, in this context as a training VE on a desktop VE system

    Experimental evaluation of interaction design in virtual reality

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    Desktop Virtual Reality (VR) is a simple and affordable way to implement VR technology into an organisation. With PC technology developing at a phenomenal pace fast processor speeds enable the relatively easy development of visually impressive Virtual Environments (VEs) that can be used with familiar desktop PCs for novice and expert end users alike. A need had consequently evolved to ensure that VE development is structured so that VEs can be visually impressive, usable and effective for their purpose. Interaction between the user and the VE is a distinguishing feature of VR but the importance of interaction on the effectiveness of the VE has been little explored, in particular how to measure that effectiveness with a view to providing guidance to VE developers in this case for training applications using the familiar and affordable desktop medium. The use of VR as a training tool has been widely investigated and implemented in both research and industry. Through experimentation this thesis reviews the design of effective interaction, primarily with the design of selection hotspots (cued objects within the VE designed to prompt the user to select that object) and the importance of implementing task guided interaction into the user’s experience with the VR system. Five experiments were performed to examine the appropriate design of selection hotspots and the importance on the inclusion of a task to the effectiveness of desktop VR training. The initial experiment examined the importance of the user's ability to select within the VE, control their own navigation and the influence of visual realism on the VE’s effectiveness as a training tool. The second experiment explored the importance of the user performing a task on the VE's effectiveness and the effectiveness of various selection hotspot cue designs. The third experiment examined influencing factors on the recall of non-task related aspects of the VE. Experiment four examined the effectiveness of selection hotspot cues when they are no longer congruous to the surrounding VE context and the final experiment investigated if participants perceived and recognised the cued objects or were merely responding to the cue and the influence of the inclusion of cues and their design. Effectiveness was measured using the recall of aspects of the VE by the user and measures of usability, presence and enjoyment. Main findings were that the use of the same incongruous interaction hot spot cues throughout the VE to prompt the selection of specific points within the VE were most effective and using task directed interaction improved task related recall but significantly reduced selection within the VE. Selection significantly increased recall when in a non-task directed VE. With the application of these findings it is possible that designers can produce more effective VEs for their purpose, in this context as a training VE on a desktop VE system