57 research outputs found

    Longest Common Subsequence on Weighted Sequences

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    We consider the general problem of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) on weighted sequences. Weighted sequences are an extension of classical strings, where in each position every letter of the alphabet may occur with some probability. Previous results presented a PTAS and noticed that no FPTAS is possible unless P=NP. In this paper we essentially close the gap between upper and lower bounds by improving both. First of all, we provide an EPTAS for bounded alphabets (which is the most natural case), and prove that there does not exist any EPTAS for unbounded alphabets unless FPT=W[1]. Furthermore, under the Exponential Time Hypothesis, we provide a lower bound which shows that no significantly better PTAS can exist for unbounded alphabets. As a side note, we prove that it is sufficient to work with only one threshold in the general variant of the problem

    On-line construction of position heaps

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    We propose a simple linear-time on-line algorithm for constructing a position heap for a string [Ehrenfeucht et al, 2011]. Our definition of position heap differs slightly from the one proposed in [Ehrenfeucht et al, 2011] in that it considers the suffixes ordered from left to right. Our construction is based on classic suffix pointers and resembles the Ukkonen's algorithm for suffix trees [Ukkonen, 1995]. Using suffix pointers, the position heap can be extended into the augmented position heap that allows for a linear-time string matching algorithm [Ehrenfeucht et al, 2011].Comment: to appear in Journal of Discrete Algorithm

    Managing Unbounded-Length Keys in Comparison-Driven Data Structures with Applications to On-Line Indexing

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    This paper presents a general technique for optimally transforming any dynamic data structure that operates on atomic and indivisible keys by constant-time comparisons, into a data structure that handles unbounded-length keys whose comparison cost is not a constant. Examples of these keys are strings, multi-dimensional points, multiple-precision numbers, multi-key data (e.g.~records), XML paths, URL addresses, etc. The technique is more general than what has been done in previous work as no particular exploitation of the underlying structure of is required. The only requirement is that the insertion of a key must identify its predecessor or its successor. Using the proposed technique, online suffix tree can be constructed in worst case time O(logn)O(\log n) per input symbol (as opposed to amortized O(logn)O(\log n) time per symbol, achieved by previously known algorithms). To our knowledge, our algorithm is the first that achieves O(logn)O(\log n) worst case time per input symbol. Searching for a pattern of length mm in the resulting suffix tree takes O(min(mlogΣ,m+logn)+tocc)O(\min(m\log |\Sigma|, m + \log n) + tocc) time, where tocctocc is the number of occurrences of the pattern. The paper also describes more applications and show how to obtain alternative methods for dealing with suffix sorting, dynamic lowest common ancestors and order maintenance

    Efficient Data Structures for Text Processing Applications

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    This thesis is devoted to designing and analyzing efficient text indexing data structures and associated algorithms for processing text data. The general problem is to preprocess a given text or a collection of texts into a space-efficient index to quickly answer various queries on this data. Basic queries such as counting/reporting a given pattern\u27s occurrences as substrings of the original text are useful in modeling critical bioinformatics applications. This line of research has witnessed many breakthroughs, such as the suffix trees, suffix arrays, FM-index, etc. In this work, we revisit the following problems: 1. The Heaviest Induced Ancestors problem 2. Range Longest Common Prefix problem 3. Range Shortest Unique Substrings problem 4. Non-Overlapping Indexing problem For the first problem, we present two new space-time trade-offs that improve the space, query time, or both of the existing solutions by roughly a logarithmic factor. For the second problem, our solution takes linear space, which improves the previous result by a logarithmic factor. The techniques developed are then extended to obtain an efficient solution for our third problem, which is newly formulated. Finally, we present a new framework that yields efficient solutions for the last problem in both cache-aware and cache-oblivious models

