4,018 research outputs found

    Large-scale anomalies in the cosmic microwave background as signatures of non-Gaussianity

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    We derive a general expression for the probability of observing deviations from statistical isotropy in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) if the primordial fluctuations are non-Gaussian and extend to superhorizon scales. The primary motivation is to properly characterize the monopole and dipole modulations of the primordial power spectrum that are generated by the coupling between superhorizon and subhorizon perturbations. Unlike previous proposals for generating the hemispherical power asymmetry, we do not assume that the power asymmetry results from a single large superhorizon mode. Instead, we extrapolate the observed power spectrum to superhorizon scales and compute the power asymmetry that would result from a specific realization of non-Gaussian perturbations on scales larger than the observable universe. Our study encompasses many of the scenarios that have been put forward as possible explanations for the CMB hemispherical power asymmetry. We confirm our analytic predictions for the probability of a given power asymmetry by comparing them to numerical realizations of CMB maps. We find that non-local models of non-Gaussianity and scale-dependent local non-Gaussianity produce scale-dependent modulations of the power spectrum, thereby potentially producing both a monopolar and a dipolar power modulation on large scales. We then provide simple examples of finding the posterior distributions for the parameters of the bispectrum from the observed monopole and dipole modulations.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures; v2: minor changes to match the PRD accepted versio

    Local non-Gaussianity from inflation

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    The non-Gaussian distribution of primordial perturbations has the potential to reveal the physical processes at work in the very early Universe. Local models provide a well-defined class of non-Gaussian distributions that arise naturally from the non-linear evolution of density perturbations on super-Hubble scales starting from Gaussian field fluctuations during inflation. I describe the delta-N formalism used to calculate the primordial density perturbation on large scales and then review several models for the origin of local primordial non-Gaussianity, including the cuvaton, modulated reheating and ekpyrotic scenarios. I include an appendix with a table of sign conventions used in specific papers.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure, invited review to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity special issue on non-linear and non-Gaussian cosmological perturbation

    Characterizing Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We investigate the nature and spatial variations of turbulence in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) by applying several statistical methods on the neutral hydrogen (HI) column density image of the SMC and a database of isothermal numerical simulations. By using the 3rd and 4th statistical moments we derive the spatial distribution of the sonic Mach number (M_s) across the SMC. We find that about 90% of the HI in the SMC is subsonic or transonic. However, edges of the SMC `bar' have M_s=4 and may be tracing shearing or turbulent flows. Using numerical simulations we also investigate how the slope of the spatial power spectrum depends on both sonic and Alfven Mach numbers. This allows us to gauge the Alfven Mach number of the SMC and conclude that its gas pressure dominates over the magnetic pressure. The super-Alfvenic nature of the HI gas in the SMC is also highlighted by the bispectrum, a three-point correlation function which characterizes the level of non-Gaussianity in wave modes. We find that the bispectrum of the SMC HI column density displays similar large-scale correlations as numerical simulations, however it has localized enhancements of correlations. In addition, we find a break in correlations at a scale of 160 pc. This may be caused by numerous expanding shells of a similar size

    Signatures of anisotropic sources in the squeezed-limit bispectrum of the cosmic microwave background

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    The bispectrum of primordial curvature perturbations in the squeezed configuration, in which one wavenumber, k3k_3, is much smaller than the other two, k3k1k2k_3\ll k_1\approx k_2, plays a special role in constraining the physics of inflation. In this paper we study a new phenomenological signature in the squeezed-limit bispectrum: namely, the amplitude of the squeezed-limit bispectrum depends on an angle between k1{\bf k}_1 and k3{\bf k}_3 such that Bζ(k1,k2,k3)2LcLPL(k^1k^3)Pζ(k1)Pζ(k3)B_\zeta(k_1, k_2, k_3) \to 2 \sum_L c_L P_L(\hat{\bf k}_1 \cdot \hat{\bf k}_3) P_\zeta(k_1)P_\zeta(k_3), where PLP_L are the Legendre polynomials. While c0c_0 is related to the usual local-form fNLf_{\rm NL} parameter as c0=6fNL/5c_0=6f_{\rm NL}/5, the higher-multipole coefficients, c1c_1, c2c_2, etc., have not been constrained by the data. Primordial curvature perturbations sourced by large-scale magnetic fields generate non-vanishing c0c_0, c1c_1, and c2c_2. Inflation models whose action contains a term like I(ϕ)2F2I(\phi)^2 F^2 generate c2=c0/2c_2=c_0/2. A recently proposed "solid inflation" model generates c2c0c_2\gg c_0. A cosmic-variance-limited experiment measuring temperature anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background up to max=2000\ell_{\rm max}=2000 is able to measure these coefficients down to δc0=4.4\delta c_0=4.4, δc1=61\delta c_1=61, and δc2=13\delta c_2=13 (68% CL). We also find that c0c_0 and c1c_1, and c0c_0 and c2c_2, are nearly uncorrelated. Measurements of these coefficients will open up a new window into the physics of inflation such as the existence of vector fields during inflation or non-trivial symmetry structure of inflaton fields. Finally, we show that the original form of the Suyama-Yamaguchi inequality does not apply to the case involving higher-spin fields, but a generalized form does.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in JCA

    Classical non-Gaussianity from non-linear evolution of curvature perturbations

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    We study the non-linear evolution of the curvature perturbations during matter dominated era. We show that regardless of the origin of the primordial perturbation, the Bardeen potential and curvature receive sizable contributions from the classical non-linear evolution effects, and quantify them exactly. On the super-horizon scales we have squeezed peak of the bispectrum with magnitude, in terms of the local non-linear parameters of Bardeen curvature, 1/6 < f_{NL} 19/15, and of Bardeen potential, -1/4 < f_{NL} < 7/5, depending on the configuration of momenta. On the sub-horizon scales the bispectrum show equilateral shape, and can serve as a potential probe of general relativity.Comment: (v1) 8 pages, 2 figures; (v2) 10 pages, more discussions and clarifications, including explicit comparison with other studie