4 research outputs found

    Canonical and noncanonical sites determine NPT2A binding selectivity to NHERF1 PDZ1

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    Na+/H+ Exchanger Regulatory Factor-1 (NHERF1) is a scaffolding protein containing 2 PDZ domains that coordinates the assembly and trafficking of transmembrane receptors and ion channels. Most target proteins harboring a C-terminus recognition motif bind more-or-less equivalently to the either PDZ domain, which contain identical core-binding motifs. However some substrates such as the type II sodium-dependent phosphate co-transporter (NPT2A), uniquely bind only one PDZ domain. We sought to define the structural determinants responsible for the specificity of interaction between NHERF1 PDZ domains and NPT2A. By performing all-atom/explicit-solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in combination with biological mutagenesis, fluorescent polarization (FP) binding assays, and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), we found that in addition to canonical interactions of residues at 0 and -2 positions, Arg at the -1 position of NPT2A plays a critical role in association with Glu43 and His27 of PDZ1 that are absent in PDZ2. Experimentally introduced mutation in PDZ1 (Glu43Asp and His27Asn) decreased binding to NPT2A. Conversely, introduction of Asp183Glu and Asn167His mutations in PDZ2 promoted the formation of favorable interactions yielding micromolar KDs. The results describe novel determinants within both the PDZ domain and outside the canonical PDZ-recognition motif that are responsible for discrimination of NPT2A between two PDZ domains. The results challenge general paradigms for PDZ recognition and suggest new targets for drug development

    PreDiZ: a PDZ domain-peptide interaction prediction method

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    Structure-Based Multiscale Approach for Identification of Interaction Partners of PDZ Domains

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    PDZ domains are peptide recognition modules which mediate specific protein–protein interactions and are known to have a complex specificity landscape. We have developed a novel structure-based multiscale approach which identifies crucial specificity determining residues (SDRs) of PDZ domains from explicit solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on PDZ–peptide complexes and uses these SDRs in combination with knowledge-based scoring functions for proteomewide identification of their interaction partners. Multiple explicit solvent simulations ranging from 5 to 50 ns duration have been carried out on 28 PDZ–peptide complexes with known binding affinities. MM/PBSA binding energy values calculated from these simulations show a correlation coefficient of 0.755 with the experimental binding affinities. On the basis of the SDRs of PDZ domains identified by MD simulations, we have developed a simple scoring scheme for evaluating binding energies for PDZ–peptide complexes using residue based statistical pair potentials. This multiscale approach has been benchmarked on a mouse PDZ proteome array data set by calculating the binding energies for 217 different substrate peptides in binding pockets of 64 different mouse PDZ domains. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis indicates that, the area under curve (AUC) values for binder vs nonbinder classification by our structure based method is 0.780. Our structure based method does not require experimental PDZ–peptide binding data for training