249 research outputs found

    Conceptual free-form styling in virtual environments

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    This dissertation introduces the tools for designing complete models from scratch directly in a head-tracked, table-like virtual work environment. The models consist of free-form surfaces, and are constructed by drawing a network of curves directly in space. This is accomplished by using a tracked pen-like input device. Interactive deformation tools for curves and surfaces are proposed and are based on variational methods. By aligning the model with the left hand, editing is made possible with the right hand, corresponding to a natural distribution of tasks using both hands. Furthermore, in the emerging field of 3D interaction in virtual environments, particularly with regard to system control, this work uses novel methods to integrate system control tasks, such as selecting tools, and workflow of shape design. The aim of this work is to propose more suitable user interfaces to computersupported conceptual shape design applications. This would be beneficial since it is a field that lacks adequate support from standard desktop systems.Diese Dissertation beschreibtWerkzeuge zum Entwurf kompletter virtueller Modelle von Grund auf. Dies geschieht direkt in einer tischartigen, virtuellen Arbeitsumge-bung mit Hilfe von Tracking der Hände und der Kopfposition. Die Modelle sind aus Freiformlächen aufgebaut und werden als Netz von Kurven mit Hilfe eines getrack-ten, stiftartigen Eingabegerätes direkt im Raum gezeichnet. Es werden interaktive Deformationswerkzeuge für Kurven und Flächen vorgestellt, die auf Methoden des Variational Modeling basieren. Durch das Ausrichten des Modells mit der linken Hand wird das Editieren mit der rechten Hand erleichtert. Dies entspricht einer natürlichen Aufteilung von Aufgaben auf beide Hände. Zusätzlich stellt diese Arbeit neue Techniken für die 3D-Interaktion in virtuellen Umgebungen, insbesondere im Bereich Anwendungskontrolle, vor, die die Aufgabe der Werkzeugauswahl in den Arbeitsablauf der Formgestaltung integrieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, besser geeignete Schnittstellen für den computer-unterstützten, konzeptionellen Formentwurf zur Verfügung zu stellen; ein Gebiet, für das Standard-Desktop-Systeme wenig geeignete Unterstützung bieten

    Digital factory – virtual reality environments for industrial training and maintenance

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    This study evaluates the use of virtual reality (VR) platforms, which is an integrated part of the digital factory for an industrial training and maintenance system. The digital factory-based VR platform provides an intuitive and immersive human–computer interface, which can be an efficient tool for industrial training and maintenance services. The outcomes from this study suggested that use of the VR platform for training and maintenance of complex industrial tasks should be encouraged and use of the VR platform for that purpose should be further evaluated. This paper highlighted the generic concept of the application of virtual reality technique within the digital factory to industrial maintenance and to build a low-cost VR application for a training and maintenance system. An application case on virtual reality technique in a power plant operations and maintenance is demonstrated within the scope of this research. Overall research implications on virtual reality concept in industrial applications are concluded with future research directions.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Conceptual free-form styling in virtual environments

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    This dissertation introduces the tools for designing complete models from scratch directly in a head-tracked, table-like virtual work environment. The models consist of free-form surfaces, and are constructed by drawing a network of curves directly in space. This is accomplished by using a tracked pen-like input device. Interactive deformation tools for curves and surfaces are proposed and are based on variational methods. By aligning the model with the left hand, editing is made possible with the right hand, corresponding to a natural distribution of tasks using both hands. Furthermore, in the emerging field of 3D interaction in virtual environments, particularly with regard to system control, this work uses novel methods to integrate system control tasks, such as selecting tools, and workflow of shape design. The aim of this work is to propose more suitable user interfaces to computersupported conceptual shape design applications. This would be beneficial since it is a field that lacks adequate support from standard desktop systems.Diese Dissertation beschreibtWerkzeuge zum Entwurf kompletter virtueller Modelle von Grund auf. Dies geschieht direkt in einer tischartigen, virtuellen Arbeitsumge-bung mit Hilfe von Tracking der Hände und der Kopfposition. Die Modelle sind aus Freiformlächen aufgebaut und werden als Netz von Kurven mit Hilfe eines getrack-ten, stiftartigen Eingabegerätes direkt im Raum gezeichnet. Es werden interaktive Deformationswerkzeuge für Kurven und Flächen vorgestellt, die auf Methoden des Variational Modeling basieren. Durch das Ausrichten des Modells mit der linken Hand wird das Editieren mit der rechten Hand erleichtert. Dies entspricht einer natürlichen Aufteilung von Aufgaben auf beide Hände. Zusätzlich stellt diese Arbeit neue Techniken für die 3D-Interaktion in virtuellen Umgebungen, insbesondere im Bereich Anwendungskontrolle, vor, die die Aufgabe der Werkzeugauswahl in den Arbeitsablauf der Formgestaltung integrieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, besser geeignete Schnittstellen für den computer-unterstützten, konzeptionellen Formentwurf zur Verfügung zu stellen; ein Gebiet, für das Standard-Desktop-Systeme wenig geeignete Unterstützung bieten

