5 research outputs found

    Strong converse for the quantum capacity of the erasure channel for almost all codes

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    A strong converse theorem for channel capacity establishes that the error probability in any communication scheme for a given channel necessarily tends to one if the rate of communication exceeds the channel's capacity. Establishing such a theorem for the quantum capacity of degradable channels has been an elusive task, with the strongest progress so far being a so-called "pretty strong converse". In this work, Morgan and Winter proved that the quantum error of any quantum communication scheme for a given degradable channel converges to a value larger than 1/21/\sqrt{2} in the limit of many channel uses if the quantum rate of communication exceeds the channel's quantum capacity. The present paper establishes a theorem that is a counterpart to this "pretty strong converse". We prove that the large fraction of codes having a rate exceeding the erasure channel's quantum capacity have a quantum error tending to one in the limit of many channel uses. Thus, our work adds to the body of evidence that a fully strong converse theorem should hold for the quantum capacity of the erasure channel. As a side result, we prove that the classical capacity of the quantum erasure channel obeys the strong converse property.Comment: 15 pages, submission to the 9th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC 2014

    On converse bounds for classical communication over quantum channels

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    We explore several new converse bounds for classical communication over quantum channels in both the one-shot and asymptotic regimes. First, we show that the Matthews-Wehner meta-converse bound for entanglement-assisted classical communication can be achieved by activated, no-signalling assisted codes, suitably generalizing a result for classical channels. Second, we derive a new efficiently computable meta-converse on the amount of classical information unassisted codes can transmit over a single use of a quantum channel. As applications, we provide a finite resource analysis of classical communication over quantum erasure channels, including the second-order and moderate deviation asymptotics. Third, we explore the asymptotic analogue of our new meta-converse, the Υ\Upsilon-information of the channel. We show that its regularization is an upper bound on the classical capacity, which is generally tighter than the entanglement-assisted capacity and other known efficiently computable strong converse bounds. For covariant channels we show that the Υ\Upsilon-information is a strong converse bound.Comment: v3: published version; v2: 18 pages, presentation and results improve

    Strong converse rates for quantum communication

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    We revisit a fundamental open problem in quantum information theory, namely whether it is possible to transmit quantum information at a rate exceeding the channel capacity if we allow for a non-vanishing probability of decoding error. Here we establish that the Rains information of any quantum channel is a strong converse rate for quantum communication: For any sequence of codes with rate exceeding the Rains information of the channel, we show that the fidelity vanishes exponentially fast as the number of channel uses increases. This remains true even if we consider codes that perform classical post-processing on the transmitted quantum data. As an application of this result, for generalized dephasing channels we show that the Rains information is also achievable, and thereby establish the strong converse property for quantum communication over such channels. Thus we conclusively settle the strong converse question for a class of quantum channels that have a non-trivial quantum capacity.Comment: v4: 13 pages, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    From Classical to Quantum Shannon Theory

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    The aim of this book is to develop "from the ground up" many of the major, exciting, pre- and post-millenium developments in the general area of study known as quantum Shannon theory. As such, we spend a significant amount of time on quantum mechanics for quantum information theory (Part II), we give a careful study of the important unit protocols of teleportation, super-dense coding, and entanglement distribution (Part III), and we develop many of the tools necessary for understanding information transmission or compression (Part IV). Parts V and VI are the culmination of this book, where all of the tools developed come into play for understanding many of the important results in quantum Shannon theory.Comment: v8: 774 pages, 301 exercises, 81 figures, several corrections; this draft, pre-publication copy is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/), "Quantum Information Theory, Second Edition" is available for purchase from Cambridge University Pres