111 research outputs found

    How Long It Takes for an Ordinary Node with an Ordinary ID to Output?

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    In the context of distributed synchronous computing, processors perform in rounds, and the time-complexity of a distributed algorithm is classically defined as the number of rounds before all computing nodes have output. Hence, this complexity measure captures the running time of the slowest node(s). In this paper, we are interested in the running time of the ordinary nodes, to be compared with the running time of the slowest nodes. The node-averaged time-complexity of a distributed algorithm on a given instance is defined as the average, taken over every node of the instance, of the number of rounds before that node output. We compare the node-averaged time-complexity with the classical one in the standard LOCAL model for distributed network computing. We show that there can be an exponential gap between the node-averaged time-complexity and the classical time-complexity, as witnessed by, e.g., leader election. Our first main result is a positive one, stating that, in fact, the two time-complexities behave the same for a large class of problems on very sparse graphs. In particular, we show that, for LCL problems on cycles, the node-averaged time complexity is of the same order of magnitude as the slowest node time-complexity. In addition, in the LOCAL model, the time-complexity is computed as a worst case over all possible identity assignments to the nodes of the network. In this paper, we also investigate the ID-averaged time-complexity, when the number of rounds is averaged over all possible identity assignments. Our second main result is that the ID-averaged time-complexity is essentially the same as the expected time-complexity of randomized algorithms (where the expectation is taken over all possible random bits used by the nodes, and the number of rounds is measured for the worst-case identity assignment). Finally, we study the node-averaged ID-averaged time-complexity.Comment: (Submitted) Journal versio

    On ringeisen's isolation game

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    AbstractWe develop the theory of the Isolation Game on a graph G, in which two players alternately “switch” at successive vertices v not previously switched. The switching operation deletes all edges incident with v, and creates new edges between v and those vertices not previously adjacent to it. The game is won when a vertex is first isolated. Among other results, we show that n-vertex forced wins exist for all n, and that length-p forced wins exist for all p. We give generic examples of forced wins which (against best defense) can be won only very late in the game. We also prove several large classes of graphs to be unwinnable, and give a complexity results for a problem closely related to the identification of drawing strategies in In(G)

    Characterizing and generalizing cycle completable graphs

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    The family of cycle completable graphs has several cryptomorphic descriptions, the equivalence of which has heretofore been proven by a laborious implication-cycle that detours through a motivating matrix completion problem. We give a concise proof, partially by introducing a new characterization. Then we generalize this family to ``kk-quasichordal'' graphs, with three natural characterizations.Comment: 8 page

    Approximation algorithms for network design and cut problems in bounded-treewidth

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    This thesis explores two optimization problems, the group Steiner tree and firefighter problems, which are known to be NP-hard even on trees. We study the approximability of these problems on trees and bounded-treewidth graphs. In the group Steiner tree, the input is a graph and sets of vertices called groups; the goal is to choose one representative from each group and connect all the representatives with minimum cost. We show an O(log^2 n)-approximation algorithm for bounded-treewidth graphs, matching the known lower bound for trees, and improving the best possible result using previous techniques. We also show improved approximation results for group Steiner forest, directed Steiner forest, and a fault-tolerant version of group Steiner tree. In the firefighter problem, we are given a graph and a vertex which is burning. At each time step, we can protect one vertex that is not burning; fire then spreads to all unprotected neighbors of burning vertices. The goal is to maximize the number of vertices that the fire does not reach. On trees, a classic (1-1/e)-approximation algorithm is known via LP rounding. We prove that the integrality gap of the LP matches this approximation, and show significant evidence that additional constraints may improve its integrality gap. On bounded-treewidth graphs, we show that it is NP-hard to find a subpolynomial approximation even on graphs of treewidth 5. We complement this result with an O(1)-approximation on outerplanar graphs.Diese Arbeit untersucht zwei Optimierungsprobleme, von welchen wir wissen, dass sie selbst in Bäumen NP-schwer sind. Wir analysieren Approximationen für diese Probleme in Bäumen und Graphen mit begrenzter Baumweite. Im Gruppensteinerbaumproblem, sind ein Graph und Mengen von Knoten (Gruppen) gegeben; das Ziel ist es, einen Knoten von jeder Gruppe mit minimalen Kosten zu verbinden. Wir beschreiben einen O(log^2 n)-Approximationsalgorithmus für Graphen mit beschränkter Baumweite, dies entspricht der zuvor bekannten unteren Schranke für Bäume und ist zudem eine Verbesserung über die bestmöglichen Resultate die auf anderen Techniken beruhen. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir verbesserte Approximationsresultate für andere Gruppensteinerprobleme. Im Feuerwehrproblem sind ein Graph zusammen mit einem brennenden Knoten gegeben. In jedem Zeitschritt können wir einen Knoten der noch nicht brennt auswählen und diesen vor dem Feuer beschützen. Das Feuer breitet sich anschließend zu allen Nachbarn aus. Das Ziel ist es die Anzahl der Knoten die vom Feuer unberührt bleiben zu maximieren. In Bäumen existiert ein lang bekannter (1-1/e)-Approximationsalgorithmus der auf LP Rundung basiert. Wir zeigen, dass die Ganzzahligkeitslücke des LP tatsächlich dieser Approximation entspricht, und dass weitere Einschränkungen die Ganzzahligkeitslücke möglicherweise verbessern könnten. Für Graphen mit beschränkter Baumweite zeigen wir, dass es NP-schwer ist, eine sub-polynomielle Approximation zu finden