    HairBrush for Immersive Data-Driven Hair Modeling

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    International audienceWhile hair is an essential component of virtual humans, it is also one of the most challenging digital assets to create. Existing automatic techniques lack the generality and flexibility to create rich hair variations, while manual authoring interfaces often require considerable artistic skills and efforts, especially for intricate 3D hair structures that can be difficult to navigate. We propose an interactive hair modeling system that can help create complex hairstyles in minutes or hours that would otherwise take much longer with existing tools. Modelers, including novice users, can focus on the overall hairstyles and local hair deformations, as our system intelligently suggests the desired hair parts. Our method combines the flexibility of manual authoring and the convenience of data-driven automation. Since hair contains intricate 3D structures such as buns, knots, and strands, they are inherently challenging to create using traditional 2D interfaces. Our system provides a new 3D hair author-ing interface for immersive interaction in virtual reality (VR). Users can draw high-level guide strips, from which our system predicts the most plausible hairstyles via a deep neural network trained from a professionally curated dataset. Each hairstyle in our dataset is composed of multiple variations, serving as blend-shapes to fit the user drawings via global blending and local deformation. The fitted hair models are visualized as interactive suggestions that the user can select, modify, or ignore. We conducted a user study to confirm that our system can significantly reduce manual labor while improve the output quality for modeling a variety of head and facial hairstyles that are challenging to create via existing techniques

    HandPainter – 3D sketching in VR with hand-based physical proxy

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    3D sketching in virtual reality (VR) enables users to create 3D virtual objects intuitively and immersively. However, previous studies showed that mid-air drawing may lead to inaccurate sketches. To address this issue, we propose to use one hand as a canvas proxy and the index finger of the other hand as a 3D pen. To this end, we first perform a formative study to compare two-handed interaction with tablet-pen interaction for VR sketching. Based on the findings of this study, we design HandPainter, a VR sketching system which focuses on the direct use of two hands for 3D sketching without requesting any tablet, pen, or VR controller. Our implementation is based on a pair of VR gloves, which provide hand tracking and gesture capture. We devise a set of intuitive gestures to control various functionalities required during 3D sketching, such as canvas panning and drawing positioning. We show the effectiveness of HandPainter by presenting a number of sketching results and discussing the outcomes of a user study-based comparison with mid-air drawing and tablet-based sketching tools

    Sketch-based interaction and modeling: where do we stand?

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    Sketching is a natural and intuitive communication tool used for expressing concepts or ideas which are difficult to communicate through text or speech alone. Sketching is therefore used for a variety of purposes, from the expression of ideas on two-dimensional (2D) physical media, to object creation, manipulation, or deformation in three-dimensional (3D) immersive environments. This variety in sketching activities brings about a range of technologies which, while having similar scope, namely that of recording and interpreting the sketch gesture to effect some interaction, adopt different interpretation approaches according to the environment in which the sketch is drawn. In fields such as product design, sketches are drawn at various stages of the design process, and therefore, designers would benefit from sketch interpretation technologies which support these differing interactions. However, research typically focuses on one aspect of sketch interpretation and modeling such that literature on available technologies is fragmented and dispersed. In this paper, we bring together the relevant literature describing technologies which can support the product design industry, namely technologies which support the interpretation of sketches drawn on 2D media, sketch-based search interactions, as well as sketch gestures drawn in 3D media. This paper, therefore, gives a holistic view of the algorithmic support that can be provided in the design process. In so doing, we highlight the research gaps and future research directions required to provide full sketch-based interaction support

    Real-time parametric surface modeling for conceptual design

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    Conceptual design is the initial stage of the product design cycle. In this stage, the structural details of the products require less attention than the functionality and style. Designers need an environment where their creative inspiration and imagination can be expressed intuitively and instantaneously without limitations. Paper-pen based traditional tools are still common in the practice. However, pen and paper based methods limit the expression of ideas (conceptual design) in the form of 2D images. This thesis introduces a free-form 3D sketching technique with an objective to improve the conceptual design stage. Improvement comes from two characteristics: firstly, the designed system enables designers to use 3D digital space to summarize their imaginations; secondly, the toolkit provides an unconstrained environment where designers/artists can demonstrate their imaginations without dealing with details. Ultimate objective of this line of the research work is to develop a free-form sketching tool where users are not familiar with the system; rather they can naturally use the system in order to complete their initial design. In order to have a stereoscopic impression or called intuitive sensor of the designed products in the conceptual design stage, a direct 3D display is essential. Hence, in this research work, we introduce an unconstrained conceptual design environment that enables designers to display their ideas instantaneously and inspirationally without any constraints in computer in the form of 3D objects directly under the support of VR technology. The developed toolkit provides: a virtual space for designers to summarize their imaginations in 3D; a module to enable smooth connection of individual surface patches; finally, a method to give surface thickness to the images. Hence the resulting images are ready to be used within the existing CAD software, for design review purposes and manufacturing planning efforts

    Human-Mechanical system interaction in Virtual Reality

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    The present work aims to show the great potential of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies in the field of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). Indeed, it is foreseeable that in not too distant future cooperating robots will be increasingly present in human environments. Many authors actually believe that after the current information revolution, we will witness the so-called "robotics revolution", with the spread of increasingly intelligent and autonomous robots capable of moving into our own environments. Since these machines must be able to interact with human beings in a safe way, new design tools for the study of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) are needed. The author believes that VR is an ideal design tool for the study of the interaction between humans and automatic machines, since it allows the designers to interact in real-time with virtual robotic systems and to evaluate different control algorithms, without the need of physical prototypes. This also shields the user from any risk related to the physical experimentation. However, VR technologies have also a more immediate application in the field of HRI, such as the study of usability of interfaces for real-time controlled robots. In fact, these robots, such as robots for microsurgery or even "teleoperated" robots working in a hostile environments, are already quite common. VR allows the designers to evaluate the usability of such interfaces by relating their physical input with a virtual output. In particular, the author has developed a new software application aimed at simulating automatic robots and, more generally, mechanical systems in a virtual environment. The user can interact with one or more virtual manipulators and also control them in real-time by means of several input devices. Finally, an innovative approach to the modeling and control of a humanoid robot with high degree of redundancy is discussed. VR implementation of a virtual humanoid is useful for the study of both humanoid robots and human beings
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