1,943 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Approach to Structural Change Prediction in Evolving Social Networks

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    We propose a predictive model of structural changes in elementary subgraphs of social network based on Mixture of Markov Chains. The model is trained and verified on a dataset from a large corporate social network analyzed in short, one day-long time windows, and reveals distinctive patterns of evolution of connections on the level of local network topology. We argue that the network investigated in such short timescales is highly dynamic and therefore immune to classic methods of link prediction and structural analysis, and show that in the case of complex networks, the dynamic subgraph mining may lead to better prediction accuracy. The experiments were carried out on the logs from the Wroclaw University of Technology mail server

    Link Prediction Based on Subgraph Evolution in Dynamic Social Networks

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    We propose a new method for characterizing the dynamics of complex networks with its application to the link prediction problem. Our approach is based on the discovery of network subgraphs (in this study: triads of nodes) and measuring their transitions during network evolution. We define the Triad Transition Matrix (TTM) containing the probabilities of transitions between triads found in the network, then we show how it can help to discover and quantify the dynamic patterns of network evolution. We also propose the application of TTM to link prediction with an algorithm (called TTM-predictor) which shows good performance, especially for sparse networks analyzed in short time scales. The future applications and research directions of our approach are also proposed and discussed

    On analysis of complex network dynamics – changes in local topology

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    Social networks created based on data gathered in various computer systems are structures that constantly evolve. The nodes and their connections change because they are influenced by the external to the network events.. In this work we present a new approach to the description and quantification of patterns of complex dynamic social networks illustrated with the data from the Wroclaw University of Technology email dataset. We propose an approach based on discovery of local network connection patterns (in this case triads of nodes) as well as we measure and analyse their transitions during network evolution. We define the Triad Transition Matrix (TTM) containing the probabilities of transitions between triads, after that we show how it can help to discover the dynamic patterns of network evolution. One of the main issues when investigating the dynamical process is the selection of the time window size. Thus, the goal of this paper is also to investigate how the size of time window influences the shape of TTM and how the dynamics of triad number change depending on the window size. We have shown that, however the link stability in the network is low, the dynamic network evolution pattern expressed by the TTMs is relatively stable, and thus forming a background for fine-grained classification of complex networks dynamics. Our results open also vast possibilities of link and structure prediction of dynamic networks. The future research and applications stemming from our approach are also proposed and discussed

    Exploring the Evolution of Node Neighborhoods in Dynamic Networks

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    Dynamic Networks are a popular way of modeling and studying the behavior of evolving systems. However, their analysis constitutes a relatively recent subfield of Network Science, and the number of available tools is consequently much smaller than for static networks. In this work, we propose a method specifically designed to take advantage of the longitudinal nature of dynamic networks. It characterizes each individual node by studying the evolution of its direct neighborhood, based on the assumption that the way this neighborhood changes reflects the role and position of the node in the whole network. For this purpose, we define the concept of \textit{neighborhood event}, which corresponds to the various transformations such groups of nodes can undergo, and describe an algorithm for detecting such events. We demonstrate the interest of our method on three real-world networks: DBLP, LastFM and Enron. We apply frequent pattern mining to extract meaningful information from temporal sequences of neighborhood events. This results in the identification of behavioral trends emerging in the whole network, as well as the individual characterization of specific nodes. We also perform a cluster analysis, which reveals that, in all three networks, one can distinguish two types of nodes exhibiting different behaviors: a very small group of active nodes, whose neighborhood undergo diverse and frequent events, and a very large group of stable nodes

    Latent Representation and Sampling in Network: Application in Text Mining and Biology.

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    In classical machine learning, hand-designed features are used for learning a mapping from raw data. However, human involvement in feature design makes the process expensive. Representation learning aims to learn abstract features directly from data without direct human involvement. Raw data can be of various forms. Network is one form of data that encodes relational structure in many real-world domains. Therefore, learning abstract features for network units is an important task. In this dissertation, we propose models for incorporating temporal information given as a collection of networks from subsequent time-stamps. The primary objective of our models is to learn a better abstract feature representation of nodes and edges in an evolving network. We show that the temporal information in the abstract feature improves the performance of link prediction task substantially. Besides applying to the network data, we also employ our models to incorporate extra-sentential information in the text domain for learning better representation of sentences. We build a context network of sentences to capture extra-sentential information. This information in abstract feature representation of sentences improves various text-mining tasks substantially over a set of baseline methods. A problem with the abstract features that we learn is that they lack interpretability. In real-life applications on network data, for some tasks, it is crucial to learn interpretable features in the form of graphical structures. For this we need to mine important graphical structures along with their frequency statistics from the input dataset. However, exact algorithms for these tasks are computationally expensive, so scalable algorithms are of urgent need. To overcome this challenge, we provide efficient sampling algorithms for mining higher-order structures from network(s). We show that our sampling-based algorithms are scalable. They are also superior to a set of baseline algorithms in terms of retrieving important graphical sub-structures, and collecting their frequency statistics. Finally, we show that we can use these frequent subgraph statistics and structures as features in various real-life applications. We show one application in biology and another in security. In both cases, we show that the structures and their statistics significantly improve the performance of knowledge discovery tasks in these domains
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