2,035 research outputs found

    The Impossible Qualities Of Illusionary Spaces: Stop Motion Animation, Visual Effects And Metalepsis

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    This thesis examines stop motion animation, its role as a special effect and how the stop motion form impacts on narrative. In particular, it is concerned with the relationship between stop motion animation and the rhetorical concept of metalepsis, as well as the disruption and transgression of narrative spaces in fiction. The studio component of the work is an installation titled All The Nice Things Come From Here which uses an early film special effects technique, the Schüfftan process. The Schüfftan process is a form of in-camera compositing that uses mirrors to align two separate spaces to form the illusion of one cohesive space. The installation uses Newcastle’s light industrial landscape as a backdrop to create impossible miniature narrative spaces that can only be understood when the viewer is aligned to a station point forced by the placement of the mirrors. The theoretical portion of the thesis examines how this exploded view of an animated special effect can be used to explore ideas of narrative, narrative layers and the visual forms of stop motion animation. The thesis argues that object stop motion animation has aspects that are inherently metaleptic, as stop motion’s use of real objects doing impossible things creates its own subtle and impossible metaleptic spaces that simultaneously refer to both the world within the film and the world outside the film


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    The use of media in mathematics learning is used to assist students in understanding learning materials. The background of this development research is the absence of media that used in mathematics learning at SMP Muhammadiyah Seyegan and SMP Muhammadiyah Kasihan besides textbooks and worksheets as a learning resource. The purpose of this study was to develop learning media stop motion animation based on material tangent to the circle and to determine eligibility based on the assessment of experts and the students' responses. This research, the method used is Research and Development method. The subjects were expert lecturers, subject teachers, and students in grade VIII SMP and SMP Muhammadiyah Seyegan and SMP Muhammadiyah Kasihan. The object of this study is the learning media stop motion animation in the material tangent to the circle for grade VIII Junior High School. The stage of collecting data through direct observation, interviews, and questionnaires with research instruments such as questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of qualitative data. The results showed that the developed learning media are included in the category of very decent (ideals percentage of 85.98%). Judging from the aspect of media, materials, and instructional media student responses are developed each get an average score of 89.5 respectively (criterion ideals 85.6%), 71.5 (percentage ideals 89.38%), and 57.85 (percentage ideals 82.64%). Thus mathematics learning media stop motion animation based on material circle tangent to class VIII SMP fit for use by students and teachers as a learning medium

    The Evolution of Stop-motion Animation Technique Through 120 Years of Technological Innovations

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    Stop-motion animation history has been put on paper by several scholars and practitioners who tried to organize 120 years of technological innovations and material experiments dealing with a huge literature. Bruce Holman (1975), Neil Pettigrew (1999), Ken Priebe (2010), Stefano Bessoni (2014), and more recently Adrián Encinas Salamanca (2017), provided the most detailed even tough partial attempts of systematization, and designed historical reconstructions by considering specific periods of time, film lengths or the use of stop-motion as special effect rather than an animation technique. This article provides another partial historical reconstruction of the evolution of stop-motion and outlines the main events that occurred in the development of this technique, following criteria based on the innovations in the technology of materials and manufacturing processes that have influenced the fabrication of puppets until the present day. The systematization follows a chronological order and takes into account events that changed the technique of a puppets’ manufacturing process as a consequence of the use of either new fabrication processes or materials. Starting from the accident that made the French film-pioneer Georges Méliès discover the trick of the replacement technique at the end of the nineteenth century, the reconstruction goes through 120 years of experiments and films. “Build up” puppets fabricated by the Russian puppet animator Ladislaw Starevicz with insect exoskeletons, the use of clay puppets and the innovations introduced by LAIKA entertainment in the last decade such as Stereoscopic photography and the 3D computer printed replacement pieces, and then the increasing influence of digital technologies in the process of puppet fabrication are some of the main considered events. Technology transfers, new materials’ features, innovations in the way of animating puppets, are the main aspects through which this historical analysis approaches the previously mentioned events. This short analysis is supposed to remind and demonstrate that stop-motion animation is an interdisciplinary occasion of both artistic expression and technological experimentation, and that its evolution and aesthetic is related to cultural, geographical and technological issues. Lastly, if the technology of materials and processes is a constantly evolving field, what future can be expected for this cinematographic technique? The article ends with this open question and without providing an answer it implicitly states the role of stop-motion as a driving force for innovations that come from other fields and are incentivized by the needs of this specific sector

    Pengembangan Video Animasi Stop Motion Materi Keragaman Suku Bangsa dan Agama di Negeriku IV SD

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    This study aims to: (1) develop stop motion animation video learning media on the material of ethnic and religious diversity in my country for grade IV SD and (3) knowing the response of students to the stop motion animation video learning media on the material of ethnic and religious diversity in my country in grade IV Elementary School. This research is an R&D (Research and Development) study. The implementation of this research uses the 4D model steps, namely: (1) Define, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Dissemination. Based on the results of the interviews obtained, it was obtained that: (1) the learning media were still thematic books, pictures of ethnic diversity, and assignments for making clippings. (2) learning activities have not used media that attract the attention of students. (3) not using audio-visual learning media in the learning process. Based on the research that has been done 1) Produce a stop motion animation video learning media of ethnic and religious diversity in my country. 2) The results of the validation by material experts get the final result percentage of 89.25% with very feasible criteria. The results of the validation by media experts obtained a percentage of the final result, namely 81.25% with very decent criteria. 3) The results of the response of students in limited trials get a percentage of the final result that is 100% with very feasible criteria. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students responses are only limited to trial activities

    INTEGRATED LEARNING: Fourth Grade Students Address Local History Using Stop Motion Animation

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    Arts integration allows students to connect disparate areas of content to create meaning and foster an understanding with academic material. This interdisciplinary classroom based study explores twenty-three fourth grade students’ work with stop motion animation through the iPad2 to retell important local historical events that took place in Northwestern Pennsylvania. The elementary students worked in animation teams of four to create short movies that capture the Battle of Lake Erie. The data was compiled through student surveys, assessments, reflections, and artwork. The integrating of art and history content proved to be beneficial in promoting student understanding as well as an increase in positive sense of place. The final results of the study allowed the researcher to offer recommendations for others using similar strategies of integrated learning. A lesson plan and examples of data collecting tools are offered in this paper. Keywords: integrated learning, stop motion animation, interdisciplinary art educatio

    Character Designing with Visual Approach for Puppet Animation in A Hybrid Short Animation “Ihan”

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    Every animation media has their own uniqueness in terms of physical features in character designs. In stop motion animation, every character was produced by hand, resulting in some limitations in character creations that creates a unique physical features that differs them to digital animation. On the other hand, the animation process in stop motion animation takes a lot of time because every movement has to be captured frame by frame. This paper aims to explain the process of designing characters for digital animation with stop motion animation as the visual approach, so that the designed 3D digital characters will have a unique physical features like characters in puppet animations, but the production time can be cut down for efficiency because the process was done digitally. The output of the design will hopefully ease the character model and rig process in the next step
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