338 research outputs found

    Detecting Decidable Classes of Finitely Ground Logic Programs with Function Symbols

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    In this article, we propose a new technique for checking whether the bottom-up evaluation of logic programs with function symbols terminates. The technique is based on the definition of mappings from arguments to strings of function symbols, representing possible values which could be taken by arguments during the bottom-up evaluation. Starting from mappings, we identify mapping-restricted arguments, a subset of limited arguments, namely arguments that take values from finite domains. Mapping-restricted programs, consisting of rules whose arguments are all mapping restricted, are terminating under the bottom-up computation, as all of its arguments take values from finite domains. We show that mappings can be computed by transforming the original program into a unary logic program: this allows us to establish decidability of checking if a program is mapping restricted. We study the complexity of the presented approach and compare it to other techniques known in the literature. We also introduce an extension of the proposed approach that is able to recognize a wider class of logic programs. The presented technique provides a significant improvement, as it can detect terminating programs not identified by other criteria proposed so far. Furthermore, it can be combined with other techniques to further enlarge the class of programs recognized as terminating under the bottom-up evaluation. </jats:p

    The data-exchange chase under the microscope

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    In this paper we take closer look at recent developments for the chase procedure, and provide additional results. Our analysis allows us create a taxonomy of the chase variations and the properties they satisfy. Two of the most central problems regarding the chase is termination, and discovery of restricted classes of sets of dependencies that guarantee termination of the chase. The search for the restricted classes has been motivated by a fairly recent result that shows that it is undecidable to determine whether the chase with a given dependency set will terminate on a given instance. There is a small dissonance here, since the quest has been for classes of sets of dependencies guaranteeing termination of the chase on all instances, even though the latter problem was not known to be undecidable. We resolve the dissonance in this paper by showing that determining whether the chase with a given set of dependencies terminates on all instances is coRE-complete. For the hardness proof we use a reduction from word rewriting systems, thereby also showing the close connection between the chase and word rewriting. The same reduction also gives us the aforementioned instance-dependent RE-completeness result as a byproduct. For one of the restricted classes guaranteeing termination on all instances, the stratified sets dependencies, we provide new complexity results for the problem of testing whether a given set of dependencies belongs to it. These results rectify some previous claims that have occurred in the literature.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1303.668

    Exploiting Equality Generating Dependencies in Checking Chase Termination

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    The chase is a well-known algorithm with a wide range of applications in data exchange, data cleaning, data integration, query optimization, and ontological reasoning. Since the chase evaluation might not terminate and it is undecidable whether it terminates, the problem of defining (decidable) sufficient conditions ensuring termination has received a great deal of interest in recent years. In this regard, several termination criteria have been proposed. One of the main weaknesses of current approaches is the limited analysis they perform on equality generating dependencies (EGDs). In this paper, we propose sufficient conditions ensuring that a set of dependencies has at least one terminating chase sequence. We propose novel criteria which are able to perform a more accurate analysis of EGDs. Specifically, we propose a new stratification criterion and an adornment algorithm. The latter can both be used as a termination criterion and be combined with current techniques to make them more effective, in that strictly more sets of dependencies are identified. Our techniques identify sets of dependencies that are not recognized by any of the current criteria.</jats:p

    Using linear constraints for logic program termination analysis

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    It is widely acknowledged that function symbols are an important feature in answer set programming, as they make modeling easier, increase the expressive power, and allow us to deal with infinite domains. The main issue with their introduction is that the evaluation of a program might not terminate and checking whether it terminates or not is undecidable. To cope with this problem, several classes of logic programs have been proposed where the use of function symbols is restricted but the program evaluation termination is guaranteed. Despite the significant body of work in this area, current approaches do not include many simple practical programs whose evaluation terminates. In this paper, we present the novel classes of rule-bounded and cycle-bounded programs, which overcome different limitations of current approaches by performing a more global analysis of how terms are propagated from the body to the head of rules. Results on the correctness, the complexity, and the expressivity of the proposed approach are provided.Comment: Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Checking termination of bottom-up evaluation of logic programs with function symbols

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    Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the bottom-up evaluation of the semantics of logic programs with complex terms. The presence of function symbols in the program may render the ground instantiation infinite, and finiteness of models and termination of the evaluation procedure, in the general case, are not guaranteed anymore. Since the program termination problem is undecidable in the general case, several decidable criteria (called program termination criteria) have been recently proposed. However, current conditions are not able to identify even simple programs, whose bottom-up execution always terminates. The paper introduces new decidable criteria for checking termination of logic programs with function symbols under bottom-up evaluation, by deeply analyzing the program structure. First, we analyze the propagation of complex terms among arguments by means of the extended version of the argument graph called propagation graph. The resulting criterion, called Gamma-acyclicity, generalizes most of the decidable criteria proposed so far. Next, we study how rules may activate each other and define a more powerful criterion, called safety. This criterion uses the so-called safety function able to analyze how rules may activate each other and how the presence of some arguments in a rule limits its activation. We also study the application of the proposed criteria to bound queries and show that the safety criterion is well-suited to identify relevant classes of programs and bound queries. Finally, we propose a hierarchy of classes of terminating programs, called k-safety, where the k-safe class strictly includes the (k-1)-safe class. Note: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: 36 pages, 7 figure