    Elastic-Degenerate String Matching with 1 Error

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    An elastic-degenerate string is a sequence of nn finite sets of strings of total length NN, introduced to represent a set of related DNA sequences, also known as a pangenome. The ED string matching (EDSM) problem consists in reporting all occurrences of a pattern of length mm in an ED text. This problem has recently received some attention by the combinatorial pattern matching community, culminating in an O~(nmω1)+O(N)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(nm^{\omega-1})+\mathcal{O}(N)-time algorithm [Bernardini et al., SIAM J. Comput. 2022], where ω\omega denotes the matrix multiplication exponent and the O~()\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\cdot) notation suppresses polylog factors. In the kk-EDSM problem, the approximate version of EDSM, we are asked to report all pattern occurrences with at most kk errors. kk-EDSM can be solved in O(k2mG+kN)\mathcal{O}(k^2mG+kN) time, under edit distance, or O(kmG+kN)\mathcal{O}(kmG+kN) time, under Hamming distance, where GG denotes the total number of strings in the ED text [Bernardini et al., Theor. Comput. Sci. 2020]. Unfortunately, GG is only bounded by NN, and so even for k=1k=1, the existing algorithms run in Ω(mN)\Omega(mN) time in the worst case. In this paper we show that 11-EDSM can be solved in O((nm2+N)logm)\mathcal{O}((nm^2 + N)\log m) or O(nm3+N)\mathcal{O}(nm^3 + N) time under edit distance. For the decision version, we present a faster O(nm2logm+Nloglogm)\mathcal{O}(nm^2\sqrt{\log m} + N\log\log m)-time algorithm. We also show that 11-EDSM can be solved in O(nm2+Nlogm)\mathcal{O}(nm^2 + N\log m) time under Hamming distance. Our algorithms for edit distance rely on non-trivial reductions from 11-EDSM to special instances of classic computational geometry problems (2d rectangle stabbing or 2d range emptiness), which we show how to solve efficiently. In order to obtain an even faster algorithm for Hamming distance, we rely on employing and adapting the kk-errata trees for indexing with errors [Cole et al., STOC 2004].Comment: This is an extended version of a paper accepted at LATIN 202

    String Searching with Ranking Constraints and Uncertainty

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    Strings play an important role in many areas of computer science. Searching pattern in a string or string collection is one of the most classic problems. Different variations of this problem such as document retrieval, ranked document retrieval, dictionary matching has been well studied. Enormous growth of internet, large genomic projects, sensor networks, digital libraries necessitates not just efficient algorithms and data structures for the general string indexing, but indexes for texts with fuzzy information and support for queries with different constraints. This dissertation addresses some of these problems and proposes indexing solutions. One such variation is document retrieval query for included and excluded/forbidden patterns, where the objective is to retrieve all the relevant documents that contains the included patterns and does not contain the excluded patterns. We continue the previous work done on this problem and propose more efficient solution. We conjecture that any significant improvement over these results is highly unlikely. We also consider the scenario when the query consists of more than two patterns. The forbidden pattern problem suffers from the drawback that linear space (in words) solutions are unlikely to yield a solution better than O(root(n/occ)) per document reporting time, where n is the total length of the documents and occ is the number of output documents. Continuing this path, we introduce a new variation, namely document retrieval with forbidden extension query, where the forbidden pattern is an extension of the included pattern.We also address the more general top-k version of the problem, which retrieves the top k documents, where the ranking is based on PageRank relevance metric. This problem finds motivation from search applications. It also holds theoretical interest as we show that the hardness of forbidden pattern problem is alleviated in this problem. We achieve linear space and optimal query time for this variation. We also propose succinct indexes for both these problems. Position restricted pattern matching considers the scenario where only part of the text is searched. We propose succinct index for this problem with efficient query time. An important application for this problem stems from searching in genomic sequences, where only part of the gene sequence is searched for interesting patterns. The problem of computing discriminating(resp. generic) words is to report all minimal(resp. maximal) extensions of a query pattern which are contained in at most(resp. at least) a given number of documents. These problems are motivated from applications in computational biology, text mining and automated text classification. We propose succinct indexes for these problems. Strings with uncertainty and fuzzy information play an important role in increasingly many applications. We propose a general framework for indexing uncertain strings such that a deterministic query string can be searched efficiently. String matching becomes a probabilistic event when a string contains uncertainty, i.e. each position of the string can have different probable characters with associated probability of occurrence for each character. Such uncertain strings are prevalent in various applications such as biological sequence data, event monitoring and automatic ECG annotations. We consider two basic problems of string searching, namely substring searching and string listing. We formulate these well known problems for uncertain strings paradigm and propose exact and approximate solution for them. We also discuss a constrained variation of orthogonal range searching. Given a set of points, the task of orthogonal range searching is to build a data structure such that all the points inside a orthogonal query region can be reported. We introduce a new variation, namely shared constraint range searching which naturally arises in constrained pattern matching applications. Shared constraint range searching is a special four sided range reporting query problem where two constraints has sharing among them, effectively reducing the number of independent constraints. For this problem, we propose a linear space index that can match the best known bound for three dimensional dominance reporting problem. We extend our data structure in the external memory model